Showing posts with label better imagination. Show all posts
Showing posts with label better imagination. Show all posts

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Save an ant.

I always explain most of the times about the beautiful morning. Now let us explain about something else. Many people like me are keeping blogs, they are writing based on the topic they are skillful, intelligent and experts on. What if some one is not experience ?

When you are not experience then very few people read to your blogs. It does not matter to me how many people I have to attract and what would be the techniques to attract them. I write just because I feel to put these words in Internet therfore some of these words will make some sense to the people and they will learn, get some good idea and turn them into their own realities.

I am a messeger of the creator. I just want to spread his messege to all of us living in the planet. The messege of total peace and calmness. The messege of unforgetable and memorable dreams. The messege of love, a messege full of stories. These stories are made automatically every day. I do not know where these things come from but they do come.

Summer is here, sun is out. The place where darkness covers most of the months. People are glad to see the sunny afternoons and longer days. Light is always there during 10pm in night too. Isn't it amazing ? It is nice to see hot sunny days, bring joy in your face, smile even if you do not have any reasons to, you feel talking with others and others feel talking with you.

Everything is different but nothing I see as different. I see the taste of music as the same, I think music has no language, since music do not have any language and it creates the sense of feeling which speaks only one language directly with our heart. Why are we creating the fight with language, culture, country, ethinicity, race and many other non-relevant matters ?

The purpose of living does not allow us to do harm to others. When you see an ant in the street what would you do ? Would you step on it or you will do not step over it ?
The decision is totally yours, you make the choice-you have freedom of speech and expression, you have the freedom of making your personal choice but why are you not letting an ant make its own personal decision ? Why do you step over it even if you see it and it is under your feet ?

We do it just because sometimes we feel, we are stronger and sometimes we do it just becasue we are not feeling good. I have seen many such kind of people who does it but it depends.

Let the ant live its own life. Please do not every intentionally kill it. It has a life. It also want to live. Think before you step over an ant. Think you first as you are an ant. Then think will it be good to step over it. Suppose, you are going to meet your ant wife and some big giant human is going to step over you. You want to give a suprise to your ant wife for a weekend, you bought a good food for her. She is expecting you and she is thinking about your past life, your beautiful kids, your own first meeting with her near some park where all the ants where searching for food.

Unfortunately some big giant human step over you and you are dead. Imagine a situation, the husband ant is killed. It was his bad fortune. He did not expected that he will not ever see his wife after long long time but unfortunately some psyco human killed him. What would happen to the ant wife ? Will she wait but how long ? How long would she wait ? She waited, waited and finally some other friends of an ant reported to her that he was killed in the road accident.

Imagine a situation, please if you see the ant please think in the way I think. You will do a great thing by not stepping over an ant. You will save two lives. By the shock of an husbad ant, wife ant also decided to kill herself. She had an heartattack and finally she died.

The morale of the story is that-we do all the activities in our life but knowingly or unknowingly we do some things which might be useless to us but it could be a entire life for others. I do not want every one to see their footsteps all the time but please when you walk just check it sometimes when your heart says it to you. Then when you are in such situttion do not step over an ant. The ant will be killed. Therefore do not kill it, save it. It might save your life in someother way oneday-who knows !

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Be open.

Good morning, beauty of the morning can not be explained. The beauty of women as is indescribable similarly beauty of beautiful morning early sun rays gazing through your windows and falling like a drop of water in your face in very hot summer days.

Fight against race will continue and it is the hot topic for discussion. Obama is fighting against the race whereas at the same time Hilary is fighting against the Gender. The gender issue is almost in the stage of development but the race issue has not even raised with concern. The issue needs some solution. People are getting tired with the same kind of rules being applied. We need to update or change the rules.

Those rules which we follow are the rules which are not valid anymore. The updated rules and procedures are needed in this world of globalization. People have forget that we are making things worse and it will become more worse if we do not take the initiatives as early as possible.

It is good that we have the freedom of speech and expression. We can express what we feel, we can share our views, ideas and thoughts but it is not good that this rules is also used in practice in many different countries. What is going on is not going on correct. What is happening is not happening for good and what needs are not enough.

It is good and it is bad at the same time. People are moving, people are afraid and people at the same time are terrified. These are those people who know or who can sense that sooner or later world will change. I always stick to my sense of believe that it is not world which is changing, it is the people who are changing. It is the people mind which needs the constant change. We live in the world where every day habits become the routine and every day routine becomes boredom. We feel bore and are most of the time fed up with the same face, same culture, same office, same routine, same wife , same sex, same food, same ... and many more.

When everything that we were doing is the same now and was same then; It become the useless. We then slowly start to change our mind. We go for the change. Which is only thing that is permanent in the world. In search of change we do many things. We build cars, we build buildings, we run, we make roads, we dig the earth in search of something and we find Ore, we move and later we explore new territory, we do many things and we evolve as humans. This gives us the complex, dynamic and total virtual world which is the world of today.

Machines are ruling it now. Computers does the work for you. Why do you now need the people ? The days are not very far when everything will be done or managed by the computers. It can also be done with machines. We created it but now they will rule over us.

We should not stop our changing behavior, the result we will get from the changing behavior is the total satisfaction and peace of our mind. If we do not change then we will be the same old stupid guy doing the same old things all the time. Kind of old fashioned typical, stereotypical.

