Monday, November 9, 2009
Younger or older?
Younger or older?
Maybe you want to live young forever,
for family, society and everybody
But time waits for none
like a flowing river never runs
the cycle of life continues to flow
no one can stop it
all that we know
why are we sad if we have to grow old
let us have fun without showing
our body
even though, it might look like shot gun
gym for physical fitness is good
over gym is for fools
when you have to leave your body behind
who cares if it is no longer conscious
life is about not showing
if you are fat, thin, small, big
poor and ugly
life is about giving
even though you look poor and ugly
fortunates are those who are born healthy
unfortunates are those who think
someone is unhealthy
no man is healthy except his thinking
we are once young, then older
then we become again, a child
cycle continues till we are alive
society sucks in many ways
rules are all made to be broken
no one has rights to judge you
you can see yourself in mirror
which reflects only you
life is about learning and giving
all we have to do is enjoy our living
let us stop this unhealthy poem
which does not rhyme neither
makes commits any crime
be healthy pals,
be healthy
not only physical
but also mentally
he healthy folks and keep your spirit
stars shines when you smile
it is not how you are build
it is how you are building
just look back and enjoy
every bits of it
be healthy pals
be healthy
God bless you all !
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Collective Worship
Dear all,
Have you noticed that you are putting your own words and one of the blogger in this blog, ‘karen’ is ill ???
Come on fellas, pray for her–She is sick as she has written, look on the top of the comment section with her post.
May God bless ‘Karen’ !
May she overcome her illness…
I don’t know what is collective worship, I don’t care about other’s fucking opinion and I don’t give a damn on any books on worship, all are nonsense and stupid ideologies. I care to those who are close to me and I care to those who are in need of me, I care to those who knows me. I am worried about their’s problem and I am depressed if they are depressed, I am happy if they are happy because that is only thing which is important to me.
(If you will put the above statement line by line, it will become poem, if you will put those sentences in paragraphs that will become short article/opinion/thoughts… and if those words will be written or said by prophets or gurus then it becomes scriptures.)
To: Karen for her wellness…
Come on human being, wake up
I made you, you didn’t made me
I don’t ask you to pray me
I never did, Instead
You did and still doing it,
Wake up and rise to rising sun,
pray for other like you,
I am happy if you will help others,
around you, for you, with you,
dance in the occasion
rest in the sensation
worship for humanity
you will get instantly
God bless you all !
Thursday, February 19, 2009
How to tear down walls?
Dear Readers,
With curiosity and passion of reading your ideas and opinion, I, one among you all would like also to give some words to this question, "How to tear down walls?".
May be, My explanation will not give any insights or great ideas- Please excuse me for this.
Let us get started then-
Tearing down a wall or breaking wall or breaking boundaries are simple stuffs to do. These are physical entity created by us and could easily be destroyed by us.
Many of us around here are discussing on the issue related to tearing down the walls within your self such as greed, race, religion, sex and so on.
How can we even think this could be successful? Well, those elements which are inside us are never going to change and those which are outside us are already broken.
We live by opinion and ideas, with our own philosophy of life. All those elements such as love, race, religion, life and culture etc. These are all part of every individual. These elements are different and we have our own personal "definitions" based on our personal "experiences".
When we try to listen other people's opinion and their definitions about these factors we tend to disagree and to some we agree.
Those who can lie can gain popularity easily. I do not know if there is something which called "believe". As said by Oscar Wilde, "Experience are mistakes", are we really gaining experience of are we just committing the mistakes?
A civilized society is formed when every individual in that society are bound to obey the rules and regulation which is for the benefit of their own society.
How much civilized society we have in this world? And, why do we think we are civilized? We might think that we are civilized society since we have power of intellectuals, full of resources and big fat rules which strictly has to be followed.
I feel pity for such society. The best rule in the world is No rule.
Once you start to follow the rules and regulation of your society you are bound to have "differences". When you have self differences within yourself, how can you have civilized society?
There are many examples and theories which are piled up in the dust of some libraries around the world. Those theories and books are food for rats and insects. At least some form of animals can sustain their lives with those rotten theories.
We are living by Scriptures, opinions and demoralizing elements which are root cause of our own self destruction. When will our tiny brain realize that, "We are all equal".
Difference is religion and culture has become mirror illusion. There is nothing popping up without the knowledge of others around us.
How can you break the barrier of relationships? We still are fighting for it, don't we? My first wife, second wife and so on...
Self differences inside us creates self destruction. We are destroying our destiny by creating the difference all around us. WE have walls of communism, race, relationships, religion and many those factors where our understanding is very limited.
Wake up people, please wake up....
Live the way you want to live but try to listen what others have to say too. You can always disagree but try to find what is the alternative of disagreement.
A week ago, I was watching a movie based on Jesus Christ and his life. I do not know how many times he has said, "I tell you the truth..."
When a person says, "I tell you the truth..." Is he really telling the truth?
Well, that is another point of discussion and let me not open it here. But, let me go back to the same question of how to tear down the walls?
Physically, Very simple-
1. Hire some machines which can be operated by human.
2. Use the machine to tear down walls.
3. Remove the walls
4. Now, you are successful. Good luck.
Mentally, Very Very Simple-
1. Accept everything which comes in your life.
2. Be truthful not to others but to yourself.
3. Life a life full of simplicity, the beauty will blossom along the way.
4. Respect, Obey, Follow, Give, Share, Encourage, Motivate and Smile to yourself and those around you.
5. Be like a child.
6. No human should claim he is God or (he is son of God as done by Jesus), or I am God itself. (Allah, Krishna, Buddha ...) Let us call them "Pure humans". A human with no self motives.
