Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Present Situations

In response to Nytimes article, Striking It Poor

Here is what Mybheja has to say-

Dear Ms. Dowd,

Yes, Rich are getting richer and poor are getting poorer.

There are crisis everywhere economic meltdown, job supression and lack of proper education in many school and colleges.

When Mr. President, speaks more of "confidence" he has in him and his fellow Americans, those words of "philosophy" or the "words of wisdom" are only plesant to ears but they will not fill up your tummy.

As I am stranger, I do not want to give harse remark on the situation, America is facing or people of America are facing but I would just say,

These days are just good enough days where we are thinking of present day to day, "living condition" and be preapred for the Worse, which is yet to come...

As North Korea wanted to get some attention by blewing up rocket missile, Mother Nature was trying to catch our eyes, by blewing up thousands of home in Italy, where more than two hundred people are killed. (Who is to blame for all this?)

We live in society or so called "civilized society" where most of the times, "I" and "My" are more important for us than, "WE".

Let us wake up and help those who are in need, even though you will not have credit card of huge bank balance but you don't need them, at all.

You just need a loving heart and inside your loving heart you are never poor.

God bless you all !

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