Showing posts with label what is on man's mind. Show all posts
Showing posts with label what is on man's mind. Show all posts

Monday, July 25, 2011

The destructive male by Elizabeth Cady Stanton

I urge a sixteenth amendment, because 'manhood suffrage,' or a man's government, is civil, religious, and social disorganization. The male element is a destructive force, stern, selfish, aggrandizing, loving war, violence, conquest, acquisition, breeding in the material and moral world alike discord, disorder, disease, and death. See what a record of blood and cruelty the pages of history reveal! Through what slavery, slaughter, and sacrifice, through what inquisitions and imprisonments, pains and persecutions, black codes and gloomy creeds, the soul of humanity has struggled for the centuries, while mercy has veiled her face and all hearts have been dead alike to love and hope!
The male element has held high carnival thus far; it has fairly run riot from the beginning, overpowering the feminine element everywhere, crushing out all the diviner qualities in human nature, until we know but little of true manhood and womanhood, of the latter comparatively nothing, for it has scarce been recognized as a power until within the last century. Society is but the reflection of man himself, untempered by woman's thought; the hard iron rule we feel alike in the church, the state, and the home. No one need wonder at the disorganization, at the fragmentary condition of everything, when we remember that man, who represents but half a complete being, with but half an idea on every subject, has undertaken the absolute control of all sublunary matters.
People object to the demands of those whom they choose to call the strong-minded, because they say 'the right of suffrage will make the women masculine.' That is just the difficulty in which we are involved today. Though disfranchised, we have few women in the best sense; we have simply so many reflections, varieties, and dilutions of the masculine gender. The strong, natural characteristics of womanhood are repressed and ignored in dependence, for so long as man feeds woman she will try to please the giver and adapt herself to his condition. To keep a foothold in society, woman must be as near like man as possible, reflect his ideas, opinions, virtues, motives, prejudices, and vices. She must respect his statutes, though they strip her of every inalienable right, and conflict with that higher law written by the finger of God on her own soul.
She must look at everything from its dollar-and-cent point of view, or she is a mere romancer. She must accept things as they are and make the best of them. To mourn over the miseries of others, the poverty of the poor, their hardships in jails, prisons, asylums, the horrors of war, cruelty, and brutality in every form, all this would be mere sentimentalizing. To protest against the intrigue, bribery, and corruption of public life, to desire that her sons might follow some business that did not involve lying, cheating, and a hard, grinding selfishness, would be arrant nonsense.
In this way man has been molding woman to his ideas by direct and positive influences, while she, if not a negation, has used indirect means to control him, and in most cases developed the very characteristics both in him and herself that needed repression. And now man himself stands appalled at the results of his own excesses, and mourns in bitterness that falsehood, selfishness, and violence are the law of life. The need of this hour is not territory, gold mines, railroads, or specie payments but a new evangel of womanhood, to exalt purity, virtue, morality, true religion, to lift man up into the higher realms of thought and action.
We ask woman's enfranchisement, as the first step toward the recognition of that essential element in government that can only secure the health, strength, and prosperity of the nation. Whatever is done to lift woman to her true position will help to usher in a new day of peace and perfection for the race.
In speaking of the masculine element, I do not wish to be understood to say that all men are hard, selfish, and brutal, for many of the most beautiful spirits the world has known have been clothed with manhood; but I refer to those characteristics, though often marked in woman, that distinguish what is called the stronger sex. For example, the love of acquisition and conquest, the very pioneers of civilization, when expended on the earth, the sea, the elements, the riches and forces of nature, are powers of destruction when used to subjugate one man to another or to sacrifice nations to ambition.
Here that great conservator of woman's love, if permitted to assert itself, as it naturally would in freedom against oppression, violence, and war, would hold all these destructive forces in check, for woman knows the cost of life better than man does, and not with her consent would one drop of blood ever be shed, one life sacrificed in vain.
With violence and disturbance in the natural world, we see a constant effort to maintain an equilibrium of forces. Nature, like a loving mother, is ever trying to keep land and sea, mountain and valley, each in its place, to hush the angry winds and waves, balance the extremes of heat and cold, of rain and drought, that peace, harmony, and beauty may reign supreme. There is a striking analogy between matter and mind, and the present disorganization of society warns us that in the dethronement of woman we have let loose the elements of violence and ruin that she only has the power to curb. If the civilization of the age calls for an extension of the suffrage, surely a government of the most virtuous educated men and women would better represent the whole and protect the interests of all than could the representation of either sex alone.
Elizabeth Cady Stanton - 1868

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Mass Rape Persists

In response to article at Nytimes on title, "After Wars, Mass Rapes Persist" here is what Mybheja has to say-

Dear Mr. Kristof,

Very nice column on mass rape persisting on Libya. Well done..,

Yes no one can ignore the violence especially after world war I, II the next war is about sexual violence, social violence, lack of inspirations because of mass depression and economy or recession.

