Showing posts with label for everyone. Show all posts
Showing posts with label for everyone. Show all posts

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Living a life.

A simple look at flower gives a delight in the mood of a person, a flower just shows how beautifully it has been created by Nature. It takes lot of effort to see the blossom flower and the beauty of it.

It needs lot of attention from the climate, environment and Nature. Without the help of these important factors which make it blossom a flower will not be seen so beautifully. Similar to a blossom of flower a life needs too a total care and protection from many different elements.

Many people think and believe that life is constant struggle and we have to go through the path of struggle of existence to survive. I do not think life is struggle. Life is not struggle we make it struggling. Life is joy of living, it is collection of past and present memories for the future action.It is the clear like a crystal and diamond, it gives pleasure at the same time it gives pain. It is pure form of living.

War is the desire of wanting more. It means I have less and I want more than you. The biggest problem of existence is not struggle but survival. A flower after showing its glory goes down just all the petals go down once it blossom and shows it capabilities. We then do not like such flower and then we see another flower.

A human nature is very much predictable, it wants a constant fresh element in life either it is a change of place, environment, climate, people or country or any thing. When we do or see or act in the same manner all the time it become very predictable and people will then get bored of the way we live a life.

Religion is a great hot topic for the debate in the next decade and it will create a lot of problem in near future. It will be dominant factor in showing who is the best or who is the worst but it can also be very effective in many different perspectives. It can bring a lot of change the people see religion.

A mind which is in constant struggle with itself can see the changes in the context of environment just because it knows how itself feels. When a mind is outer or cannot see itself then it cannot see the bigger picture. There are two types of humans inside our body, one is girl and another is boy. A girl inside us will match the girl outside. A boy inside will match the boy outside.

I do not know to what extent it is true but to some extent it is logical just because we do not like all the girl living in the outer world and we do not like all the guys. What if both these elements are not present in the human ? In such context, a person can either like both male or female or he might dislike everything he see.

Every body's mind can be ruled by other mind just by raising impulse inside's other mind and asking them to do what we want. It is easy. Many of the war has been done just like this. It is easy to fake the other people mind just simply because humans cannot control their own mind. Once every human will learn an activity or a process of controlling a mind then he can rule himself, he can rule all over the world. Most importantly, all his desire and dream will slowly start coming true.

Every body near him will be catious and think how this person does miracle in his life but those are simply a contol of his own mind over others. He knows the fact that he is creator of his suffering and he once changes his vision and mind as per his act he will slowly start changing everything around him.

The moral of story is that, learn from the Nature. Every thing that shines has to go in darkness one day. Every thing that blossoms will fall down like petal of flowers and slowly it has to gain all energy and effort to make it blossom again. It is just like a cycle. After a darkness there is sunlight and after sunlight there is darkness again. A cycle continues and a cycle of human life also continues just like that.

Death is certain but humans should not be afraid of death, they should rather be afraid of wasting time and energy to make a moment non-pleasurable and unfunny to live. Every moment,every breath we take should be taken with total joy and satisfaction that is living a life.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Building Trust.

Hello, hello,, hello.. who are you ? I am asking you. Yeah, you sir who are you. Do you know who are you ? Come on tell me. Why do you want to know ? Who are you to ask ? Why are you asking me such questions ? Are you crazy ? Do you know me ?

These are the general conversation when a two unknown person talk for the first time. A person is trying to ask something but the other person is not trying to tell him about himself just because the unknown person is not known to him in one way or another.

Why are we finding the relationship before we want to explore ourselves or want to tell about ourselves to others.The main reason is that-we do not trust the person,who is uknown. We are fearful and afraid of the unknown. Either it is a person or animal. If it is not yours then it is not secure or not trustful. It is unlikely that some one will be open and tell everything to the unknown.

The mystery is that everything in world takes time. Love, Friendship, Marriage, almost many kinds of relationship takes load of time before it puts itself in a good gear and runs smoothly. Why do we admire a couple who are old and walking down the streets catching hand in hand laughing and cherishing a long old memories gone by, kissing and hugging each other just thinking they do not have the very next day behind them and only the moment at which they are present and walking down with a joy and happiness touching every feet like never before.

Time is a journey, a movement- our movement leads to time. Nothing is immovable. Everything moves. When everything moves we are bound to move as well. This is the fact and it do not need any scientific explanation. The movement creates a matter of trust between two parties, two friends, husband and wife and the most important thing that connects these movements is communication. When you are communicating then you are in a touch with the person and the person will be trustful to you but once you loose connection you stop trusting the other person and you tend to judge after a while. You will then ask weather she really needs to be trusted.

There is one story in Indian Epic. A story of Lord who goes to jungle for 14 years and he was the king of the place. Just because he has to leave everything and go in forest to spend his life for 14 years and the main thing was he could not take his wife with him. Now when he returns from the forest after 14 years, he hears a lot of thing about his wife. He hears long long sentences that makes him doubt over his wife. He then looses a trust over his wife. He then starts to think. He is king, he is great human being in those era but now he finds himself in dilemma and trouble. How would he trust his own wife after 14 years. ? Is she really trustful or can you really believe in her, whatever she says. A wife of the king had to do some kind of examination before she really could be trusted again. She had to sit in a burning fire for a while and if the fire automatically stops burning then she is proved that she is innocent.

What happened was miracle that she really testified her trust and finally the fire stopped burning. Or something similar. I do not remember much of the story. Now, the main question that remains in this world is, It was in those days when every body was very trustful and every body really valued what they speak but Today, Oh, my God !

You do not realize how many times in a day you speak lie. You speak lie to yourself, to your friends and to many of the people you may know or do not know. you say, hello Nice to meet you ! when you do not feel nice to see the other person. you say, "I love you". Just because you have to say. you say- "This is great". When it is no longer great. These are just some of the lies that we will not know or we do not explore within us.

The trust building process to build a relationship is a one kind of art and it has to be learn by yourself. It is the just the beginning.

