Showing posts with label adaptability. Show all posts
Showing posts with label adaptability. Show all posts

Monday, April 12, 2010

Possibly "thank you" in Portuguese !

Possibly "thank you" in Portuguese !

Recently, I traveled on my first scientific conference to Porto, Portugal. Porto is second largest city in the country after capital-Lisbon. The experience of the journey was horrific. Can you imagine falling in love with a city and the people, although it was only for just four days?

I met many pretty ladies in the conference in Porto and also many lonesome men like me-maybe to go wild in the romantic rainy climate of the Porto.

One of the pretty ladies said, “Do you know my husband ….” After that I didn’t wanted to store any piece information from a beautiful lady.

I wonder why these good looking Portuguese girls are “missing” their husband or boy friend and I have to handle the situation or listen to their sad stories. Poor Me! However, maybe I am born to solve the problem on love, truth and relationships.

I could not stand giving my piece of so called “wise advice” on that very lady and ended up saying, “You know, those who are close to heart are never missed.” Finally, she laughed and said, “Obrigado”, Thanks God, what does that word means?

After listening too many of the boring lectures and presentations by so called, “scientists”, I got frustrated and decided to visit some of the places such as harbor, port wine sellers and smell the cool breeze coming from Antarctic Ocean near the fort beach.

The smell was so beautiful and romantic. I talked with Portuguese couples. They hardly were very good at speaking English and I myself do not claim to be very good as well. Nevertheless with my curiosity, I asked with them, “How long you guys have been together?” the girl replied, “it has been seven years” Smilingly, I cherished their togetherness and felt “proud” of such Portuguese couple.

Many of the couples in recent days have trouble being together. I decided to taste some of the famous port wine and think on the reasons behind “not being together”. Under the smell of cool breeze near the harbor, with my eyes closed and beautiful romantic singers singing “tunes of Porto”, I invented something great that Einstein would have been proud of – The trouble is not with the couples but with the ever changing situation of globalized world and the economy.

Recession has hit in each and every corners of the globe. With less money, how can someone will have so called, “honey?”

My conversation with the Portuguese couple didn’t last long. I shared the same idea, wished them “good luck” for their future in their relationship and shared smiled in Portuguese way. They looked very happy with my piece of wisdom that I shared with them, In return they said, “Obrigado” to me.

Again, I have to come back to the conference arena. I started to wonder why these boring conferences are held. Then I realized maybe it is to “network and mingle” with like minded peoples. However, there were hardly anyone who was talking “romance and love” in the scientific conference and my journey was completely different that ordinary scientists or maybe I should have gone to 'romantic scientific conferences' rather than that I went.

Apparently, I saw another single mom, who was from Porto and she started to share her feelings of relationships with me. She said, “Do you know that love does not last forever, I was married with a professor for twenty five years but our relationship didn’t work out.” I wonder why?

I was so intelligent with my words that I disguised my appearance –as if I was feeling sad and said to her, “I am so sorry for your unsuccessful romantic life, maybe whatever we do is a based on our karma” The Hindu philosophical wisdom didn’t impressed her so I decided to give the Christian faith unto her. “Do not worry, you will find someone better, someday” Now, she seemed more satisfied with the response. More than ninety percent of population is Roman Catholic, I guess!

After couple of hours of wise talk, she finally got satisfied with the wisdom we shared.
The final day was approaching and the conference was coming to an end. There were more problems that could have been seen, heard or shared but ‘time is money’. Insofar, I wanted to hear more and help these people more but every journey has an end.

Every time I talked with these couples and shared my piece of wisdom with them, they said, “obrigado”. My lack of Portuguese was very unsatisfactory, I could not understand the meaning behind the word and I assumed that it won’t mean anything bad about me or about my color of skin or about my piece of wisdom.

I didn’t even had computer to “Google translate” the word. Therefore, my journey came to an end when I safely landed to Helsinki but the cold breeze smelled so frustrating and melancholy that I started to feel the same.

In conclusion, the journey of love of any place, or any experience with new people, country or conference is always like “the beginning of an end or maybe end of the beginning” By the way, what do you think, “Obrigado” would have meant? Possibly, “thank you” in Portuguese!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

The day I will die

"The day I will die"

Death is not working of biological organ in human body. The input of oxygen and output of carbon dioxide is major event which drives our life. There are many types of death, one which is caused naturally and others with specific reasons such as accident, crime, violence, suicide, bombings, and many more which are termed unnatural. More than 90% of living humans are fearful of death. In my own life, I have not found any one who does not fear death. One question which drives me to write this article, why are we so much fearful of death? What will happen on the day, I will die? The major reason behind being fearful of death is because we cannot overcome addiction of love. We cannot overcome self and personal attachments. We are tightly linked with love of our family, of our child, of our wife, of our country, of our religion, of our society and so on. The fear is also because the lack of our own self in order to fail to surrender. Most of the times we are escaping from our self. The missions, goals and dreams which we develop may come true or may not but the time will come when we all have to go someday, living everything behind us. Religion will teach us to believe in afterlife, reincarnations and science will deliver us the fact and stats behind the reasons for death. One wise man once said, “To understand death, you need to understand life and go beyond the death, living life for only one day.” I was greatly touched and influenced by that wise man. Maybe he is right, how can we understand death without first understanding life? There are always the things which we want to accomplish tomorrow, if we cannot live for today, how can we live tomorrow? These statements are absolutely true.

