Saturday, April 5, 2008

Scent of Women

Some times you feel as if you really need some body with you, a girlfriend, your wife and the women beside you to talk share, have fun, enjoy. The situation does not let you do that. You want to be close with some one you know, some one you really care for and that person is far from you.

How would you react ? You will be mad just like me. You will have thousand and one things in your head every other humans see you as if you have broken jail. Nothing comes easy and like itself will teach you that.

Some time you want to talk with your friend but you do not want to just because you feel as if you will end up in the same situation again. You want to go dating, talk with your sweet girl again but again you cross check yourself.

When Mr. X and Miss Y are together they will share, have fun, laugh, care, fight, do every little things that they want to do together but imagine a situation where they have to be far- suddenly their is distance which aparts you ard your life. What would you think in such situation ?

Time is big teacher my dear friends, you will learn through this time and you will forget everything in this time too. You will ask yourself when you are just adult why these older people look at me like that and at some time you will be saying the same.

No Scientist ever found out the reality of time, no sceientist will capture it and no scientist will ever control it. We say their is every thing possible but I guess Time is impossible not about its discovery or new invention on it but only to find out the about it. Time is not money but time is movement how can you control the movement ?

If some one can stop the movement of entire earth and from entire human beings to all the living beings then you can capture time. Well, that is another idea.

Now, Look at the present situation of relationship where one has to find out everything about life without your partner. It is difficult. It is impossible and it really is depressing.

To sum up, Let's not get bother about it because whatever we think we prioritize it in our brain and we keep them stored once we start working on these priorities we will acheive what we wanted.

Cheers !

(Picture taken from:
bboard-uploads/007HDe-16463084.jpg )

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