Sunday, July 6, 2008


Every silence has a meaning. A silence of human, a silence in relationship, a silence of lake and a silence of wind that blows flower in the garden. Everything is connected in one way or another. All these silence, with meaning where it ask us to read the meaning from these aspects of life, plants and Nature.

Can anyone tell me why two people in relationship go into the state of silence ? Is it because they both had a fight or something or is it because they both want to go into their caves and come back after a while. What is that make people live in silence ? Too much of everything is bad. Too much of silence will lead us to violence. A violence in our mind, a violence within us. Some times it could be boon too. It depends on the environment we live.

Many people are quite vulnerable to silence, some of them they like to live in noise. A room full of noise, a place where there is crowd and lot to event happenings. In such a case people find themselves very safe and very nice. It is just because when noise is present, people assume there are some body like them who is present and doing something.

A silence teaches a lot in itself. A couple mainly go in silence just because of the some small problems they could not resolve by themselves. They both seek truth. They both want to prove that both of them are correct and none of them have done any mistake or is wrong. When one person says that he is right on some subject and the next person also says yes, she is also correct on the same subject matter then- a clash is occurred between two people. Their has to be one winner. In such a case, the argument occurs and fight begins. A silence is the last phase of all these happening. Either a girl or boy then go in silence. It is good just because it later helps in regaining the relationship.

Most of the time these silence are such a killer that, it last very long. Even a entire life. When a silence is for very long it becomes a pain. A pain which cannot be cured by any medicine or doctor. A pain which cannot be described. It is very true and very hurtfull. It is larger than the volcano eruption. It remain and you cannot avoid it. It will be there till the existence of a person.

It is easy to break a relationship if one can acquire a silence. It is also easy to come out of problem if you can go in silence. I have been told by many that I remain very silent. It is just because i simply like the peace that a silence gives me. It gives me a feeling and pleasure to look deep inside my internal body parts. In silence I can see myself going deep and look what I am doing. It just checks and re-check my body and outer world.

A silence is great teacher. It can tell you thousand different things. When you are silent especailly most of the times there is some one inside you who will talk with you. It is not you. It is the person who is driving you. It is not soul or aatma or anything. It is you- a perfect you.

The perfect you will tell you what you are feeling and what you are going through. It will just ask you to do what he wants. A perfect you. Well, it is always good to live in silence. Just sit idle some times and be silent-you will hear a lot of voices which are of yours and only yours. It will teach you that you have a perfect you inside you.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Care of Nature

Many of the times we are terrified and we just follow what others do, we visit temples, go and pray want to be in a community or of some religious group. All these are the signs of wanting a care. We all need a proper care. Just like a mother cares for a child, We need a proper care.

Who is responsible when for our caring ? Is it some stone that we worshiped every day or is it our family ? Is it the temples we visit and mantras we chant. Is it the all these that care us ? I do not think so- just because these are tradition every one follows it and no body has got anything from it. Yeah to some extent a peace, a silence of mind is the result but nothing beyond.

A care is done by "Nature". We are natural animals. We live in this pleasant nature and one day we are buried to the nature itself. Literally it might sound non-sense but every does not have to have sense. It is true and that is what I think. Our body outer part is skin and when we run, work or do any thing in a sunny day that results in a mud from a skin too. Skin is capable of being burnt, it cannot resist extreme heat, extreme cold or extreme any of the things.

When we need a shade, there are loads of trees near us. When we need to take bath there are lakes and sea where we can jump. When we need something we always get it from Nature. The total care of our body is done by Nature in return one day we have to give it all back to it. We always fear of death but death is the smallest debt we pay back to Nature after entire care done by it.

We live our life and we become just like a person our society wants us to become. There are always circumstances that make the person weak or strong or criminal or terrorist. No one is born terrorist or bomber. We are just treated like that by the society and the people with whom we are influenced. We are just a normal humans and we all can be changed in different ways depending upon the circumstances and situation. We just need a proper care and that proper care is done not by any person or individual but the Nature.

Believe it or not. It is just not a fake story but the reality. Why are we so fatigue to the all the Natural things in the world. We are burn when the fire comes close to our body, we get cold, heat, rays of light or we are fearful, we show different emotions based on these circumstance that Nature presents. It is by the Nature we are living and it is for the Nature we are living and it will be for the Nature we will survive for a certain period of the time in our life.

Greatest fear we have is death, which is nothing but the concept. Who will come after the death and tell you the story that I went to heaven and I went to hell just because it is written in some text here to read us and get addict to it. It is total nonsense which will make sense only when there is no existence of the entire human beings. What happens when you go to bed ? You fall asleep and you go the state called as Unconsciousness that state is described as the stage where nothing works or nothing is happening. In that state you are dead. The stage where there is no return but later next day you wake up why ? You wake up just because you have something you left the previous day as pending. You have to wake up because the Nature wants you to do something for it. It wants you to be alive and do some task before the final sleep.

A simple explanation is that- We need a care, care of parents when we are small kids, care of girl friends or wife when we are adult and young, care of again kids or our parents and later care of ourselves. But above all these, we need a care of Nature to really be cared. Without the care of Nature we are nothing. We are therefore regarded as the child of Nature.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

We all are GOD.

Welcome to a new place, a place where there is no one except you. A place which looks very fearful, a place where there is only darkness and no sun light. A place where there are only green trees and sound of violent animal all around.

Only thing you can see is the no one except you and you are in this jungle kind of place where only your screams are heard and nothing else. You can shout but no one will response in that shout. You can scream loud and no one will response instead. It is just like a night mare . However, the place is real and you have to face the consequences of being there. It was all in your mind. You wanted to be there no body else. You wanted to visit such place even though you do not like to explain it to any body but you have to now tell what happened in this place. A strange place, a place which no one would ever like to be, and never ever want to visit again.