Now, what will happen when I will die? I have my personal life, I have done something and I am trying to do something more but will it make any difference to my family, or, will it make any difference to my material life which I have gained, what will happen to my blog which is updated every day?, what will happen to my secret passwords, my secret love, my secret bank account, my secret username and password in e-mails, my secret stuffs and many more such secrets.. Will it make any difference, I don’t think so. Those who are public figures will get high attention and the whole world will know that personality is no more and I understand this, because they are the people whom we trust, society trusts and country loves. I asked the same question to the wise man stating, “what will happen on the day I will die?”, the wise man said, “don’t worry; you will take a nice long break from this unhappy materialist world and you will wake up when this materialistic world will be happy again.”

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Collective Worship

In response to the Paulo's question on "Collective Worship", here is what mybheja has to say-

Dear all,

Have you noticed that you are putting your own words and one of the blogger in this blog, ‘karen’ is ill ???

Come on fellas, pray for her–She is sick as she has written, look on the top of the comment section with her post.

May God bless ‘Karen’ !
May she overcome her illness…

I don’t know what is collective worship, I don’t care about other’s fucking opinion and I don’t give a damn on any books on worship, all are nonsense and stupid ideologies. I care to those who are close to me and I care to those who are in need of me, I care to those who knows me. I am worried about their’s problem and I am depressed if they are depressed, I am happy if they are happy because that is only thing which is important to me.

(If you will put the above statement line by line, it will become poem, if you will put those sentences in paragraphs that will become short article/opinion/thoughts… and if those words will be written or said by prophets or gurus then it becomes scriptures.)

To: Karen for her wellness…
Come on human being, wake up
I made you, you didn’t made me
I don’t ask you to pray me
I never did, Instead
You did and still doing it,

Wake up and rise to rising sun,
pray for other like you,
I am happy if you will help others,
around you, for you, with you,
dance in the occasion
rest in the sensation
worship for humanity
you will get instantly

God bless you all !

Monday, May 4, 2009

Falling wage

In response to article published in Nytimes on title, "Falling Wage Syndrome" by PAUL KRUGMAN, here is what Mybheja has to say-


With all due respect, your article is very interesting and nicely informative.

Yes people are suffering because of wages cut and high competition on the job market is one reason behind such decline. There is always a chance of expecting the unexpected when it comes to present job crisis. As you said, "saving" is the best option which normally people are looking at.

At this current downturn of not and bots, What matters most is protecting what matters. Be it a Job or Health (Swine Flue..,)

Being Stranger, I cannot argue if America is going to become like Japan in case of wages decline but I think America is truly a great nation which always can come back to its originality. I personally like America since you have shown us how to "build" and "create".

You have very optimistic and confidence president, with proper advisers and proper plans, I hope the decline in wages will not flatter the entire economy.

Personally I think that, mostly this decline is because of "outsourcing", the more you send your work outside of your country especially in developed countries like India etc., in cheaper wages, the less your people will be recruited.

The companies always look for lower wages workers and higher sales. Because of such strategy, the work is being transmitted to cheaper workers in developing world.

Although, a lot research and brilliant thoughts could be put on this issue. I would like to stop by quoting Martin Luther King, "All progress is precarious, and the solution of one problem brings us face to face with another problem. "

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Question and Answer

Dear all,

Q)How does someone know that you are doing what you are meant to be doing in this life?

A)This is very good question, Clelia ! If you would know what you meant to be doing then don't you think your life would be boring to live? What if you know about your tomorrow's schedule today? What if you know that tomorrow you are going to meet your husband or wife or your life partner near the garden in the rain and you don't have umbrella. The guy whom you met will have umbrella and he will cover you with his umbrella. What would you do then? Will it be exciting enough, if you know it. (I think it will not be)

Therefore, it is good that you don't know them ahead. All your events and all that is going to happen in your life is unknown and it should always be unknown. Now having said that, you want to know whatever you are doing is right or wrong, isn't it?

By asking this question you already are on right track. Don't be afraid, whatever you are doing is always right and whatever you want to do will be too. It is you who have decided to choose the path and it should be you who knows yourself better than anybody else. Therefore, when you can wake up each and every morning, then you can walk each and every step, even though you are skeptical and fearful of taking or making them. Just move on and don't regret your past or your decisions, don't blame anyone and be truthful. Life will find its way, on its own.

There is also religious description which I can give which is quite different than any of the scriptures ever written but I must stop here.

Please let me know if you need further explanations and if you feel any thing confusing.

God bless you all !

Monday, March 30, 2009

When do you need to break the rules?

Dear all,

Q)When do you need to break the rules ?

A)We need to break the rules whenever, wherever and by whatever means and medium. No rule is the best rule but at the same time with rules, we are controlled and monitor or are governed into specific path. Whatever be, most of the problems nowadays, are just because the creators of the rules are destroyers. How can you trust someone who has no ability to take control of his own actions? How can you trust those institutions which are build up with the pillars of unjustice, wrong doings and proper policies.
In summary,

-Do what you feel good, and no rule is the best rule.
-Based on individual differences, there will be differences thoughts and idealogies which should be tracked down if followed the common rules of the game.
-To trust on some rules, we need to trust those who are creators of the rule above law.
-Well, if you believe in God, Nature and Religion then you must follow their rules but if you are the creator yourself, you are bound to disobey those rules.
-Sort and simple, follow your heart and listen to your inner voice, everything you do is for good and happens for good. MOVE ON...