The fight will continue as long as we build guns we create wars, as long as we build machines we cut the jobs and as long as we visit one religious place we will create differences in religion.

I do not ask you to do what mentioned over here I ask you to think over it. Imagine you visit all the religious places, feel the experiences of visiting different places, feel the experiences of visiting different countires, feel the experiences of travelling not only by plane or by car or by bike or by sea just even some times walk.

Everything we do, everthing we see, everything we feel, experience,learn and think are connected to our past, present and future in some manner or some way. Once I remember one of my friend he said- Every person near you will either tell you about your future, your past or your present.

Now it is your time to figure out in which category you want to put yourself. Good luck and Keep always a positive frame of mind set and most importantly be open.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Some Blah Blah

A very good bright and sunny saturday morning with brightness and light all the way which brings smile to every one's face. It creates a joyous environment to people and the people around such that every body believes that life is to life fully, without any tension, sorrow and unpleasant moments.

Imagine being alone for 100 years. Without some one, without your love, without the sense of girl or scente of women you are alone. Every body is with their life, their partner living like they would live but when you are alone you are with yourself. You do not need anybody. It is you and your love for yourself.

The beauty of life lies not in death but it lies in the way you live a life. You should enjoy the moment do not try to enjoy the end. It does not matter the way you do your work only thing that matters is the way you do it.

The destination is the end. The destiny is findings, search for the end. When we search for the end we should concentrate first on the path we are taking. Concentrate on the path not the destination.

Like the oceans in the sky, like the clouds seen in the river and like the twins who seem very alike. We too are alike. We need to find out the real meaning about it.
Depression is not the answer for being depressed. The cause results it. The cause of any kind of depression is only because of the problem and unpleasant tackling with the problems. Let us see what would be suitable for each of us.

Like the Yesterday's picture which carries all the countries we are divided into two different parts but one thing is clear. Either we are male of female we are the same from the back.

See the person from the back side we all have common thing, similarly we are same from one corner of our mind, our life, our culture to others. We need to find it for ourselves.

People are now a days not in mood to find out the reality for it only because we are lacking the culture and the destiny we are lacking the path that creates the destiny we do not lknow aht is goin on in our mind but we are just dong it for the sake of doing it. We do not know aht we are doing, because we know that wqe are unknown. Wehn we are unknow about rhe thingsthat we are doing then how can we know aht we are doing ? We are living and we do not know what is sole purpose fo living.

Sometimes it piss me off, when we trie to find otu the rality behind the real, the virtuality behind the virtual and the nature behind the nature of nature itself. It is difficult but to se edxtent only. It might look absurb but it is not.

The blah and blah stories ends here. We will rather talk something intereresting later. Have ag odo weekend and do the rest what you ewant to do in your life with all the things that you feel doing, doing is now and you should do it now.

Friday, April 11, 2008


Is it a person who is unfortunate.? Why do we use the word unfortunate does not it sound weired ? Why do we think we should use the negative word like un+fortunate. When some one says you that- You are unfortunatly ... How would you feel. Can our feelings be controlled with the word called unfortunate.

Does not it sound like, it was me who was born unfortunate, not getting any job unfortunately, or some times even was born unfortunate. Why is it difficult for us to accept the negative words like that. It is difficult only because we do not want to take it. It is difficult only because we do not consider that we are really unfortunate.

Think about the situation where you are very good at what you do and applied for the job and your recruiter says that you are unfortunately not given the specifici position you applied for. How would you feel ? It really demoralized one's will. Some times what I think is that either you select the person or do not send an email saying those stupid words like unfortunate.

How can you judge a person by seeing to their Resume, cover letter and make a statment like "a person is unfortunate".. It is not a person who is unfortunate never. It is always a company who do not want to take a fortunate people for them. It is their judgement which goes worgn. Many more things comes to play like racism, where you belong from, which languages you speak and so on.

It is difficult to accept those bitter words but one has to accept it. It is in the process of becoming strong. A man always has to face such hurdles many of the times in their life. It is not easy as women because women gets the job easily anywhere in the world.

Welcome to the world where race has not ended, it will not end. GOD sometimes created two color in the planet where Black and White. Later people combined it and made multiple colors. People still have not changed to see multiple colors in the person but they are still beliving that we should be judged by the color of the skin. Black and White is contemporary and opposite. It cannot be same, it will never be same and it won't be same in near future.

The difference is not because of color of skin or just color the difference is created in brain which is limited. Nobody wants to think beyond their limitation. No body wants to open the door for the stranger to come in. Nobody wants to accept other people in their room. Only because we fear.

When fear rules our body, our mind, our soul what can anybody think beside that. Once you overcome fear you will know that you are living a life of MAN. For now, I can tell you that we are living like cowards and we will die cowards.

We represents all of us. We is the symbol says that what we are doing has been done by some one else and we are following the path made by some body else who we call as GOD. We are doing that is good, we are living in "ing" at the end of verb that is good.

I would say that Unfortunate words should be banned in academics, or in real life to be used until and unless it is really required and unless some other human really thinks that other human is unfortunate to deserve the job or deserve to be in the world. We are not unfortunate.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Human Behaviour

People are so strange and it is very difficult to understand other people. Why should we even care ? When it is needed it is again difficult to understand other around you. Their are many kinds of person and they have many indifferent behavior's.

