Showing posts with label caring women. Show all posts
Showing posts with label caring women. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


We live in a culture dominated by men. The majority of people at the workplaces are men (e.g. in government offices, private institutions and social workplaces). However, men’s dominance only cannot bring forth a real change in the society. Being a woman comes with severe and several restrictions. Many a times, she cannot make her own decisions. She cannot travel alone. She cannot participate in any healthy discussions or, even if she does, her arguments are ignored. Some countries and cultures are very good at promoting women’s participation at different levels of their society. For example, in Sweden and Finland, you will hardly see her male counterpart in private-public offices. Whichever governmental or non-governmental offices you visit, you will see women’s participation in a substantial manner. One can also say that women dominate most of

European culture. However, it is not only about the dominance of men or women but also about openness.

If one can know how good a city is by its smell, one should know how good a society is by the women’s status. Thus, women’s position is vital in many ways. In our country, women have less say than their male counterparts, and it is important to love women equally as men, simply because they go through

different sensitive emotional phases. Just imagine a world when people will stop giving birth to girls.

Santosh Kalwar, Chitwan

Published: The Himalayan Times
Letter to the Editor

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Let women decide

I agree with Namrata Sharma that lack of knowledge and awareness are major factors limiting safe abortion in our country. Abortion rights should be given to women because it is they who bear the burden of giving birth undergoing incessant pain and suffering. As the author mentions, many men have lodged complaints with the authorities when women has chosen to abort.
Nepal is still a male-dominated society and women in many parts of the country are still deprived of abortion rights. Women fear social ostracism if they choose to undergo the procedure against the wishes of their husbands and family. One wise man once said, “Man can understand the pain but he can never feel the pain of women; there is a huge gulf between understanding and feeling”

Published: The Kathmandu Post
Letters to the Editor

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Girls on our streets

In response to article on Nytime on title, "Girls on Our Streets", here is what Mybheja has to say-

Dear Mr. Kristof,

With all due respect, you article is very informative and at the same time detailed information has been provided about teenagers on the streets.

Google hit of the keyword 'sex' will result into 718,000,000 links in 0.09 seconds. By this fact only, we can clearly understand what is the basic necessity of humans. This falls under Maslow's hierarchy of needs. This is still OK but it become NOT OK when desires, passion, love and romance exceed into violence. When it starts to cross the boundaries of humanity and goes above natural law, then basic need become basic seed of pain, frustration, crime, violence, non-social acts and deeds.

I am no expert on women violence or crime but I have seen and heard the story of my close friends who has gone through the same situation and experiences. Yes, even to read such articles brings sadness in the tears and frustration of inhuman act.

Back in 80's, One wise man said-"Money can't buy everything." Today in 21st, One young child said-"Money can buy everything."

The same philosophy applies in today's context, if you have money you can even buy sex as you have mentioned of the 14 year teenagers and pimp.

I am not aware if on the streets of America you can find 14 year teenagers being the victim of prostitution and sex work. and, I have never seen it so I will not give any comment regarding such scenarios.

But I would say, in general the world is populated with stupid and violent mindset when it comes to sex. There are many such cases in developing world as you have mentioned India, Nepal, Thailand among others. I know the developed world also has the same problems.

Women are same either they are in developing world or they are from developed world. The crime is same and the violence is same.

The problem is not the solution and the solution remains very problematic.

I can give more harsh comment on this issue. It is important for all men in the world to understand following-

1. Before doing any such crime of sex or prostitution act think of the pain being women.
2. What would you do when your own children are involved in such case ?
3. Stop it please, for god's shake.

Taking religion into account, many religion experts would give different opinions on 'how to get enlightened?' The core message of being enlightened is to overcome 'maya' or 'inner desires'.

I don't ask anyone to suppress personal desire, I am asking to limit inhuman act on women. But even if I will do research on women entire my life, I will not be able to find out 'what's on women's mind?' Therefore,

Lastly, I would stop saying the quote from unknown author which states, "When a man talks dirty to a woman, it's sexual harassment. When a woman talks dirty to a man, it's $3.95 a minute."

God bless you all !

Monday, February 9, 2009

Valentine's Week: Poem of the Week.

Plot: Gloomy Sunday( The day after 14th of Feb, 2009) it is, when a man's love is preparing for her marriage and this young handsome man has decided to take away his life and to rest in peace.