You want to run but there is nowhere you can reach. you are hungry and you want to eat food but there is nothing except the green trees and wild animals. you want to hide but there is nothing that you can hide. You are trying to find why you reached in this place ? you are surprised and now you want to escape, from a reality. You can only see the ocean in one side when you travel and in the next side never ending jungle. There are thousand questions in your mind and you want them all answered. Who is going to answer all your questions ?

You are terrified, worried, anxious and very frightened deep inside you. You want a change, You are fed up eating green leaves, and fruits of the trees, you suddenly want to kill those animals who are making noise and giving you trouble when you asleep. You are really angry with them-Now, you start finding some techniques to kill them. You suddenly realize that well, you can kill them by hitting them with some stones but when you tried they ran away from you. You failed, now you tried to kill them with some trees trunks or some kind of sharp stone that you found. You attempted to kill one, next day you succeed and then you finally saw a blood in them. You are happy that the very animal will not give you problem but you also wanted to taste the blood of that animal. Slowly, you start eating them. You liked the taste and now you do it more than often.

Next day you saw an animal mating with another animal. You are thrilled to see such thing happening in front of you. You want to experience the same but the big problem now lies is how can you find the similar animal like you. You saw it and now you want it. When you first see it then you felt what if I do the same ? What will happen ? Is it tasty as the meat of the animal I killed ? In search to quench the thirst of the mouth you now went in search of similar animal like you.

You traveled, made a long journey but you can hardly see any body who looks similar to you. Until one day, you saw one animal who had these two orange hanging in their chest and long long hair similar to you and was looking almost similar to you. At first you were frightened that the animal is strange and might be of danger. You attempted to kill her. You tried to throw some sharp weapon towards her and kill her but she escaped. Now you wanted to see her, meet her and tell her you look similar but she was gone.

Next day, you saw her again. This time she was shocked and surprised to strange man like you. She approached you, and touched you. You were sleeping at that time. Her touch made you feel strange. You felt some thing happening inside you. you wake up with the strangely. you shouted towards her, you said,.. ah ah ah.. the meaning in those words were clear- do not touch me. Later, after a while she touched you, touched your whole body and you felt very good. Slowly you thought your main aim of mating with like the animal and you started the process of doing it. She did not agree but your touch, your kiss and you approach towards her led her open towards you. you did what the animal do and then finally you enjoyed it.

Following day, you wanted to do more and you stayed there with her. You repeated the same thing time and again, almost every day until one day she was pregnant and you were very happy to see something strange coming out of her. You do not wanted anybody or any animals or any insects or anything to touch her. you were only devoted to her deeply, she gave birth to four child in a row. You were surprised to see so many of your children. You now started to fetch food for them, find a simple place where no rain, snow, wind and heat will disturb your family. You made a simple hut which led to one simple family living happily.

One day when you were searching for food you found the same kind of huts in a jungle with couple of family, you then talked in the language that they understood. Finally you moved to the same place and a community was build.

A process of human development started similarly like this- the big question is who made the first man and women ? Was it GOD ? The answer is big NO.

We are similar to animals who now rule the world and religion is created by one of the man from a community who wanted all his fellows to follow him. He was the person who made the rules, regulation and a proper system so that none of the people will fight or go for war. We call that person now as GOD but that is just our own way of looking at that person. Stop violence and spread the message of love. We all are GOD. We all have capability to rule not others but ourselves. Just sit idle and think.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


A surprise in the early morning with the music of bhajans and "hare rama hare krishna" just after coming from the work. It was then pleasant to listen to the song from the movie called "ugly and pagli". You can download the song and listen to it.

The song is "Yaad Teri Aaye Jaaye", the lyrics of song is absolutely nice and brilliant. A good song or good movie can make your mood brilliant or can change it very quickly. There are times when we do not feel good and feel very bad but all those moments are just reminding that we are becoming stronger.

Life is a process of living in very fine and brilliant way with smile on face despite you may feel bad inside you. It is like a ladder. The every step you take, you have to put an effort to climb the ladder. The next step is much more difficult than the earlier one. Every step will take you to one step closer to the destination. It is in search of the final step you have to climb all our steps. Last step is the final step that will take us home. The very first step starts from our childhood when we are born and then we slowly start climbing the ladder of life.

It is just a simple step that we take makes our life easier to climb the next one and so on. We are always worried about our next step but when we are worried about next step it will gives us clear picture and our mind will then get prepared for it. It is like taking a practice session before going to real match. It is good to worry and make yourself stress full with all the tension of next very step. But too much is not good and one should not over do it.

I went yesterday, to the police station it was funny story again. I saw people as we see every where around but one thing one very important that I noticed. There was one man who had two kids and they were wearing the same dress besides that also one wanted to sit in one side of his father and the next kid also wanted to sit in the same corner where the father was sitting. Both the kids wanted the same place to occupy but later father decided that one should sit just left of him and next kid on right of him. The kid has to agree on it and later they agreed. I thought there is no difference between the kids from any where in the world. They are the same. They want the same thing. The love of father and in equal proportion. They both wanted fight for the same place but one has to compromise to agree on the being comfortable to themselves.

As the government work is slow, it was slow here too. I had to wait for couple of hours before I get my number. I used to think that the government organization of developing nations are slow but now I have to change the idea and think that it is same every where. They get lower wages and they act slowly in response to lower wages. It is the simple fact. The progress of any country is determined by their governmental organizations and it shows why we are still lacking behind.

The services we are using and the facilities that we getting can be improved so much so quickly that one day we could put some device and fly from one place to next just like that but it is not possible due to slow working of government all around the world. Human mind works faster than any machine humans have made ever. If it can work faster then let us feel the experience of doing it faster all most everything.

Rest is rest,,, and it always feels good when some body appreciates your work or give comment on the mistakes you commit during your day. Good is good and bad is never worse becasuse bad will teach you how to make it good.