7. Live one day and die the same day. (How?) Do not care about yesterday and do not over think on tomorrow because you are not living in past or future, you are living now. (As I am writing this comment, I have started my day. After the sunsets and darkness prevails, I am going to end my day. I am going to die, Please do not worry because hopefully, I will be awake again tomorrow But again, hope is not with me it is for your satisfaction. I only hope to live only one day.)
Let me put it in a loop now.
Could any one of us follow 1-7 steps?
If your answer is Yes, then you are in Human civilization group.
If your answer is No, then ask yourself why not?
The Human civilization group is the world of "no difference". A world of complete peace and no walls. Where there is people and all those live are god. A pure humans existence.
(I am sorry, I have to wake up from this dream)
Alright now, I have to stop typing because I think these seven point steps will clarify what the writer ones to say.
Sorry I am still working on those seven points. Therefore, Let me put my greed attribute here-
-Author of the self published book "Nature God" and "Human behavior on the Internet".
I tell you the truth.
“I tell you the truth”, said Jesus in many of Gospels of John, and Matthews. Do you believe that whatever, Jesus said is correct? Was he really speaking the truth. One of the believe that we have is that, Jesus is the son of God. He performed many miracles and showed that the miracles performed were by the grace of the God. The Father wanted him to perform the miracles and help to those who needed the most.
Anyways, During those times too- People did not believe in him and why should they really believe? Despite some miracles, there were not so magical about the world which could have been transformed into heaven. Those who will follow Jesus will go with him in the Kingdom of the heave and those who will not follow his footsteps will go in hell or nowhere.
When the person says, “I tell you the truth”. He is then not saying you the truth but manipulating the truth. Those who seek to tell the truth never says, “I tell you the truth”. Why should some one say, I tell you the truth so many times? The repetition of this sentence is little scary in many of the Christian Gospels or the Scriptures.
Truth is love and love is truth. There is nothing above the truth and beyond the truth. Truth starts with trust in humans and ends with giving and taking of happiness or help or healing. Those who tell you the truth can easily be trusted and should also give you help without anything in return.
You have every rights to not believe me or not to follow me. Why should you agree with me? Please disagree and I do not have any objections if you disagree.
Every religion is the same. Those who follow one single religion loves the differences and wants to promote or market their own religion over other. Or, (May be some of them do that.)
Anyways, Religion should be such that- it should combine or unite the people not divide the people of the world. Look around yourselves, so many religion and so many gurus. Sometimes, I think if I were a God and would have taken human form of life, would these people or religion or sect ever have realized and given my words a value? Who will believe then if I stand up tall and say, “I am God and You all have God within you”.
But who cares? God is not going to give you a job, will he? God is not going to take care of your babies neither will he find you a suitable bride or groom. So, all of your problems are your own and you have to solve them alone. By solving and showing off that you can perform miracles, you do not become God. You have to heal not one or two individuals but the entire world.
Where is Jesus or Shiva or Allah now? Are they hiding somewhere because they are too afraid of Economy Slowdown? Or, Global Crisis? When would they come out and show us that, They can make one single peaceful planet called- Earth.
Sometimes, I feel pity on those who believe in only one country, one religion, one caste, one culture, one women, one family and one. Simply because, when you think about one then you are creating difference when it comes to other.
There is nothing in the world called One, there is always Two and with this two, there exits the difference. The difference comes when we have more than one. Often, it is very good and nice to know and have differences in society, culture, country, race and religion.
Where there is good, there is bad and where there is bad there is good. Humans are just humans either it is Jesus, Allah or Shiva or anybody else who claims to be God. They are just humans as we are. Nobody else. (Please do not believe if you do not want.)
Praying to them in search of hope is what we all do, I would recommend to those who pray, do it to yourself. You are the God and either you believe or not, you have written your “script of life”.
Well, when you were in Mother’s womb for 9 months, See during that time, you wrote your script of life. This script of life you wrote and you hide it with your own self when you came into existence in Earth. I mean, when you were physically born in Earth, you hide your script of life. Look, Clever you are.
Why? Because, you are scared if your script of life will be read by others, because, you are scared to live a boring life. You want excitement, don’t you? How would you feel nice when you can easily know what is going to come the very next moment? Therefore, it is all you. You were the one who put it somewhere hidden from your own consciousness.
Now, when you are awake, you learn, earn, gain, acquire knowledge which are just useful but not merely important because you will loose them when you will leave your own life.
Anyways, there is no God, no sects, no religion and no guru. Everything is within you and you are the creator, destroyer and healer of your own destiny, faith, love and relationships.
Your disagreement is accepted.
Good day !
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Where do you find inspiration?
2. Learning is every day phenomenon from ourselves and from others around us.
3. Nature and Environment teaches us and bring even closer to it, every day and in every moments.
4. Einstein said that all of his great inventions were because he stayed to be child. Being in the state of the child bring curiosity and passion for work.
5. As you said Paulo coelho, "I am my books and they are part of my soul." Most of the writer should feel in the same way, here is one question you would like to add if you have not already posted. What do you associate with books?
6. A single moment of joy and complete peace, satisfaction in that moment and words of wisdom gained and shared are what most of the writer would like themselves to associate with.
7. I do not know if God exits but I know, if he exits then he must live inside us, inside our body,being invisible but controlling our body and driving us forward, to take very next step in our life. I am the bilogical body and my books are representation of that very next step which God wants me to take.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
"Anything a man does can bring him closer to the Supreme Wisdom, as long as he works with Love in his heart."
A person with loving heart has desires but at the same time destiny. Even though he might not be close to his destiny he will look at his destiny with the shadow of becoming true one day.
