Thursday, January 15, 2009

Adam and Eve

Once upon a time there was a guy named Mr.Adam, in his mid thirties, long haired, good looking just like a scholar. Adam was happy with his life. He was a computer professional and most of the times he was working on the computers. The first love that he has discovered was only the computers since he was not involved with any women.

Despite he was good looking and nice, there was no women who wanted to approach him and love him. One day he finished his degree and returned back to his country. He saw one girl who was busy in the Phone. He looked at her and thought, "She looks good". Next day on the same place during same time-Adam saw her again talking in the phone.

He thought, "She must be talking with her boyfriend". Adam did not gave much of the importance after that thought. The girl was also in her mid thirties and very good looking and nicely build. She was beautiful as the Rose. Eve as her sister would like to call her.

After few days, Eve looked at the Adam and Smiled. She must have thought something before smiling but Adam had no clue. May be Adam thought He knew with whom she was talking-her boy friend named Fox.

Adam friend Moore was good at talking with the girls and he talked with Eve about Adam and his characteristics. Moore admired a lot about the Adam and he said many good things about the Adam to Eve.

For couple of weeks on the same place and during same time, Adam could not see Eve anymore. His eyes were searching for Eve but he could not find her. "Where is Eve?", Why did not see come today or yesterday to talk with her boyfriend?. These questions were on the mind of Adam.

During this period of the time Adam was reading a Novel by Paulo called "Veronica decides to die". While Adam was very fast learner, it did not took long for him to finish Paulo's Novel. He finished it within the couple of weeks time. He learned about the women and why they are committing the suicide.

After the couple of weeks period, Adam saw Eve but this time she looked little sick and weak. She was not even talking with anyone, silent and cold. She was just frozen or something thought Adam.

Adam went close to her and said, "what happened to you?" why are you not talking any longer". Eve replied that nothing has happened and she was OK.

As Adam's Nature was outgoing and friendly, he talked about the book which he read recently with Eve and with her sister Maria. They wanted to know about the book which Adam had read. The topic of the book was very fascinating to them.

Adam explained all the details about the book and he told how a girl decides to commit a suicide and what goes wrong with her. He explains it is a coward act to commit a suicide and give up your life for some "reasons".

While Adam was explaining the story, Eve was smiling looking at Adam but she said no word. Adam and Eve started seeing each other like this and they continued for some time may be it was for couple of weeks or so.

One day, Eve was alone in her shop and Adam went there to talk with her. Adam wanted to know where she went during those two weeks period since he could not talk with her. Eve started saying that, she was in hospital bed since she committed suicide.

Adam was shocked to listen this- Adam asked her why?, Eve replied it was because of the Fox. I worshiped him more than the God, he was my God. I never used to eat before he has eaten, I never used to do anything before he used to say to me, I was truly and madly in love with him but he said that he cannot marry me.

When he said he cannot marry me after we being together in love for four years, I was broken. My heart was broken and I thought for whom should I live? There is no one for whom I should live my life. That is why I decided to kill myself.

After listening to Eve, Adam was sorry for what has happened with her. Adam asked one question to her, "Did he said-I love you to you?". Eve replied with Yes, Many many times. Almost every day.

Adam started thinking-"What is the value of I love you when you really do not feel the love for the person?"


Saying one thing and doing one thing is common human nature.

We say one word and we do not even care or mean it seriously. Every words spoken cannot be taken back. A good listener could be a good partner and it is one of the essential element to be in the relationship. Let us think, If you say "I love you" do you really mean that you really really love that person?.

What if you are just faking? I do not know if there is any reality in it. "Want" does not describe love, "Needs" does not fulfill "thirst" or quest in our life.

When the words like "I love you" is so much valuable. We should make it more valuable by saying only when you really really mean it and when your inner self says to do so. Most of the times we just say that words and we do not even know the value behind these three great words which make a complete sentence and this complete sentence could mean a lot to the other person.

Written things or words could be edited but spoken words could not be taken back.

All we need to do is make it more valuable and precious. Since these are most important sentence A Man would like to tell to her Princess.

Good day !

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