God bless you all !

Monday, February 9, 2009



Let us go first by what our renowned dictionary has to say,
1: to endure death, pain, or distress
2: to sustain loss or damage
3: to be subject to disability or handicap


My opinion on Suffering,

Suffering is another open question where this column and my thirty minutes of work on this comment or article will not be enough to all the hungry mind of PCBR (Paulo Coelho’s Blog Readers).

Anyways, Let me give a shot on “Suffering”.

Suffering inevitable, it exits and it will never fade away. As the humanity exits so is suffering. There is no remedy to it and there is no single right answer by anyone.

We are all because of Suffering, we exits because we suffer, we are living because we have to suffer. Every morning I wake up, I start my suffering and every night before I go to bed, I die. Will you belive this? Well, this is what I am.

It does not mean that, I am speaking the what Jesus spoke long time back. I am just saying that “We all are God”. We have Jesus and Mary inside us, within us. We are made up of bones, muscles and physical entiry with eternal lives of Jesus, Mary, Buddha, Allah and all.

Those people (I am sorry since I am saying them people), those were all God since they were normal human being like us. So we are too.

Christianity speaks about Jesus being the child of God, Mohammad being child of God speaks Khoran, Ram being child of God speaks Ramayan, Buddha being child of God speaks Buddhism and similar alike.

I say to all those around me, They were not a child of God but they were God and We are too. There is no child of God but only God. We all humans are God. Sufferings exits in all of us. We cannot avoid it. Sharing suffering can loosen your burden. (Well, Please disagree with me.)

Every new idea is a disagreement, Value of exisiting being is never given by us because we do not see the importance. (Why all the fuss, when Jesus was dead after being hung up for so many days in the nail pierced hands?) Why do not people realize the his value when he was alive ?

I have my own opinion which states that, “We all are God”. I agree on all the religion and respect all what they preach. You can always disagree with me on this.

Now, Let me go to the point again on Suffering-

There is nothing called “happiness, or love, or faith, or destiny or whatever…”, Everything is written well in advance when we are in Mother’s womb.

The process of writing starts from day one till nine months. These nine months are the process of writing your own scripts. The script of your life. You write it, nobody else. You do not know it, until and unless you become concisous or awake. The real awakening could take some years like 5-7 years.

When you are awake, I mean when you realize that you are alive. How? When you can see the things around you, start to remember your house, your mother, your father, your school and your religion then from that onwards your suffering starts.

Now, there is a gap between the time you are born to the time you are awake. This gap is about “adaptablity”. You are newly born and when you are newly born you want to adapt to the environment. The environment is not aboout Nature but about your home, family, religion and so on.

This is how it works. Or, atleast this is what I think.

Now, Since you have already written your script and hidden somehwere in back of your memory you do not know what you have written. It is secret script. You cannot read it all. This implies, you do not know what you have written.

Now, what your family, brother, sister, nature, country, religion will teach is observed by you. The observation will be stored in your “human brain”. The brain decides on your daily activities. The day to day work, daily hustle and bustle of your own personal lives are because of all the observation that you have done in your lives. You keep on repeating “those stuffs” which you have been influenced by or want to make some impression to.

This is how we live in Today’s world. Then suddenly, when we want to choose some career path, it does not work out. Or let us say, when you want to become Writer, you do not become writer but you end up being painter, or let us say, when you want something then that particular thing will not come in your life. (Why?)

Is this because of suffering? Yes, why not.

Suffering is already written by you now, when you want to do something agaist your own script, that will not work out my dear friend.

Nobody is to blame, only you !

There is no heaven or hell. There is nothing after death. Nothing. Trust me on this. There is nothing after death because it will be same as before you were fully “awake”.

This is cyclic, We are born, we live and then we die then again after some gap, we are born again, we live and then we die. It is the cyclic process and it continues forever and ever.

Now, some of our brilliant mind will think-if we are born again then why don’t we remember anything from our past?

It is because when we write our script in Mother’s womb, we do the same when we are near the deathbed, Just before we are going to die- the before death period of “Nine Months”, we start to Erase everything that we wanted to do and did, being on this Earth.Our Consciousness, will fade away at that period.This is simple explanation.

Now, let me again look back to what Paulo’s question- Ok, I am sorry Christian question,
Is suffering important to get enlightenment ?
Well, for this I have already written one Newspaper Journal, you can find it here-
“Anyone can be a Gautam Buddha…”

My Mother always used to say,
Sukh-ke-sub-saathi-dukh-me-na-koi. (Plenty of friends in happiness, none in Dukh or disquietude or suffering.)

I think this is the process of life, No one wants to share Suffering because you just have to suffer your own sufferings. Nobody will help you suffer your sufferings. You are the creator of your sufferings.You just have to solve your own sufferings. It is easy. You need some time and you will figure it out that, you have solved your sufferings.

By the meanwhile, you can enjoy some videos on this topic-

Spiritual fun-

Hippie’s fun-

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Goodbye, My lover

Life is full of tragidies,
Sorrow and pain all the way,
Love is just a mere questions
You are nothing but a mirror reflection

I am sorry, if my words did not come out right
I am sorry, if my decisions were difficult to make
But, What about all your promises?
Are they all false, just to make or fake?

Thousand times, yours- "I love you"
Millions times yours- "I care about you"
All are NOW, Puzzle, Sizzles and Drizzles.