We can take an example of one person who is very outgoing, friendly, wants to help others and always gives support, help to others and their is another totally opposite of the person I described. People like those who are outgoing, friendly and the first one kind of person but again their are those kind of people too who like later one.

It is proved that based on our thoughts, our feeling and our emotion we make our group and we want to share with them.It might be true to some extent. I do not know much about it. Playing a politics with other people is very easy.

One should always remember that when you play politics with other people or your friend for an example you may even fall in trap of being a victim some time around. It is just the matter of time. In the age of information where every individual wants to share the information or at least is happy sharing info to other around him, how would you feel if your close friends are not telling you the reality?

We can make loud cries and have thousand big thoughts on various topics that we like to such as politics, education, research but one should first realize its importance. People who cannot some how see the success of others are the ones who are full with ego hassles. The problem is not with their thinking but the level of thinking they posses.

Those people are not silent but they would not even tell you what they are doing with others around you. Being alone is not being loneliness or feeling loneliness, Being alone is the first lesson of love.

I can say thousand things on thousand different matters but why would i say if some one does not have any interest to listen it and if it is not beneficial to some one. We have to do good to those who does good to you.

Remember in live, we learn by knowing people by your own country men, by your friends, by observing the things they do around you, by observing any other people around you and by experiencing through events they create.

Learning is the best way to know what you are currently doing. It is an art, an act which is indescribable. It may have theory but it is not concept.

Their are times when you are depressed, feeling that you have not made right choice and thinking that you should pack your stuffs and return these all times tell us one thing- You are fighting.

When you fight with your-self you will know that you are becoming strong and when you will realize you are in process of becoming strong you will become alone, lonely and silent. Welcome to the land of thousand lakes just for the sake of experiencing it.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Scent of Women

Some times you feel as if you really need some body with you, a girlfriend, your wife and the women beside you to talk share, have fun, enjoy. The situation does not let you do that. You want to be close with some one you know, some one you really care for and that person is far from you.

How would you react ? You will be mad just like me. You will have thousand and one things in your head every other humans see you as if you have broken jail. Nothing comes easy and like itself will teach you that.

Some time you want to talk with your friend but you do not want to just because you feel as if you will end up in the same situation again. You want to go dating, talk with your sweet girl again but again you cross check yourself.

When Mr. X and Miss Y are together they will share, have fun, laugh, care, fight, do every little things that they want to do together but imagine a situation where they have to be far- suddenly their is distance which aparts you ard your life. What would you think in such situation ?

Time is big teacher my dear friends, you will learn through this time and you will forget everything in this time too. You will ask yourself when you are just adult why these older people look at me like that and at some time you will be saying the same.

No Scientist ever found out the reality of time, no sceientist will capture it and no scientist will ever control it. We say their is every thing possible but I guess Time is impossible not about its discovery or new invention on it but only to find out the about it. Time is not money but time is movement how can you control the movement ?

If some one can stop the movement of entire earth and from entire human beings to all the living beings then you can capture time. Well, that is another idea.

Now, Look at the present situation of relationship where one has to find out everything about life without your partner. It is difficult. It is impossible and it really is depressing.

To sum up, Let's not get bother about it because whatever we think we prioritize it in our brain and we keep them stored once we start working on these priorities we will acheive what we wanted.

Cheers !

(Picture taken from:
bboard-uploads/007HDe-16463084.jpg )

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

"This is mine"

The feelings are connected with our life in some way or another. Some times we feel good sometimes we feel bad. Is it possible to maintain a stable feelings throughout the entire life. Is it possible to be cool, calm and be silent as a lake.

How can one have same constant feeling ? The phenomenon cannot be explained. It cannot be said that one person can have same feeling all the time. Nothing is perfect and nothing can be perfect. In search of perfection we end up with nothing. We are fighting all the time, struggling, trying to find out the right match, right path and right way of living a life but at the same time we want to maintain the constant feeling.

We cannot say that we are prefect humans. We are always trying to be good, trying to prove ourselves. We are fighting all the time with ourselves. This is good, this makes sense and it is the way of progress. No body wants to accept the feedback given by some one else, no one wants to take it easily. It is not easy to accept what others say about your work, it is not easy to think on what others say or think about you or your habit or you way of living a life.

Why is that happening ? Why does the things do not come easily in our brain ? Why do we have to read thousand of books before we come to some conclusion ?. These are done only to find some relation with others.

Some one has done x amount of work but you do not know so you read his x amount of work to find out what he has done and what he has not. then you try to find out what you can do on his x amount of work. This is what happens in research. You read the books, you read others author book on a related topic to find out the "unknown" and try to put your "known" things in it.

This will not lead to creation, today people talk about the creation and they say that is the creation. Creation do not happen like that way. Creation comes from scratch. It is build with one single entity with one single thought in one single environment.

Imagine a situation where their were no human being existence in this planet. Who created the first two Adam and Eve ? Was it based on the previous work if GOD thinks that it is based on previous work why do not we have evidence ? Why we lack the evidence of the creation of First cell or first living entity in this planet.

Evidence are the way of proving that "this is mine". If you remove some of your work with "this is mine" and just think of creation you will have no time in earth to put "this is mine". People now a days are only focusing on "this is mine" and not focusing on creation itself.

In today's world we are not creating anything we are just creating a whole warehouse of articles, journals and papers which will be useless in near future. Those who are creators do not have time to acclaim what they have done.