Keep smiling. "Nothing in life is easy, you have to make it easy in your own ways... write your own script so that one day when you get old you can tell stories to your grandchildren "

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Spirituality and Science

A soul which is pure always asking question and always eager to know more. A soul of human is not similar to the last statement. Many of the times humans are not asking or are not eager to know only because people think everything is explanatory. People sometime just assume something by themselves, when you assume any sort of activities by yourself then you are not trying to know.

A friend who are close to me once said-you can write whatever you get or you just need a small event and you can describe it in your words very easily. Such statement is not encouraging but at the same time it is too much of encourage. A person's ability to do something or not to do something is not known to him but to his friends, fellow mates or some body who is just admirer. I do not take such statement in a negative way but I take it as compliment.

How many of us believe in the fact that a black cat when crosses the road and you pass from the road is the bad sign for yourself ? Many in our country has such believe and it is assumed that such event is not good, many of the times you got to avoid the cat crossing in front of you. Many people let others go before they cross the road. Today, morning I just saw a black cat I was hoping it should not cross the road that I have to cross but to my surprise it did, and I have to cross the road the cat crossed.

When I came back home, I realize yes to some extent it has wrong effect on a person's life not because it was just normal everything and today I did not get any opportunity to do what I was thinking. There was a failure. A failure of my mind. I was predicting something bad is going to happen and it happened.

Many of us will not believe such myth but some times we have to believe the smallest of the fact presented to us, told to us by our elders. It is just like a story and some stupid misconception but yet we have to face the consequences. It is the life and we have to take both the path of spirituality and science. One can clap from one hand by pressing his/her hand in the desk and striking it many times but a real clap is when two hands are strike several times. A real sound of clap comes then not when you strike it to some object.

Magic is there when our eyes could not believe something or some scene when happening in front of our eyes. If I will say, I saw a women wearing a beautiful sari flying in a sky-who is going to believe me ? Science does not give us permission to think that there could be any human who will be self-capable of flying. Spirituality let us believe that yes, there could be some superpower which will make anything possible.

Till date there has been a lot of problems from the Nature which still remain a mystery and it will loads of time before it gets solved or I would say it is almost impossible to solve every problems we face in day to day life. One can make it possible only for himself or herself but not for all.

HOping that Saturday will bring a joy and lot of pleasure in your beautiful face so that you will smile in smaller events that will go unnoticed. Those periods are yours, truly magnificent and amazing life changing. It is the time which belongs to you and only you no one can ever take that beautiful lasting smile from you. It is due to the presence of yourself in the moment and the moment was the moment you were fully present in the real world. You were not thinking anything about life, career, or anything else but you were thinking about the moment you were present in. A moment of joy which bought you some smile in your face. A smile could not be easily gained without the satisfaction of self. Whatever you have done or you will do is just a way of living a life. It is excuse but the happiest moments are those which will remain some where in your memory stored.

You will remember them only when you will feel alone or lonely, You will want those moments to be back again but that would not come again just because those moments were just once and only once. Right now, my fingers are on the computer keyboard these hands will are letting me know that I am creating something and these creation are not just a simple text but the lesson that a person has learnt in his entire life, which could be somehow beneficial to you. Everything lies in giving not taking. One can belong to any of these categories- either you give entire your life or you take in your life. A person who is capable of giving is full of love and a person who is not is not.

Have a great weekend !

Friday, June 27, 2008

Awakening Mind

Life is full of surprises, some time there are good days are some times there are bad. It is similar to unpredictable climate. A climate where some time it rains and very next minute it stops raining. It is similar to the changing process of climate. It is like that because we are not sure which moment will bring us the joy and which moment will make you feel depress and annoyed. It is just like that.

This unpredictable nature of life gives us joy to live. A joy which bring smile on our face. A smile is temporarily present. It does not last for long. Look when you smile you smile for the moment and then it goes automatically from your face. Laugh and smile are two different things. When you laugh, you are free and you give everything to a laugh but when you smile you are feeling pleasure and happy.

A world is you and you are the creator of this world. It is you who have taken this journey and you got to do what you got to do. It has nothing to deal with your past or future. It is you and you along the road. No one will ever be changing what you are going to do, every body around will support you. A support does not mean only moral or physical or any mental it can be any. You just have to understand the people. Once we start understanding the people, people will be helpful to you only if they can help. It is by knowing then you will know yourself better.

A gold is gold, a diamond is diamond why is this mind just so frozen like a snow which does not want to melt ? Why are my behavior changing only when the sun light falls into it. What is wrong with my thinking ? All these questions take you to one place and that place is very open, very interesting and very challenging. It is called "mind". A place where you need lot of thing to make clear. A place which makes assumption, thinking, learning, prediction, planning, sensing, visualizing and many more.All these things are done in one place and that place is called mind. More than mentioned are done actually and one who can control what is going or can see if in one's own mind what is going on or taking place then it will be of great help.

Unpredictable things are good for health.It is good that something goes beyond our thoughts and something just happens without our knowledge. It is sometimes good to know how life takes our thoughts in many other places. It is known that we are unknown and we are unknown just because we want to know the known.

Some times a simple statement makes us wary about our life and some times it is just to see if anything is going to happen. A mind which is pure, which is fresh and cool. A mind which needs nothing except the fresh thoughts and a mind which ignore any wrong impression on any body or any living entity is a mind which is capable of learning.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Physical and Natural

When a person is not well or when you are not feeling good, you think you are in the stage where you really need a help at that very moment there would be no one except you.

The moment will bring a lot of lessons to learn and you have to learn all these lessons by yourself. It is very easy and it is difficult. A physical health is very much necessary to keep or maintain the balance in life. Once your physical health is not with you or I mean, your physical balance of the health is not supporting you then it will be very difficult to live a life.

Imagine that you have a pain, pain in the chest or near the area where you breath. How would you feel then ? The breathing becomes difficult and every ounce of oxygen you want to take gets difficult to go inside. Every breath you take makes your life very difficult. Despite that, you wake up early in the morning and do what has been ahead of you.