Oh dear!, Where did we go wrong?
Is it me, far from you?
Or, are you going someone's else near?

All my life I worked hard
Who do you think, was this for?
Wasn't it for you?,you said, you will share!

Pain, sorrows and love all the way
Now I ask you, why do you go someone's else near?

I am feeling pain, which no one could hear.
I am very old NOW, to properly hear.
Even though, NOW-I have "my family",
it was you, who I cared.

Well, I hope that very someone will care
There are no regrets, no pain, no suprises
Because Oneday, you did what I feared.

Now I know,Why- Every rose has its throns.
Just like Every night has its dawn.

All promises are broken,
Memories still remains, though!
I know, why I did not said,"I love you"
Because I knew, One day you will fade away.

Good bye, My lover, Good bye.
I hope and pray, Your satisfaction.
With those who will share.
Your beauty and blossomness-
Good bye, and Take care.

Friday, January 9, 2009

A happiest person alive in heaven

Today at this moment-

Let us assume that the story that I wrote yesterday (Today Thursday at 17 hours-) is Fiction. Then at least my readers and friends could and will relax a bit.

Thank you Paul for letting me know that, "Don’t try to be all things to all… women… it’s impossible, and… it’s not our responsibility… this one belongs to a higher intelligence… and the universe holds the answer…"

Thank you Jessica for your heart touching article. I think I know the answer and I will try to put words to your question. ("how I can sort my feelings out").

Women is the source of every energy in the Universe. They are not impossible but our intelligence does not let us understand the possibilities in them. We are limited by our knowledge to understand the vast range of possibilities a women has and carries every day.

There are no right answers or wrong answers but all of the answers are just answers. Some of those answers satisfy us and some of them are just words.

Life is a lesson which should be learned in every moment and in every path we take. There are lessons that we learn from our family, from our friends, from our school and others. But a lesson women teaches us in our lives are far more important than anything else. A women if wants can create the universe and destroy the universe. She has the potential which I feel very little to describe.

In marriage- she is the one who should decide weather to stay with the person or leave the person.

In life- she is the one she should decide how to care her children and husband.

In love- she shows how she can care more than her life about her partner and she is ready to accept him at any given time.

In Career- She is the blessed to give the direction and motivate her partner.

So and so forth. There are many ways a women is vital human without whom a existence seems impossible. Well- W O M E N .The five letter words have great meaning. The last three letters means us- MEN. But has any body ever wondered why there are two additional letters in front of the MEN.

English language experts might tell us why? If I have to make a guess then I would say- W and O these two characters could represent many things and many words.

Love is not the destiny.Love is just love. Tomorrow if I have to leave the person whom I love then I will have many reasons in front of me and these "reasons" will force me to take the decisions against me. These reasons will ask me to take the decisons which I do not like but again, I have to make the decision.

A human nature is very childish. When we get something in life we are happy and we do not get that particular thing or person in our lives we are bound to be sad. We regret and we feel the guilt we are thinking thousand times what did I do wrong? What is my fault? Why did she left me? Did my words does not come out right?

A person is wise when he understands that not everything can be gained easily. For example love- A love is a fresh feeling which is momentary just like a smile.

See for example the differences in culture, race and religion but smile has a common form and presentation. WE all smile and when we all smile it is same despite any culture, race and religion.

Feelings cannot be easily suppressed. When Miss B saw Mr. A for the first time they fell in love. They wanted to be together but Miss B was raped and tortured. Miss B felt that she is not eligible and good enough for Mr. A she decided to go away from Mr. A and live her own life. While she decided she will go away, she thought the distance would shorten and lessen her pain from what she had encountered. She knew that she cannot now give fresh love to Mr. A. She wants to quit her life but some how she lives and marries with other person. She has couple of kids. She has a family. She has children but she lost her love.

She wants to know about his life, what is he doing or where is he? How would he feel when I feel something? She has questions which concerns her life and mostly about "his" life. She wants to know about him.

Because once she went far away from him. Now even though she has family she thinks most of the time about him.

Mr. A came back in her life when her sister somehow stayed with him. Mr. A is alone and he does not yet have any girls. Mr.A still has the feelings for Miss B but Miss B is married and settled.

How could Miss B happy? Is her happiness means watching others around and feeling the same? Will she ever forgive her about the decisions she took on his own while departing from Mr. A?

What if she would have told the story just after she was tortured to Mr. A? Would Mr. A accept her then? What would have happened ?

Many of the times women are very negative in the decisions they make. It is because they are thinking always good for US (MEN). They do not want to hurt our feelings or even go away from our lives without any valid reasons.

However there are people and women who take such decision.

1)Some women might think that, Mr. A's are not good and they cannot make her happy through entire live.
2)Some women might think that, Mr. A's are too good and easy, let us try those who are little difficult and non predictive.
3)Some women just cannot be with Mr. A simply because they are now tortured or raped and they think they are impure. They cannot give pure love to Mr. A's.
4)Some women just wanna have fun.
5)Some are going through difficult situation because they have sufficient valid reasons in front of them to leave Mr. A's.

Now Among these five mentioned points depending upon the women and there inner self they choose it. These points can vary depending upon the time, circumstance and many other factors.

Therefore, The decision is about how to live a life with happiness after not getting the love of your life?

What would you do? Should you leave every day with compromise or should we try to find other women or men in your lives. What is your mental state of mind currently saying? Would you take the initiative and be brave with yourself and fight with every single period in your lives thinking about the person who would have been perfect partner?