GOD did not ever thought he did what people think of creation. GOD created it but he was unknown about what he did it. He did what he thought is good for his tribes, he did it because he was in this planet to "do". He came in this earth to show people that you should "do".

These are big issue to discuss and thousands of people will back fire me on this topic but I do not care as long as I can put my mind on it. I do not have any evidence to prove it what I said is right nor do I want to have any.

(Picture taken from :
adam_duerson/02/04/ )

Monday, March 31, 2008

Creators and Creation

Creation is an art, creators are the legends and creation takes lot of brain, I do not know how can you say one is creator as I do not see the any proper definiton that suits to fit in my this article.

How many of you will agree we are the creators of our own sufferings ? We suffer because we create those suffering for us. How many of you will agree we are the creators of our Uniqueness and we are the one to be given honours.

Creation is beauty, see the creation of the world, nature, women, sky, earth, technology so on and so forth. See means you got to see and see it through your eyes. After you see something what do you ever think ?

Seeing will give you the image in your mind, this image will try to find some meaning. When your mind tries to find the meaning of what you see then the description of the image is stored by your brain cells.

As the number of brain cells cannot be counted or is almost impossible to measure. Imagine how much of information one can store.
Every event, every people you meet, every speech, every sound and almost whatever you did in past will be stored. It is the creation of making your brain a storage machine.

Politics will never lead to peace. The aim of playing politics is to bring violence, to tell people that "I am the best" My country is "Best", My party is "Best". It will create difference and it will always create the difference. What will then create the peace ?

It goes by saying that Peace cannot be created nor can it be destroyed. We already are in peace. We are in peace but our needs do not let us live in peace. Our basic needs are creating violence too. For our basic needs we want to "get" something which result in our inner violence. For example food, shelter, clothers, fashion wear etc.

Can any one tell me what is innovation ? People think and say that innovation is art, innovation is creation but it is totally different. Creation is far bigger than Innovation. Innovation is result of human, creation is result of before human. If I would say that Alien gave rise to creation- Every body will laugh at me. !

Creation is the result of producing something outstanding, simple and elegant. It is not for purpose, it is not for cause, it is not for well-being, but it is result of huge constrution, work and hard labor. It is the drops of blood which give rise to creation. It is the effort you put each and every time to think that results in creation. It is by the virtue of your brain cells trying to struglle. When your brain cells struggle they collide with other brain cells and they form a statement. The medium for two brain cells to communicate with each other is nothing. It is empty.

I am not a biologist but I think these brain cells mate with other brain cells to give rise a pieace of information to you.
Creation and creators will always exit and will live as long as earth will live.They do not want to tell who they are, It is because they are far ahead than any human beings existing in this planet. Creators will be hidden, creation will be shown. Without Creation you will be dull, your mind will be dull, you will never progress and entire earth will be dull, unstable, immovable and blast like an atomic bomb.

It is creators who are driving the earth to 24 hr circle. Creators are movable and They make entire earth movable. Welcome to land of creators.

(Picture taken from:
feature/2007/05/31/creation_museum/story.jpg )

Friday, March 28, 2008

Good, Kid and Women

The last friday of the week, or the month. Friday is good day why ? It is good for many people around the world because every body is relaxex, every body think well, Next day we don't have to go to office again. It is good day for those who also think well- We have a holiday tomorrow !

Good is not the day but your mood, good is not the stuffs. If we put good in every objects around us we will feel good. I believe in the statment and I truly support the statement too. Did I do the research on the above statement. If you ask me- I would say yes.

Good day, Good morning, Good afternoon, Good meal, Good dance, Good sex, Good article, Good relationship , and so on. We some how do not do it like I said. Why ?
We do not do it because we want to differentiate and we would rather say, This is good, that is bad. Good should be attached in your mouth. I saw a kid yesterday he was smiling just like a sweet good kid would do after seeing a stranger.

I waved a hand at him and he thought for a while but soon he also waved a hand to me saying bye bye. The connection between me and the stranger kid did not took long. It just too few seconds. See, How it is easy to make the relationship, See the connection. Wow ! This is called the relationship. We can easily make the relationship not only it but a good relationship where we smiled together, we knew each other in just few seconds and we waved hand to each other to say good bye only because we knew we are going different places.

Let the kid do what he wants, Let him decide what is good for him and what is bad for him. Let him judge himself, let him fall down, let him wake up, let him do what he think is good for him. If you will ask the kid not to do some stuff, the kid would do it. The kid wants to know, wants to find out, discover and innovate.

Do not stop him, embrass him, encourage him, let him decide and do what he wants to do. Leave him to his own. Somewhat similars are the girls too. Opposite are the girls-When you want to get close to them, they will run away from you. Their mind does not allow to think more than Sex. Their thinking directly leads to the thinking that "this person -WANTS- ..." from me. It is so narrow thinking.

Let all the women in world disagree with me but I do not care because this is the reality for women. The women will always neglect or try to avoid you if she is an total stranger and you go close to her. Women give birth to kids but women are opposite of kids in the level of thinking they perceive.

Why do they behave in such a way ? They behave in such manner because they are afraid, they think they will loose the most precious thing they have. They think in a way they should not think.

As the matter of the fact, Women will always be women. Let it be stands exactly true in case of them. Sometimes we try to get what we want but we do not often get what we want only because our want is some body's loss.

Have a good weekend !

