Showing posts with label imagination. Show all posts
Showing posts with label imagination. Show all posts

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Question and Answer

Dear all,

Q)How does someone know that you are doing what you are meant to be doing in this life?

A)This is very good question, Clelia ! If you would know what you meant to be doing then don't you think your life would be boring to live? What if you know about your tomorrow's schedule today? What if you know that tomorrow you are going to meet your husband or wife or your life partner near the garden in the rain and you don't have umbrella. The guy whom you met will have umbrella and he will cover you with his umbrella. What would you do then? Will it be exciting enough, if you know it. (I think it will not be)

Therefore, it is good that you don't know them ahead. All your events and all that is going to happen in your life is unknown and it should always be unknown. Now having said that, you want to know whatever you are doing is right or wrong, isn't it?

By asking this question you already are on right track. Don't be afraid, whatever you are doing is always right and whatever you want to do will be too. It is you who have decided to choose the path and it should be you who knows yourself better than anybody else. Therefore, when you can wake up each and every morning, then you can walk each and every step, even though you are skeptical and fearful of taking or making them. Just move on and don't regret your past or your decisions, don't blame anyone and be truthful. Life will find its way, on its own.

There is also religious description which I can give which is quite different than any of the scriptures ever written but I must stop here.

Please let me know if you need further explanations and if you feel any thing confusing.

God bless you all !

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Forgetting and Forgiving

“Forgetting and Forgiving”
I forgot, you forgot, we all forgot
She forgot, what a tragedy
Missed the train, daddy is in pain
Got the call, Dear daddy is dead

Who will forgive me?
‘I am feeling shame’, said she
Was it my fault or was it unexpected?
I am feeling pain,
My sweet daddy loved me,

Oh dear god, help me to forget
please forgive my sin
I missed my train
everybody hates me,

I would be in pain, everyday
I want to feel the rain

Forgetting and forgiving insane
I will regret and cry till
My own life someone will forget
I will forgive him, I know the pain

Last chance to saw my sweet daddy
went in vain, unfortunate pain

My heart bleeds in the grief
Fire in my chest for my daddy’s love
Got consumed with so much grief and pain

Please forgive me, humans
Please let me forget that incident

I will never remember anything
I know how to forget and forgive
Life has turned into miracle,now
I know, when I am dead
Nobody would remember me,
they all will forget

I am an immortal soul
I will forgive them, all
Shapeshifting in wind of change
© Santosh Kalwar

Thursday, March 19, 2009

God bless you all

Dear all,

God bless you all

May the hope and the light glow today,
May the glory of God, come all along

May the wishes and desires be fulfilled
Let me assume, the Power of God given to me

Not for my own self, but for all those are hungry
For all those who need help, and are in pain

Today, I give you my utmost love and respect
With total care, I will always be with you
Oh my dear child...! God blessess you !...

God bless you all...!

Happy Praying...

Sunday, March 15, 2009

"Near you"

Who cares if I am a human or animal?
Who cares if I am acting as a normal human being?

I think we should just travel and learn
But again, I am afraid with the economical trouble.

Life is to move on and on
Life is to see new places and people

Life is full of excitement and sorrow
Life teaches us simplest of lesson to remember

Life gives you advice to see new faces all around
Whoever she is, she looks beautiful and bright

Is this my passion for her or
Is it my passion of myself?

Whoever she is and whatever it takes,
I think I am feeling sense of togetherness

With you beside and me deep inside my thoughts
Can we give it to those in need?

Close your eyes and see who it is?
If you cannot see me, then I was never yours

If you can only see me, then I am yours.
Listen to yourself and tell me if it is true .

Whoever it is and whatever it takes we will do.
We will do, to learn from ourselves and to teach others what to do.

I thought I am writing a poem but it might look really stupid
I do not care as long as it gives meaning to what I think

All the desires are left unfulfilled
Until I see you with my eyes wide open

Sometimes the greatest journey is the distance between us.
But all these can be fulfilled once you desire of me near you.


Reviewed by Carol Surber 3/13/2009

"Very passionate writing and visions in love!
The line...If you cannot see me, then I was never yours
Beautiful poem, CarolHawks "

Reviewed by Gwendolyn Thomas Gath 3/8/2009

"Heartfelt words 'Near You'
As long as one is expressing the way they feel poetically in their own words that can never be wrong. In my opinion people need to learn how to accept others instead of wanting them to be who they want them to be.
As long as we are being who we really are and share our hearts that is all that really matters."


Thursday, December 18, 2008

Free Content

Free Content is the biggest question now a days. As I have read the previous comments in your blog it appears to my knowledge that, there are multiple views on free contents.

Some of the authors have pointed out that, free content is good and some says, it is bad. Some has a great idea on how technology has transferred over the period of time.

The matter of choice should be given to humans and only humans alone. The choice of either using the computer and reading the content for free or visiting the book store and buying a book is different all together.

As a author, only thing that comes in your mind is you have a very good idea and this has to come out in public. People should be aware of what is going around and what is happening around the world also how your idea is really related and how you can benefit from your “best ideas”. At the point of writing you are not thinking about marketing or collecting big revenues or even dreaming to win a Nobel Prize for your work.