Optimism is the reflection of what he could accomplish in his life. Without the difficulties and problems. A person full of love only knows how to give.
Oscar wild once said, "A man kills what he loves". Is it true? Yes, might be to some extent. But what if a man lives with what he loves? Will he achieve his dreams and conquer the world.? May be he will.
Love has no beginning and no end. Love is just love in any form and in any time, circumstance or situation. Love is selfless. If you can love yourself, your body your own self then you are full of giving. A person who is full of giving is full of love.
Being wise is not only the result of love but also the result of watching through the lens of your heart to those who have suffered. Getting the lessons from not only your problems but also from those of whom you could have answered. Being wise, or being lazy is the same.
A wise has intellect and power of healing. A single word spoken or written has wide range of impact in many forms and factor.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Free Content
Some of the authors have pointed out that, free content is good and some says, it is bad. Some has a great idea on how technology has transferred over the period of time.
The matter of choice should be given to humans and only humans alone. The choice of either using the computer and reading the content for free or visiting the book store and buying a book is different all together.
As a author, only thing that comes in your mind is you have a very good idea and this has to come out in public. People should be aware of what is going around and what is happening around the world also how your idea is really related and how you can benefit from your “best ideas”. At the point of writing you are not thinking about marketing or collecting big revenues or even dreaming to win a Nobel Prize for your work.
The path that I am traveling has been traveled by somebody else. There are millions and billions of humans in the world. Those who are currently alive and those who are no longer. Whatever I am doing has been done already. I am constantly thinking that I am doing something new but I also have to realize that what “I” as the person am doing has already been done or is being done somewhere in some part of the world.
Well, Although technology in every day life cannot be ignored and one has to benefit from the usage of the technology. It is always a good idea to use the technology and benefit from the advantage of it. After all this is for us.
The generation that are is evolving is most of the times posting the content on the internet- let us say for example “technorati” where there are millions of contents posted every day.These blog posts and articles have thousand of great ideas but how are they really making any point? Will they really reach to the right people at right time?
To have a greater impact and greater socialization of “your ideas” it has to be used efficiently, in a proper manner.
We do not know how to make benefit or money from our work but, “Giving is the best thing we know as the writer.”
It is good idea to deliver the content for free but at the same time it is bad idea to really give everything for free.
Well, I do not agree that “beauty is free”. Beauty cannot be free simply because it is in the nature. Simplicity of the beauty is free but beauty does not lies in being free. Let me give you one example.
Let us say, you see the flower. You see this flower which is red and your personal favorite color is also red but some how you have a color blindness and you cannot see the color red. One of your very best friends come near to you and she says, Wow what a beautiful color and flower. You cannot see the particular flower but you still admire with the beauty.
Imagine now you do not have color blindness and you can see the flower. In this situation, you will see the red flower, you appreciate the beauty of that flower but you cannot have it. It is not free. It has its own life. It is an object which lives on its own. The life cycle of this beautiful red flower is with the Nature.
Similar analogy holds true with the “free content”. The content and ideas are just floating around us all the time. The matter of choice for picking up “whose” idea could be trusted depends upon the humans all around the world.
Selection should be given to people either to use free or not. However, free does not makes the content valuable and not free does not make ideas famous.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
A moment can give you a pleasure, a moment can bring loads of tears in your eyes. A moment will make you happy, a very moment will make you sad.
When every seconds we live is in the edge of dynamic moment. It is always changing. Moment that Mr. A experiences should be different then what Ms. B experienced.
As we can see, there are moments with every one with every moments people have experienced many good and bad virtues. Therefore, I always tell people that moments are changing all the time. It is never yours. It will create the memories but it does not last long.
There are many good moments in my life but are all these moments really memorable ? Do I really want to cherish all of these moments? Should I filter the best moments and describe it with true beauty ? How should I tell what is good or bad ? Everything in the world is based on "dualism".
The concept where, there are two sides for the same coin. There are two aspects for example in electricity- on and off, there are only two bits in computers: 0 and 1, there are two things in human life: either you live or you die, there are two ways to look at many different things around the world.
If I have to judge a moment in my life, then I will say- every seconds that I live is full of pleasurable moments. These moments are helping me to create my life. I am because of these moments. These moments are dynamic and changing all the time. I know which one is the best and which one is the worst.
But again, I will keep both of them alive. I know those around me who have experienced the bad moments but I will like to tell them how to keep it alive. Nothing should be taken in bad ways, Everything whatever happens, happens for good. There is nothing permanent on this mother earth/
Every object around has life. Whatever you see, whatever you touch, whatever you have purchased last week is yours. The object when you purchased was given to you. It started living with you. Suddenly one fine day- you decided to eat, use, kill, hang, throw and do whatever things with these objects.
While using you will some times remember some of these object but some of them you will not. For e.g. the "pen" that your best friend gave you last Christmas, the gift that your husband gave you last summer which stays with you all the time. I am sorry to say but let us say, your husband is no more and you still have that precious gift that he gave you. That created the moment, the object was born and object is living with you.
The "moment" when your husband gave you this gift, turned into "memories". The object still remains, it is yours and no body can take aways from you. Nobody ! Not even God !!!
"Every step of success or failure we make, is the step some one has already taken"
This quote is mine please give credit when you use it some where. Why am I saying this ? What value do I get when I say that you should give the credit to the creator ? Because, your creation remains but those who created this should also remain. The same idea is with the object and the moment. It is very simple ! See.
Without "moment" there is nothing, and with "moment" there is something which does not want to let go. It will remain deep inside me and us. It will only go when our body will turned into sands and the our creation will be cherised by some one like you who is reading it right now !