(Picture taken from:
living/crafts/cover.jpg )

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Life is all about doing,We do, We do and We do ! Don't be afraid by seeing the 3 repetitive lines stating the word "we do". The time when we realize the fact that we have to "do" the time we will feel that we are living.

If we observe our parents, we see that they are always doing something. They too are engaged in some work, they won't bother about their ages. They might be very old and they might seem stupid to many of us but they are engaged in doing. Till birth to the death. Have you ever thought why ? Why are we doing rather than not sitting idle just like that.

We are doing only because we cannot be stable. We are movable animals we move from one place to another in search of food, sanitation, health, etc When we move from one place to another it means we are "moving" Now, you might think "moving" is different from "doing". It is same not literally but yeah it is same. You are doing first and moving next. "Doing" comes in your brain. It asks you to move from one location to next and english term you say you are moving rather than doing only because your grammer should be correct.

The very first lesson of life is to do. Next lesson I have not figure out yet. Life is difficult only because we see it in difficult way. Our vision, perception and mindset determines the day. One day you are doing something next day you are doing somethind different. Every day every body is doing something. This little effort of every individual living in the country, Makes the country to do something. We are pulling our country. It is like big ball and it needs effort of "doing" my its men for it to progress or move.

If one person feels lazy, he will make thousand of them lazy. This is the situation in the many developing countries. You got to be enthusiastic. You have to realize the fact of "doing". However, their are many consequences of what is reality and what is virtual world. To sum up, Wake up and start doing the things you like the most. It is never late and it will never be late !

(Picture taken from :
files/generic_sidebar/Doing%20business.jpg )

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Lesson from a movie.

I was watching a movie yesterday, I learn a quite a good lesson from this movie. The movie is all about the relationship especially in east. That part of world where women are treated minority, where women are dominated highly by males. Not actually dominated but Male has higher advantage then Women.

The movie was about one sweet couple.These two couple were very nice to each other. They were happy in their life, married also had a small daughter of their own. The guy in the movie is a lecturer in a university. His survives and gets his basic stuffs by giving lecturers and earns which is just enough for a family. The Female in the movie seems not so satisfied with what they have, things they have in their home. The stuffs she wants to are missing because of lack of money.

One day she goes to buy a pair of shoes for her daughter what happens is the pair of shoes were little bit expensive then she expected. She decides not to buy them but one fat women who was present in the shop lends her some money to buy the shoes. She takes it. Now, That old fat women takes her to her place, shows her the city with big malls, and outstanding beauty of whole city. Later she takes her to her apartment and she calls her customer to get involved with her. The lady could not stop her and she does the mistake of being involved with the another Men.

Now, The sequence of movies goes on like this way. Every now and then the old fat women comes her home or asks her to satisfy her customer in big hotels, big malls and apartment. The story goes on. Since the girl is married and do not want to live her husband because they are living very happy life. The girl do not wants to hurt her husband somehow but could not tell her about the whole situation she is going through. She satisfies her daughter by buying small things that previously she somehow could not buy it for financial reasons and so on.

Now, One day one of the student of the lecturer sees the lecturer's wife in the big hotel. She then wants to know what is going through. What happens is, The women tells her story to this student and the student manages to tell about the this story to the lecturer in indirect way. She ask the lecturer about "what will happen or what will be the end of such story". The lecturer says- Many things can happen, It all depends, depends upon the kind of person, the person might divorce her, might kill her, might get angry and will not contact her forever and so on but he also says that their will be one person who will ignore her ignorance. That person will not forget but he will give the excuse.

That type of person will understand the situation about the women and her life. He will feel what women is going through, he will understand that- depsite being a whore or satisfying the fat women customers she is also managing household chores without showing her difficulty. That kind of person will also exits.

The students learns the lessons and at the same time the wife of the lecturer also understands what her husband was trying to say.They all are in one common room discussing about this story which the student some how indirectly says to the lecturer. During the night period, the women of lecturer appreciates the answer he gave to her student. Now she puts the question and asks weather he will give the excuse if the women was not somebody else but herself.

Lecturer knew what her wife was up to, they both start making love and the story ends. Lecturer does not replies with the answer, it means he have already given the excuse. Wow !

Relationship is not only about sex, not only about the sharing the skin with each other. Love cannot be described, it is not smell, it is not the answer to the question we ask about the love.Love is not so simple at the same time it is not so difficult. Love is the statement of question which has been remained unanswered for ages and will remain unanswered ...

(Picture taken from:
entertai/2003/may/17rekha.jpg )

Thursday, March 20, 2008


Why do we value more girls than a guy ? The answer is very simple. We value them only because we need them. Without women, life is empty. With women life is pity. I don't know but My expereience tell me that we often go to visit the beautiful places like pubs, clubs what is the sole purpose of going out there ? Well, To many they just go for a beer and chit-chat with a friends but Many of those go with the motive fo fetching or getting the girls.

The girls are not something which is kept in the market and you just put in your tray later pay the amount and take them to your home. I am not telling to any one it is to myself too. I also visit with the same motive, as long as their is male organ inside me surely it will ask some female organ to be his best mate.