On 15th Feb, 2009 there will be no posting. In memory of this yong man's lady who is marrying on that day.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

I will

Beatles I Will Lyrics:
Who knows how long I've loved you
You know I love you still
Will I wait a lonely lifetime?
If you want me to I will

And if I ever saw you
I didn't catch your name
But it never really mattered
I will always feel the same

Love you forever, and forever
[ Find more Lyrics at ]
Love you with all my heart
Love you whenever we're together
Love you when we're apart

And when at last I find you
Your song will fill the air
Sing it loud so I can hear you
Make it easy to be near you
For the things you do endear you to me
OH, you know I will
I will

do do do do do do do do do

la la la la la la la.
Lyrics: I Will, Beatles [end]

Friday, January 16, 2009

Image of the day

Artist: Leonardo da Vinci
Image: 'The Virgin and Child with St. Anne and St. John the Baptist'
"Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else. The trick is the doing something else. "
--Leonardo da Vinci

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

"True love allows each person to follow his or her own path, aware that doing so can never drive them apart."

Finding a path in itself is fresh and true. Love is another phenomenon which cannot be described or interpreted. It is the fresh beauty which has no definition.

Love is mysterious feelings of an individual. It has no beginning and no end. Finding a path or landing upon a right path depends on the beauty a person sees or the potential the person sees in himself/herself.

Eternal beauty is priceless and the love is priceless too. There is constant struggle to achieve it in human lives but it will never be occupied or be achieved. The freshness of the early morning beauty cannot be achieved. It shows how every day is fresh and beautiful.

Sex, lust are not love and will not be the entry point of the love. These are physiological needs just like eating or drinking.

A person in love does not want anything and a person in love does not want to hesitate to give anything. This is eternal unconditional being.

A being which cannot be measured but can be shared with any object around.

Love could result into right path or even a wrong path. The discovery of the person to find his/her path depends solely on the person itself and his love.

See the beauty on the small child face who smiles more than Adults. See the early morning sun rise, see the love of mother when she is feeding her child from her breast. See it and feel how beautiful those moments are. These are all results of unconditional love.

A love of women by a men is different. This love has a feeling, this love has desires and lust or sex involved. Love could be without sex but the relationship then will break apart. or even will lead to breakage to some extent.

In past we have learned a love of Romeo and Juliet, and likes of other great lovers. But love today what we are showing and doing is different in many cases that I have seen. Every love that we perceive does not end up in the right land or path. Those who think that love could result into the right path it is because, the person has understood the beauty of love better than anything else.

Human desires never end, it has no beginning and no end. Love to me by special some one might be different then the love to others by their special some one. Love is never a finding since we all are searching for love. The true destination of love would be found when one day we will wake up and cherish the moments spend together with this special some one, because she might just be beside you. Sleeping like a child-close and together like never before. Her face as fresh of early morning rose will enlighten your spirit in pleasure and show you the day to work hard or ever harder.

Good day !

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Drive in your own way.

One of the tendency of mine is to write a long sentences. I do not know how many people find it interesting, or I do not know if they really understand what I meant to say. As English is not my mother tongue, I am trying to learn and improve with each and every passing moment if I really can be good in English.

It is not the end that matters, it is always the journey that matters. I enjoy to travel but I hate to reach the destination. Life is all about knowing what you can do to others and what they can offer you.

Learning never stops, as time never stops. Every great invention is because result of great sacrifice.

Hey look, I am writing as if I am great philoshpher or great personality. I am nobody. I am not any great person or any great philosopher, I am just a simple ordinary person who is trying to understand what is meaning of life and how can I manage my own life.

My life is open as the open book. There is nothing I can hide and there is nothing I would like to hide. There is always a dark side to sunny side but there is always a sunny side in my darkness life.

Once a friend told me that, He has millions of Euros in his bank account. I felt as if I am really poor. Becasue soon after his words I realized to find what is there in my bank account and then I found that, I have very few amout of money which will just be enough for my survival for some time. It will provide me money to eat two times a day and I can some how manage to survive here, till the period of time I am being here. Nothing more.

The calculation run in my mind and these calculation was very negative. A friend was happy because he had enough money so that, He can sense the security but I could not. However, I did not get bothered from a friend's answer and after just a few second I realized that- Life is not about the money. It is not that "how much money I have" or "whoever has".

What if " a person works his life to collect a millions of money and very next day he dies". What will happen to his life? Will he at the end be satisfied with his life? What if, he never have achieved the happiness and joy he always wanted but some how he sacrificed it, just for work and money.

What if, all your life you are doing stupid work and doing nothing for others and one day when you are passing down the streets no body realizes you. Is the money useful then ?

"It is easier said then done". But life is the way we want it to be. It is the way, we drive it. We can take it in any direction we want only thing then matters is not where are we going but where we will end up.

Wish you all the best for the great weekend !