Have a great weekend ! :)
Friday, November 7, 2008
Prediction of President, 9 months ago !
As the word "change" is concerned, it is the only thing which is going to be permanent in this recent century. It is because of the change, we are alive. It is for the change we want to live a life. It is due to the change we see pleasure of happiness, joy, sorrow, and many different tastes in our lives. The campaign and the election were just started and I did not know what's going on in United States of the American then, some 10-11 months ago. But suddenly, I heard it from a friend that, "Obama a black guy, has been elected for the president". I was then surprised to go through and Googled the key word-"Obama". I found loads of interesting videos which delivered equal message of equality, liberty and national unity. I was deeply moved and inspired by the speech that was delivered by President Obama.
Then later that night, I realized what is important? Is it the message of the change? Yes, it was! I could not stop my enthusiasm to that end; I quickly visited the web pages of the Obama presidential election and started to write some articles on these web pages. No body gave any comment on those articles till date. I wonder why? As, couple of days ago when President Obama was elected still no body has gone through my president prediction.
However, that is not important- The most important idea now is- How is United States of the America really going to stand up as the world leading nation? Is everything going to be restructured or re-envisioned through the eyes of new president or is it going to be the same? Only the time will tell, if Change is really being implemented through different perspectives.
The three words which is most important now is- "Yes, we can". How about in soon future, "Yes, we did"!
Here is the article that I wrote then, on Feb 6th, 2008 at 3:08 pm EST
Yes, I am certain that this guy will be the next president of United States of America. The past speaks a lot about the future. Barack Obama Past was full of pain, hardwork and total devotion towards his country. It seems that he has been supported by mainly youth of America. If youth of the Number one country supports him that really means this guy has got some talent. He has- No doubt about it. I just saw one video on you tube from his official website and I am impressed the way he speaks and the way he expresses himself. He is the next president of United States. I know this is just a hope and hope is always good when it comes to achieving the happiness because both these two simple word starts with "h". People might say that this guys is being optimistic or something but I am certain and sure. If USA needs some change and wants to serve their country surely they will have to give votes to this guy. I myself have never given vote till date. Imagine if I were a citizen of this country I would have proudly gone there to give him my vote, because I know and I am certain that I will get some thing on return. He will not turn down my request or he will not ignore me just like that. What has Bush done to America? During his time, America was unnoticeable country to all other countries. To speak and to do is quite different. People should always learn from the Finnish Culture of believing in "doing" rather than wasting time and energy is wasting time "speaking". It depends though, It is always good to say that "I have done something then I will do this or that" My good luck to Barack Obama I don't know weather any citizen of America will give him a vote or not but If I were you- I would surelyhave.
Next President of United States is Obama who will most likely clear the rule of certainly Osama...Yes, it is funny statement but it is true. The day Obama become president from that day onwards the journey of Osama will end. I think they were enemy from their very past. Before their birth! You don't think so? They have very common name Osama and Obama just replace "b" with "s". Since b always comes early in alphabet surely Obama is going to be the winner.
My wishes to Barack Obama, Next President of United States of America!!!
You can find the similar articles on the Obama Web pages at-
Saturday, October 4, 2008
After several attempts of rubbing my eyes-Now I realized that, NO-it was not green everywhere but there were loads of big sky rocketing houses, thousand of cars, busy street full of people and nothing but the smoke.
The streets are crowded,people are rushing for reaching for their dreams and finding the right path towards their destiny. Does it come along your way or do you have to search for it?
How many times we have to choose and rechoose the path or our destiny simply because we landed up in wrong path.
The definition of the life is as the way we want it to put. Some one can say, "life sucks", other can say, "life rocks". It depends on our vision for our won life. There are two ways to look at it, one in general way and another in our own way. Our own way will tell others how we can define the term life in our case and general way has to be first understood better by using some methods and later can be said that life in general can sometime suck and sometime can rock.
Whatever be the case, path can also be defined in our own way, it can be defined the way we want to define it. Surely, it is good idea to listen what others say or what other tell us about the aspects in our life.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
I wish love.
Is the fear of death greater than the affection towards the other person ? Is it because one has to give everything for the other people. How long can we stay in a day without eating anything. For 3hours, 6 hours or even 10 hours; it does not matter how long you can stay without eating most important thing is how long you can wait for some one who is not in front of your eyes ? If I was a women it would have really been difficult for me to stay that long period without even drinking from the day till the evening.
I wish love, I wish that love is similarly present in every flow of our blood. I wish I can also wait for some one to say, "drink water honey". And after hearing some one drinks water on behalf of your words. Wow, Isn't it amazing that some one can stay longer for entire day without drinking. I wish I had such love too.
We always have to be satisfied with what we do have and always have to feel happy with what we do not have. This we call as the life.
I wish love.
I wish in my blood.
I wish in my ears.
I wish in my lips.
I wish love.
I wish it in my breath.
I wish she hears.
I wish she says,
I wish love.
Not in my ears
In breath I take,
Every morning I wake,
I wish love
Monday, July 28, 2008
"The notebook"
The story has a great ending and every two person in love would like to end there life in the similar fashion. A love which has no story is not a love. It does not matter weather the story has to be great or not-great; it is basically up to others to judge it but every love has some story.
When a person is in love, he is in love and can do anything for his love to become a reality or success. A guy in this movie has a dream, a dream of building a old house into the dream house for him and his girl friend. But due to financial problems of the guy he could not easily make his dream come true.
A girls family is very rich and famous so her mother do not likes her to get married with the guy and she takes her away from the guy. Later, they separate what is important is the distance between the two people which reminds them about how much they love each other.
