Showing posts with label better imagination. Show all posts
Showing posts with label better imagination. Show all posts

Monday, November 15, 2010

The Farewell Speech by Queen Elizabeth I

The Farewell Speech by Queen Elizabeth I
Mr Speaker,

We have heard your declaration and perceive your care of our estate. I do assure you there is no prince that loves his subjects better, or whose love can countervail our love. There is no jewel, be it of never so rich a price, which I set before this jewel: I mean your love. For I do esteem it more than any treasure or riches; for that we know how to prize, but love and thanks I count invaluable. And, though God hath raised me high, yet this I count the glory of my Crown, that I have reigned with your loves. This makes me that I do not so much rejoice that God hath made me to be a Queen, as to be a Queen over so thankful a people. Therefore I have cause to wish nothing more than to content the subject and that is a duty which I owe. Neither do I desire to live longer days than I may see your prosperity and that is my only desire. And as I am that person still yet, under God, hath delivered you and so I trust by the almighty power of God that I shall be his instrument to preserve you from every peril, dishonour, shame, tyranny and oppression, partly by means of your intended helps which we take very acceptably because it manifesteth the largeness of your good loves and loyalties unto your sovereign.

Of myself I must say this: I never was any greedy, scraping grasper, nor a strait fast-holding Prince, nor yet a waster. My heart was never set on any worldly goods. What you bestow on me, I will not hoard it up, but receive it to bestow on you again. Therefore render unto them I beseech you Mr Speaker, such thanks as you imagine my heart yieldeth, but my tongue cannot express. Mr Speaker, I would wish you and the rest to stand up for I shall yet trouble you with longer speech. Mr Speaker, you give me thanks but I doubt me I have greater cause to give you thanks, than you me, and I charge you to thank them of the Lower House from me. For had I not received a knowledge from you, I might have fallen into the lapse of an error, only for lack of true information.

Since I was Queen, yet did I never put my pen to any grant, but that upon pretext and semblance made unto me, it was both good and beneficial to the subject in general though a private profit to some of my ancient servants, who had deserved well at my hands. But the contrary being found by experience, I am exceedingly beholden to such subjects as would move the same at first. And I am not so simple to suppose but that there be some of the Lower House whom these grievances never touched. I think they spake out of zeal to their countries and not out of spleen or malevolent affection as being parties grieved. That my grants should be grievous to my people and oppressions to be privileged under colour of our patents, our kingly dignity shall not suffer it. Yea, when I heard it, I could give no rest unto my thoughts until I had reformed it. Shall they, think you, escape unpunished that have oppressed you, and have been respectless of their duty and regardless our honour? No, I assure you, Mr Speaker, were it not more for conscience' sake than for any glory or increase of love that I desire, these errors, troubles, vexations and oppressions done by these varlets and lewd persons not worthy of the name of subjects should not escape without condign punishment. But I perceive they dealt with me like physicians who, ministering a drug, make it more acceptable by giving it a good aromatical savour, or when they give pills do gild them all over.

I have ever used to set the Last Judgement Day before mine eyes and so to rule as I shall be judged to answer before a higher judge, and now if my kingly bounties have been abused and my grants turned to the hurt of my people contrary to my will and meaning, and if any in authority under me have neglected or perverted what I have committed to them, I hope God will not lay their culps and offences in my charge. I know the title of a King is a glorious title, but assure yourself that the shining glory of princely authority hath not so dazzled the eyes of our understanding, but that we well know and remember that we also are to yield an account of our actions before the great judge. To be a king and wear a crown is a thing more glorious to them that see it than it is pleasant to them that bear it. For myself I was never so much enticed with the glorious name of a King or royal authority of a Queen as delighted that God hath made me his instrument to maintain his truth and glory and to defend his kingdom as I said from peril, dishonour, tyranny and oppression. There will never Queen sit in my seat with more zeal to my country, care to my subjects and that will sooner with willingness venture her life for your good and safety than myself. For it is my desire to live nor reign no longer than my life and reign shall be for your good. And though you have had, and may have, many princes more mighty and wise sitting in this seat, yet you never had nor shall have, any that will be more careful and loving.

'For I, oh Lord, what am I, whom practices and perils past should not fear? Or what can I do? That I should speak for any glory, God forbid.' And turning to the Speaker and her councillors she said, 'And I pray to you Mr Comptroller, Mr Secretary and you of my Council, that before these gentlemen go into their countries, you bring them all to kiss my hand.'

(The Farewell Speech by Queen Elizabeth I of England November 30th 1601 )

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Visa suspension

The temporary suspension of applications for tier 4 student visas to Britain can be seen both in good as well as bad light (“Hard lesson,” Feb. 2, Page 6). It is good considering the extreme difficulties those who went to Britain under this system are now facing — in terms of adaptability, culture, socio-economics. For those eager to study in Britain under the “easy” 4 tier system, let them be in no illusion, it is anything but easy out there. 