The path that I am traveling has been traveled by somebody else. There are millions and billions of humans in the world. Those who are currently alive and those who are no longer. Whatever I am doing has been done already. I am constantly thinking that I am doing something new but I also have to realize that what “I” as the person am doing has already been done or is being done somewhere in some part of the world.

Well, Although technology in every day life cannot be ignored and one has to benefit from the usage of the technology. It is always a good idea to use the technology and benefit from the advantage of it. After all this is for us.

The generation that are is evolving is most of the times posting the content on the internet- let us say for example “technorati” where there are millions of contents posted every day.These blog posts and articles have thousand of great ideas but how are they really making any point? Will they really reach to the right people at right time?

To have a greater impact and greater socialization of “your ideas” it has to be used efficiently, in a proper manner.

We do not know how to make benefit or money from our work but, “Giving is the best thing we know as the writer.”

It is good idea to deliver the content for free but at the same time it is bad idea to really give everything for free.

Well, I do not agree that “beauty is free”. Beauty cannot be free simply because it is in the nature. Simplicity of the beauty is free but beauty does not lies in being free. Let me give you one example.

Let us say, you see the flower. You see this flower which is red and your personal favorite color is also red but some how you have a color blindness and you cannot see the color red. One of your very best friends come near to you and she says, Wow what a beautiful color and flower. You cannot see the particular flower but you still admire with the beauty.

Imagine now you do not have color blindness and you can see the flower. In this situation, you will see the red flower, you appreciate the beauty of that flower but you cannot have it. It is not free. It has its own life. It is an object which lives on its own. The life cycle of this beautiful red flower is with the Nature.

Similar analogy holds true with the “free content”. The content and ideas are just floating around us all the time. The matter of choice for picking up “whose” idea could be trusted depends upon the humans all around the world.

Selection should be given to people either to use free or not. However, free does not makes the content valuable and not free does not make ideas famous.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Saturday Times.

Without thinking it is always good to write. When you are thinking then you are not able to write in proper manner. This is often in my case. The flow of the words comes automatically before even i think.

But once I start thinking on the structure and the grammar of what I have written then it stops. I do not know how these grammar and structure has to do anything with the message that you want to spread.

May be it is because, English has some rules and that has to be followed to reach wide range of audience. Once these rules are not followed in proper manner then people will not understand in clearly and properly.

As there are many language in the world. All humans do not understand what others people are speaking or saying to them. We have one common language and it is good that we can speak in one common language with others who cannot.

In the race of my vs yours. Everything is going to cripple one day. It is just the matter of time. when the times comes, it will go down to the earth and fall down to heaven.

Nothing is here for the entire life. Most of the people in the world do not want to give. Why ? They do not want to give because they think whatever they own is for themselves and there family.

I earn for me and myself. The fight here is with our inner self and not with the others around. The person who can fight with the inner self can easily fight with any culture or environment. It does not meant that you have to be conservative and not be open. You can be open and conservative at the same time. It depends on how much you can give.

If you can give then you are man full of respect an full of diversity in you. If you cannot give then you are not being as respected as those who can give. There are always two things which are very important. These are "giving" and "taking". The person who can give can also take but the person who knows only to take and not to give are not the real person in the world.

Giving can be anything and taking can be anything. It depends on how we perceive things. I am not classifying any person here as givers and takers but I am just putting the view on what kind of path one can take.

When you give, you are free, you are open to anything. You know what you are doing and you know the basics of what going around you.

When you are taking then you are not able to give in that case you should learn how to give. Everything can be achieved when you try to learn from your personal interest. Ask the question- how ? then you will get the right answer.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Have a great Weekdays !

Early morning with a fear of expecting the unexpected. Many of us, wake up with the machine making us wake up. How many of us wake up naturally and do our activities ? As the life is moving in faster lane, people are ruled by machine. Our normal morning life is controlled by smaller tiny mechanical alarm.

This alarm is built by us for our comfort but try it rising up early in the morning without it. You will then realize the fact that, you cannot wake up as the way you want to, you cannot control yourself how can you think of taking control of others ?

Together with the advancement of technology, there are loads of negative effects rapidly climbing. There are times when we would easily make the decision, there are times when we would easily do what we wanted to do, there were times when your voices were heard in the crowd. Today, if you see- every body wants to make some point. Simply observe, you will find people making arguments and discussion over the things which are merely useless.

First lesson of living a life, is to control your life. Now, to control your life you need to control your mind, behavior, attitudes, taste and many more attributes which might look useless but are necessary. These attributes are useful elements for the life to work as we want it them to work.

When you want to do something, please do. When you want to think that, whatever you are doing will result in bad or good or you may look as if you are stupid. Then you will not do what you wanted to do.

Somebody has rightly said that, "To do is to be". You are being, when you are doing. The result is the not important. The path taken to reach to the destination is important. Take for example, a life. A normal human life is born, then it grows and slowly it starts observing the essential elements around it. It starts to learn, earn and sustain its life. A life knows that, there is an end but it is not worried about the end. Since all other life living in this planet must have to reach to an end.

Walking to the end path, together is important. Sharing what you have gained with those who have not is important. Living your own life is important but more important is when you can dedicate some part of it, with others.

These moral lessons might be useful to start a busy, fast moving and to fight with hustle and bustle of this weekdays.

To end this article here is the quote of the day-

"Getting lost together can also enable you to find yourselves together."