A truly nice movie with load of good lesson to be learned from it. Life is full of surprises and some times we get more surprises then expected. It is very nice and good to see the things as they are and not as they would be.
One of the beauty of life is to see the beauty in everything. The place, the things, the people, environment, surroundings, friends, family and everything else. When a person sees the beauty in everything else then they can really make a difference. They can create a difference not in there heart or mind but the difference in society, difference of change, difference over religion and knowledge and difference over lives of other people.
It is good to see good things and try to neglect or take a experience from the bad things in lives. A love is love, cannot be explained, cannot be judged and cannot be estimated. A love of a person is for a life. A life till the existence of the person. A love for a country, for a nation, for a family and for a girl and for a religion all are same. Only the context is different. Only to whom and what visualized is different.
No one can measure the love, it is vast and deep, deeper than the ocean and deeper the human emotions. Deeper than one's judgment and opinion. It is a virtue by which we are existing today.
A love of Nature towards us has made us survive. How many us can raise our hands and say that we are the creators of Nature ? 10, 100, 1000 or not even one. It is up to us to decide. Are we a Nature child or are we not ? These answers will be best described when one can realize that we are saved by Nature most of the times. Without it we cannot exit. With it we can exit forever and ever.
Welcome to become a child of Nature and worship a love for it.In a sea of lake full of water, The water is water. Dirt in water does not make the water dirty. It is the way we look it. After the dirt thrown into a water, it will still be pure as it was before.
Well, I hope you all have a great start of the week. Enjoy the beauty that is presented in front of you not with imaginary smiling face but with real smiling face from inside you.
Friday, July 25, 2008
Solve the greater problems.
Look at those who live there lives in Africa with "disease such as AIDS", and problems of poverty and education. What types of world are we going to make tomorrow ? Will we be able to make the world a better place just by neglecting all those who have true inspiration to create a better world or will we just look after our own community and not to others ? It is great challenge for many who lives in peace to invite those who have broader vision for greater world and who have power to deliver good even when they live anywhere.
Tomorrow, our future will not be solved by solving our own issues but by solving the problems of those who are in need. Tomorrow, is very unknown and to figure out the unknown we must walk through the path of today. At this moment, we are busy in our day to day activity but I ask you why are we not looking after those who are facing more problems than our smaller daily problems ? We should try to seek and find some solutions to our greater problems. Example would be enormous. Some of these examples would be AIDS, Global warming,Poverty and equality, caste and creeds, race and religion and many more.
"Together we grow", is one of the slogan of European Union. The slogan tells that there are many countries inside the europe but all these countries cannot progress single they have to be united to solve the problems of all the countries and problems of the world. I like the slogan because it has greater potential than anything else.
It is always good to remember that "United" we will develop, being united we will progress and being united we will solve our greater problems. But from the place where I come up, Nepal- a country famous for bigger mountains and birthplace of Spiritual leaders Gautam Buddha. I can see only differences in the making of the country.
I do not know what kind of differences they are creating, leaders are creating but these differences are truly non-inspirational and can lead to devastating future ahead. The land of peace has been decided to be divided on the basis of Caste. A place where there are hundreds of caste and the land division based on caste and creed is not a good choice.
As the country is highly being influenced by India and most of the products are consumed from India. These country men should stand together for the greater cause and build a nation together. But to lead the country men for the greater cause none of the leaders are motivated. All these leaders are already being sell to India. These leaders are sold to India even before they come into power.
"In a country of 100 fools, if there is one intelligent than that one intelligent also have to become a fool." There are some people who have greater vision for the country and want to develop the Nations but the statement with quotation says it all for those very few greater visionaries.
If my seventh sense works for me, I would like to say that; In the place where people stand for the greater cause by joining hand in hand together to solve the global problems with great ideas, one must learn from them. If cannot learn one must look and observe how they progress and see how can we develop our nations too.
To live for ourself is easy, every body does it but to live for the problems faced by people else where is very difficult. Let us try and do difficult things. Easy is always easy, but those humans are humans who try to solve greater difficult problems. Even if you are not capable or you think you cannot do anything, just follow the path. It will take you there where some one in need will ask for your help.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Let us be open.
Why is the big question in itself which will tell us that humans are more vulnerable to not being open. See the book for example which could be read by anyone anytime and anywhere. It is just simply open there, loads of knowledge and experience are in built inside the book. The book contains everything although people might assume there is nothing.
It depends upon the person's character and moral how we behave in our day to day activity. Some people do not like to show what they are doing and some do. It does not matter in real world scenarios if some body wants to hide an identity or be open as the light blue sky.
Many of us our worries are just about ourselves. we tend to worry about most of the problems that we face in everyday life. It is just because we hide the things from ourselves. We do not want them to get published or do not want them for some body to make an arguments or give comments on our life or even the problems we face.
The people will vary as will the days in each passing month and years. We see everyday as a good day or bad it all depends upon our thinking. Once we assume one particular day is going to be bad the day will end up being bad for us. It is not the day but the thinking which resulted in such consequences. It is not the day but the thoughts which made us do the errors even though we do not tend to do it often.
As per my example, I would give an example of Monday which is I assume not good for me. I do not know why but I do not see any things happening for me, then I realize the fact that it is not the day but my thinking which is showing the signs of abnormal behavior in me.
It happens to many such individual as of likes of me, whose days are bad or things do not go properly and so on. It is because of our logical mind is thinking in the way we would like ourselves to be seen to us and to the soceity in general.
Do some times stupid things and it will solve the problem but do not over do it. A person who uses the term- "blah blah" would find it very difficult to get any sense in "Non blah things or aspects in life or problems". I adopted once a habit of saying "blah and blah" later I found that nothing was appropriate and nothing makes sense. Either it is writing or speaking the term. I often used to tell "blah and blah".
