Showing posts with label one world. Show all posts
Showing posts with label one world. Show all posts

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Collective Worship

In response to the Paulo's question on "Collective Worship", here is what mybheja has to say-

Dear all,

Have you noticed that you are putting your own words and one of the blogger in this blog, ‘karen’ is ill ???

Come on fellas, pray for her–She is sick as she has written, look on the top of the comment section with her post.

May God bless ‘Karen’ !
May she overcome her illness…

I don’t know what is collective worship, I don’t care about other’s fucking opinion and I don’t give a damn on any books on worship, all are nonsense and stupid ideologies. I care to those who are close to me and I care to those who are in need of me, I care to those who knows me. I am worried about their’s problem and I am depressed if they are depressed, I am happy if they are happy because that is only thing which is important to me.

(If you will put the above statement line by line, it will become poem, if you will put those sentences in paragraphs that will become short article/opinion/thoughts… and if those words will be written or said by prophets or gurus then it becomes scriptures.)

To: Karen for her wellness…
Come on human being, wake up
I made you, you didn’t made me
I don’t ask you to pray me
I never did, Instead
You did and still doing it,

Wake up and rise to rising sun,
pray for other like you,
I am happy if you will help others,
around you, for you, with you,
dance in the occasion
rest in the sensation
worship for humanity
you will get instantly

God bless you all !

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Who am I?

The event took place in the Trivuwan Airport in Kathmandu. A young handsome looking, he seemed like very important rushed into this airport, jumped the queue, went straight to the counter and showed his passport and the ticket.

The gentleman at the counter said, “Sir, please stand in the queue”. The person replied, “No, I’m really in hurry I need to go.” The gentleman again said, “Please wait in the queue”.

The man said, “Do you know who I am?” The gentleman at the counter picked up the microphone and said, “There is a man here who does not know who he is, can somebody help him?”

The biggest problem for all of us is that, we all are in the same state as of this young man. The question, “Can somebody help him”?

The question justifies that every body is existing in this mother earth without knowing Nature of who he/she is. We are making life without understanding the fundamentals of whom we really are; we are trying to create a life of unknown. There is confusion.

The very first question that comes in my mind is that, “who am I”? It is one of the most profound and very important questions one has to ask in their life.

How can you know some one else life without knowing who you are? Charles Darwin gave the theory of “Natural Selection”, but he forgot to mention one theory of “Nature of Existence”. In this theory, every person should ask-who am I? Am I a student, Am I a teacher, Am I a political leader? Or Am I nobody.

The first and foremost thing one should do with their life is to ask these questions to understand who they really are. If we do not know what the nature of our existence is, we live by accident.

There is no reality in living by accident. It appears that we are living by accident, by assumptions and by opinion. And the zest of finding the reality appears. Some times there might be a feeling of no reality.

The question, “Who am I?” exits inside our body, in our mind. Once we remove the surface nonsense example, I am very famous singer, artist, son of great political leaders etc. The removal of such surface nonsense will give us the answer to the question, “who am I?”

When there is nothing remaining in your answer, that is the biggest thing. The answer you were searching for comes from this nothing. The question does not come from mere curiosity but straight from the heart. The answer to this question can some time tear people, once you know the reality, you will stick to it.

One day, a friend asked me the same question and I replied him saying, the words of Gautama Buddha which states, “It is better to conquer yourself than to win a thousand battles. Then the victory is yours.

It cannot be taken from you, not by angels or by demons, heaven or hell.” This is what Buddha said, and this is what I say to those who ask who am I, “I am what I really Am., and not what others make of me..,”

Friday, September 5, 2008

What do you associate with tower?

Tower is associated with our imagination. What we imagine, is what we think the particular thing is associated with. A tower is the peak, a high tall thing which can be used in many ways.

Early it represented evil, later people associated with the positive connotations. It also represents the place where death meets the birth. It is the place where people some time go and kill themselves.