Last night Me, and all of my lovely sweet friends went to a club. The club lies in the center of Lappeeranata and the Name of club is Giglin Marlin. The new club which is taking lots of market in the city.Therfore we arrived their in the club, Now what is that we should do next ? I am not a dancer or I do not know how to dance. I knew my limits that until and unless you dance in the dance floor you cannot fetch a girl. However, I do not want to. My motive was just to relax, listen to the music- hard rock, hip-hop and whatever they played. The theme of the party was a "Spring is coming or may be similar".

Now, By the time My friends were in the dance floor having fun, I was moving different places... I think I read the mind of the people who were present in the club What I think is that, They all were thinking where to go and what to do. I saw all the party people moving. I wonder why are they moving ? It may be because they want to go from one place to other in search of something new. In search of new taste of music, want to see new people or whatsoever.

If I was couple of years back- enjoying the way I used to be- Definietyly I would have f#$@ many of them. Unlike my previous past expereices and what I found is that-

"The girls met in the club will leave you one day in the club".

It means that, Once you visited in the club you buy a drink for her, you speak your mind with her ... and then she suddenly says she likes you (she doesn't actually) Now, you guys visit may be to her place or your place make love. Finally the story ends for a day. Next day, Its upto you guys what to do Next.

My interepretaion may seem stupid, it might also be meaningless but many but I do not care as long as my hands are typing these letters- pressing the keyboard and my minds think in the way I describe the story or my article.

No one ever has found out, What's going on Women's mind ? No one will. Only because we have to Women although Many women will also say that- "Even, We don't know what is going on our mind !".

The women do not like those kind of men who are cheap, who are easily availaible, they want somehing complex. It is sure that all women like famous men but for an simple or ordinary male it is quite complex to buy a girl in the Market of Club.
I will buy you a drink means, I want to sleep with you tonight for the expense of money that I am investing you in beer.

You are not in love only because she said so, You will never be in love only becaue you like her, you do not know what love is. Love is not something which can be described. Sex , lust are quite opposite to love but they are close to Male's mind that we sometimes misunderstand the concept of Love.

My way of writing is similar to AIESEC-theme in Finland. It is "challenging your world views."

Story will go on ...

(Picture taken from:
casestory/images/Giggling-Marlin.jpg )

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Presence of Over-Confidence in me

I am really some times over-confident. People have negative aspects and I think this is my negative aspect of becoming over-confident at times. It does not mean that we all are perfect but the fact is that we also have to learn from our negative effects.

People think they are perfect. When you think you are perfect and their is no one good or better than you at that very moment you are in verge of becoming egoistic. You are creating within you an ego hassle. If you will become a egoistic person then surely you are not going to listen what others are going to say about you.

I don't know what kind of impression people have for me. I do not care much about it. I do what I feel I should do and I leave the rest to the people around me to judge about me. If you treat person as they are you will make that person worse but if you treat them as they ought to be, then they will become a MAN.

In various aspect of science their are a lot of talk going on understanding the mind of human. It is not difficult topic. I believe (not being over-cofident) though that I can find some thing unusal in this aspect but again I always re-check before I make or do some task. The re-checking some times help and some time it hurts to other. I think I am capable of but again, I should admit the fact that I do not have job.

No one is hiring me. No one think I have the potential to work for their comapny or precious organization. Every dog has its day despite being a Man, I am really worried about my own days.

"Life is a journey where destination does not really matters because we all know where we are going to end it, but the process of reaching to the destiantion does matters".

I am trying to define the term called "life" but I am trying to put something which I think is suitable at present context, atleast for me. We are humans and our brain function in such a way that it has a capability to reach any place, any where in the world in less than seconds. We know this, we already have a background knowledge about it, but we need to prove it to the world that "Presence" of one person brain does not have geographical limit or is not bounded by the boarders.

Imagine a place where you wish to visit and you do not have to really take a journey of reaching to the place but you feel or your senses work in such a way that you are in the place you want to be.

Can this happen ? Yes ofcourse it will be. If I say that they need me, they represent those who are working on this field. They represents those scientist who have every facilites they can imagine, bread to eat and facilites to motive their work.

I am not promising anything but I will try my level best and I believe I can exceed their expectations. I believe in hard work and hard work is chariot of success. Even though sometimes I am over-confident. But My dear friends, to become over-confident you got to be confident first. You cannot become over- just like that.

It does not mean that I take it casual, every thing what I do is based on my logical thinking which seems illogical to many of the people around me. Every body think I am a Mad or physcologically disturbed. To those who think I am Physcologically disturbed they are absolutely correct and "thank you". I admit what I do, I do what I think and I am what I am not what others make of me.

I like to put words in these web page, People called it as blogging. My concept here is that we can talk or write about anything we wish but it should be informative, atleast it should tell about your daily experiences, the way you want to improve your life and the life of others, some thoughts on your mistake, your negative aspect, +ve too and so on.

Now, I have started to feel and headache, It was a long day for me ! See you tomorrow if I am alive. I will return to the new posting again but Imagine I am no more. Who is going to write these craps ? It will be un-noticed, un-touched and no one will view it. Why should they ? I am just an ordinary person, living in ordinary world, an ordianry life.

One day my chapter of life will also get over, this is the end and the best part. It will blink for the final time just like this cursor is bliking whenever I am writing but I am not worried about it. Why should I ? It is the truth understanding, knowledge, something which is vast.

Hope to see you with my new posting. I will write and will try to give you my own expereices of life, my brain, my mind, bheja ... I will try to tell you what am ordinary person like me feels ... I am not trying to attract attention but I am writing what I am currently feeling, what my senses are telling me and What my brain is asking me to do.