Physical, mental and environmental are there different things which has to be kept in balance. A look at physical health is very much necessary. There are many people in world who eat a lot. Eating disorder has nothing to do with a person but a person consuming lot of food has resulted in some person in some part of world without food. It has to balanced in some sense but it will never be. When a human has the highest power of all the animals, or living entity in earth today. One thing humans have forgotten is to create a balance among themselves and around the society first then country and then in world.

By the result of these circumstances, Nature has to do its job and she has to remind every one once in a while that you have to take care of the things that I have given to you. Why are you all being so lazy ?. We have floods, volcano eruption, earthquake and many more disasters. We are the creators of all of these disasters. There is no one to blame except us.

The point here is- The physical health disorder has to do with a person itself. A person invites the disorder of health problem in his body by his own consequences and by the result of his own problems similarly, Earthy problems are also due to the result of combination of entire human race and imbalance of them. Once we will understand this process then only we will realize the power of Nature and power of being a human beings.

Look at the lake near your place, you will find lot of information and lot of message from it. A place where it is very pure. A form of water collected in one place which has nothing to say or complain. It is cool and a wind blows it to make a small waves. It is silent even with the anger of biggest thunderstorm and it is very deep more deeper than we can imagine.

It cannot be explained how it maintains its own life. A physical omnipresent and transparent life. It looks as if there is no life but there is a life of every thing that exists, that we see and that we can touch or feel or smell or our senses have some effect on it. We will like to neglect it but it is not like that. A lakes fights every day to maintain the life of its physically and mentally. It has to be similar in our cases too.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Finnish Lake

A country of thousand lakes and all the lakes look similar. The early morning rise with the darkness and rain falling lightly just to touch the earth speaks a lot in itself. Early morning rise from bed getting more difficult with the cold of the rain to rise up. Despite these, a mind fights with the enemy deep inside it which is not trying it to make it wake.

A mind suddenly wakes up and now its time to do the morning activities. One beautiful lady at the coffee house asked me how do you feel about the Finnish people ? What is your opinion about them ? Being close to the lake teaches a lot in itself. I just told her that they are very similar to a lakes. A lake can take anything with the deep, silence and flowing smoothly like ever before. It is silent and cold. It is very chill and cool. It blows when the wind ask them to blow and it shines when the sun rays falls into it.

A lake reminds me of the Finnish way and Finnish people. I do not know if that is correct but this is what I thought. A lake can take many things into it. It has a lot to learn from it and you can learn a lot from it when you go and take a dip into it.

A desire of getting what you want and a desire of thinking what you do is really worth a value to it makes it more interesting in life and more fascinating about living a life. It is that the moment of life goes on and on. Some body would rather say that these words are useless but these words are not as useless as it looks because these are valuable. It will be there till the very end. Each letters form to make a word and a combination of these words form to give the meaning to a sentence. It looks so simple but ask the creator who creates these words he will tell you.

Anything right from the building of a house to a any architecture to any book are the combination of small things. All these small elements, cells, and parts combined to form a big thing and that big thing has a value in real life. Many people those who cannot see the progress of others are those who do not have ability to learn from others. Once you get into the habit of learning from many different people life will be much more easier to live.

A place where I am now is called Finland. A place where I can tell you 1000 good things about it but I can hardly find any bad stuffs or any personal bad taste of this land till date. Always remember that- "I live in moment not in time". People those who spend their time living will take a long deep look at the quote provided above and think what does that mean. The meaning is very simple and the statement is as simple as you can get. Moment is NOW. The time my hands are pressing these keyboards and making an sweet sound of joy which is giving my mind a delight that I am seeing these letters forming a word and a word forming a sentence and a sentence trying to find some logical connection to give a meaning to my readers.

I do not want to make a follower nor do I want to attract the attention all that is I want is to put whatever is there is my heart and mind to the world and see what they think about it. A life worth living is similar to this. Well, a good day is the day which bring good smile in your face despite you have lot to do and many more thing to overcome. A day is long only when we think we are tired and think that we have done nothing or something stupid happened.

Everything is first created in our mind and it then invokes from there to onwards. Well If ever you get time do visit Finland and see the beauty of lakes and do not forget to take a famous Sauna naked and dip yourself after a Sauna in lake. A brilliant experience to be done once at least in life time.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Open, close and Control

How do you feel when a weekend starts and the weekend ends ? It is totally different feeling when a start of the event. It can be anything such as giving a birth of new born babies or starting of the week on Fridays, or lets say one simple example of a friends party or just a simple get together.

Anything that starts brings joy in our life. It creates a kind of excitement and it is in total good to us, our mood or our thinking. We feel we are going to start something new, something which is going us will let us give a pleasure or adventure or excitement something which is totally new. When we think in such a manner we become very excited to ourselves. We then reach to the state called total happiness.

The closing or ending of an event has totally opposite feeling to this. We suddenly feel frustrated, disappointed and even get angry some times with ourselves. Why do it has to end ? We have only such question in our mind. Imagine a simple example of a closing of and weekend or the ending of weekend. Once we end it, then we start to feel or we start to connect it with our past experience of starting a weekend. We know that, this is new weekend but we start to compare with the past weekend beginning and the closing or ending of the weekend.

Suddenly all the pleasure or rest we have done during a weekend has to be stopped. Again we have to think that well, from tomorrow onwards I have to go to the office or start my work as per the routine. It feels as if we are doing it for some body else and not for others. Many of us get disappointed by thinking of early Monday morning and late Sunday evening. Why ? Just because we do not want to go to the office or just because we have taken a lot of rest and we want to keep on resting in peace for longer period.

A mind is the best player and a captain in any form of game of our life. It does everything as per our experiences, future expectation and events. It knows exactly when to stimulate a good and happy mood in your self. It also knows to make you depressed in most of the situations. A great artist I would recommend are those who can control their mind. It can be easily controllable. It is not difficult and it does not look easy.