There are few steps if you want happiness-

(I would suggest to think about these because I have been testing these steps with people and I still do not know if they are really going to be the final seven steps in future. A valid theory for every one of us. Just try to ponder on them too. )

Now if you want to get love that is Mr. A back in your life--

Again, there are reasons in front of you. These reasons will not let you decide against you. If you go against your reasons then it could result into problems. Such as (Your family members might say you something bad, your culture resists you, etc)

Now at this moment- Think if you are Miss B what you want? I know you cannot resist the feeling because your sister is close to Mr. A. If you are really a sister then wouldn't you want your Mr. A to come home -- May be he is interested in your sister and he might even want to get married ?

But again, His decisions are important. After hearing all these happenings if your partner understands how you are feeling then he might just let you go.

However, it all depends on the way you want to live.

Well, I am not alive. I am not human and my life is the life of an angel. I can see the pain and sorrow. I can feel what Miss Y feels about love for her life. I am a air which can just be felt. Nothing else.

I want to touch her. I want to sweep her tears from her eyes when she is feeling the pain. But I know even if she could see me, she will not feel the touch of human in me.(Because I am a angel)

I wish I could come down to earth and live for a day. I wish I could come down to be with her for a day. I wish I would touch her and kiss her. I wish, the feeling of her first touch and the first kiss. I want to experience only once. Can I?

I do not know what is happiness but I wish if I am on earth with that loving memory of her first kiss and first touch I will spend my rest of life.

I wish in finding pleasure to those feelings are called happiness then that is what I am.

At this moment and on this day -
A happiest person alive in heaven.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

"A glass of water is Half full or half empty"

Let me broke down this statement into main elements which makes up the actual sentences. There are two important elements "Glass and Water" and two other elements "Half and Full". Now it looks little easy.



Now let us think the meaning of these two different opinions. "Glass and Water". A glass is one element and water is another. If we put water in the glass the water will fill inside the glass and it takes it space inside the glass. The water has space. or in scientific term volume. A glass has the structure which enables the water's volume to be inside it. Now, Let us jump to the point from the perspective of the observer- When a observer sees the glass of the water, then it depends upon his transitional state of emotions.

Let us suppose, he is thirsty and he does not want to think on the glass or the water. What would he do? He will drink the water in the glass. Simple. Now let us suppose, he is not thirsty and he has some problems because just today morning he fight with his wife. His wife went to the bar with some other men. He is alone and sad. He does not have any opinion on anything. He goes to the resturant and there he saws the glass with half empty glass of the water inside the glass. He is angry and he asks the waiter to fill it.

Now let us look in the different perspective again, Let us say the observer is very happy today and he heard from his wife that he is going to be a father. He goes back to the same resturant and he sees the glass of the water which is half empty but he does not care simply because he is happy and cheerful. He drinks the water inside the glass.

This is one way of looking at the feelings of the observer with the glass of water. There is another way of looking at the same statement.

Who is called the optimistic? Who is called the pessimistic? The optimistic can sometime be pessimistic and pessimistic and be sometime optimistic. It all depends on the time and circumstances. The good time can turn into bad and bad into good. There are never reliable map to unexplored territory and events in life.

Today I am positive and tomorrow I will be negative. No one can live life positively and no one can live life negatively. There needs a certain balance in any of the circumstances.

When something is too much then it vanishes. Imagine a Mountain and there are two people who are climbing the mountain from the two different direction. One side is the boy and the other side is the girl. These people have met in the ground zero where they know each other. They want to progress in there friendship. They want to foster there relationship. They talk, interact while they are climbing the mountain. They are slowly moving on in there life but at the same time they are also building a foundation for there life:love together. There mission is to reach at the top of the mountain and say the final word which all the men say when they get married." Yes, I do". There decision is determined by there determination and hard work.

When they reach at the top, they speak out there heart and say what they really were missing to say since they were climbing the mountains from two different perspective. After the final countdown, they have to climb down the mountain. There cannot stay there for a long. Because there home is in Ground zero near the base. Now think- why they have to fall down? Should not they stay there at the top forever? They are so happy when they just reached the top and expressed there feelings. Why do they have to come down to the earth?

Therefore, there is always the unreliable perspective on any events, culture, country, race, religion and opinions. For me something or somebody can be very nice but again, for others it might be different.

Half full or half empty has one thing in common "half". As in the mountain the story above. Full and Empty are our perspective and transition of thoughts accumulated by time and circumstance.

Change brings those transition depending upon the time.

Monday, December 29, 2008

What is your Resolution for 2009?

This is little difficult for me-

As I am very bad at making plans and it is good idea to make a plan and work for these plans ahead. How about doing the things you like most at a given time? How about doing what your heart says? How about not planning ahead in advance.

There are people who waste time making calendars and put there events in the calendar but I just try to remember everything in my little head.

In 2008, I has some things in my mind. For example,

I will write around 365 posts in 2008 and if you will check now at the end of 2008 you will find that, I have really accomplished what I thought.
I am little doubtful if I will post 365 articles or posts in the same blog. It will depend on which place I will live. If I remain in Finland then I think, yes but if not, then I doubt on my own abilities this year.I do not know what would be my resolution in 2009 but let me try to make the list and see if I will achieve by the end of the year 2009.

There is some career accomplishments, personal voyage and many other random stuffs which I personally would like to do in 2009.