Try and develop the habit of adopting good words and try and do good deeds. Be open like a sky which can take anything under it. Try and see the world as if it is not only yours but where every body else rests in it together with you.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Love explanation.
Last night, I was watching a movie called, "The man who cried". An amazing epic of the Russian girl who comes to find her father who has gone to America for some reason. In the process of visiting to America she meets the gypsies guy who is Johnny Depp, As the people hates them just simply because they do not have homes to live and place of there own, the girl loves her. The story of the movie shows a great deal of love with the passion of finding the father.
Every man knows how to cry and when to cry. It is just that they do not show it to others. Even if they know how to cry they will never show how to cry. It is just the very moment which will tell if the person is really feeling it deep pain in his heart which will tell him to cry otherwise a man has very much difficulty to cry.
Everything in world is connected by some means or medium. The most beautiful of all the medium in world is "love".
Love is the greatest thing that connects every religion, sex, race, country, emotions and humans from different planet and with different culture. When a person touches the faces of the women the most beautiful feelings is generated in the both men and women. A feeling of closeness. A feeling of togetherness. The main purpose of love is love itself. One cannot find any purpose in love neither a person can find any purpose in life too.
A love comes with bag full of smell of early morning beauty. Have you ever smell the early 4 am morning beauty of those breeze just near the lake. It gives the pleasure of being alive. It just reminds us that we are alive. Love is very difficult thing to explain because once i start to explain it, it will not be the definition but the statement of question which will be unanswered.
Do not ever mistake love for lust, session for passion and action with reaction. These are very confusing many of the times and very people will know till the entire existence of the life. A person full of love is that person who can give, who has nothing to be hidden and who lives for others not for himself. He might have negative impact on him from some group of people despite that also he is widely famous and is known for his care taking, giving, respecting, realization, reaching enigma of enlightenment at any stages of his entire existence. He is the man, who can love. He is the ideal husband who can give and he is the person heart full of love.
A picture shows a person who is close to a women and the impact of the closeness is maintained with some distance. A touch is shown to show the presence of showing love. Both of them are in darkness and there is no light, which shows that they are going for lust not for love. There is a sense of presence of little fragrance of love but not actual love.
Love is the
Friday, July 11, 2008
9 hours to death.
The situation is more complex and it becomes more complicated when you are far away from home living or studying in some place and you have not seen your parents for more than a year. Now, Think. Just take it seriously and think. The last statement will not make you serious just simply because you are not going with the same difficulty as the the person who really is going to die within 9 hours.
Will he make a call and tell every one that he really missed them or will he just feel afraid of his death and visit church or temple or some religious organization just to pray for his life. ? What will be good for him. Will he get back his life ? Should he visit a doctor and ask for help or should he visit religious organization to ask for help ? He also knows that none of them will really help. He knows the fact that nothing will help and none of them will give him the life.
What is that you are going to do ? Death is certain and we do not realize it many of the times. The time when we do not realize the time our death is very near. Some times a person wanting to die will not die and survive more than he really thought of living. And Some times a person does not want to die, does thousand and one thing to make himself, fit and fine- cool and nice suddenly he is no longer present.
Many of the times we are afraid of death just because we know the fact that we will loose our relatives, our parents, our loved ones and many such things which are temporarily ours. Nothing is ours and nothing will be ours. We came alone and we are going to alone. Every body who is connected with you are just connected to show the world and the beauty of it. The relationship is an emotional bond which makes us realize that they are with us forever and they will not leave us entire our life but that is not true.
It is good that emotional bond is present which helps people to make some connection between each other besides that nothing is true. Now, coming to previous Person who is going to die within some time period what is your answer ? Should he visit religious places to ask for his life or should he simply live a life and wait for the death.
What would a person do ? He is afraid, scared and very worried about his life. He do not want to die just like that. He has not seen his family for a year. He is really worried. He wants to meet his lovely sweet girl who is far from him but he could not only because he has only 9 hours. Even if he tries to fly and visit her he could not because it takes couple of days before he reaches to the place.
He is thinking a lot and worried that what will happen to his sweet girl after him ? Will she be shocked with the incident that happened with him or should he just inform the girl and tell her that he is really going to die. Should he tell his parents that he is going to die or should he hide from them.
A person then suddenly sees the butterfly hanging around the tree and he sees the flower. The butterfly approaches the flower and it reaches to sit in the flower. Suddenly, an insect engulfs the butterfly. He is amazed to see such an incident. He thinks now that, a butterfly which did not knew that it is going to die a very next second it sits in the flower, he has 9 hours before he is going to die.
He has lot of time to live a life. He then madly laughs. He shouts very loudly and he just starts to do the things that he has never done in his life. He has never swim in the lake. He goes to the lake, starts to swim. He has never said, hello to the person who walks in the street. He says, hello to all those person he meets in the street. He sees the one beautiful old women who is selling some cloths, he goes and stars to buy some clothes. He just behaves totally like a crazy guy who has gone mad.
Every body whoever looks at him thinks that a person has gone mad. He dances in the street. He has never tasted a Cow meat, he goes to shopping mall and buys cow mean, prepares it and eats. He is living in total joy and happiness. He is living in the moment. He is not worried simply because he knows the very next second that is given to him is not his.
When a very next second presented to him is not his, why should he worry ? He does not make any plan simply because he do not have anything to loose. Now, he has 2 hours left at this time he calls his sweet girl.
