Saturday, June 7, 2008

Beating the heat

Yesterday, I had lot of work to do, I was about to move for the work-suddenly I felt the serious heat in my body. When a body was not able to adapt to such a climate I changed my mind. Today we are facing heat stress that may cause illness and it is recommended by Doctors and Researchers that main source of UV radiation, which can cause eye damage, premature skin disorders and sometimes skin cancers. Some of the operations which radiate heat sources should not be kept in direct physical contact with hot objects.

According to Gaffin, a researcher for NASA earth observation- he believes that In developing countries, people often migrate to cities because of crop failures, natural disaster, or armed conflicts and not because cities have robust economies capable of supporting more number of people. He further explains that in coming decades, city dwellers would desperately be poor with less access to air conditioning, refrigerator or proper medical care. He also accepts that scientific community’s findings of earth are heating up, pushed in part by human activity. He suspects, “I think mitigating global warming is important,” he says, “but even with mitigation, all these people living in cities are going to experience some warming.” Based on research he conducted for the U.S. Global Change Research Program, he expects a warmer climate to worsen heat waves. “Right now, we average about 14 days each summer above 90 degrees [in New York].

In a couple decades, we could be experiencing 30 days or more,” he says. According to CBS news service and from Dr. Emily Senay she explains that prolonged expose to heat and insufficient body fluid can result in heat exhaustion. The main symptoms are heavy sweating, paleness, muscle cramps, tiredness, dizziness, headache and sometimes nausea or vomiting too. If you think someone might be suffering from heat stroke, visit the nearest doctor as soon as possible.

Most importantly stay calm or just try to maintain exposure. Get them to the shade or an air conditioned area or near the cool place. Spray them with cold water, or immerse them in a tub of cold water. To avoid heat-related illness, drink plenty of nonalcoholic fluids, pace yourself when working outdoors, replace salts and minerals, wear lightweight clothing, seek air conditioning, and take cold showers.

In conclusion, if you feel heat the best economical option I would suggest is- take an umbrella with you, drink a lot of water or juice or some fruitful drink and try to relax your mind. A psychological way of dealing would be-a simple mental exercise of saying-“Today it is not hot!” Will also make you feel comfortable- it helped me today.

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