It can also be place where people go and enjoy themselves. It is the place in our mind which always demands something from the things associated in the real world. With these things, we can associate anything.

Based on what people have done in the past with tower, we try to do the same but the result does not occur different because, what some body else have already discovered, we will discover the same.

No difference is found when the tower in one region of the world gives light to every one around the village and in the next region it is used for the same purpose. But what if, some body uses as the negative symbol and in some other place it is associated with positive symbol.

What we associate with “tower” is what we associate with the “mountain”, “heights”, our emotions and with the happiness. All these associations are some how inter related and these inter relation gives us one common thing in our mind.

These association tells us that, we think differently on different things which is totally wrong. All these are for good purpose. Nothing is build just like that. Everything around the world comes with values and with some purpose.

Imagine a world where there was no water, no mountains, no green leaves and now imagine you being in such world. What would you associate with your life then ?

Our associations can be different on different things but those are just our perceptions. And I think perception differs in many ways from people to people, from culture to culture and from country to country, also from religion, sex, race, and through many other ways.

Anyways, to answer what you associate with tower- I would rather say that I do not associate anything with tower simply because I do not associate anything with any entity. It does not mean that these things are useless but it means that- these are useful and there is no association. These things also have life and these life will only be understood once we understand what is life.

Knowing something and telling something which you do not know are two different ways of looking at things in our life.

I do not know what is the association of what, but I can surely tell you that-whatever we associate is just a false assumption on our ideas in our general mind.

Tower can be assumed as death, but at the same time it can also be associated with life, light or whatsoever. It depends on what a person is thinking while he is thinking of association of the things being asked.

It also depends on the past experiences and future demands or desire with the things for example “tower”.

Well, I think I have given my point on what I associate on what, I need to read others point too.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Alone on the path.

I like the idea of Alone on the Path. Especially the saying. Here is the end quotes-

Sufi Dhu ‘l - Nun (Egyptian, died 861 AD) describes the positivity of life.

“Oh Lord, when I pay attention to the voices of animals, the sounds of the trees, the bubbling of the waters, the chirping of the birds, the howling wind or the crashing thunder, I perceive in them evidence of Your unity; I sense that You are the supreme power, almighty, the supreme wisdom, supreme justice.

“Oh Lord, I recognize You in the trials I am enduring. Allow, Lord, Your satisfaction to be my satisfaction. May I be Your joy, that joy which a Father sees in his son. And may I recall You with tranquility and determination, even when it is difficult to say that I love You.”

Alone on the path. We are all alone on our own path. We choose to come on this planet from the women who is very complex organism in itself. A women can be called as earth itself. A women whose complexity can be called as simplicity. A women creates us from the very core of her inner self. She takes care as the earth and Nature does. Once we come down to the earth then we are on our own.

One thing every human should understand is “a person is always alone on the path”. It does not mean that the person is in the stage of the loneliness or being alone but he is living a life of the alone.

Those four elements for the survival are really necessary to understand why you are walking down the alone path. Love is always necessary to understand either is it the love of mother or it is the love of the true lover.

Death is necessary to know that the very existence of your own self is going to end one day. It is also necessary simply because it keeps us alive in every moment we live. Every moment should be lived as if there is no moment next coming up. Every moment should be adventorus and exciting. Live with total joy and blessing.

I do not know if in the movement of trees, chirping of the birds and black cloud over the sky are the symbols of something extraordinary creature we called as GOD but I would fairly accept the fact that these are true color of Natures itself.

We can learn from just being present in the moment but at the same time we can loose nothing except our time for the present. The time is the moment, time is being present and passing with the moment.

As it is difficult to fist understand the “love”, it is also difficult to understand the phenomenon of “life”.

We all have to one day realize and will realize that whatever we are doing or whatever we are thinking to do are not that much of essential because these are just our logical mind which needs much more attention then anything else.