He has never said that, how much he loves the girl. He proposes her. He says,he loves her than his life. He has loved her the moment he saw her. He says, 100 times he really loves her and he has never felt such love for anyone except her. He has never betrayed her and he will love to love her till he is alive. Girl is surprised and shocked, she is very happy to hear such pleasant words that she always wanted to hear from her ideal husband. She is so happy that she cannot express in words. She gives load of kiss to him. She says, she will wait till he comes and picks her up and gives her a wedding ring. Tears flows down the person eyes, still he does not show to her and happily hangs on receiver of a phone.
At last, he calls his family. He talks with both mom and dad and finally says that they were the best mom and dad he ever had. He will if there is next life, will love to be there child again. Both Mom and Dad are surprised to hear such a statement from a Son and asks if anything is wrong but he says nothing.
Finally its a minute left before his death. He is going to die now. He sits in a position of some Guru with his bend knees and head upright. He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. he knows the countdown has begun. He remembers all those things that he has done in his life, he remembers all those pleasant moment that he has spent in his life, finally he remembers his future wife and family. At last, he is silent. He falls from the position he is sitting. He is breathing no more. He is no more with us.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Living a life.
It needs lot of attention from the climate, environment and Nature. Without the help of these important factors which make it blossom a flower will not be seen so beautifully. Similar to a blossom of flower a life needs too a total care and protection from many different elements.
Many people think and believe that life is constant struggle and we have to go through the path of struggle of existence to survive. I do not think life is struggle. Life is not struggle we make it struggling. Life is joy of living, it is collection of past and present memories for the future action.It is the clear like a crystal and diamond, it gives pleasure at the same time it gives pain. It is pure form of living.
War is the desire of wanting more. It means I have less and I want more than you. The biggest problem of existence is not struggle but survival. A flower after showing its glory goes down just all the petals go down once it blossom and shows it capabilities. We then do not like such flower and then we see another flower.
A human nature is very much predictable, it wants a constant fresh element in life either it is a change of place, environment, climate, people or country or any thing. When we do or see or act in the same manner all the time it become very predictable and people will then get bored of the way we live a life.
Religion is a great hot topic for the debate in the next decade and it will create a lot of problem in near future. It will be dominant factor in showing who is the best or who is the worst but it can also be very effective in many different perspectives. It can bring a lot of change the people see religion.
A mind which is in constant struggle with itself can see the changes in the context of environment just because it knows how itself feels. When a mind is outer or cannot see itself then it cannot see the bigger picture. There are two types of humans inside our body, one is girl and another is boy. A girl inside us will match the girl outside. A boy inside will match the boy outside.
I do not know to what extent it is true but to some extent it is logical just because we do not like all the girl living in the outer world and we do not like all the guys. What if both these elements are not present in the human ? In such context, a person can either like both male or female or he might dislike everything he see.
Every body's mind can be ruled by other mind just by raising impulse inside's other mind and asking them to do what we want. It is easy. Many of the war has been done just like this. It is easy to fake the other people mind just simply because humans cannot control their own mind. Once every human will learn an activity or a process of controlling a mind then he can rule himself, he can rule all over the world. Most importantly, all his desire and dream will slowly start coming true.
Every body near him will be catious and think how this person does miracle in his life but those are simply a contol of his own mind over others. He knows the fact that he is creator of his suffering and he once changes his vision and mind as per his act he will slowly start changing everything around him.
The moral of story is that, learn from the Nature. Every thing that shines has to go in darkness one day. Every thing that blossoms will fall down like petal of flowers and slowly it has to gain all energy and effort to make it blossom again. It is just like a cycle. After a darkness there is sunlight and after sunlight there is darkness again. A cycle continues and a cycle of human life also continues just like that.
Death is certain but humans should not be afraid of death, they should rather be afraid of wasting time and energy to make a moment non-pleasurable and unfunny to live. Every moment,every breath we take should be taken with total joy and satisfaction that is living a life.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Why the bumblebee flies ?
"I’m back from Milan and on Thursday I had a conference at the Teatro Dal Verme with the mathematician Michael Atiyah. This very important matematician made a very interesting speech in which he mentions the bumblebee. Indeed, according to the laws of aerodynamics and of physics, the bumbleblee should not fly. Yet, as Sir Michael Atyiah said : “the bumblebee flies because it doesn’t know about the technicalities of aerodynamics.”
That leads us to the question of the week:
How many things we don’t do in life because we think beforehand that they are impossible? Like everybody says that the bulblebee is incapable of flying? "
In response to his question:-
IMpossible is the word which if broken becomes I M possible. Everyday we wake up and we think that certain things in life are possible and some are impossible. We then judge before doing the thing. Before the reality of experiencing we judge ourselves that we cannot do it.
To those who do not experience and judge by themselves that those things cannot be done, I would like to ask one question- Why are you not trying ? Give a shot and then see. Life is for a moment, and why not to live in the moment rather think of future and past. When a person is capable of living in moment then he is capable of making things possible.
There are many things we cannot try and some times we have to just leave them not thinking those are impossible but by giving some shorts of priorities to them and letting them go.
Nothing could be possible until we have a mind which will let us think that everything is possible. An animal can finds its own way to the finding the needs and fulfill its desire.
A fly is fly it means it has a capability of flying. I do not know whether that type of flies can really fly or not but I think it tries its level best before it dies.
“Try, try and try until you die”. Every thing is based on making things possible and not thinking ahead before giving it a full experience and knowing by own-self. When a person knows by himself or herself then he can easily teach others about what he felt when he tried the things which he was assuming were impossible in the first place.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
A mind is a brilliant machine inbuilt in the humans. We are this brilliant thing called mind which we can make work as per our SE. It is the art to make the mind work as per we want. We cannot gain this ability just by learning some books or by any simple method. It is first understanding yourself. In the process of understanding yourself, you will come up with understanding every part attached to your body and the most important is mind.