"Humans desires never end, every time we want more and more-it just never ends."

I truly believe in the above cited quotes. Therefore for coming new year 2009 which is-
Total is equal to Eleven

There is a book written by Paulo, called "Eleven Minutes". I have not yet read that book, I wish I could.

-May be Paulo will post his book "Eleven Minutes" in the blog and I will read them in 2009.

But just wait a moment, When we add "Eleven" i.e. 1+1=2

The final single number after the end of year 2009 is,

2+0+0+9=11 =1+1=2 (Two)

Two has a great meaning, it could mean "good" or "bad", it may also mean "right" or "wrong". In technology two means, 10 (Binary representation of decimal number 2)

When we go further deep we can find that in Electricity two mean either "on" or "off".

Now-let me see what this two has to do in my personal life. Well, Oh-

Alright, I got it.

I am presently in Finland,and Two could mean-I can go back to my home country in Nepal or might again, come back from Nepal to further study here in Finland.

May be, Two means I would have two wifes. I think I have to work very hard to make this happen. Simply because Generally, People say that "Behind every successful man, there is a women". Since the economic crisis is going on these days, jobs are being cut and there are loads of problems floating in around the air. Therefore, So, I think if someday I am going to become successful then, I need not just only "a women" but may be "two women".

What else two could mean in my life,
May be I will finish my second book which I am working on currently.Since this book will be the work of fiction, and I will try to find a publisher for this one. I do not want them to "self-publish". Simply because, it does not reach to wide audience until and unless you are famous.

What else, May be couple of "Scientific Journal" should be researched and published. But I still do not know if I will first be given any position for the study. Especially the research funding for the work by the University.

I think in 365 days these resolutions are good enough and if I complete even half of these then I think I have accomplished what I have promised with myself.

Now as you said Paulo, that you will again post these list at the end of year 2009, I will summarize them below.

1) Post 365 articles, opinions and views on the blog with average post of one article every day.

2) If possible read the book "Eleven minutes" by Paulo. (if posted for free or given to me by Paulo as gift)

3) Travel back to home country Nepal (and come back again in Finland.) If not offered the Residence permit on any grounds such as study or work here in Finland then I have to see the other opportunities elsewhere.

4) Try to make two wives. The term wives does not mean that I will marry them officially but I prefer to call "wife" rather than calling them as "girl friend" simply because, I believe the term "girl friend" is misleading in this era where you keep on changing them every time. My definition of "wife" is those ladies who are dedicated and committed to you as much as you are committed and dedicated to them. (Both of them different, both of them should like me more than they like anybody else, both of them should care more about me more than any one in the entire world, both of them should help me in any given ways and both of them I should like as well more than my life.)

5) Finish my second book. A work of fiction. Currently I have started to think on this project. Let us see if I can complete it by the end of year 2009.

6)Find the suitable publisher for the my second book. (If not, then self publish.) This one is very difficult, I know.

7) May be one two papers on "Scientific Journal or Conference" by the end of the year through my research work.

OK, I must stop now. This is already very ambitious dreams and even if I complete half of them or some of them, then I will be satisfied.

Satisfaction will not come to me, if I will complete these above mentioned "To do" lists but the real satisfaction will come to me when I will start doing them.

Therefore, I would like to stop here by saying that-

"Whatever you do, whatever you get- at the end the most important of all, simply ask one question:
Are you satisfied?
If your listen from your inner voice-yes, then you are the most happiest on earth, if no-then try to ask again and say, why not?"

Good luck to you all, in 2009 !

Monday, December 22, 2008

Veronica Decides to Die

A book that is very well written and greatly presented. I know I have "Veronica Decides to die". It is a hard work and great art of a brilliant author. It is you "Paulo".Well done.

After reading your book, I started seriously thinking on the question which needs real research by great researchers in the world. Only one question which researchers should answer is that-

1)Why do people commit suicide?

Let me go through some of the things that I have figured out till date.There are many answers to the same question by many people and I may sometime agree on the issue and sometimes I may not agree at all.
The point is all do one thing which is "suicide", although the execution and implementation of the suicide might be different. What causes the humans to commit for suicide? I think the suicide is higher in Women than in Male but why do people have to think that they are going to quit the life?

One common cause is that,

Depression (Extensive)
Lack of purpose in living
Kill yourself

The process is Six step phenomenon where these six step phenomenon works like this.

1) Humans
We all are humans and we know there are our needs, our desire, career, life, relationship, friends, family, culture, country and our vision and motto for life. We know that we are going to achieve something or want something in our life. We have this quest and search for living happily ever after and smiling all the times (especially even in worries)

We all face problems. Our problems can be same and at the same time it can be different too. A personal problems such as lack of skill, lack of knowledge, divorce, physically obliged, sexually dissatisfied, displeasure, also work problems, career problems, struggling to make enough money, dreams and vision which results into self problems, distress, stress, anxiety, irritation, anger and grief and many more. These are all common problems that we face in daily life.

The problems are the root cause of Sadness. The problem can result into Sadness. You feel sad, because you are going though divorce. Or, let us say, you feel dissatisfied because your friends earn better salary then you do, or let us say, you are facing career problems with no position offered for higher studies and so on. Therefore, the problems can result into Sadness in our lives.

4)Depression (Extensive)
(Why?) Well, Depression because this is root cause of making you think that you should quit your life. The depression especially extensive. It might come when you are alone, when there is nobody around you. When you feel lonely and you are in darkness. This might give you enough reasons to think that you should "check out" from your life.