Sexual enlightenment is good thing to have in life but with forced sexual act nobody is going to get such enlightenment. Pleasure and Pain go hand in hand. The stupid thinking that, 'One an get pleasure if another is feeling pain.' is results into Rape or forced sexual encounter.

Women participation in foreign affairs be it in United States or in any country should be highly encouraged. Presently I am living in Finland and I can see why this country has strict rules on social norms. It was uprise of wisdom for a Stranger like me, coming from developing world and observing women participation in most of the official works like Banks, Government offices, Postal office and even in military.

But again it highly depends of metric of cultural aspects too such as "male dominance" and "women dominance". Maybe in case of Mass rape and violence of women rights, "women dominated" society is good.

Very Rarely we hear any news of Man being raped.

Whatever be the case, those with ill intentions will be judged by law or by God himself.

Lastly, Hope someday My daughter will wake up in society where less Mass rapes persists and all the daughters of Congo, Darfur, Bosnia, Rwanda, Liberia and many such places alike, will wake up too...

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

The unexplored road

Life is struggle and it will be. Love is difficult and it will be. Money is hard to earn and it will be always. Nothing comes easy. It is the power of our mind which can make everything easy. It is our life which we have to make easy. How ?

Life is easy and it will always be easy. The things we do, the work we do, the life we spent thinking, working, waiting for something. The life is spent and we never realize that we have really spent our life. When we spent life working on the matters what we assume are most important in life we miss small and beautiful matters.

Time is the important aspect in our life, time can break our life, time can change our motto, our goals. Time is the most important aspect of life where people will change. People do not want to change easily but they do just because of the time.

How would you behave with complete stranger ? Will you treat him as if the person whom you do not know or would you treat him as a human, a person who looks similar to you.

The thinking you carry and say or speak a lot about you. It is you who will decide about the other person. You may assume that the person will not be enough and the person is not suitable but at the same time you can think in many different ways. Our brain is such a creative ball which is constantly looking, constantly searching and constantly wants to connect to the heart.

Connection of heart and mind is one of the brilliant techniques a humans can learn about. We work and we decide, we work on a official, academic project and we decide which is totally based on our decision of mind. What if we combine the heart and decide?

Will it make any difference then ? The answer I do not know. If you know please let me know. Their are times when you are wanting something but that something is never going to happen. You die for it but still you are alone and you are not satisfied with the decision done for you.

Who is the most important decison maker in the world ? Are you the one or Is it some one else doing it on behalf of other ? If the other is unknown what is the name we give ? Shall we call it as GOD. Shall we tell that GOD is unknown and it is our basic assumption, our believes and our thinking.

Science and conscience is the good aspect of combining both heart and mind. If a person understand both the Science and Conscience then one can easily understand what decisions are made by heart and what decisions are made by heart.

I have written something which I don't know. People ask me why on earth you do not know what you have really done ? What is wrong with you. ? Everything is wrong with me. I am a person who is mad, a person who decides based on his mind and heart. I am not telling that I understand it completely but I do and most of the times I try to prove it to many people

It is difficult but not impossible. Say a positive to a people you will get the positive answer. Say a negative to people he will not feel good about you. If we talk good, people always like it. They will be impress despite the fact that you do not like the person.

However, life has many more lessons to teach you. I want to learn, I want to learn as th learning never stops, I want to explore the learning and want to spread the message of every stories, every essay, every book and every other basic ideas that are stored in my memory to all those who needs them, to all those thirsty minds which are waiting to fulfill their thirst.

The quench of thirst, hunger, life and material possession only ends at the time when you are very old, satisfied with every other things and when you do not see the connection among any of them. The fulfilled and satisfied person then starts visiting churches, temples and Mahzids.

Welcome to the journey of life. !

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

"This is mine"

The feelings are connected with our life in some way or another. Some times we feel good sometimes we feel bad. Is it possible to maintain a stable feelings throughout the entire life. Is it possible to be cool, calm and be silent as a lake.