We fear death but why do not we fear the love ? It is just the matter of knowing yourself better than anything else. The person who knows himself will never ask who you are ?

The person who answer who he is; actually is not what he really is. The meaning is in finding yourself and to walk or take the journey in own way. It is like writing your script and taking the path but in case you have trouble to reach to the final destination that you really meant to reach. Simply learn from others and take there experience into your account. It will take you to that long long journey very easily.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Solve the greater problems.

A lot of things are there in our mind and loads of things do not always get fulfilled automatically. Each of these problems we face are faced by others like us every where in the world. Many people do not like to be happy just because they have some simple problems but look at those who are living in Africa with no food to eat and no home to live.

Look at those who live there lives in Africa with "disease such as AIDS", and problems of poverty and education. What types of world are we going to make tomorrow ? Will we be able to make the world a better place just by neglecting all those who have true inspiration to create a better world or will we just look after our own community and not to others ? It is great challenge for many who lives in peace to invite those who have broader vision for greater world and who have power to deliver good even when they live anywhere.

Tomorrow, our future will not be solved by solving our own issues but by solving the problems of those who are in need. Tomorrow, is very unknown and to figure out the unknown we must walk through the path of today. At this moment, we are busy in our day to day activity but I ask you why are we not looking after those who are facing more problems than our smaller daily problems ? We should try to seek and find some solutions to our greater problems. Example would be enormous. Some of these examples would be AIDS, Global warming,Poverty and equality, caste and creeds, race and religion and many more.

"Together we grow", is one of the slogan of European Union. The slogan tells that there are many countries inside the europe but all these countries cannot progress single they have to be united to solve the problems of all the countries and problems of the world. I like the slogan because it has greater potential than anything else.

It is always good to remember that "United" we will develop, being united we will progress and being united we will solve our greater problems. But from the place where I come up, Nepal- a country famous for bigger mountains and birthplace of Spiritual leaders Gautam Buddha. I can see only differences in the making of the country.

I do not know what kind of differences they are creating, leaders are creating but these differences are truly non-inspirational and can lead to devastating future ahead. The land of peace has been decided to be divided on the basis of Caste. A place where there are hundreds of caste and the land division based on caste and creed is not a good choice.

As the country is highly being influenced by India and most of the products are consumed from India. These country men should stand together for the greater cause and build a nation together. But to lead the country men for the greater cause none of the leaders are motivated. All these leaders are already being sell to India. These leaders are sold to India even before they come into power.

"In a country of 100 fools, if there is one intelligent than that one intelligent also have to become a fool." There are some people who have greater vision for the country and want to develop the Nations but the statement with quotation says it all for those very few greater visionaries.

If my seventh sense works for me, I would like to say that; In the place where people stand for the greater cause by joining hand in hand together to solve the global problems with great ideas, one must learn from them. If cannot learn one must look and observe how they progress and see how can we develop our nations too.

To live for ourself is easy, every body does it but to live for the problems faced by people else where is very difficult. Let us try and do difficult things. Easy is always easy, but those humans are humans who try to solve greater difficult problems. Even if you are not capable or you think you cannot do anything, just follow the path. It will take you there where some one in need will ask for your help.

Monday, June 30, 2008

Be light to yourself

Some times in life there are things that you want to keep secret but it is no more secret to you and yourself. Meaning, A person who want to keep secret and is not being open has many different meaning attached to it. A person can keep his person things to himself and do not want to tell what he is doing to others.

When other people listen, see or hear about the secret of others- the first impression of them is surprised, next they then start making judgment and third they make their own statement about the person. I am not surprised if some one is keeping secret and not letting any of his personal things to come out but many people do. Some times I am surprised too when I hear the good news about my friends and relatives.

It is not hiding but it is like not showing what you are capable of or not letting others to know what can you do or not letting people to know that you are doing good work. "I am doing something" does not prove that you have done that thing. " I will do something" will not prove that you really have completed the things. It is just after you have done something, when you say- well, I have done these things then, it proves that you really have done something. It does not matter to you as long as you are in process of being but it will matter to you and your surrounding after you complete the process.