5)Lack of Purpose in Living
We are humans and we live on purpose. We have a good purpose to live our life simply because we are either Engineers earning a good salary and we have a nice job or we are doctors serving patient daily, or we are professor giving lecture to the student, or we are authors writing and telling our stories all around, or we are artist who is painting his vision. Life is full of purpose and without purpose we lack everything. When there is feeling of lack of purpose in living then we think well, now I do not have anything to do. What if, you imagine that you do not have anything to do? what will happen when you do not have anything to do ?

6)Kill yourself
This is the best solution when all of your previous five steps are ready. When you are gone through above five steps or even few of them then you are finally ready to "check out" from your life. You do not feel anything in this state. You do not have any opinion on any body. You cannot take any lessons inside. Nothing can go inside you. Only thing that is going to make a mark in your life NOW-Kill yourself. Now, you want to see how would "I" be after I killed myself? Where would I go? Since Nobody wants me, why should I live anymore? There is NOBODY for me? I am alone and I was alone, why should I live? What is the purpose for me to live any longer? I am a burden in this earth? a

These question will drive a human to finally quit the life.

Therefore, when a human goes through these six steps they can really go for a long long holiday. The root cause of problems should be discovered early in the life. There are many ways to avoid it. Unlike going through these problems one should actually think about doing something positive and good.

1)Everybody in this earth are unique. They are made for some purpose.
2)All humans are born special and they should die special. (Not like a coward by committing suicide.)
3)There are never any reasons for "love", there are never any reasons for you being alone.A man who loves his aloneness is capable of love, and a man who feels lonely is incapable of love.
4)Live not for yourself, live for others.
5)When you decide you want to kill yourself, first decide to smile at 1000 child.
6)Learning never stops and imagine being old writing book, telling your story to your grandchildren or your children, Everyday event adds to one page of journal in your life.
7)Think, Learn, Educate, See and Feel the world with similarities. Hope is the best medicine in darkness.

Good luck and live your life.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

नेपाल एकदिन फर्कन्छु

Subject: नेपाल एकदिन फर्कन्छु

A very touching poem by Birkhe Maila published in

नेपाल एकदिन फर्कन्छु (?!)

नेपाल एकदिन फर्कन्छु,
अमेरिकामा रमाउन सकिन्न!
संकल्प धेरै पटक मनमा आए।
तर, पढाइ त पुरा होस!
कलेज – डेरा, डेरा - कलेज
पढाई पनि सकियो।
यतिका बर्ष बिताईयो,
खालि हात के जानु!

नेपाल एकदिन फर्कन्छु,
अमेरिकामा रमाउन सकिन्न!
तर केहि बर्ष जागिर त खाउँ!
जागिर पनि खाइयो।
डेरा – जागिर, जागिर – डेरा
एक्लो भइएछ दुबैमा!
तर, म एक्लो भएको कुरा
मलाई भन्दा पहिला
नेपालमा आमालाई थाहा भयो!

नेपाल एकदिन साँच्चै फर्कन्छु,
अमेरिकामा रमाउन सकिन्न!
अहिले बिस दिने बिदामा आएको।
तपाईँको कपाल कति धेरै फुलेछन् आमा!
बुबा पनि कमजोर हुनुभएछ!
आमा बुबालाई मनभरि हेर्न नभ्याउँदै,
बिस दिनमा जीवन बिताउने
सम्झौता गरियो कुनै अपरिचित संग!

नेपाल एकदिन फर्कन्छु!
अमेरिकामा रमाउन सकिन्न!
तर अहिले अलिक मिल्दैन।
उसको भ्याई नभ्याई छ
मेरो बिदा उसको काम,
उसको बिदा मेरो काम!
फेरि छोरो पनि सानै छ!
छोरो अलिक ठुलो त होस!

नेपाल एकदिन फर्कन्थेँ
अमेरिकामा कहिल्यै रमाइन
तर कसलाई भेट्न जाउँ?
साथि भाईको खबर छैन
काका पनि ओछ्यान परे रे
कान्छो मामा पोहोर बिते रे!
आमा, बुबा त अब
हरदम म संगै छन्
मेरो यादमा, केवल यादमा!!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Request for your vote.

Hello Valued MyBheja Readers,

I kindly request you to vote for this essay. The contest organizers suggested that I should send the link to my friends and family and ask you to vote for this essay.


Voting Ends on: 12/15/2008 11:59 PM

In case the link does not work, Please try copy and pasting them in the URL.
Remember that the more votes I receive, the better chance is of winning. (So, Please help me.)

Monday, December 8, 2008

The Internet Way of Death

Last couple of weeks ago, some guy committed suicide on the Internet and some other people forced him to do so. There are many reviews from the experts on this issue. I think,These are all well known facts. We know that people have misbehaved on the Internet. They have shown the character of animals and they also have force others to do wrong.

But do not yet reach to the conclusion- "We always wanted this, don't we?". We wanted to change the way we live. We are in the world where decisions are being made on the machine, we do not get together off line often, we do not meet off line often.

Sorry I used the word "we". But why?, The only answer that comes with all those around is that- "It saves time".

We are moving at rapid pace with both of our eyes looking for more and more adventure. We want to achieve something in this world. When we want to achieve something then there are two ways-

1. Technological revolution.

2. Infrastructure development, Economy boom and Great Intellectual or Artificial Mind production.

We already have are very good at Number 1. Concerning Number 2, we are working it seems. (That is really good too.)