At the same time, the abrupt halt in student visas is unjustifiable for if the “British concerns are genuine,” as you impute in your editorial, the UK authorities should have thought about the repercussions of the lax visa policy before its implementation. This policy smacks of British colonialism where the White folks assume they know what’s best for the rest of the world.

Santosh Kalwar

Ratnanagar-04, Tandi, Chitwan

Published: The Kathmandu Post
Letters to the Editor

Source: eKantipur 

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Opportunity Vs. Losses

Dear all,

I was just thinking past few days that life is all about making choices.

On one hand we have opportunity and on the other hand we have losses. If the losses are more than the opportunity than the human can feel sad, depressed and many more. If the opportunity is more than the losses than human will feel joy, pleased, overwhelmed and many more.


What if the human has to decide between opportunity and losses?

Why is then it becomes important that one has to listen to heart instead of mind and make decisions.

The answer is very simple,

Because Heart is never wrong. It takes us in the path of destiny.


I am here now deciding between opportunity and losses, little confused, tired and frustrated.

Should I choose to give up something for something more important?

This literally means, who is right- Mr. Heart or Mr. Mind?

Maybe, Mr. Mind is thinking short term but Mr. Heart always thinks long term. So, the answer is Mr. Heart is always right.

I do not know much about the dreams so I ain’t got any answer to that. It is very obvious that “why” is rather very unimportant question if you are in the path of your dreams.

Let me give you few additional lines to rejoice-

-Life is all about making choices: important vs. very important.

-Dreams are deep visions just like a depth of lover’s love in search for his/her love.

-The question is never asked by Mr. Heart or Ms. Heart, the question is asked only by Mr. Mind or Ms. Mind

-Who is right and who is wrong, let us not decide that in search of dreams, my lord
Love is the sound of music in heart
let us be solid like rock
untouched and unmoved by any extreme difficulties
as the dreamer we are, dream is we

-As Christmas is coming, wish your dreams will be running along the stream of river, life is simply like flowing river and may your opportunities exceed losses in the life full of hope.

God bless you all !

Saturday, June 6, 2009

One World Goverment

I was watching the video today which can be seen here-

Suddenly, I started to think about these issues- How do you really find the peace? “When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.” -Jimi Hendrix

As the great artist said, when will we see the power of love overcoming the love of power? As your book, “Winner Stands alone” is based on love and the power or the celebrity power, when is this going to end? What can be the limit of power of love? Is there any limit for love?

I personally think love is beyond any limit and boundaries. Love is powerful than the entire universe, it is the deepest feelings which resides in human heart or body.

Maybe the answer is not suitable enough if we see other people, if we see the love of power, it can be seen that, every individual and every society are looking for power. Be it a country, be it a union or be it a group of individuals.

In the crisis situation like this- financial crisis, natural crisis of Airplane disaster where more than 270 people went missing, is this because of love of power or is this because of natural disaster.Mysteriously, Nobody knows the truth.

I personally believe, everything is inter-related. Humanity and Nature go hand in hand. Every decision that any individual does in the society affects another individual.

Nothing is going last forever and whatever being created is going to get destroyed at some point in the time. Only thing that remains is love.

The love of Nature to humanity, the love of individuals, the love human-human and the love of love itself.

We are moving with the force of sharing love to one another. But still as a writer and creator, it is our duty to tell the stories, to teach and learn at the same time, to share the big insights and power of truth with the people who are hungry for lessons, be it self-help, be it finding dreams, be it about negativity or almost anything.

One question which I would like to ask would be, maybe I already know the answer but-

Why do people like Ghandi, John lenon, Martin Luther King and alike has to be assassinated?

Maybe the reason would be many but there are some individuals who are controlling and monitoring each and every individuals behind closed curtains. Maybe there is some group of people who are active in creating wars for fun. Those group of people never come out in public and their vision is to make ‘One world Government’.

Anyways, let me stop here for now and hope to read your inspiration and words of wisdom through your books and work, Paulo !

God blesses you !


God bless you all !

Saturday, May 9, 2009

The day I will die

"The day I will die"

Death is not working of biological organ in human body. The input of oxygen and output of carbon dioxide is major event which drives our life. There are many types of death, one which is caused naturally and others with specific reasons such as accident, crime, violence, suicide, bombings, and many more which are termed unnatural. More than 90% of living humans are fearful of death. In my own life, I have not found any one who does not fear death. One question which drives me to write this article, why are we so much fearful of death? What will happen on the day, I will die? The major reason behind being fearful of death is because we cannot overcome addiction of love. We cannot overcome self and personal attachments. We are tightly linked with love of our family, of our child, of our wife, of our country, of our religion, of our society and so on. The fear is also because the lack of our own self in order to fail to surrender. Most of the times we are escaping from our self. The missions, goals and dreams which we develop may come true or may not but the time will come when we all have to go someday, living everything behind us. Religion will teach us to believe in afterlife, reincarnations and science will deliver us the fact and stats behind the reasons for death. One wise man once said, “To understand death, you need to understand life and go beyond the death, living life for only one day.” I was greatly touched and influenced by that wise man. Maybe he is right, how can we understand death without first understanding life? There are always the things which we want to accomplish tomorrow, if we cannot live for today, how can we live tomorrow? These statements are absolutely true.