My whole life is based on a philosophy of not saying what I am doing but to say what I have done but it is in one circumstance if some one really wants to know then. Otherwise, let it be. Who cares about you and your life in this complex dynamic world. No one is yours and no one will go with you when you are dead. You came alone and you will go alone. Every body else- your parents, relatives and family all are just other human beings who are attached to you in one way or anther with some bond. The bond can be-emotional, spiritual or anything related.

A strongest bond between these humans and you is the power of love. A bond which could not be described by my meager words. A bond which is selfless and universal. A bond of true destiny and finding reality. Everything we see is connected and everything we do are affected to and by Nature.

Those types of humans who are very cautious about the health will die young and those who do not care will die old. It is because, Nature cares those who care careless and nature loves those who care very careful. It does not mean that, you stop doing what you do-eat health foods or go for diet or do take care of your health and many other activities. All these activities is for you. It is good to take these things into your account and keep on doing it. But my minds says that, totally opposite, it says that it does not matter as long as you live in a moment and do what is in front of you.

Being selfish or being along or not letting some one tell your secrets does not make you close or introvert it makes you more of you and nothing else. What happens happens for good and one day if the secret is open, people will come to know it in any circumstances. It will be known by people and they will first get surprise, next do judgment and third give comments or make an impression on you. It can be positive, negative or whatever based on your thoughts that will process them. If you take everything as positive then it does not affect you but once you feel or flex your emotions then you are being open to yourself.

Being light and open to oneself is important then showing openness to others.Just be open to yourself and show the light of sun into your heart, once the darkness inside you is enlightened with the power of sunlight it will bring loads of joy and happiness in your life and in the life of the people around you.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Monday again !

Whenever we are expecting something we do not get what we are expecting. Why is this ? Why do not we get what we expect ? What goes wrong ? Is it because we are thinking that particular thing should or must happen or is it because we are thinking what if something wrong goes and how would we feel then ? Is if good for our brain ? Can it be good when you expect and you suddenly do not get what you expect or do not achieve what you desire or think ?

To some extent it is good, but many of the times it is not just because you are experiencing something bad inside you. It is just because your emotions are attached with your expectations. Once your emotions are badly effected then you will feel very bad about what you wanted or expected or desired.

How about you expected and something really happened ? When something like this happens then it is by the virtue of your brain and your true path to destination. It means that you are in right track and you are heading in right pace. It means that you are getting what you really desired. It is good to know that many of the times some of your days are not good. For me, I take as Monday. My feelings are such that nothing is going to work for me on Monday. I have deeply rooted this thought in my mind and whenever something happens or something is expected from me or from my own life then I immediately think well, today is Monday.

Why am I taking this particular day as totally negative ? Is it because in all the mondays in my life something bad has happened or is it because I am too much of fearful of Monday. Why ? Based on my past experience I do not want to see this day. In past out of 100 Mondays 90 Mondays are not good. How would you feel then ? It is the same feeling as any person would have after he/she is betrayed by his husband or wife.

A child touches the fire once he touches the fire then suddenly he realizes that it burns his fingers. Next time onwards he will not touch the fire only because he has a past experience of touching a fire and fear of burning his fingers. Once you are fearful of yourself how would you again go and touch the same thing ?

I would call this as- First step is Last step. A step taken once is the last step taken, you may do thousand of things in your life but be careful to take the first step. The first step will determine how would you feel about the things and activity.

Yet again, a Monday which does not work out. A day which should be removed from the Calendar in my dictionary. Just not because it does not work out for me but it is not good to keep it there. It is the day of death. It is the day of fear and it is the day where something if going to work for you is also not going to work.