A simple techniques of controlling your mind is doing exactly opposite of it directs you to do. Sometimes it becomes very difficult to differentiate between the decision taken by mind and heart. When a heart makes a decision it is one direction. It will not ask you any question. It will not put you in the dilemma and say you that "if", what if ," just because, why or something like this... When a mind makes a decision it will be judgmental it will always ask a feedback. Either from you or from your friends, neighbors, your family or some one near you.

A decision done by mind can be controlled by a simple techniques called as "Control your mind". It is a technique which require you to do something different than it suggests. For example. You have to go today and shop in the market, you know exactly when the shop is going to close that is let's say-7 p.m.. Now you have 30-minutes remaining and let's say you do not have food to eat for the evening. Now, if you decide to go then surely you will think that you will reach the shop within 15 minutes and you can easily buy the food before 7 p.m. But some how you controlled your mind and said to yourself that you are not going to buy the food because I am controlling my mind.

Now the problem you will face in the future is you will have nothing to eat + you will have to wait the next day until the shop gets open and you may feel really hungry before going to bed. How will the nature help you in this circumstances you may ask for the food from a friend just for the evening-( First )he may or may not give you. (Second) A friend of yours invites you for the dinner party. A good chance of expecting an unexpected and many other ways.

Next case you decided to follow your mind and could not go beyond your mind in such case-the best possible will be you will reach exactly in the shop within 15 minutes and go and get the food, come back home and prepare and eat. As directed by your central part-brain. Other case would be that, you are some how late for the shop and the you could not enter inside the shop. It is boring because you travelled 15mintes from your place to a shop to fetch a food but unfortunately you were not able to get it. Another case would be you were going to fetch a good but you caught an accident. It is very worst case where you were trying to go and do one thing but it happened to something different based on fate.

Controlling a mind is not as easy as it really looks but once you start controlling it you will feel lots of excitement and pleasure only because it will make you do many unexpected things and it will bring loads of pleasure in your life you can ever imagine.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Room, things, Global

The time to leave the room has come, going to some different place. A new place with different people, different structure of the room and the different styles. The room which I spend around 9-10 months of the time has finally going to be changed.

One very good Finnish friend I met, He is the always there when you need. "A friend in need is friend indeed." Many of the times we hardly find a good people and Now I can proudly feel that I have a good friend to whom I can turn into, whenever I need any help or suggestions.

It takes time to make a relationship, I have been creating relationship from the start of the Finland journey and it really is difficult to adjust with people either they are from Finland or from your home country. It is not easy to get along with everyone as you might think it is easy. Every body is different and every body has some different way of thinking.

No one can change some one's desire, feelings, dreams or whatsoever. I am happy to find friends here in Finland too. It feels good to talk about the country, On 28th of May 2008 it was declared Federal Republic of Nepal.

To hail is Federal republic in Nepal. Every body salutes that there is no monarchy anymore in the country once ruled by Monarch and also were called as reincarnation of God for the Kings. Now the country is secular, democratic and federal. I am still susceptible towards the growth and progress of the nation.

Politician has made a good move but is it enough ? What would we do by changing just the names ? The names in Passport, other legal documents and by changing the stamp or picture in Rupee notes. All these does not affect the economic, social, educational and infrastructural development in the country.

To change the country-first change the attitude. It has been done, good move. Now let us change the habit by working, by utilizing sleeping Army which are in number of 1 lakh. Use those Army for reconstruction, nation building process and use human resources for well-being of nation. It can be done and it will then take us to the path of development.

Something from Global world- Price of fuel is rising, price of petrol is rising more. We are now slowly going back from the place we came, from the age we came. The process is called downfalling. Everything in rise has to come down. We have made progress now by the scarcity of Petrol fuel we have to come down to the early phases of our development.

Imagine some 20-30 years from now,there is no fuel, or gas. We will have our bicycles, horses and other animals. Every body will walk in street as I do. I wonder sometimes that these people in car should come and join me in the walk. There will be crowd in the walkers street.

We will meet, we will know people and we will talk. It will fun, the process may take longer then mentioned but it will come. Alternatives are good to find or found but they will hardly be any best alternatives.

People will try, try until they will realize that it is not possible. I want to see all my people some day walking with me in the streets.

Last but not the least- I am thankful to the room, the floor, the table, chair, cupboard, kitchen, bathroom, all the touched and untouched places in every corner of the room. I am thankful to all these non-living entity as people might call. I am thankful because I had a stronger relationship with these then myself. I had made them my friends. They knew me and we use to talk alone many of the times. I am thankful to what I have achieved with the help provided by them. I am thankful to them. I know they are listening to me as I am saying these words to them. It feels great. I am smiling as they are smiling.

They are finally saying to me- You are great ! I am saying to them- It is just because of you guys ! I am taking them with me. I do not miss them as most people will say, "I miss you". I do not believe in those. I think you miss those whom you do not want to remember again. I do not miss anything or anybody just because I keep them, their memories with me in my heart somewhere. Therefore I never miss them. It can take everything. I have all those memories with me. I never miss anything or anybody. Therefore I do not want to say-I miss you. I always say-I will not miss you.If a person is with you, together with you-you never miss them. If you think or assume the other person is away from you then you miss them. I do not assume or think some one with whom I have relationship in one way or another is away from me. Those person are with me always. I never miss them.


Thursday, May 29, 2008

Useless words.

Smile brings joy, the reason to smile are many-some people smile just because something happened or some event occurred therefore their are reasons for the people to smile. Their are many people who smile only because they have to smile.

A new day, a new way and a new thoughts coming in your mind with the fresh breeze blowing all around you. A new day brings new hope to live. A thought of living a life. A way of em brassing it. Some people get irritated just because they are heavily thinking too much. Some people do not get irritated just because they know what is going on in their mind.

Everything has life, all the non living things and living things. People will not believe me on this point. Science will tell you that all those entity that breath is called as living things. or living entity. I would ask to those who have made this definition that- What if, the process of taking birth and process of death of the non-living entity is the same, should not you put non living entity as living too ?