Have a great weekdays and hope to see you waking up next morning without that machine!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Once upon a time there was a man, who was very eager to achieve something in his life. He was dreaming everyday that he will one day fulfill his dreams. No matter what, he was thinking that one day his dreams will become a reality.

Every body around him was joking and laughing at him. He never used to tell to anyone that his dreams are these and he will achieve that dream but one day suddenly some one knew what his dream was. That person started to tell others that his dreams are these. How would you interpret this story now ?

Do you think the other person who guessed the dream of that man really knew the dream ? Do you think that unlike the man who did not wanted to spread the messege of the dream, the other person really should have spreaded the messege across every one around him. Why do a person has to think what is going on somebody else's mind ? It is because, we are living in the world where no body is left alone. We always want to know what is there going on in the other person mind. If we do not know then we will indeed guess.

Every body has some little secret and these little secrets are very important in there life. No body wants to reveal them to anyone. Even though, a person might guess that his secrets are this or that; but that is not the case in most of the times.

The person who is not worried about his own life is not worried of death. The person who is worried about his life is worried from the fear of death. Whatever be the case, there is something which we should not do in real life. We should not try to look in some body else's mind. It is not good idea to guess what is going on some body else's mind and think based on those assumptions.

World is not the way we think. It is beyond our thinking. There are many countries, there are many people, there are many cultures and there are many different tradition. We have to observe these closely, these all are made for us. I do not hate difference simply because there are so many different things like country, culture, race and religion. I hate it because there are people who do not try to see similarities in those differences.

I do not know what a man dream was and I am not into it. I do not want to read the mind of anyone. It is not good to look inside some one else mind. It is very easy though. Dream are very different then the reality and the reality is some what similar to the dreams.

Once I dreamed something and I thought that would not become a reality but One day I found that it was true. How can a dream become true? May be the dream was not for me, it was for some body else. When the dream is of some one else and later after some day you see that it has become true then you feel that your dreams really are true.

Well, Whatever be the case; "Dreams are always shattered by the compromise but still believe in your dreams" One day it might come true.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Tutoring in LUT ...

"You are currently torn between the idea of living alone in the world, free to lead the life that you see fit, and the idea of sharing your life and path with someone else. This question will continue to come up in your life, and will be especially nagging during periods when you are not pursuing a creative activity. Interesting connection, don't you think?"

How am I currently torn between the ideas of living alone in the world ? I know that living along seems very good idea but I think it is very simplest of answer from the difficult puzzle of problems in our every day life.

Well, to some extent yes but how done one find the connection between living along and nagging during the periods when we are not pursuing a creative activity.

"Today you may be feeling a little stressed out and not your usual self. This could well bring a rush of sympathy from your current love partner, who'll probably want to stay in and take care of you. This solicitousness could cause you to feel a rush of warmth, affection, gratitude, and physical passion. The latter may wake you up to the fact that you're already getting better. Have fun!"

The first and the last paragraphs are the statement given to me by the God. He says those facts and he explains what I am going through today during these 24 hours circle. To some extent that is absolutely true. It is true that I am not feeling good and I have little more stress than usual. I do not know who loves whom or what love is so I could not currently explain what love is.

May be every thing depends on time and time will only tell when to do what. When you are handling multiple task at the time surely one will feel the stress in the body also in the mind. The act of knowing or understanding something is very important to understand or even start to behave in proper manner.

Lot of new faces are coming up in the University now, loads of achievements, plans and dreams are in those eyes which look very innocent to me.

I do not know how long it will take to reveal the secrets behind those innocent eyes. It might take some time for all those new people to get used to the environment, with the people, with the ordinary and extra-ordinary lecturers, with new city and many more stuffs.

I hope God bless them all who have the dreams in there eyes to think big, and to do well not only for themselves but for every one around them. I hope that all those dreams of those want it in any cost would be fulfilled with very less tears during the winter of the Lappeenranata.

I hope all those dreams would one day become reality again, with the early morning rise of Sun during the summer soon. I hope all no body would be left with the dreams unfulfilled. I simply hope I would see the smiling faces every day I meet these new people, I hope in hope...

Monday, July 28, 2008

"The notebook"

Last night, I was watching a movie called "The notebook". A movie which has a story theme-"Every great love has great story". A truly exceptional movie of love. Two couples who love each other, more than themselves.

The story has a great ending and every two person in love would like to end there life in the similar fashion. A love which has no story is not a love. It does not matter weather the story has to be great or not-great; it is basically up to others to judge it but every love has some story.

When a person is in love, he is in love and can do anything for his love to become a reality or success. A guy in this movie has a dream, a dream of building a old house into the dream house for him and his girl friend. But due to financial problems of the guy he could not easily make his dream come true.

A girls family is very rich and famous so her mother do not likes her to get married with the guy and she takes her away from the guy. Later, they separate what is important is the distance between the two people which reminds them about how much they love each other.

A truly nice movie with load of good lesson to be learned from it. Life is full of surprises and some times we get more surprises then expected. It is very nice and good to see the things as they are and not as they would be.

One of the beauty of life is to see the beauty in everything. The place, the things, the people, environment, surroundings, friends, family and everything else. When a person sees the beauty in everything else then they can really make a difference. They can create a difference not in there heart or mind but the difference in society, difference of change, difference over religion and knowledge and difference over lives of other people.