Imagine a situation where you wanted something to happen for you and that particular thing did not go well, I mean you wanted something but you did not get what you wanted. In such situation you will be abit depressed and not normal. There are some three types of behavior that humans show generally and these three are Normal-excited-depressed-normal-excited-... It is the cycle. Just like after every night there is a day, every day there is night and so on. These cycle of behavior are shown by humans in day to day life. It changes with time and circumstances.
The environment is the great factor which makes the change of the behavior. The normal behavior can be changed with depressed behavior just because some one in a friends family got expired. Again the Normal behavior can be changed in excited behavior just because some one is throwing a great party in some great place and you are invited. Excited behavior can be changed with Normal behavior just because you wake up and now today is the working day and you have to go to office and do your daily work.
The pattern continues and that is the cycle of life in showing different behaviors. Now the biggest question is how can a amazing things in life be connected with the behaviors. Does it have any matching. Yes, to some extent. The excitement shown by an individual is directly related with the behavior and the unexpected event occurring in a persons life.
The most useful state for humans could be the excited state where the body is full of energy and it is in total joy. There is no worries and no sadness involved. Only thing is the body which has no control over the situation. A excited person does not mean physical arousal or something like that but excited in a event with total joy and smile on face. Amazing things happen at that particular moment.
Well, that is how the predicted pattern of behavior could be seen but I am not sure if that has been scientifically proved. However, life is full of surprises and some times it is also good to learn the ability to give surprise to others. Many relationship does not work out because the partner are very predictive nature. One has to learn the ability of giving and taking surprises. Lot of these ability does not come from the learned behavior but from the bottom of heart.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
We all are GOD.
Only thing you can see is the no one except you and you are in this jungle kind of place where only your screams are heard and nothing else. You can shout but no one will response in that shout. You can scream loud and no one will response instead. It is just like a night mare . However, the place is real and you have to face the consequences of being there. It was all in your mind. You wanted to be there no body else. You wanted to visit such place even though you do not like to explain it to any body but you have to now tell what happened in this place. A strange place, a place which no one would ever like to be, and never ever want to visit again.
You want to run but there is nowhere you can reach. you are hungry and you want to eat food but there is nothing except the green trees and wild animals. you want to hide but there is nothing that you can hide. You are trying to find why you reached in this place ? you are surprised and now you want to escape, from a reality. You can only see the ocean in one side when you travel and in the next side never ending jungle. There are thousand questions in your mind and you want them all answered. Who is going to answer all your questions ?
You are terrified, worried, anxious and very frightened deep inside you. You want a change, You are fed up eating green leaves, and fruits of the trees, you suddenly want to kill those animals who are making noise and giving you trouble when you asleep. You are really angry with them-Now, you start finding some techniques to kill them. You suddenly realize that well, you can kill them by hitting them with some stones but when you tried they ran away from you. You failed, now you tried to kill them with some trees trunks or some kind of sharp stone that you found. You attempted to kill one, next day you succeed and then you finally saw a blood in them. You are happy that the very animal will not give you problem but you also wanted to taste the blood of that animal. Slowly, you start eating them. You liked the taste and now you do it more than often.
Next day you saw an animal mating with another animal. You are thrilled to see such thing happening in front of you. You want to experience the same but the big problem now lies is how can you find the similar animal like you. You saw it and now you want it. When you first see it then you felt what if I do the same ? What will happen ? Is it tasty as the meat of the animal I killed ? In search to quench the thirst of the mouth you now went in search of similar animal like you.
You traveled, made a long journey but you can hardly see any body who looks similar to you. Until one day, you saw one animal who had these two orange hanging in their chest and long long hair similar to you and was looking almost similar to you. At first you were frightened that the animal is strange and might be of danger. You attempted to kill her. You tried to throw some sharp weapon towards her and kill her but she escaped. Now you wanted to see her, meet her and tell her you look similar but she was gone.
Next day, you saw her again. This time she was shocked and surprised to strange man like you. She approached you, and touched you. You were sleeping at that time. Her touch made you feel strange. You felt some thing happening inside you. you wake up with the strangely. you shouted towards her, you said,.. ah ah ah.. the meaning in those words were clear- do not touch me. Later, after a while she touched you, touched your whole body and you felt very good. Slowly you thought your main aim of mating with like the animal and you started the process of doing it. She did not agree but your touch, your kiss and you approach towards her led her open towards you. you did what the animal do and then finally you enjoyed it.
Following day, you wanted to do more and you stayed there with her. You repeated the same thing time and again, almost every day until one day she was pregnant and you were very happy to see something strange coming out of her. You do not wanted anybody or any animals or any insects or anything to touch her. you were only devoted to her deeply, she gave birth to four child in a row. You were surprised to see so many of your children. You now started to fetch food for them, find a simple place where no rain, snow, wind and heat will disturb your family. You made a simple hut which led to one simple family living happily.
One day when you were searching for food you found the same kind of huts in a jungle with couple of family, you then talked in the language that they understood. Finally you moved to the same place and a community was build.
A process of human development started similarly like this- the big question is who made the first man and women ? Was it GOD ? The answer is big NO.
We are similar to animals who now rule the world and religion is created by one of the man from a community who wanted all his fellows to follow him. He was the person who made the rules, regulation and a proper system so that none of the people will fight or go for war. We call that person now as GOD but that is just our own way of looking at that person. Stop violence and spread the message of love. We all are GOD. We all have capability to rule not others but ourselves. Just sit idle and think.