Now, what will happen when I will die? I have my personal life, I have done something and I am trying to do something more but will it make any difference to my family, or, will it make any difference to my material life which I have gained, what will happen to my blog which is updated every day?, what will happen to my secret passwords, my secret love, my secret bank account, my secret username and password in e-mails, my secret stuffs and many more such secrets.. Will it make any difference, I don’t think so. Those who are public figures will get high attention and the whole world will know that personality is no more and I understand this, because they are the people whom we trust, society trusts and country loves. I asked the same question to the wise man stating, “what will happen on the day I will die?”, the wise man said, “don’t worry; you will take a nice long break from this unhappy materialist world and you will wake up when this materialistic world will be happy again.”

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Collective Worship

In response to the Paulo's question on "Collective Worship", here is what mybheja has to say-

Dear all,

Have you noticed that you are putting your own words and one of the blogger in this blog, ‘karen’ is ill ???

Come on fellas, pray for her–She is sick as she has written, look on the top of the comment section with her post.

May God bless ‘Karen’ !
May she overcome her illness…

I don’t know what is collective worship, I don’t care about other’s fucking opinion and I don’t give a damn on any books on worship, all are nonsense and stupid ideologies. I care to those who are close to me and I care to those who are in need of me, I care to those who knows me. I am worried about their’s problem and I am depressed if they are depressed, I am happy if they are happy because that is only thing which is important to me.

(If you will put the above statement line by line, it will become poem, if you will put those sentences in paragraphs that will become short article/opinion/thoughts… and if those words will be written or said by prophets or gurus then it becomes scriptures.)

To: Karen for her wellness…
Come on human being, wake up
I made you, you didn’t made me
I don’t ask you to pray me
I never did, Instead
You did and still doing it,

Wake up and rise to rising sun,
pray for other like you,
I am happy if you will help others,
around you, for you, with you,
dance in the occasion
rest in the sensation
worship for humanity
you will get instantly

God bless you all !

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Dear all,

What is eye? Is it a physical organ? Or,
Just a biological one of the senses,
Can we assocociate eyes with
source of light, knowledge and lessons
Or, Should we think eyes for passion?

Great Paulo asked, "what do you associate with eyes?"
Should I associate with pain? Or,
Should I associate with material gain?
Is it a perception?
Is it the mirror of reflection?

Even minds capture images through eyes,
Someone even said, "beauty lies in eyes of beholder",
What is this eye?
Oh dear God, Oh my humble Soul
Can you let me know,
If eyes is beauty,
Should I associate with hasty?

A human Life without eyes,
Cannot see the beauty of world,
Miracles of universe,
Passionate love,neither
Pleasure to lust

What should I associate with eyes?
I am poor, humble soul
God is me and I am HIM,
Should dear eye, I associate
Should you dissociate?

My poor poem is full of question,
I am curious to find answer,
Maybe you are answer to humans,
Through your sense,
You give us perception

Love, lust, passion, devotion
All is because of you,
All is love and all is you,
Alas, I remain observer in reflection


God bless you all !

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Question and Answer

Dear all,

Q)How does someone know that you are doing what you are meant to be doing in this life?

A)This is very good question, Clelia ! If you would know what you meant to be doing then don't you think your life would be boring to live? What if you know about your tomorrow's schedule today? What if you know that tomorrow you are going to meet your husband or wife or your life partner near the garden in the rain and you don't have umbrella. The guy whom you met will have umbrella and he will cover you with his umbrella. What would you do then? Will it be exciting enough, if you know it. (I think it will not be)

Therefore, it is good that you don't know them ahead. All your events and all that is going to happen in your life is unknown and it should always be unknown. Now having said that, you want to know whatever you are doing is right or wrong, isn't it?

By asking this question you already are on right track. Don't be afraid, whatever you are doing is always right and whatever you want to do will be too. It is you who have decided to choose the path and it should be you who knows yourself better than anybody else. Therefore, when you can wake up each and every morning, then you can walk each and every step, even though you are skeptical and fearful of taking or making them. Just move on and don't regret your past or your decisions, don't blame anyone and be truthful. Life will find its way, on its own.

There is also religious description which I can give which is quite different than any of the scriptures ever written but I must stop here.

Please let me know if you need further explanations and if you feel any thing confusing.

God bless you all !

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Earth Day

Earth Day
Oh dear Mother, Oh Sweet and humble Mother Earth
You gave us life, you are taking utmost care
With sincerity, peace and prosperity
We all belong to you, on this Earth day !

Nature teaches us everything,
Science, Religion and Scriptures
All are part of you and
All are from you
We all belong to you, on this Earth day !