It is good to see good things and try to neglect or take a experience from the bad things in lives. A love is love, cannot be explained, cannot be judged and cannot be estimated. A love of a person is for a life. A life till the existence of the person. A love for a country, for a nation, for a family and for a girl and for a religion all are same. Only the context is different. Only to whom and what visualized is different.

No one can measure the love, it is vast and deep, deeper than the ocean and deeper the human emotions. Deeper than one's judgment and opinion. It is a virtue by which we are existing today.

A love of Nature towards us has made us survive. How many us can raise our hands and say that we are the creators of Nature ? 10, 100, 1000 or not even one. It is up to us to decide. Are we a Nature child or are we not ? These answers will be best described when one can realize that we are saved by Nature most of the times. Without it we cannot exit. With it we can exit forever and ever.

Welcome to become a child of Nature and worship a love for it.In a sea of lake full of water, The water is water. Dirt in water does not make the water dirty. It is the way we look it. After the dirt thrown into a water, it will still be pure as it was before.

Well, I hope you all have a great start of the week. Enjoy the beauty that is presented in front of you not with imaginary smiling face but with real smiling face from inside you.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Potential of Nature.

Religion is the great thing to explore. It has divided a humans in many group sectors. We are today called based on our ethnicity. We humans can have one religion or multiple religion. It is totally based on our family members and mostly the place where we are born.

There is Hinduism, Christianity, Buddhism, Muslim, Jews, Jihad and many more religion that people follow or worship. When two different people from two different religion meet they would like to speak more about their own religion than listen others people religion.

To learn from all the religion, one should first listen to others religion and respect others religion as of one's own. No one is world will learn what are the real message of the religion because it is based on some form of rules which guide such person or community.

I do not believe in one single religion and none of religion to me make any sense. Only because all have their own sides of reaching to god and getting to Nirvana or complete peace. Any methods or procedure or even mediation will never lead to the Nirvana.

Any person living in world can get enlightenment there is nothing wrong in knowing or learning and being enlightened.

As I have always been saying that religion divides the people, country, culture and many more aspects of human thinking. In the race of "my things, my country, my land, my ..stuffs and things " are the best none of the things that are related to "my" is really yours.

A person will never realize till his existence if I would say that none of the "my" things that you have been saying are yours, only because to know this fact he/she has to come out of the wordly affairs the person is intact with and see himself dead. A fear of death should not exist to see that none of the things that people say, or thinks are of them are theirs.

If I say, my life, my things and my country is better than yours then I am not listening or not getting any knowledge from your country but rather trying to persuade you. See yourself as temporary existing in this earth. See yourself living just for a day. All others things your past, future, your dreams are just vague and useless.

These will hurt only because these are real truth and the real truth always hurts. I do not want any humans to get depressed by learning from this but I am trying to say that just find the happiness in living without expectations.

Every thing is being overused and none of the things are being seen from the perspective of Nature. Remember the history, the history of science that we have been studying and that has resulted the significant change is the world is because of Nature phenomenon and observation. Without nature and its great surprising events we would have not reached from the stone age to the golden age of development.

All the great people admire Nature which we should do as well. Try to learn from it. There are lot of thing which still needs to be figured out. We are just utilizing Nature potential which is just the beginning. Once we try to learn from it, Nature itself will presents us the answer to the unsolved question that has been flowing in our brain all around.

Thinking is what is needed to move ahead in life. The beauty of living is that, every day when we wake up you see the day with early morning rise of sun as the normal procedure. Every day is just there and present. Existence of human life sees such days, and we do many of the things to accomplish out life purposes but our existence ends and life purposes some times remain unfulfilled.

Have you seen any old dieing human saying that "I am satisfied with my life, I want to die now." None of us are satisfied or barely satisfied just because we are living just to fulfill our dreams. These dream some time may come true but many of the times they fall apart not because of lack of concentration but because of over expectations.

Live a life just like there is no tomorrow. Love to the person who you loves you just like you will not leave her/him for the next very second. Expect nothing simply because the next second of your life is not undiscovered, above all smile to yourself to respect you are doing good to live in that second.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Love explanation.

Last night, I was watching a movie called, "The man who cried". An amazing epic of the Russian girl who comes to find her father who has gone to America for some reason. In the process of visiting to America she meets the gypsies guy who is Johnny Depp, As the people hates them just simply because they do not have homes to live and place of there own, the girl loves her. The story of the movie shows a great deal of love with the passion of finding the father.

Every man knows how to cry and when to cry. It is just that they do not show it to others. Even if they know how to cry they will never show how to cry. It is just the very moment which will tell if the person is really feeling it deep pain in his heart which will tell him to cry otherwise a man has very much difficulty to cry.

Everything in world is connected by some means or medium. The most beautiful of all the medium in world is "love".

Love is the greatest thing that connects every religion, sex, race, country, emotions and humans from different planet and with different culture. When a person touches the faces of the women the most beautiful feelings is generated in the both men and women. A feeling of closeness. A feeling of togetherness. The main purpose of love is love itself. One cannot find any purpose in love neither a person can find any purpose in life too.

A love comes with bag full of smell of early morning beauty. Have you ever smell the early 4 am morning beauty of those breeze just near the lake. It gives the pleasure of being alive. It just reminds us that we are alive. Love is very difficult thing to explain because once i start to explain it, it will not be the definition but the statement of question which will be unanswered.