My brain is giving me orders- It says, "Just type the word, go to your past and write something ..." I am the slave of my Master. I am following his orders Nothing more.

When you start to loose control of your mind you will absolutely be the person what I will imagine. I can see the person and tell what he is typicall like. It does not mean again that I am over confident but I am confident. Good night ! See you soon in near future, or hope to see you soon !

(Picture taken from :
Power%20of%20Presence%20Photo%20cropped.jpg )

Monday, March 17, 2008


Well, Can a country which has a image of being very depressing, inward and not open to the world be totally different. How can you change a Finland to Funland ? It is very simple. At least in theory, I can change it by changing the "i" to "u". Just replace "i" in Finland to "u" in the same.

Look, It is so simple to change a country and make it to Funland rather than Finland. When you see the name of the country you are quite afraid of its location, the snow and the river or lakes every where. To change a country to Funland you just have to focus on values, ethics and exploration.

The country which is UN-explored, country of natural beauty and silence. If you want to learn how to live in silence please visit once in your life to this land. Learning a Finnish way of living is totally new and exquisite experience. It will teach at every second the true meaning of living a life.

The two most distinct feature of the country is beautiful lakes and silence. I cannot describe each and every features of this country because their are so many that my entire life will not be sufficient. The beauty always lies in eyes of beholder but beauty here lies in the place that you will be thrilled to see it. If you want to return to your self and are tired with your day to day boring life you just buy a ticket and come down to Helsinki (Finland's capital). Try to speak with complete stranger or any Finnish Old guy. You will get reply. That is the time you have to realize the fact that you are in Finland. It is totally fun to be part of Finland.

The Karelian Culture is awesome which my words limit me to write about them. I don't know much about the Political condition and don't care about it. But I would tell you the fact that Many Russian girls want to seduce Finnish Men just for the sake of personal benefits. It is true. Women are always focus and far sighted then all we Men. It is not totally true for those who are in true love or say that they really are in true love. I don't know myself till date what is love.

The neighbors are Russia, Sweden and European countries. The country which was part of Russia has their own identity and are quite ahead in politics, economy, infrastructure, people mind set and many other aspects. They are ahead and going far behind any countries imagination only because they are "doing" then "I will do".

As said by great people that "Time is money". Here in Finland "Time is really money". Finnish "yes" is always "yes" and never "no". The building of relationship is very difficult with any Finnish people because they do not usually are turned on by any foreign people only because they do not want to interfere. They believe in letting every body do what they want. They know if you will explore you will find out the true meaning of what you want.

Many countries, many TV-Show and many broadcasting medium has given the negative aspect of the country which is quite absurd, you are describing culture, and you got to mention the reality.
To change Finland to Funland you got to come to Finland, experience it yourself and talk with Finnish People you will know. You will learn and you will return to your self. Finland might not have great production in other sectors but definitely they can produce well known Car-racers, Ice-hockey and great scientist in the world.

Finland has already in verge of becoming Funland. Don't you want to have a fun ? The country where majority are Women(Nainen) and Finnish (Suomalainen). It's all up to you to explore exquisite journey of your life to Finland or Funland.

(Picture taken from:
tunick/Z-Helsinki%20Finland.jpg )

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Good Morning to you all.

Hyvä huoämentä ! Corrected one -after receiving a comment(Hyvää huomenta!)I don't know weather the two brave words that I am trying to use are correct or not but the meaning is Good Morning. Therefore A very good morning to me and to whole world waking up.

I am not johnny depp. No one would find any interest in reading my personal life. But the fact is I am not maintaining the blog because no one would read but to give the lesson that I am learning and that I have learn in my life to others through it. I am not going to tell you my story but the imaginative one.

Once in a beautiful land located Northern part of world was a person who was committed to what he spoke. He was so deeply rooted by his principals that he could do whatever he said. It was his principal and the way he lived his life. But the way of living a life was narrowed since people think, act and behave differently. His principal was whatever he said he will commit, do and deliver till his level best otherwise he would not say anything about it. Their were people who he was connected to but those people would not realize it. He was trying to convince them but very few of them understood what he was going through.

We are all ordinary human beings, we should live a life for others ....blah ..blah ...blah......... these are old way of saying and dealing day to day life. The new approach is...

I am rocking tonight at party, are you going to come in the gay suit today. You were looking so F&&¤ beautiful tonight. Me and my friends rocked the entire place. ........blah blah and blah... This is new approach of living a life in 21st century.

"Everything that is difficult for others is easy to me and everything that seems easy is difficult."

If I have written this quote it belongs to be because it was created some 7 seconds earlier in my mind and my keyword wrote it in this article. Creation is an art of mind which are randomly generated not collected.

But, these are boring to me again ! Welcome to the reality and the reality is very early in the morning so Good Morning to one and all. To the early sunrise which has touched its rays in the lake Saimaa stating that I am awake, I will provide energy and food to you all. To the chirping of birds which are getting ready to find some food for their baby birds and To the entire human beings who are getting ready to read, write, learn, make love,drink a morning coffee, see the beauty etc etc. My good morning to you all.