Without your care, We are nothing
Without your share, we cannot sustain
Oh dear beautiful creator
Oh dear Mother Earth in Creation
We all belong to you, on this Earth day !
© Santosh Kalwar

God blesses you all,


God bless you all !

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Poem Insane

Poem insane
When I write, I bring joy in my readers face
In my face, peace and complete happiness
But hardly I give any such reflection
During those times, I am in pain
A Sick person who is insane, mad and dead

Every single letter forms, an word
Every word, combines other words, to become sentence
and every sentence, should have meaning
Life is all about understanding such meanings
Sometimes we laugh, sometimes we cry

Writers job is to show the golden light
In rain, In pain,
When I am alone, its my computer and my pen

I am sorry this became, a poem
I beg you, please do not think as blame
Trust me as you trust god
I am your friend, in pain
This insane writing, which turned into poem

Stop it, Oh dear please stop it
Said,”tiny little brain”

Fingers are moving like
Wind in rain

Sweet poem and blesses sweet readers
Oh dear funny writer, said one beautiful lady
I am greatful for your honors
Should I bend my knees and say,’Thank you’
or Should I just send you
my, ‘Warm Wishes and Happiness’
© Santosh Kalwar

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Image of the day

Dear all,

“I have been accused of being a joker. But the most successful art to me involves humor.” (Undated interview, circa 1970s; published in Man Ray: Photographer, 1981.)

Quotes by Man Ray
(Image Source: Paulo Coelho Blog)

God bless you all !

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Les Demoiselles d'Avignon (The Young Ladies of Avignon)

Artist: Pablo Picasso, 1907
"In any case, only the execution counts. From this point of view, it is correct to say that Cubism has a Spanish origin and that I invented Cubism. We must look for the Spanish influence in Cézanne. Things themselves necessitate it, the influence of El Greco, a Venetian painter, on him. But his structure is Cubist."
--Pablo Picasso

Adam and Eve

Once upon a time there was a guy named Mr.Adam, in his mid thirties, long haired, good looking just like a scholar. Adam was happy with his life. He was a computer professional and most of the times he was working on the computers. The first love that he has discovered was only the computers since he was not involved with any women.

Despite he was good looking and nice, there was no women who wanted to approach him and love him. One day he finished his degree and returned back to his country. He saw one girl who was busy in the Phone. He looked at her and thought, "She looks good". Next day on the same place during same time-Adam saw her again talking in the phone.

He thought, "She must be talking with her boyfriend". Adam did not gave much of the importance after that thought. The girl was also in her mid thirties and very good looking and nicely build. She was beautiful as the Rose. Eve as her sister would like to call her.

After few days, Eve looked at the Adam and Smiled. She must have thought something before smiling but Adam had no clue. May be Adam thought He knew with whom she was talking-her boy friend named Fox.

Adam friend Moore was good at talking with the girls and he talked with Eve about Adam and his characteristics. Moore admired a lot about the Adam and he said many good things about the Adam to Eve.

For couple of weeks on the same place and during same time, Adam could not see Eve anymore. His eyes were searching for Eve but he could not find her. "Where is Eve?", Why did not see come today or yesterday to talk with her boyfriend?. These questions were on the mind of Adam.

During this period of the time Adam was reading a Novel by Paulo called "Veronica decides to die". While Adam was very fast learner, it did not took long for him to finish Paulo's Novel. He finished it within the couple of weeks time. He learned about the women and why they are committing the suicide.

After the couple of weeks period, Adam saw Eve but this time she looked little sick and weak. She was not even talking with anyone, silent and cold. She was just frozen or something thought Adam.

Adam went close to her and said, "what happened to you?" why are you not talking any longer". Eve replied that nothing has happened and she was OK.

As Adam's Nature was outgoing and friendly, he talked about the book which he read recently with Eve and with her sister Maria. They wanted to know about the book which Adam had read. The topic of the book was very fascinating to them.

Adam explained all the details about the book and he told how a girl decides to commit a suicide and what goes wrong with her. He explains it is a coward act to commit a suicide and give up your life for some "reasons".

While Adam was explaining the story, Eve was smiling looking at Adam but she said no word. Adam and Eve started seeing each other like this and they continued for some time may be it was for couple of weeks or so.

One day, Eve was alone in her shop and Adam went there to talk with her. Adam wanted to know where she went during those two weeks period since he could not talk with her. Eve started saying that, she was in hospital bed since she committed suicide.

Adam was shocked to listen this- Adam asked her why?, Eve replied it was because of the Fox. I worshiped him more than the God, he was my God. I never used to eat before he has eaten, I never used to do anything before he used to say to me, I was truly and madly in love with him but he said that he cannot marry me.

When he said he cannot marry me after we being together in love for four years, I was broken. My heart was broken and I thought for whom should I live? There is no one for whom I should live my life. That is why I decided to kill myself.

After listening to Eve, Adam was sorry for what has happened with her. Adam asked one question to her, "Did he said-I love you to you?". Eve replied with Yes, Many many times. Almost every day.