Do not ever mistake love for lust, session for passion and action with reaction. These are very confusing many of the times and very people will know till the entire existence of the life. A person full of love is that person who can give, who has nothing to be hidden and who lives for others not for himself. He might have negative impact on him from some group of people despite that also he is widely famous and is known for his care taking, giving, respecting, realization, reaching enigma of enlightenment at any stages of his entire existence. He is the man, who can love. He is the ideal husband who can give and he is the person heart full of love.

A picture shows a person who is close to a women and the impact of the closeness is maintained with some distance. A touch is shown to show the presence of showing love. Both of them are in darkness and there is no light, which shows that they are going for lust not for love. There is a sense of presence of little fragrance of love but not actual love.

Love is the

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Living a life.

A simple look at flower gives a delight in the mood of a person, a flower just shows how beautifully it has been created by Nature. It takes lot of effort to see the blossom flower and the beauty of it.

It needs lot of attention from the climate, environment and Nature. Without the help of these important factors which make it blossom a flower will not be seen so beautifully. Similar to a blossom of flower a life needs too a total care and protection from many different elements.

Many people think and believe that life is constant struggle and we have to go through the path of struggle of existence to survive. I do not think life is struggle. Life is not struggle we make it struggling. Life is joy of living, it is collection of past and present memories for the future action.It is the clear like a crystal and diamond, it gives pleasure at the same time it gives pain. It is pure form of living.

War is the desire of wanting more. It means I have less and I want more than you. The biggest problem of existence is not struggle but survival. A flower after showing its glory goes down just all the petals go down once it blossom and shows it capabilities. We then do not like such flower and then we see another flower.

A human nature is very much predictable, it wants a constant fresh element in life either it is a change of place, environment, climate, people or country or any thing. When we do or see or act in the same manner all the time it become very predictable and people will then get bored of the way we live a life.

Religion is a great hot topic for the debate in the next decade and it will create a lot of problem in near future. It will be dominant factor in showing who is the best or who is the worst but it can also be very effective in many different perspectives. It can bring a lot of change the people see religion.

A mind which is in constant struggle with itself can see the changes in the context of environment just because it knows how itself feels. When a mind is outer or cannot see itself then it cannot see the bigger picture. There are two types of humans inside our body, one is girl and another is boy. A girl inside us will match the girl outside. A boy inside will match the boy outside.

I do not know to what extent it is true but to some extent it is logical just because we do not like all the girl living in the outer world and we do not like all the guys. What if both these elements are not present in the human ? In such context, a person can either like both male or female or he might dislike everything he see.

Every body's mind can be ruled by other mind just by raising impulse inside's other mind and asking them to do what we want. It is easy. Many of the war has been done just like this. It is easy to fake the other people mind just simply because humans cannot control their own mind. Once every human will learn an activity or a process of controlling a mind then he can rule himself, he can rule all over the world. Most importantly, all his desire and dream will slowly start coming true.

Every body near him will be catious and think how this person does miracle in his life but those are simply a contol of his own mind over others. He knows the fact that he is creator of his suffering and he once changes his vision and mind as per his act he will slowly start changing everything around him.

The moral of story is that, learn from the Nature. Every thing that shines has to go in darkness one day. Every thing that blossoms will fall down like petal of flowers and slowly it has to gain all energy and effort to make it blossom again. It is just like a cycle. After a darkness there is sunlight and after sunlight there is darkness again. A cycle continues and a cycle of human life also continues just like that.

Death is certain but humans should not be afraid of death, they should rather be afraid of wasting time and energy to make a moment non-pleasurable and unfunny to live. Every moment,every breath we take should be taken with total joy and satisfaction that is living a life.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Amazing things happen in life and that is the beauty of life when things go amazing. Some times we get surprise and the surprise if it is positive or nice or even nicer than we are excited and we jump into the stage called excited state for a while.

A mind is a brilliant machine inbuilt in the humans. We are this brilliant thing called mind which we can make work as per our SE. It is the art to make the mind work as per we want. We cannot gain this ability just by learning some books or by any simple method. It is first understanding yourself. In the process of understanding yourself, you will come up with understanding every part attached to your body and the most important is mind.

Imagine a situation where you wanted something to happen for you and that particular thing did not go well, I mean you wanted something but you did not get what you wanted. In such situation you will be abit depressed and not normal. There are some three types of behavior that humans show generally and these three are Normal-excited-depressed-normal-excited-... It is the cycle. Just like after every night there is a day, every day there is night and so on. These cycle of behavior are shown by humans in day to day life. It changes with time and circumstances.

The environment is the great factor which makes the change of the behavior. The normal behavior can be changed with depressed behavior just because some one in a friends family got expired. Again the Normal behavior can be changed in excited behavior just because some one is throwing a great party in some great place and you are invited. Excited behavior can be changed with Normal behavior just because you wake up and now today is the working day and you have to go to office and do your daily work.

The pattern continues and that is the cycle of life in showing different behaviors. Now the biggest question is how can a amazing things in life be connected with the behaviors. Does it have any matching. Yes, to some extent. The excitement shown by an individual is directly related with the behavior and the unexpected event occurring in a persons life.

The most useful state for humans could be the excited state where the body is full of energy and it is in total joy. There is no worries and no sadness involved. Only thing is the body which has no control over the situation. A excited person does not mean physical arousal or something like that but excited in a event with total joy and smile on face. Amazing things happen at that particular moment.