Monday, August 11, 2008

When she

When she walks away from you mad [ Follow her ] When she stare's at your mouth [ Kiss her ] When she pushes you or hit's you [ Grab her and dont let go ] When she start's cussing at you [ Kiss her and tell her you love her ] When she's quiet [ Ask her whats wrong ] When she ignore's you [ Give her your attention ] When she pull's away [ Pull her back ] When you see her at her worst [ Tell her she's beautiful ] When you see her start crying [Just hold her and dont say a word ] When you see her walking [ Sneak up and hug her waist from behind ] When she's scared [ Protect her ] When she lay's her head on your shoulder [ Tilt her head up and kiss her ] When she steal's your favorite hat [ Let her keep it and sleep with it for a night] When she tease's you [ Tease her back and make her laugh ] When she doesnt answer for a long time [ reassure her that everything is okay ] When she look's at you with doubt [ Back yourself up ] When she say's that she like's you [ she really does more than you could understand ] When she grab's at your hands [ Hold her's and play with her fingers ] When she bump's into you [ bump into her back and make her laugh ] When she tell's you a secret [ keep it safe and untold ] When she looks at you in your eyes [ dont look away until she does ] When she misses you [ she's hurting inside ] When she calls you a dick [ she still really loves you ] When she repost this bulletin [ she wants you to read it ] - Stay on the phone with her even if shes not saying anything. - When she's mad hug her tight and don't let go - When she says she's ok dont believe it, talk with her - because 10 yrs later she'll remember you - Call her at 12:00am on her birthday to tell her you love her - Call her before you sleep and after you wake up - Treat her like she's all that matters to you. - Tease her and let her tease you back. - Stay up all night with her when she's sick. - Watch her favorite movie with her or her favorite show even if you think its stupid. - Give her the world. - Let her wear your clothes. - When she's bored and sad, hang out with her. - Let her know she's important. - Kiss her in the pouring rain.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Amazing things happen in life and that is the beauty of life when things go amazing. Some times we get surprise and the surprise if it is positive or nice or even nicer than we are excited and we jump into the stage called excited state for a while.

A mind is a brilliant machine inbuilt in the humans. We are this brilliant thing called mind which we can make work as per our SE. It is the art to make the mind work as per we want. We cannot gain this ability just by learning some books or by any simple method. It is first understanding yourself. In the process of understanding yourself, you will come up with understanding every part attached to your body and the most important is mind.

Imagine a situation where you wanted something to happen for you and that particular thing did not go well, I mean you wanted something but you did not get what you wanted. In such situation you will be abit depressed and not normal. There are some three types of behavior that humans show generally and these three are Normal-excited-depressed-normal-excited-... It is the cycle. Just like after every night there is a day, every day there is night and so on. These cycle of behavior are shown by humans in day to day life. It changes with time and circumstances.

The environment is the great factor which makes the change of the behavior. The normal behavior can be changed with depressed behavior just because some one in a friends family got expired. Again the Normal behavior can be changed in excited behavior just because some one is throwing a great party in some great place and you are invited. Excited behavior can be changed with Normal behavior just because you wake up and now today is the working day and you have to go to office and do your daily work.

The pattern continues and that is the cycle of life in showing different behaviors. Now the biggest question is how can a amazing things in life be connected with the behaviors. Does it have any matching. Yes, to some extent. The excitement shown by an individual is directly related with the behavior and the unexpected event occurring in a persons life.

The most useful state for humans could be the excited state where the body is full of energy and it is in total joy. There is no worries and no sadness involved. Only thing is the body which has no control over the situation. A excited person does not mean physical arousal or something like that but excited in a event with total joy and smile on face. Amazing things happen at that particular moment.

Well, that is how the predicted pattern of behavior could be seen but I am not sure if that has been scientifically proved. However, life is full of surprises and some times it is also good to learn the ability to give surprise to others. Many relationship does not work out because the partner are very predictive nature. One has to learn the ability of giving and taking surprises. Lot of these ability does not come from the learned behavior but from the bottom of heart.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Scent of Women

Some times you feel as if you really need some body with you, a girlfriend, your wife and the women beside you to talk share, have fun, enjoy. The situation does not let you do that. You want to be close with some one you know, some one you really care for and that person is far from you.

How would you react ? You will be mad just like me. You will have thousand and one things in your head every other humans see you as if you have broken jail. Nothing comes easy and like itself will teach you that.

Some time you want to talk with your friend but you do not want to just because you feel as if you will end up in the same situation again. You want to go dating, talk with your sweet girl again but again you cross check yourself.

When Mr. X and Miss Y are together they will share, have fun, laugh, care, fight, do every little things that they want to do together but imagine a situation where they have to be far- suddenly their is distance which aparts you ard your life. What would you think in such situation ?