Adam started thinking-"What is the value of I love you when you really do not feel the love for the person?"


Saying one thing and doing one thing is common human nature.

We say one word and we do not even care or mean it seriously. Every words spoken cannot be taken back. A good listener could be a good partner and it is one of the essential element to be in the relationship. Let us think, If you say "I love you" do you really mean that you really really love that person?.

What if you are just faking? I do not know if there is any reality in it. "Want" does not describe love, "Needs" does not fulfill "thirst" or quest in our life.

When the words like "I love you" is so much valuable. We should make it more valuable by saying only when you really really mean it and when your inner self says to do so. Most of the times we just say that words and we do not even know the value behind these three great words which make a complete sentence and this complete sentence could mean a lot to the other person.

Written things or words could be edited but spoken words could not be taken back.

All we need to do is make it more valuable and precious. Since these are most important sentence A Man would like to tell to her Princess.

Good day !

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Does Context make art?

What is art? Is art a music or is the art the art drawn by Leonardo da Vinci or by Jules Joseph. Is art the drawing that shows the artist caliber? What is that we called art? A writer art could be the text that he inputs in his plain white paper. A musician art could be the music that he plays in the audience. A lover art could be the love he shows for his lover. Art could come in many form, shapes and size. It has no limit and no boundary.

Art to me could be nothing to other. The way look at art is also different and the perception can vary from the person to the other person. Art has value because artist has created it. The value could also differ depending upon the time and circumstances.

One person can give more value to the "same stuff" and other could give no value at all. But great art is appreciated by all. There are no person without a talent. Everybody in the world comes with the talent. The showing off the talent of the person could result into the performance. The performance could give the impact to his/her audience.

Depending upon the impact his art is appreciated or depreciated. There are no good or bad artist there are only artist. The formulation of good or bad depends upon the taste of the person. These taste vary depending upon the time and the circumstance.

Some artist could show off there talent in the right place at the right time and there work is valued. But some artist could not get the right place to show there potential. To those who does not get the right place to show off there talent they choose the place where there are large number of the audience.

For example, If you consider me as the artist. Or, let us suppose for a while that I am a artist and my job is to write a comment on your blog. Now, this might not be considered a fantastic art because writing a blog is just putting an opinion on the title of the author. Well, Let us say- this is very least form of art. Which could be defined as the creation of comments depending upon your own personal experience and expertise in the field you are talking. Now, When you read all those artist and there comments, we think that they all have point to make and they are saying some valuable things about the same topic.

When every body is giving his thoughts and ideas on the same topic you cannot say that all of these people are good or great artist but you can at least say that every body is right. or every body has some form of talent. Another perspective to look at these people or least artist is that, why are they here? Most of them just are here to put the comments or thoughts or share there opinion but if you take me for example, then I am here because I have audience who are equally participating in the discussion of the topic which I am interested.

When I have large number of audience with greater thoughts and insights then surely there is the larger the impact. Well, People can always have different opinion on any of the other person's opinion.

Therefore, Context is important but not very important. For example, the musician near the busy streets of the market. Well, who will notice if he was the great musician or not great musician. Simply because, every body is moving on. There are people who are busy in there own problems. They do not have time to listen and even if very few are interested they are free or have nothing to do.

Every body is doing there work at that period of the time. Some are getting late for there work, some have train to catch, some just had fight with there partner, some is busy in thinking for there next project, some are going for the shopping, some are going to buy a drink and so on. These people are running for nothing. Why? If I have to live my life my way, I listen to what my inner voice has to say, there are always difference but which one is right and which one is wrong can be easily distinguished.

Monday, January 5, 2009

3 step process to write a damn good Novel

It is always good habit to admire somebody and be adorable. One of the good thing that encourages people to do which they are good at.

I was thrilled and little smile popped up in my face when I saw a comment at the Paulo's blog. Most of the times I put comments on his blog since there are many active bloggers or writers.

It is not to attract the large group of audience but just to share point of view among large group of people. Well, this is way life works. It is a good practice to be in such a group which can have great ideas and thoughts.

Thank you to those who think what I have been doing is good. It always encourages me to work hard and come up with something very beautiful at the end. Currently I am thinking on writing a book. Well, I do not yet know what would be the book and I do not want to disclose at this moment the details.

As In one of my post at Paulo's blog where Paulo has asked his Readers to post a Resolution for the year 09, I have one list which is to complete this project, of writing a book.

Yesterday, I completed reading a book "How to write a damn good Novel-Vol I" by James Frey. It is one of the Master Piece. There are several techniques and methods which a Novelist can use to write his own book.

The book is written in simple tone and text flow is very smooth. But I was amazed by my own abilities of reading that book in a day?. I think I am slowly improving on Reading. May be it will help me to get good grades later when I will give and exam for "English tests".