Well, that is how the predicted pattern of behavior could be seen but I am not sure if that has been scientifically proved. However, life is full of surprises and some times it is also good to learn the ability to give surprise to others. Many relationship does not work out because the partner are very predictive nature. One has to learn the ability of giving and taking surprises. Lot of these ability does not come from the learned behavior but from the bottom of heart.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Predict the future.

A good thing is that there is no bad thing. A bad thing is that there is nothing called bad. When I say this person, this things, or this environment is bad what does that mean to me or to some one else ?

To me, it means that that thing should be far from me or that I do not want to use it. or It could also mean that that things I do not like. To others when I say, this thing is bad does not matter just because that is your point of view or opinion. If the other person close to you is your husband or wife she will support you and try to avoid the thing you do not like or is bad or is not good enough.

Mos of the times most of the things are based on our percetion or our way of seeing or looking at the things. When I say, chicken is bad then chicken is not bad it is my mood that ask me to tell that it is not good. I do not want it. I have never tried it or I do not want it anymore. or this chicken has some scar or is expired and out of date.

All these are thoughts that are generated in our mind by the feeling, experience and by our own personal taste. How can a person who have never tasted a chicken make a statement that it is not good. It is similar to relationship, Imagine a couple who never had sexual mating and now when he says that, She was not good in the bed. How will you interpret the messege. How can a person without a taste will ever say thing is tasteful or not. ?

Without a experience nothing will give you the perfect answer to the event or things. When you do it by yourself, it would never be difficult for you to do the same again. When you do not do it by yourself and make a statement then it is difficult then to understand you and believe in you. The same thing holds true in many of the cases in life too.

One can also develop a practical way of learning or predicting the things but it needs constant motivation on the things you are doing. When you do not know what you are doing or what has been done before in some event or during the course of event then how can you think of predicting the things for future.

It would be nice if some one could predict the things and all the prediction comes absoulutely true. He will be granted a term of magician or God. A person who guess and makes it real in many situation.

To detect if a person is really predicting the things you got to accept the fact that some one can really do it. It is possible. All the things that people do not expect or think that is not possible is soon becoming possible. We are getting close to each other in many ways. Despite the problems in govermental effort or some other drewbacks it is really becoming possible.

One example would be of outsourcing, people doing the business sitting in one geographical areas of the person of another area. All these are possible now which were dream in later days.

Imagine one day you will have a system where when you think about something, it will be there in your house. It will be possible if we really think in such a way. One example would be development of intelligent refrigerator system where refrigerator would ask the food missing from shopping market and it will deduct the bills from your credit card. When you come home from the work, you will see the foods are there in your doorstep. Just pick them up and put in the refrigerator.

An intelligent system should act on its own. We can really develop such system which can easily predict or think on its own but first we got to accept the fact and reality behind such event. The fact is that there are human tendency to commit error, there are human tendency to do mistakes and one can overcome it by just learning and learning more.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Room, things, Global

The time to leave the room has come, going to some different place. A new place with different people, different structure of the room and the different styles. The room which I spend around 9-10 months of the time has finally going to be changed.

One very good Finnish friend I met, He is the always there when you need. "A friend in need is friend indeed." Many of the times we hardly find a good people and Now I can proudly feel that I have a good friend to whom I can turn into, whenever I need any help or suggestions.

It takes time to make a relationship, I have been creating relationship from the start of the Finland journey and it really is difficult to adjust with people either they are from Finland or from your home country. It is not easy to get along with everyone as you might think it is easy. Every body is different and every body has some different way of thinking.

No one can change some one's desire, feelings, dreams or whatsoever. I am happy to find friends here in Finland too. It feels good to talk about the country, On 28th of May 2008 it was declared Federal Republic of Nepal.

To hail is Federal republic in Nepal. Every body salutes that there is no monarchy anymore in the country once ruled by Monarch and also were called as reincarnation of God for the Kings. Now the country is secular, democratic and federal. I am still susceptible towards the growth and progress of the nation.

Politician has made a good move but is it enough ? What would we do by changing just the names ? The names in Passport, other legal documents and by changing the stamp or picture in Rupee notes. All these does not affect the economic, social, educational and infrastructural development in the country.

To change the country-first change the attitude. It has been done, good move. Now let us change the habit by working, by utilizing sleeping Army which are in number of 1 lakh. Use those Army for reconstruction, nation building process and use human resources for well-being of nation. It can be done and it will then take us to the path of development.

Something from Global world- Price of fuel is rising, price of petrol is rising more. We are now slowly going back from the place we came, from the age we came. The process is called downfalling. Everything in rise has to come down. We have made progress now by the scarcity of Petrol fuel we have to come down to the early phases of our development.

Imagine some 20-30 years from now,there is no fuel, or gas. We will have our bicycles, horses and other animals. Every body will walk in street as I do. I wonder sometimes that these people in car should come and join me in the walk. There will be crowd in the walkers street.

We will meet, we will know people and we will talk. It will fun, the process may take longer then mentioned but it will come. Alternatives are good to find or found but they will hardly be any best alternatives.

People will try, try until they will realize that it is not possible. I want to see all my people some day walking with me in the streets.