How can one have same constant feeling ? The phenomenon cannot be explained. It cannot be said that one person can have same feeling all the time. Nothing is perfect and nothing can be perfect. In search of perfection we end up with nothing. We are fighting all the time, struggling, trying to find out the right match, right path and right way of living a life but at the same time we want to maintain the constant feeling.

We cannot say that we are prefect humans. We are always trying to be good, trying to prove ourselves. We are fighting all the time with ourselves. This is good, this makes sense and it is the way of progress. No body wants to accept the feedback given by some one else, no one wants to take it easily. It is not easy to accept what others say about your work, it is not easy to think on what others say or think about you or your habit or you way of living a life.

Why is that happening ? Why does the things do not come easily in our brain ? Why do we have to read thousand of books before we come to some conclusion ?. These are done only to find some relation with others.

Some one has done x amount of work but you do not know so you read his x amount of work to find out what he has done and what he has not. then you try to find out what you can do on his x amount of work. This is what happens in research. You read the books, you read others author book on a related topic to find out the "unknown" and try to put your "known" things in it.

This will not lead to creation, today people talk about the creation and they say that is the creation. Creation do not happen like that way. Creation comes from scratch. It is build with one single entity with one single thought in one single environment.

Imagine a situation where their were no human being existence in this planet. Who created the first two Adam and Eve ? Was it based on the previous work if GOD thinks that it is based on previous work why do not we have evidence ? Why we lack the evidence of the creation of First cell or first living entity in this planet.

Evidence are the way of proving that "this is mine". If you remove some of your work with "this is mine" and just think of creation you will have no time in earth to put "this is mine". People now a days are only focusing on "this is mine" and not focusing on creation itself.

In today's world we are not creating anything we are just creating a whole warehouse of articles, journals and papers which will be useless in near future. Those who are creators do not have time to acclaim what they have done.

GOD did not ever thought he did what people think of creation. GOD created it but he was unknown about what he did it. He did what he thought is good for his tribes, he did it because he was in this planet to "do". He came in this earth to show people that you should "do".

These are big issue to discuss and thousands of people will back fire me on this topic but I do not care as long as I can put my mind on it. I do not have any evidence to prove it what I said is right nor do I want to have any.

(Picture taken from :
adam_duerson/02/04/ )

Friday, January 11, 2008

Wife of Men

What is wrong with all men ? I do not wanted to start with this question but I have to. We are the creators,leaders and thinkers. It is because of our extreme power and thinking capability that has made us to reach to the present world. Or it is because of our hard work and effort of each single individual that has made us to come to this point. But despite all the achievements and progress we are not good in one aspect and that aspect is relationship. Once my friend was in very good relationship with a very beautiful women. She was too dedicated to him. Friend has to leave the place and they were separated geographically. but they were still in very good relationship. My friend always used to think that- her girl is not faithful to him. She might be going out with some one else. She might be sleeping with other guy. He was having this fear always. It is not the matter of just my friend but many men in such case always tend to do the same. Why do we not believe in women ? Are all women not faithful ? If you think yes- then think again. Women are unknown. The only species in world which is unpredictable, unknown and most beautiful creature ever made by the unknown again. The unknown creator who created this whole thing, might also get confused if he has to say few words on another unknown creature presently living in this world. Why do all men do not believe easily in women ? Are they not trustworthy ? if they are trustworthy why do they easily change their mind ? If asked this question to all the women in world they would probably say we don't know. Accept it, This is the truth. No women knows whats going in their mind. They are very clever. They are unknown beautiful creature which will always remain mystery to all men. If you take a deeper look at the word “women” it has two characters more then word “men”. Well, I do not know who created this stupid language called “English” but whoever created did a good job my putting two characters more in the women then in men. What is the meaning of word “women” ? Well, I am not writing the definition in dictionary because I do like to use dictionary and I think that is useless. do “women” mean Wife of Men. the “WO” must be Wife of or something similar to this. However, We as a men always think of sex I do not know women never think of sex in deep sense. I do not think any women will give the first priority to sex until and unless her occupation is sex. Sex is always secondary to them, at least; I think so ! I might be wrong again. But all women want to be cared and they want to be with their everything is words and words do not value as much as emotions and feelings. It is to all men please do trust your women and just be yourself and most importantly talk with your partner even in the situation you do not think it is important to talk. Both species are different in physical and mental structure but one thing is common in both of them that is they both have kind heart inside them which can communicate between them. Listen to it, you will be successful...