I believe both the living and non-living has the life. I believe because the process both the entity follows are the same. Their are millions of example. For e.g one entity shoes. We buy a pair of shoes. (Birth), now you wear them (living) and then slowly it becomes old(aging) after some period it is broken(death). The process of living being is also exactly the same.

Who says it is just a thing ? It is your eyes which sees the entity around you as the thing. It is the same eyes which see the difference and it is the same eyes which helps the needy. It is the same eyes which have heart full of helping desires and it is the same eyes which wants to kill the person next in different color.

The people from different country have different way of using the language, the person from different country have different way of thinking different. But I think I do not have any difference in different itself. I do not see any difference. I see most of the times outside my window from the kitchen and I find green everywhere, I see the road and the road reminds me that it is going nowhere.

I see the cars and these cars are always their constantly running in the road.It reminds that we are here in the world of road and the road ask me to run too. I am not great runner. I cannot run not for the physical benefit or any other benefit but I do not want to run.

I know the path will take you to the place where their is nothing. A place where none, no green, no leaves, no air, no water, nothing exist.

One day, a teacher said to me-you know in West we do not write the way you write. It is totally different. Every sentence has the meaning and we connect the sentence with the reasons. We give reason why the sentence exist. Your style of writing do not connect the sentence.

I thought-well, to me it does not matter, it should matter to my readers. If my readers believe that it does not give any sense then I accept it and I will try to improve it but when my readers are accepting what I am writing it is acceptable. Despite that also I will try to manage with my Western world of writing style.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Just sit and watch

A great ray of hope fall into the small window close to my room asking me to open my eyes and see the beautiful bright morning. It just felt as if I am in some lonely place with one single house with my family living like a simple citizen and writing something on my laptop.

Journey it is my dear friend, we learn we earn and we churn everything into pieces. It is difficult to sustain a relationship and it is more difficult to be in relationship for longer period of time. Any kind of relationship, either it is friendship, love, marriage or any relationship. One bad words, one worng deed, one depressing expression or whatsoever will break everything you worked out your life trying to build it.

It is very weak, it is very weak. Some times I think it is like a thread and in that thread there are two people trying to cross one place of thread to another. They are not two but they are one. Only because they are one they can get to there destination. Only because they physically have two bodies but they have decided to live in a single body and cross or reach the destination. It is there formula or their understanding which has led them to there appropriate level of wisdom of decision.

While writing this article too a ray of hope with a little bit of sun shile in it is falling in my head. It gives me pleasure and it really motivates my fingers to move across these keys in the keyboard. I do not know how my fingers start to move or why they are moving or how can it quickly move across these keyboards but these are just moving.

I took a break- for the preparation of my morning coffee and now I am back with these black letters in the white background pasted automatically. Who is satisfied ? From the early child hood to man hood to oldhood we complain, we always compalain about something in our life, our stuffs, our country, the rules, the traffic, the house, the kitchen, the study, technology and many more We complain only because we are not satisfied. When we are not satisfied with what we start making all these complains.

These complains will not give us anything but just our personal fulfillment about the things we are not happy, once it comes out of our mouth then we become happy and we feel we have really done good work by complaining about the things we were not satisfied of.

I do it many of the time during my own life. Some times I do it personally, some times I just want to ask why I have to satisfy every one that I encounter in my life then I realize that this is why we all are different. Just like a good politicians or leaders who give one good speech and many of there supporters support them but there would be some one who will complain about this leader or politician and that person will kill that politician because of complain and other things.

In the process of getting happiness, satisfaction and fulfillment of life we forget that we are living as a human first then we live as a person from the country we belong and then we are a family member of some and so on. It is our own decison how we see ourselves.

It is the decision of our self which will guide us to the other side. Let us say- I like a girl but what if I just want to use her and one day I say no I do not want to be with you. Whom am I hurting ? Girl for sure, She will get hurt but her nature supports the hurt. She is build naturally so strong that she can tolerate any pain she gets in life. I always belive that women are far strong then all we body building men. Why ?

See the physical structure of women, she how she has to bear a 9 months baby with great deal of patient and anticiapation. See how difficult the difficult it is to become a women. How can you understand when you carry a pieace which can just be used very easily and again reused. How can we understand until and unless we ourselves experience those phenomenon.

I am quite free here to write just because I know I have something to say or something to share with everybody. I do not know how many of my friends, my community memebers read them but I know there are people who read them. I know I am writing not to attract a audience but to share my side of story with these people.

In this complex dynamic world people have changed the way they used to be. People do more of marketing today then some years back. We are involved in becoming or selling ourselves. Why do not we just be ourselves by doing or working or loving the things we always do ? May be it again depends on person-person attitude.

One guy was there who was very clever and he showed his cleverness by his words, strong words and high pitch sound does not make a person saying really important. This guy took everything from his friend, his job, his attitude and his insipation on other friends just because others were not understanding his cleaverness but they all thought that the guy who is really being a victim is bad.

When you judge a person from some one else words, some one else opinion then you are not judging a person. You got to judge yourself. You have to decide yourself. No one is there who will tell you who is bad and who is right. I cannot see any person in my life as bad only because even that person Nature is bad it is just because of some circumstances and situations. When you open your eyes of vastness and openness then you will see the whole entire sky blazing with blue color and birds singing like never before.

Just sit and watch.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Struggle it was, struggle it is and struggle it will be. Some one once said that "Life is full of struggle". Every day we struggle to wake up, every day we struggle to visit to office and every day we struggle to do our home works and so on. We are humans with emotional bonding attached in us. When we see a person struggling than us, We would like to help.

Help is vast concept where giver are open, with broad mind and vision. Takers are in need. One simple gesture, or simple note will make the giver happy, cheerful, might encourage him/her more.
I myself have to struggle like a hell. When I have to check my email's yesterday-Their were couple of rejection letter from some of the company's I applied. How would you feel when you are rejected ? Well, If you would ask me, It will take some time for me to get over but again, it is just a bad luck.