Last but not the least- I am thankful to the room, the floor, the table, chair, cupboard, kitchen, bathroom, all the touched and untouched places in every corner of the room. I am thankful to all these non-living entity as people might call. I am thankful because I had a stronger relationship with these then myself. I had made them my friends. They knew me and we use to talk alone many of the times. I am thankful to what I have achieved with the help provided by them. I am thankful to them. I know they are listening to me as I am saying these words to them. It feels great. I am smiling as they are smiling.

They are finally saying to me- You are great ! I am saying to them- It is just because of you guys ! I am taking them with me. I do not miss them as most people will say, "I miss you". I do not believe in those. I think you miss those whom you do not want to remember again. I do not miss anything or anybody just because I keep them, their memories with me in my heart somewhere. Therefore I never miss them. It can take everything. I have all those memories with me. I never miss anything or anybody. Therefore I do not want to say-I miss you. I always say-I will not miss you.If a person is with you, together with you-you never miss them. If you think or assume the other person is away from you then you miss them. I do not assume or think some one with whom I have relationship in one way or another is away from me. Those person are with me always. I never miss them.


Thursday, May 29, 2008

Useless words.

Smile brings joy, the reason to smile are many-some people smile just because something happened or some event occurred therefore their are reasons for the people to smile. Their are many people who smile only because they have to smile.

A new day, a new way and a new thoughts coming in your mind with the fresh breeze blowing all around you. A new day brings new hope to live. A thought of living a life. A way of em brassing it. Some people get irritated just because they are heavily thinking too much. Some people do not get irritated just because they know what is going on in their mind.

Everything has life, all the non living things and living things. People will not believe me on this point. Science will tell you that all those entity that breath is called as living things. or living entity. I would ask to those who have made this definition that- What if, the process of taking birth and process of death of the non-living entity is the same, should not you put non living entity as living too ?

I believe both the living and non-living has the life. I believe because the process both the entity follows are the same. Their are millions of example. For e.g one entity shoes. We buy a pair of shoes. (Birth), now you wear them (living) and then slowly it becomes old(aging) after some period it is broken(death). The process of living being is also exactly the same.

Who says it is just a thing ? It is your eyes which sees the entity around you as the thing. It is the same eyes which see the difference and it is the same eyes which helps the needy. It is the same eyes which have heart full of helping desires and it is the same eyes which wants to kill the person next in different color.

The people from different country have different way of using the language, the person from different country have different way of thinking different. But I think I do not have any difference in different itself. I do not see any difference. I see most of the times outside my window from the kitchen and I find green everywhere, I see the road and the road reminds me that it is going nowhere.

I see the cars and these cars are always their constantly running in the road.It reminds that we are here in the world of road and the road ask me to run too. I am not great runner. I cannot run not for the physical benefit or any other benefit but I do not want to run.

I know the path will take you to the place where their is nothing. A place where none, no green, no leaves, no air, no water, nothing exist.

One day, a teacher said to me-you know in West we do not write the way you write. It is totally different. Every sentence has the meaning and we connect the sentence with the reasons. We give reason why the sentence exist. Your style of writing do not connect the sentence.

I thought-well, to me it does not matter, it should matter to my readers. If my readers believe that it does not give any sense then I accept it and I will try to improve it but when my readers are accepting what I am writing it is acceptable. Despite that also I will try to manage with my Western world of writing style.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Palace to museum and Great Idea

Palace to Museum

We are talking big about New Nepal. People are looking for change. When what we need the most is economic development why not to make the Narayanhiti Palace a national museum? Would not it be more Loktantric if we gave chance to every citizen to see the palace?

[published in Letter to the Editors-"The Kathmandu Post" May 17 2008]

Great idea
Turning Narayanhity palace into a national museum is a great idea. No great palace of former rulers is open to public in Nepal. Hence, the Narayanhity Museum (a possible name) will give Nepalis a unique peek at the 240-year-old institution of monarchy that has played such an important role in shaping the political course of the country.
Moreover, the palace is located in the middle of the city, as are most other great museums around the world. Turning this palace into a museum would also bring in some foreign exchange for the country.
Santosh Kalwar, Ratnangar-4, Chitwan

[published in Letter to the Editors-"The Himalayan Times" May 19 2008]

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Nature God

The greatest journey is those which are close to your heart. It is not just a journey but the feeling that you get when you reach to the desire of your destination. The journey gives you lots of pleasure. The pleasure is by changing atmosphere. The place you visit, the people you see, the food you eat, the smell of you take. Everything is dynamic, every thing also seem very dynamic and it gives you pleasure-Once there is pleasure there is feeling of satisfaction. Once you get the feeling of satisfaction you rejoice with eternity.

Life is a similar journey with the taste of finding the same pleasure. Some people get it and some miss it. Some want it but despite the desire they do not get it. It has to be the real desire in you. It has to come from inside you. It will ask you that come on I have to move on in life now.

The words are difficult to merge into a sentence. Often we think many times before even making a sentence just to give the meaning to the sentence. What if we forget the meaning and just try to make a sentence ? Then Our mind will ask us that the reader will not read the text or sentence. We might even think that it will sound stupid to the readers. But what if again- we just make an impression that who cares ? Who cares if no body reads what you have written- or let us say, Imagine No one is reading what you have written. Just write and do not see the consequences or the outcome. Write to show your real desire or feeling or whatever you want to put into but do not judge what others will think about it. ? It is some what said in some religious text books too.