Well, It cannot be judged with all other people around the world. If you ask others they will say that there best day is Monday. A brain is where everything is made. A thinking which connects our expectation and our future plans. Once you start making something futuristic and you think that particular thing is going to work for you then suddenly that will not work.

A person should not worry either it will work or not or weather he expected and he got something or not but rather he should worry on what he has got at the moment. A full concentration on the present will give him the true path to the destination.

When we fully give our mind and our full physical body to a work or task or any event that is at the moment in front of you then at that moment you are living yourself to that moment. "Live in moment, everything expected will automatically come your way".

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Women Vagina

A good news for those women now who wants to go back to the virginity again. Reading the article posted in New York times, I laughed many more times than the words in the article.( It describes about the Muslim women can go back to the virginity again by simple operation in the private clinic and many more cool launches has been done for the sake of it. It is now affordable in a cheap price.

Some times it makes me laugh and some times the same topic makes me feel as it this is not good. Once you loose your virginity what is the use of doing all drama and going back to do the operations for the sake of nothing. It means that you want to live a life with your new partner with a sense of insecurity. What if one day the person finds out the truth and knows that you already had loosen your virginity by sleeping with some body else.

It is very difficult topic how we see the sex and women in many different places of the world. In europe, it does not matter a girl can sleep with those she wants to and the next day she can go and sleep with some body else. Despite the fact that a women has a son or daughter it is not the problem of another men accepting her as a wife. In contrary, in Muslim or most of the Asian world this fact is not accepted as it is seen here in Europe.

Most of the men from those part of the world will not tolerate is a women sleeps with other men or have loosen virginity just like that. It is important to keep the virginity in tact for many women. Some times I feel myself being a women and I try to feel the pain. Men will always feel relaxing or they get total joy in the pain but how about the women. Do they really feel the joy in the pain. May be to some extent but what if the extent is not extended ? What if the pain in not bounded to certain limit ?

Why do a women have to remain her virginity ? May be the question will not try to find the clear solutions but the answer to the question will also not give the proper valuable solution only because Men like to feel the pleasure through pain. I have seen very few who does not see pleasure through pain but many men does.

In europe, a women is respected in all aspects. She has the rights to decide with whom to stay and with whom to divorce. A men just follows what she think is right. A women has equally power on decision making whereas in Asia or Muslim world Men are the leaders and power is not equally divided among women. Most of the women are working in home as a house wifes or doing some minor jobs but most of the time the breadwinner is Men and he is the decision making body.

Well, Virgin or no virgin does not matter as long as a true love between both the species exits. It does not matter a vagina used by one penis or more than one as long as you know those are physical part of the body which exits in every human beings living in this planet. The most important things then comes to are we going to accept it in our lives ? Possibly not or is almost impossible to many of us.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Be open.

Good morning, beauty of the morning can not be explained. The beauty of women as is indescribable similarly beauty of beautiful morning early sun rays gazing through your windows and falling like a drop of water in your face in very hot summer days.

Fight against race will continue and it is the hot topic for discussion. Obama is fighting against the race whereas at the same time Hilary is fighting against the Gender. The gender issue is almost in the stage of development but the race issue has not even raised with concern. The issue needs some solution. People are getting tired with the same kind of rules being applied. We need to update or change the rules.

Those rules which we follow are the rules which are not valid anymore. The updated rules and procedures are needed in this world of globalization. People have forget that we are making things worse and it will become more worse if we do not take the initiatives as early as possible.

It is good that we have the freedom of speech and expression. We can express what we feel, we can share our views, ideas and thoughts but it is not good that this rules is also used in practice in many different countries. What is going on is not going on correct. What is happening is not happening for good and what needs are not enough.

It is good and it is bad at the same time. People are moving, people are afraid and people at the same time are terrified. These are those people who know or who can sense that sooner or later world will change. I always stick to my sense of believe that it is not world which is changing, it is the people who are changing. It is the people mind which needs the constant change. We live in the world where every day habits become the routine and every day routine becomes boredom. We feel bore and are most of the time fed up with the same face, same culture, same office, same routine, same wife , same sex, same food, same ... and many more.