Yesterday, I also came of with some idea that how a writer could write a book while I visited some web pages. To write a Novel is very difficult thing, and many of the great writers or genius and for them too it is most difficult. It requires loads of effort and dedications. Imagine a situation where you have to sit alone and write- separate from friends, family and every body around. You are sitting with your typewriter (Well, Usually Nobody has typewriter Now a days, but Yeah with your computer and Word Processor program). Many of those who have tried to write a Novel has not completed or given up in the middle of the journey.

Well, If I have say, then I would say that-"Nothing is easy in life". Everything is well up to us to make them easy as the way we want them to.

I like the idea of writing a Novel where following approach are suitable.

1) First write a bad Novel.

This means, Write without stopping yourself. Just put your hands to the keyboards and type all your thoughts on your Word document. Do it every day, till the time you finish your work. Think of such writing as flow of your thoughts on the paper. Do not think anything else. Do not assume that, you are writing and your text structure or your sentence composition or your vocabulary or your diction, grammar are not correct. Even though you are Native English Speaker, you will have those mistakes in your paper. Just sit and write without any hesitation and without any worry.

2) Focus on completion.

If you are human and if you can think and if you have promised something to yourself then give your life to fulfill it.
This implies, you should be man of your words. Those who do not commit to what they speak or do or say, are not humans in my dictionary.

Therefore, Complete on what you have committed to yourself. There is no point to prove to anyone except yourself. If you can prove to yourself that you are good at what you are doing then you are the Master of all. No Master and No Great People will tell you this. This is one of the greatest advice that I am giving you. Just take it for granted. And Think !!!

3) Start writing (Re-Write) your Novel

Now After completion of your bad Novel, Re-write your Novel. This is your Novel which is going to be fresh and which you should consider for publication. Be serious on this Novel. For this Novel focus on timings, prepare Plot, Scene and Speech carefully. This will take time. Your bad Novel was completed in very short period of time and you should take the reference of your bad Novel to write a good Novel. This Novel is going to be good. You know that you have already written a Novel before in very short period of time and Now you should focus on writing your good Novel. Once you are re-writing or Starting this Novel now, you will have an idea about how your Novel will be. The text you need are already there in your bad Novel so you do not have to worry about them. Just Start fresh with proper timings, planning, plot, speech, flow, text construction so on and so forth.

This is the 3 step process which I am giving to you all to write a Novel. Let us see, if it is really helpful or not. I am trying this three step process and I hope you will like it as well.

Have a Good Week-days !

Monday, December 29, 2008

What is your Resolution for 2009?

This is little difficult for me-

As I am very bad at making plans and it is good idea to make a plan and work for these plans ahead. How about doing the things you like most at a given time? How about doing what your heart says? How about not planning ahead in advance.

There are people who waste time making calendars and put there events in the calendar but I just try to remember everything in my little head.

In 2008, I has some things in my mind. For example,

I will write around 365 posts in 2008 and if you will check now at the end of 2008 you will find that, I have really accomplished what I thought.
I am little doubtful if I will post 365 articles or posts in the same blog. It will depend on which place I will live. If I remain in Finland then I think, yes but if not, then I doubt on my own abilities this year.I do not know what would be my resolution in 2009 but let me try to make the list and see if I will achieve by the end of the year 2009.

There is some career accomplishments, personal voyage and many other random stuffs which I personally would like to do in 2009.

"Humans desires never end, every time we want more and more-it just never ends."

I truly believe in the above cited quotes. Therefore for coming new year 2009 which is-
Total is equal to Eleven

There is a book written by Paulo, called "Eleven Minutes". I have not yet read that book, I wish I could.

-May be Paulo will post his book "Eleven Minutes" in the blog and I will read them in 2009.

But just wait a moment, When we add "Eleven" i.e. 1+1=2

The final single number after the end of year 2009 is,

2+0+0+9=11 =1+1=2 (Two)

Two has a great meaning, it could mean "good" or "bad", it may also mean "right" or "wrong". In technology two means, 10 (Binary representation of decimal number 2)

When we go further deep we can find that in Electricity two mean either "on" or "off".

Now-let me see what this two has to do in my personal life. Well, Oh-

Alright, I got it.

I am presently in Finland,and Two could mean-I can go back to my home country in Nepal or might again, come back from Nepal to further study here in Finland.

May be, Two means I would have two wifes. I think I have to work very hard to make this happen. Simply because Generally, People say that "Behind every successful man, there is a women". Since the economic crisis is going on these days, jobs are being cut and there are loads of problems floating in around the air. Therefore, So, I think if someday I am going to become successful then, I need not just only "a women" but may be "two women".

What else two could mean in my life,
May be I will finish my second book which I am working on currently.Since this book will be the work of fiction, and I will try to find a publisher for this one. I do not want them to "self-publish". Simply because, it does not reach to wide audience until and unless you are famous.

What else, May be couple of "Scientific Journal" should be researched and published. But I still do not know if I will first be given any position for the study. Especially the research funding for the work by the University.