Then, I started to check my marks-card suddenly I felt that well, I got failed in one course again. What a shame on me ? The big letters shows that -FAILED. It really was again awful experience but these are just common experience one has to go through. Their are failures in life, bad days in life and very worst days in life. These days will teach us how to take a next BIG step in life.

What I believe is Its the mixture of success and failures which will tell you what is the condition of life, we are up to. People always say learn from your mistake, learn from the failure but I do not agree on these aspects because we cannot learn from the mistakes yeah to some extent yes. However, We got to learn from success also, success will teach us that we are doing good, it will give the confidence, self confidence, the motivation to go forward, it does not necessarily will lead to over-confidence but it really will help in the process some how.

Whatever word we are using in the present context is absolutely non-sense and demoralizing. Take an example of "FAILED" or let's say "DEADLINE" these are negative word and whenever we are using such words in one person life we are giving him a negative impression about himself, we are actually demoralizing him/her. Some times my mind ask me to think about the question of more suicide rate in Europe and America just because of these aspects.

It is the greatest gift of Nature that we are born humans, we can teach others, help others share each other feelings this is why we like community service a lot. These community service has become a kind of taboo in present day context. Some e.g in computers are Face book, hi5, My space and so on.

We want to learn,earn,share and do what so ever only in the presence of others we are humans and it is good idea to either like or dislike others idea, thoughts, expression, emotions and others similar phenomenon.

One day I was in the kitchen just trying to figure out what is their in the Internet and some stuffs suddenly My friend came and he said," I like cooking". I began to think, and I said "It is always the "ing" we like.

Don't get confused, add cook and ing, add listen and ing, add play and ing, add kiss and ing, add f@#$ and ing, add read and ing, add x and "ing".

This new discovery is correct in the sense that we want to be in present and we like to do those things which are related in the present context. When I was going through these words then finally at the end I found the word which I was having difficulty to figure out why I have to go through these. The word was "struggle" Suddenly I realize that I have to follow the formula that I derived which is "add ing" which said "struggling".

(Picture taken from:
paint_files/Struggle.jpg )

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Thanks God, you are ALIVE.

Thanks GOD !I am alive.Live in a moment, talk with the your self and be humble to yourself. I always talk about these things and will talk about these aspects of life because these aspect will teach you how to live a life.

Their are thousand wishes in my life and I want all of my wishes to get fulfilled. Every time I wake up early in the morning sipping my morning coffee reminds me that I have to do this, I have to do that and so on.

These things which I have "TODO" are those wishes and these wishes I want to get them fulfilled. How do I do it ? Well, Its very simple. First take the the first work you want to work and then just go through it, be focused on what you have to do, Secondly Remember the time given or assign for the work. If you feel you are over doing it leave it carry on with the Next Work and so on.

These are one way you can work out with your daily work. I am getting late, this is the first feeling that comes in my mind always. I have made my daily activities as the compulsion to myself. Either I should do it or I should never do it.

It is very difficult to work out like this way but I am addicted to what I do. I am not addicted to Internet, I also have testified with it and found out the results that I am not. But I am addicted to my own self.

Results of any work does not matter as long as you are more concentrated on the work. If you are worried about the results you will not be focus, if you think about result and are more result oriented or output oriented then you are more likely to fall in dark pond.

You got to be focus on what you do, what you like most, what makes you happy and cheerful, what small things you like yourself or of some one. You got to see and find out for yourself. These little things, these activities will remind you that you are ALIVE. These activities will tell you later when you are old that you lived your life. You have nothing to loose. These will tell you that you had a brilliant life.

Lessons learn in life will be never be finished and will never finish. I look different to others because others are different than me. I am annoying to them because they are annoying to themselves. I am rude to them because they feel I am rude. These are the facts or impression people keep of you.

Today, is brilliant day ! See the patterns in the sky every day they are different. Why ? These different patterns in sky are their to bring some smile on your face, See the colors of flowers- The variety of them with different colors-these are their to tell you that you don't have to like one of them but surely you will like one of them. Cheer up !

(Picture taken from:
poppy-flowers-vivid-red-in-field-at-Musselburgh-Scotland-1-OGS.jpg )

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Beautiful Morning (26th December 2007) at 11:27 FLE Standard Time

I woke up, half an hour ago, What I saw was amazing, I saw a couple just walking with their son. Son has a bicycle with a flag in it. The couple were walking ahead of son. The son stopped and he saw one small narrow down-hill. He asked with his mom i do not want to walk but i want to climb down this slope. Their parents did not do anything and said go ahead. He started going down the small slope hill, He slowly was climbing down then suddenly he slipped, In that case also, His Parents did not came to pick him up so helped him they were just watching what he does. Again, He started climbing down. Now, Some how Slowly and steadily he managed to come down of that small slope. He was happy. He was satisfied, He thought he did something on his own, He really was excited and now what he might have thought was well, I have done what i wanted let's get back to the place where i come from. He started now climbing up the hill or slope He climbed easily and reached near the road. His parents were just a spectator nothing else. Even they were happy to see him back on the top of the road. Now this small kid, started his small bike and started riding it again.

What is the moral of the story ? There are thousand lessons to be learnt in life just by watching at some body. We cannot spent whole life for figuring out the mistake we have done and learning the lessons from it. We have to take lessons from every body around us. What happens when we let it go. Why we think we are not safe ? Why the parents let their child "be him". They did not make their decisions. They did not force him to stop or do something. They just agreed on the decision what he too. Why were they not worried about their own child ? They would have surely thought that he might get hurt but why did they jut let him go. They did it becasue they wanted him to find out for himself. We all are connected to our parents some how and all parents to care for their children but the real parents are those who let their child make their own decision. Why don't we understand this ? When we will say something to a child and ask him to stop ! He will not find out for himself. So, Now The message is to parents to Stop asking their child what to do and what not to do.