I am doing the same. I do not care as long as my words do not form a meanigful sentence. I do not care as long as the the sentence has no meaning or people even wil think in such a way. It is the judgement done not by me but by others. My hands automatically moves to the keys that I am pressing and my mind automatically thinks over some thing which is visible in the monitor as a sentence. I do not know what I am writing but I think i am writing.

Journey is similar, we do not know where we are going but we are going, moving, exploring, finding and researching what is the next, what will happen, what kind of people we will meet, what kind of food we are going to get, what kind of views we are going to see and what kind of smell of nature we are going to taste.

We are so small- see the mountains, when I see the big mountains in front of me, I really feel that I am very small, then I feel that how strong is that mountain, the mountain with heart of stone, it can resist everything, all the natural calamities, all the natural disaster some times even it can produce something which we call volcanic eruption. Why is nature so different then we really think it is.

We are very close to nature despite that we avoid it many of the times. Many of life lessons comes from the observation of Nature. All the scientific disocery are the gift of Nature, all of the knowledge are of Nature and all the testing people do are also for the benefit or drawbacks to Nature. It is very stong. It can take all our worries, it can even take all what we do. It do not complains, it also do not says anything to us. It is silent all the time. It sees what we are doing. Some couple of weeks back, I saw some video and people said that God is unknown, why do not GOD replies to our messege or prayers ? I assume Nature is GOD. and GOD resides in Nature only because it is very much similar.

May be GOD do not wanted to live inside the human just because it will not be justified to other in whom he cannot reside- Either he has to live in every one or no one. May be he decided to live in Nature therefore no one will see him but every one will see the Nature.

Nature is silent so is GOD, we pray and our prayers are heard based on our own soul and our priorities, it directly goes out in Nature. The nature decides wheather to really answer our prayers or not. If it is not heard that means it is some where there in Nature where one day it will come back and it will be heard but by then we will forget that we really wanted that thing in our life.

Some times in our life too we are really deeply motivated to want or get or desire for something in our life but that desire is pended. It is kept pending by the Nature or GOD. He do not want to give you very easily. Only because it is important for you. Once it is important for you, it become important for Nature too. Most of the times the things you desire or want, you do not get it easily only because you want it and the those which you do not expect you get it easily just because those things are unexplored and unknown or unexpected to you.

Welcome to Nature GOD, a place where you will explore the unexplored, a place where there resides the GOD, a place where you will find the moment of peace.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Smile in trouble

You are smiling but you do not know what you are smiling at my dear heart. I am talking with you. The you inside me, Why are you smiling in the situation where people cannot stand it anymore.

What is worng with you. The people who are close to how would they react if they smile without any reason. They will think that you are mad. They even might think that you are stupid. But as long as they do not know me inside you why should you worry.

Do not worry about any thing since you know what you are going through. You are travelling with time. You are doing what your heart is saying. It is good. Why are you thinking too much. It might seem to people that you are smiling but you are hiding something which no body is interested in, no body wants to care and no body would listen to. It is good that you are showing the smile which is the gesture of happiness or good feelings.

Your eyes speak a different language where as your face shows that you are smiling. I think you are hiding some information which is very touching, deep and heart killing. Why are you thinking of drinking alcohol. What is that brings close to your life and drink or alcohol. It is not the remedy of the problem but despite that also you want to drink it.

The wonds will heal one day, it will be healed by the time. Those wonds who are already filled by the time why are you trying to again play with the same old wonds.Despite the fact that you are facing loads of wonds these wonds will be fulfilled. Do not take any tension. I know you are not feeling well, I know there is no body besides you to tell you what is good and what is bad. I know that people are playing some good games on you. But why should you worry. Let them play their own part. You do what it is good for you.

Do not worry you will not starve to death. There is always one person whom you can turn into when it is deep shit. It is your Dad. Do not worry my dear lovely heart. No pain, no gain. You got to face the problems and remember once when you were kid, you asked GOD that-"GOD please give me all the pains in life so that I will know the life better and I would be very close to it." How can you forget that. You are getting that, you are really getting all your wishes comes true.

You are in your late 20's. It is the time where people do many crazy acts. Look at you, you are just like a old 97 year guy. Who always sits in the room, thinking, giving lessons to people and telling what is good and what is bad.Don't you think you are very ahead in the future.

Feel happy that people will really spent there entire life for the lessons that you have already. It is not because of overconfidence inside you but it is because of your wish, It is the gift from LORD to you.

Sadness is good, it gives load of pleasure once the sadness is into your body. People will never care and have you realized the fact that every body is trying to solve their own problems. Those person who has time to listen, give some suggestion or even help to other person problems are great person.

I wish I could do many more times the same but as far as I have I will do, as far as my life is there I never give up such activities. It gives a kind of satisfaction by seeing some one smiling by your deed.

Therefore I am telling you dear- Go ahead, Do what you feel, Listen to people and do not worry if some one is really doing worng to you. Later by the Grace of GOD it will be judged by him. Let him take the decisions for you. Let him give the results for you. You be yourself and do what your heart and minds says to you.

One day the ray of hope from the bright blue sky will fall in your black long hair passing through your head showing the colors of miracle. By then you will realize that you are really taken care by the allmighty.

Have a good weekend !