(Picture taken from:
wp-content/good_morning_02.jpg )

Monday, February 25, 2008

“Blessed are the peacemakers”

(Picture taken from:

We all want peace: peace of mind, peace in the family and community, between countries, peace with our environment. There is scarcely anyone who does not yearn for peace. But how many of us are prepared to pay the price of peace? We need to love each other; have compassion and be prepared to sacrifice for one another and work for togetherness and peace. Love and peace will see all people united by the bonds of brotherhood, moving onward, forward. For God and religion cannot and ought not to be kept out of this vision, even though people tend to discredit religion these days. For it is not religion that has failed us, it is we who have failed religion. We only speak of religion; we do not bear witness to it in deeds of daily living, to the teachings of the great prophets.

It is life that is needed, not words. You may recite prayers, chant hymns and sing songs of praise; you may read from the scriptures and frequent places of worship but if you do not imbibe at least some of the wisdom, are you any better than a tape recorder? You may write wonderful commentaries on the Bhagavad Gita or any other world scriptures, but if you do not reflect the wisdom of these scriptures in word and action, how are you any better than a desktop printer? "Blessed are the peacemakers", said Jesus. The world today needs peacemakers, not those who merely talk of peace but those who carry peace within and transmit it to those around them.

True love is selfless. And such love can bring about lasting peace. Why are we not becoming doers and just becoming talkers. Why is whole country in trauma, totally paralyzed, disabling situation. Who is to blame for this? Government, Political Parties, Madhes, Pahadi and who else?

We are suffering from a problems and that should be considered a problem for Nepalese not just Madhesis, Pahadi or any other parties or communities. The problem is common for all of us, and we should try to find a common solution for it instead of fighting with each other. When are we going to do this? I am certain that till the day I am alive, I am not going to see peaceful Nepal. I will not expect my country to develop as long as I am alive- I will not believe in any politicians because I know they do not speak the truth now what is that I am expecting from my motherland? I am expecting just a peace.

Am I asking too much for this? As a common Nepali citizens, denizens we all have right to ask for the term called peace but as Jesus said, “Blessed are the peacemakers” Let pray that we can soon see those peacemakers for our country, by our country and in our country.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Memories remains

The topic reminds me of my own past. Why our memories reminds of something beautiful and something very fascinating ? What is that makes us smile when we think of our past. I know we all most of the times think about the future and do not care what we do at the present but sometimes when we are alone and thinking nothing then comes the most glorious day or moment you have had with. It comes from no where it just pops out in your brain and you start thinking that yes those were the momoents we cherished and those were the good things we did or those times were very good, outstanding or infact most beautiful days. Why ? Can our present also be like that some way ? Can we say that today morning this happen, or this thing was very good and i am doing happy or i am cheerful or i feel i am very excited. Often we ignore the present and there is a lot talk going on about the present byu various intelligent and creative people. As you see- I am not so innovative and I do not think I am creative, Here I am talking about memories remains. Song by Metallica which is very nice in its own sense.

A google search using the term will come up with many hits before we get anywhere close to origin of the word. There is always a what question in our mind when we ask about what remains in our memory.

What remains in our mind is the event that has occurred already and we think we have overcome or succeeded that event, we are not ready for the present event or function so we do not know much about it and we do not want to talk or discuss about it that much but the same event after some time we will remember and rejoice it. It would seem that I am making some stupid assumptions but I think I am true.

Based on the informal observation, it can be seen that we are somehow connected to our past and we do walk the very next step or let's say we take the next step in our life based on our past event or activity also it is worth mentioning that we are what we were in the past but with little change in environment, culture , adaptation and to our core values.

To sum up, What remains is memories which are good to remember some times and most important things are free as the moments are free, time may seem money but even time cannot bring money when we relate it to our past. Money is for nothing despite the reality says Men are for Money, by the Money and with the Money and I could not still find out What women are for. Anyways, Memories remains and I hope even if it is pleaseant as well as unpleaseant it will bring some smile in your face too.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Imagination Vs Knowledge

What happens if you have imagination in you and knowledge in you? Once Einstein said that “Imagination is better than knowledge” So, People what do you think, is imagination is better than knowledge. If a guy only imagines and lives in his own world with great deal of imagination without having any prior knowledge of anything then what will happen. He was right in the sense that the person is already having some knowledge and in case if he imagines something then imagination is better in comparison. But the thing is, Today Mr. X has both imagination and knowledge but he will be some one like me who can imagine things and also have knowledge but do not have any job and have nothing to do. Mr. X is having thousand ideas and he is imaginative but where to use them? Who wants to buy his ideas? No one, he cannot prove that his ideas are right because he lacks the resources but this is how the world works and has been working in the past. Now, we have top companies in world, top scientist and researchers working for them. We are living a calendar life, every day we do our task based on predefined routine and we think that we will generate some great ideas based on our routine forget it people , just forget it. If we are going to create a bright future then for that we have to follow and listen to our heart not our mind. Imagination is better than knowledge but a person can have both if he wants to be lonely and wants to live a life of some one like monk. He will not have any things besides his imagination and knowledge. Thanks to Einstein who thought that imagination is better than knowledge in his time it was absolutely correct and no one would have second thought on this statement but today I don’t think this statement is valid since you need to have knowledge for imagination. Without a Phd Degree no one is willing to hire you as a Researcher for x or y company. No one. Even if you can imagine now…that the system can be build like this or that. You cannot implement your ideas because of lack of knowledge, time and resources so for now, Welcome to the world of knowledge and imagination where none of them are better. !