When everything that we were doing is the same now and was same then; It become the useless. We then slowly start to change our mind. We go for the change. Which is only thing that is permanent in the world. In search of change we do many things. We build cars, we build buildings, we run, we make roads, we dig the earth in search of something and we find Ore, we move and later we explore new territory, we do many things and we evolve as humans. This gives us the complex, dynamic and total virtual world which is the world of today.

Machines are ruling it now. Computers does the work for you. Why do you now need the people ? The days are not very far when everything will be done or managed by the computers. It can also be done with machines. We created it but now they will rule over us.

We should not stop our changing behavior, the result we will get from the changing behavior is the total satisfaction and peace of our mind. If we do not change then we will be the same old stupid guy doing the same old things all the time. Kind of old fashioned typical, stereotypical.

The fight will continue as long as we build guns we create wars, as long as we build machines we cut the jobs and as long as we visit one religious place we will create differences in religion.

I do not ask you to do what mentioned over here I ask you to think over it. Imagine you visit all the religious places, feel the experiences of visiting different places, feel the experiences of visiting different countires, feel the experiences of travelling not only by plane or by car or by bike or by sea just even some times walk.

Everything we do, everthing we see, everything we feel, experience,learn and think are connected to our past, present and future in some manner or some way. Once I remember one of my friend he said- Every person near you will either tell you about your future, your past or your present.

Now it is your time to figure out in which category you want to put yourself. Good luck and Keep always a positive frame of mind set and most importantly be open.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Open the door.

The art of living is the way of living itself. One needs to go through many different phases of life. When you travel, you get to see many different things, you see the tree, people, other cars, other vehicle and many such things that too move. When many other things move, you move.

The ideas that travel should be adopted in many different case.The idea that do not travel should not be adapted.Most of the people in today's world do not just want to sit in one place and live a life. One point in time we would like to move.

The moment brings the journey, it creates the journey which might be very useful to many of us in many different ways. The joy of journey is immaculate. It is so joyful that you feel very comfortable. Sometimes even it reminds that why not if I was a flying bird. Move from one place to another, always in constant move.

Visit new places, see many new things, learn from many things that I never have seen before, heard before and watch before. What are the ways we learn or how do we get input in our body ? The input we get are probably from Eyes-we see, from ears-we listen, Nose-we smell, mouth-we taste, and what are others-next input could be touch-we feel.

The basic stuffs will always be their we will always do the basic stuffs but some time some point of time we get fed up with our daily routinized life. We then start looking for change. When we start to look for the change-we slowly thing the best way to se the change is to move.

The moment gives us both adventure and the pleasure. The both part are exciting in the journey of life. Those who are afraid of move, they are afraid of learn. While I am writing this one of my sweet fly is coming very close to me-again It is getting very closer to me, after getting closer to me I showed it the way but it could not go anywhere. It is trapped inside the room. It wants to move but it has no place to go. It is desperate to move, only because it wants to explore the real world. It has its own life, its own family and its own children.

Now, as I have to open the door to let it visit where it wants- I will open the door. Every country-should do the same for the people.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Research your-self.

Mr. X is far from Miss Y. He has a desire, desire to see her but that is not possible. They are both very far from each other. The geographic boundary separates both of them. They want to meet, see, feel, hear and taste each other but some how they could not do so.

The presence of one person close to or feeling of one person being close to you can not be acheived. Scientifically do not exist today. Researchers are working on it and It will take them thousand of years before they will come up with some ideal implementation.

The significance of such activitiy is really remarkable if can be achieved. Mr. X do not have to travel to see Miss Y. Imagine such thing happening in near future. Wow, Their are thousand of negative points also which comes into consideration while making such system. Some of them are "will it really be like the reality ?" Again, It will also how we define the term reality. What is reality ? All our senses working in tact. Is this a reality ? If we say that all our sense can work in tact then we define the term that we are "alive".