I think in 365 days these resolutions are good enough and if I complete even half of these then I think I have accomplished what I have promised with myself.

Now as you said Paulo, that you will again post these list at the end of year 2009, I will summarize them below.

1) Post 365 articles, opinions and views on the blog with average post of one article every day.

2) If possible read the book "Eleven minutes" by Paulo. (if posted for free or given to me by Paulo as gift)

3) Travel back to home country Nepal (and come back again in Finland.) If not offered the Residence permit on any grounds such as study or work here in Finland then I have to see the other opportunities elsewhere.

4) Try to make two wives. The term wives does not mean that I will marry them officially but I prefer to call "wife" rather than calling them as "girl friend" simply because, I believe the term "girl friend" is misleading in this era where you keep on changing them every time. My definition of "wife" is those ladies who are dedicated and committed to you as much as you are committed and dedicated to them. (Both of them different, both of them should like me more than they like anybody else, both of them should care more about me more than any one in the entire world, both of them should help me in any given ways and both of them I should like as well more than my life.)

5) Finish my second book. A work of fiction. Currently I have started to think on this project. Let us see if I can complete it by the end of year 2009.

6)Find the suitable publisher for the my second book. (If not, then self publish.) This one is very difficult, I know.

7) May be one two papers on "Scientific Journal or Conference" by the end of the year through my research work.

OK, I must stop now. This is already very ambitious dreams and even if I complete half of them or some of them, then I will be satisfied.

Satisfaction will not come to me, if I will complete these above mentioned "To do" lists but the real satisfaction will come to me when I will start doing them.

Therefore, I would like to stop here by saying that-

"Whatever you do, whatever you get- at the end the most important of all, simply ask one question:
Are you satisfied?
If your listen from your inner voice-yes, then you are the most happiest on earth, if no-then try to ask again and say, why not?"

Good luck to you all, in 2009 !

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Comments on "What is your call?"

Just when I was writing the comments on your blog, something happened I do not know who did it but something really worse happened. The worse means, I was about to finish the comments but somehow I could not submit it in your blog because whole comments were deleted by mistake.

I am little surprised who did this? Was it me? Should I blame on the Keyboard of the computer? Should I blame on the God? Should I blame on your Web page, tell me Mr. Coelho?

What should I do? Should I say that it was my fingers which went on these keyboards and accidentally something happened? I am little confused to think NOW.

I think the previous comments that I wrote was better, I think that those comments has beautiful insights on how to express feelings at this particular moment.

What should I do now? Should I say that, I am feeling bad or should i think God does not wanted to show my true potentials for your valued question? I want your help, Just tell me what should I think? Should I think whatever happened was not my mistake or should I think that what am doing is not good?

There are many answers by many authors in your blog and I have read most of them. Some of them are stating that, they have published the books on there web pages, some of them are posting that they want to listen music, learn and educate and some still do not know what is there call?

What would be the best answer ? Our vision and emotions drive our action, but I am worried that you will not like my comment because this comment is not good then the before. The comment which I was going to "just submit", which was far better than the comment which I am writing it now.

Who is to blame on this situation? or I think I should just ignore it completely and do not blame on anybody else. Why am I thinking that this comment is not better than the comment that I wrote previously, why am I thinking that I am not good reader than others who read your questions and answer them regularly? Well, I think I should accept the things as they are.

However, How can I forget the previous event that happened just before my eyes. The comments that I was writing could not be successfully be posted because something flashed in the Screen of my computer and it went disappearing. I was so disappointed. I think I should not, but I could not forget that event. I want to but i cannot.

Let me stop now. As far as my understanding of the question- it stated that,what is that I am doing now, or thinking now ? Tell me if I am wrong.

Well, all the above sentences and paragraphs will explain you that I was fighting to right good comment on this post. This is what I was trying to do and I was all the time thinking about what is that I am doing? Since I was thinking on what is that I am doing, I was all the time thinking the event that happened just before my eyes and writing in this blog about it.

Please read this article which was published in the Newspaper

After reading this article you will learn what I was trying to tell you.

Live in the moment

Live in the moment

Past was never yours
Future will be yours

Today is the Present
Live in this Present

Actions are driven thoughts
Like a flowing river

We create and Change
We fell and wake up

But any given moment
Will show us, tell us
Speak for us and teaches us

That we are a Human
An animal which thinks

At any given moment
with pleasure and happiness

With joy and forgiveness
With sorrow and happiness

We are just humans
My dear child, Just humans

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2009 to you all. May the power of God give you what you want,
tell you what you want to hear,
listen you what you want to say,
teach you what you want to learn,
show you what you want to see,
smells what you want to blossom,

May the power of God delivers you, everything.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Mumbai Terror attack (26/11)

Welcome to Mumbai, also previously known as Bombay. A place where dreams are seen and dreams turn into successful story at the end. There is terror not only in the Mumbai but every other country around.