Time is big teacher my dear friends, you will learn through this time and you will forget everything in this time too. You will ask yourself when you are just adult why these older people look at me like that and at some time you will be saying the same.

No Scientist ever found out the reality of time, no sceientist will capture it and no scientist will ever control it. We say their is every thing possible but I guess Time is impossible not about its discovery or new invention on it but only to find out the about it. Time is not money but time is movement how can you control the movement ?

If some one can stop the movement of entire earth and from entire human beings to all the living beings then you can capture time. Well, that is another idea.

Now, Look at the present situation of relationship where one has to find out everything about life without your partner. It is difficult. It is impossible and it really is depressing.

To sum up, Let's not get bother about it because whatever we think we prioritize it in our brain and we keep them stored once we start working on these priorities we will acheive what we wanted.

Cheers !

(Picture taken from:
bboard-uploads/007HDe-16463084.jpg )

Sunday, February 10, 2008

You are two steps ahead ...

Every women is two steps ahead of every men, Do you agree ? Well, if you don't then why, I do not have any proved facts about this but i can tell you this because of my own personal experiences. We are guys and guys will be always guys. We like fancy cars, bikes and one among other stuffs but girls are also there who like these things but they are born with strong mind set and strong heart. The nature of girl is very different than any other male counter part. They know what they are doing and they are capable of doing what ever they wish. They have the talent that no man will ever gain in the world through his life only thing is that they do not want to show up.Once I was watching a movie by Al Pacino and he said, " The day we stop seeing them the day we will die" ! Don't you think it is true. I personally think it is very true. When did we didn't see any girl ? We always want to see then no matter what, we always need the care they can give us. Only thing is that we sometimes get fed up with the extra cares she wants to give or rather let's say we want to change in the way that we need more. We are linked with them in very deep way and we will never can reach anywhere from them. "Behind every successful man there is women". I don't know how this comes to be true but I think yes, it is true. It is also true that women also likes successful man. They are very clever. Every body wants to be with those person who are successful because people think successful man has everything, every talents, he is good in whatever he does and he is the best in society of something. Well, if we look deep at the word "women" it says everything. "Wo" is extra added in the "men" word. It is reference to my previous article. This valentines day my tribute to all the great women in the world, and to all the women in this planet earth, You are great ! Without you we are nothing. Triubte to all the women and God bless Women ! Happy Valentines day to every women in every culture, every society and every country.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Wife of Men

What is wrong with all men ? I do not wanted to start with this question but I have to. We are the creators,leaders and thinkers. It is because of our extreme power and thinking capability that has made us to reach to the present world. Or it is because of our hard work and effort of each single individual that has made us to come to this point. But despite all the achievements and progress we are not good in one aspect and that aspect is relationship. Once my friend was in very good relationship with a very beautiful women. She was too dedicated to him. Friend has to leave the place and they were separated geographically. but they were still in very good relationship. My friend always used to think that- her girl is not faithful to him. She might be going out with some one else. She might be sleeping with other guy. He was having this fear always. It is not the matter of just my friend but many men in such case always tend to do the same. Why do we not believe in women ? Are all women not faithful ? If you think yes- then think again. Women are unknown. The only species in world which is unpredictable, unknown and most beautiful creature ever made by the unknown again. The unknown creator who created this whole thing, might also get confused if he has to say few words on another unknown creature presently living in this world. Why do all men do not believe easily in women ? Are they not trustworthy ? if they are trustworthy why do they easily change their mind ? If asked this question to all the women in world they would probably say we don't know. Accept it, This is the truth. No women knows whats going in their mind. They are very clever. They are unknown beautiful creature which will always remain mystery to all men. If you take a deeper look at the word “women” it has two characters more then word “men”. Well, I do not know who created this stupid language called “English” but whoever created did a good job my putting two characters more in the women then in men. What is the meaning of word “women” ? Well, I am not writing the definition in dictionary because I do like to use dictionary and I think that is useless. do “women” mean Wife of Men. the “WO” must be Wife of or something similar to this. However, We as a men always think of sex I do not know women never think of sex in deep sense. I do not think any women will give the first priority to sex until and unless her occupation is sex. Sex is always secondary to them, at least; I think so ! I might be wrong again. But all women want to be cared and they want to be with their everything is words and words do not value as much as emotions and feelings. It is to all men please do trust your women and just be yourself and most importantly talk with your partner even in the situation you do not think it is important to talk. Both species are different in physical and mental structure but one thing is common in both of them that is they both have kind heart inside them which can communicate between them. Listen to it, you will be successful...