We define the term "death" only when none of our sense are in tact, or are not working. We cannot smell, taste, see, hear,feel etc.(if their are any more). This definition is very old and traditional we need to change it. Why ? We all individual are not dead. Whoever borns in this planet are not dead. It is us who define that "that person is dead".

Don't get excited. It only means that our sense are not working. that's it. We all are alive. how can i say that ? We are alive, only problem is that our sense do not work. The problem is that we can bring a person from death phase to alive phase but that is very easy task but it won't be suitable or good or for well being of society.

The cycle continues and cycle will continue as long as we name the word as "cycle". Which means "circle", continuity, movement etc.. Researchers should not concentrate on how a person can be bring to life after death but they should concentrate on why our sense do not work ? What is the reason that we become immobile and our sense stop working ? It is my way of giving you the path. Their will be difficulties in walking the path and it is good, more of these difficulties comes, sooner you will reach home.

Research is findings, research is knowing, understanding, well-being, thinking about society, people, for the world, It is good that we have already taken the path of good. If we think something is good, if we imagine and put this in our mind or if we have impact of "good" we will forget "bad".

I don't know I started with one but I again went on to describe something which might not be useful to many. However, Mr. X can only meet Miss Y if Miss Y wants to meet Mr.X and vice versa. Mr. X will not have geographical boundary with Miss Y only if both do not see the difference in time. Mr. X will see, feel, taste, smell, hear Miss Y only if Miss Y will do the same to Mr.X.

To sum up, we are dual, biased, we always talk about "two", first lets find out "one" then we can jump to find out "two". Which means know yourself, know who you are, try to find out your self, you as a human first then only you will some how manage to find out others person as human too.

(Picture taken from:
images/Absence%20and%20Presence.jpg )

Monday, November 12, 2007

Third World

This is thank you to Alfred Sauvy for creating this word called “Third World”. I do not know weather he is alive or dead now but this is from the bottom of my heart that I want to say thank you. Thank you for creating the difference! As he has mentioned that The Third World has nothing, and it “wants to be something”. Which means this world is underdeveloped. The characteristics that we possess are poverty, high birth rates, lack of infrastructure and dependence on first world. This is thank you to the person who created the third world.

We are poor people. We do not have jobs, we cannot do anything. We are dependent on developed world and First World countries. Let me say one thing. We are different in economy, culture, religion and infrastructure. But it is the mind of those third world people, who are leaders in the First world. Without those brilliant mind First world do not exit. And there would not have been any difference. It is always easy to blame others. Can you blame yourself? No one wants to be dominated by other. Every body wants to run the race and win it. Americans are good at this because they are far sighted people and do not care about anything. They have this “Who cares?” kind of attitude. This attitude helps them to be one among the entire nation. They are not strong nation and not number one nation in world. It is the other nation that thinks they are number one and strong among the world. As far as we come from this world, where we do not have big industry and we are not technologically brilliant but day’s are not far when one of the kid from First world would say,” Daddy, Where is this software coming from ?” and Father of First or Second world would say,” Son, It comes from Third world ?”.It is very easy to make difference. I really hate this word “Difference” and sometime I like it too. There are many reasons beside it. Why we have to create these differences? To whom we need to prove? And for what? One day when the whole world will have some kind of natural disaster and what will happen then? Imagine one day whole world turns upside down and none of the entity exit in this planet. What will happen then?
At that moment you will have only one question in your mind,” who is going to take care of you?” If you live in first world then probably you know the answer but if you come from the world I come from then Think again. You will be the one in that first world!

As far as I know there is no First , Second and Third , there is only one world and in this one single world the rulers are humans and humans behaviors has great impact in the society they are living. World can be better place to live if we accept the things as they are or as natural they are. Rather then modifying it to prove you are the best.