Terrorist cause terror, the main goal of the terrorist is to cause terror in the minds and soul of Nation and Country. They have once again been sucessful in causing the terror this time in India's dream city- Mumbai.

Since in happenings like this- there are more questions than the answer. One has to think who is behind this all strategic planning and killings of innocent people? The main cause of the terror is to frighten people and target the interest groups. Here in this case, it was especially Foreigners as they say in the News.

What is the purpose of doing all these ? What message they want to spread all around the world ? Do terrorist wants to say that, they are not going to be vanished completely from the earth ? They will one day if they keep on doing the same act. Everything is temporary and nothing can stop when "Nature" will come up with something extraordinary.

More than 500 peoples are injured and killed, Those who are tourist in India are returning back home. Why do they target the "jews" ? What is "jews" community has to do with all this ? Since these questions are unaswered by many and still there are investigations going on in this issue. It is very hard and difficult to say who is behind all this issue. Could be "Pakistan", could be "Al-Qaeda" and could be those big guys who are leaders in terror.

There is always two sides of the same coin, as I have been repeating this issue time and again. The idea of spreading this terror is very clear, the message they want to give to the world is that, "our numbers are increasing". We are building a new type of community around the globe which is the community of "terrorist". We do not have jobs, we do not have satisfaction on the things we have been doing but we have the support of all those "big shots" around the world. They have enough money to support us even if we are dead.

For example see the "architecture" around the Middle East that is going to be build. As the Global Economy is going down and flat, at the same time there are loads of development going on in Middle East and Pakistan.

India and Pakistan have always been the greatest of great friends and greatest of great enemy. It is not good idea to blame on the country as being behind all these terror attack but blame those guys who are sleeping in the bedrooms of the prime minister house in Pakistan.

Where is Osama bin laden ? As this question for people have always left unanswered. There have been a book on this issue about where exactly is the Osama bin laden but I would recommend to check the Pakistani top burecrat office and palaces. I am not generalizing but I think, and in my opinion if some one would ask me, I would say- He lives in Pakistan with the help of top burecart in their office. May be he is hiding somewhere with former President pervez musharraf residence, who knows ?

If you link Osama bin with Musharraf then you might not get clue but there is doubt that this guy can live with Musharraf.

I have no idea, why these bunch of the people have to spread the terror and what is the real message they want to show to world. As "religion" is concerned, one of the religion that is spreading like a virus in the world is "Islam". I do not know but I heard from somewhere that, Allah wants to see all of his child. Which means, there is no limitation and control on the child birth.

These could be wrong information but to some extent it can also be right information. If tomorrow if some one is going to find "Osama bin laden" then he could be found from the Pakisan and not from Afganistan. With the population of around 31,889,923 (Source:Wikepedia) There is little chance that, Osama could be found in Afaganistan.

Whoever it is and whoever is behind in causing the terror around the world. It is not going to stop. It will continue and increase in the days to come.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Can culture change anything ?

Here is one article that I wrote of Paulo's blog. The question is "Do you think that culture can change anything in this world?"

Good question Paulo,

Culture a word which is used to describe people, language, places, events, festivals, country, religion, behavior, and most importantly boundary.

Why I said, “boundary” ? I am saying boundary because, culture is bounded by certain region or let us say-it has some space which describes above elements in more confined ways.

Let me come back to your question of- Can culture change anything ? When I see this question, I have many things in my mind which describes if these many things will be able to change by the definition of culture that I just gave.

“Culture”, If you deeply see the letters of the word then you will have some idea about the name given to this word. Take more deeper look for a moment and see if you can see the letters of these words- does it make any sense to you ?

OK, Now here is the twist- “C” of the culture is for the change. Human beings from several hundreds years of the civilization has gone through many changes. Only thing that is permanent in this entire world is change, Without change there is nothing in the world. If we stop the change, we will stop our civilization.

Now let me take you more deeper on to this letter of “C”, C is for creativity, C is also for Computers, C is for circumstances, C is also for commitment, C is for change, C is also for cultivation, C is for civilization, C is also for country, C is for comment, C is also for Clock !

The idea behind explaining the letter C with the many different words is just because, these words are inter-related. Just put these words in a paper and try to link them together. We are sure to get the answers of your question.

The answer is yes. Culture has changed and it will change many things that are unknown to us. One example would be- President-elect Barack Obama, who being an African-American is not the president of United States. The main vision of his campaign was not anything else then-”Change”, Yes we can !

If a country like United States of America, can change then any country can change based on the culture. Culture is for change. It comes with different taste which becomes the taste of our tounge.

Let me explain why ? For example How about eating the same food for more than a week ? How will you feel after eating the same food again and again time after time. What will you then you do ? If you have to do these for more than 5 years of your life then will you able to survive ? What if, in this circumstances somebody comes and says to you that, “Hello sir, will you like a change in your food?”.

If you have not been sick then ofcourse, you will receive this gift from that very person who just came and offered you the different food.

Therefore, Culture is same in that respect. Culture is made just for the change. Nothing else. !