Now, Comes the important aspect- Let me give you one analogy,

What happens to a Mr. X who runs very fast in the crowded streets ?

- What are the chances that he will catch the train?

- What if he dies?

- What if he is successful ?

- What if he hurts some one around when he is running with lightning speed?

- What if he does not care?

He has very fast technology tools with him- like Wireless GPS System, He also has Nokia Maps, He has many more advance technology tools and he is using them too. Since his focus is to run in fast speed without caring anyone.

In the process he can hurt someone, isn't it ?

Anyways, I have to stop it now. The same things holds true when some one is using the content. The man wants to show that he is the best, he is capable of doing what he can, he can write something and hurt others feelings. For all this to control-

As one guy Pointed out, "how brain works, how mind works" these phenomenon becomes essential.

Anyways, Many Scientist has spend their lives understanding "ants, bees and Chimpanzee". I wonder where are the people who can some day understand "humans". It is good practice to start now. :)

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Mumbai Terror attack (26/11)

Welcome to Mumbai, also previously known as Bombay. A place where dreams are seen and dreams turn into successful story at the end. There is terror not only in the Mumbai but every other country around.

Terrorist cause terror, the main goal of the terrorist is to cause terror in the minds and soul of Nation and Country. They have once again been sucessful in causing the terror this time in India's dream city- Mumbai.

Since in happenings like this- there are more questions than the answer. One has to think who is behind this all strategic planning and killings of innocent people? The main cause of the terror is to frighten people and target the interest groups. Here in this case, it was especially Foreigners as they say in the News.

What is the purpose of doing all these ? What message they want to spread all around the world ? Do terrorist wants to say that, they are not going to be vanished completely from the earth ? They will one day if they keep on doing the same act. Everything is temporary and nothing can stop when "Nature" will come up with something extraordinary.

More than 500 peoples are injured and killed, Those who are tourist in India are returning back home. Why do they target the "jews" ? What is "jews" community has to do with all this ? Since these questions are unaswered by many and still there are investigations going on in this issue. It is very hard and difficult to say who is behind all this issue. Could be "Pakistan", could be "Al-Qaeda" and could be those big guys who are leaders in terror.

There is always two sides of the same coin, as I have been repeating this issue time and again. The idea of spreading this terror is very clear, the message they want to give to the world is that, "our numbers are increasing". We are building a new type of community around the globe which is the community of "terrorist". We do not have jobs, we do not have satisfaction on the things we have been doing but we have the support of all those "big shots" around the world. They have enough money to support us even if we are dead.

For example see the "architecture" around the Middle East that is going to be build. As the Global Economy is going down and flat, at the same time there are loads of development going on in Middle East and Pakistan.

India and Pakistan have always been the greatest of great friends and greatest of great enemy. It is not good idea to blame on the country as being behind all these terror attack but blame those guys who are sleeping in the bedrooms of the prime minister house in Pakistan.

Where is Osama bin laden ? As this question for people have always left unanswered. There have been a book on this issue about where exactly is the Osama bin laden but I would recommend to check the Pakistani top burecrat office and palaces. I am not generalizing but I think, and in my opinion if some one would ask me, I would say- He lives in Pakistan with the help of top burecart in their office. May be he is hiding somewhere with former President pervez musharraf residence, who knows ?

If you link Osama bin with Musharraf then you might not get clue but there is doubt that this guy can live with Musharraf.

I have no idea, why these bunch of the people have to spread the terror and what is the real message they want to show to world. As "religion" is concerned, one of the religion that is spreading like a virus in the world is "Islam". I do not know but I heard from somewhere that, Allah wants to see all of his child. Which means, there is no limitation and control on the child birth.

These could be wrong information but to some extent it can also be right information. If tomorrow if some one is going to find "Osama bin laden" then he could be found from the Pakisan and not from Afganistan. With the population of around 31,889,923 (Source:Wikepedia) There is little chance that, Osama could be found in Afaganistan.

Whoever it is and whoever is behind in causing the terror around the world. It is not going to stop. It will continue and increase in the days to come.

"What do you associate with Heart?"

"Heart". Here is one quote which my mind generated in less than few nano seconds. It says, "Heart is the place where "happiness" lies".

As you mentioned Paulo, Heart is the corner stone for many religions.Yes it is ! If you see physically, the heart can be associated with some physical organ which lies in our body. I would suggest you one question.

Why do people associated "love" with the heart symbol ? Many book, many literature has tried to answer the question of love. Every body has their own story but I would say love is a simplest form of human need which desires happiness and nothing beyond.

Where there is happiness, there is love and where there is love there is happiness. Heart is the symbol for love. The place where no one decides through the virtue of one's mind but just gives it away. Why do I say, give it away?

Heart is the place where we do not want to preseve anything but just give, When you give you will feel happiness. When you want to preserve and keep it on your own then, you are hiding something with not only yourself but with others around.

There is one common analogy in some religion. Here is that- "Soul is like a air, and human body is flesh". When you have only flesh, it does not count but when you have flesh and the soul, it brings you to life.

Life is combination of soul and the body. Let me give you one example. You have a car, but you do not have a driver for the car. You do not know how to drive but you need urgently to reach for some work. Now what would you do ? Forget about the alternatives like taking taxi or not going or whatever but you just have to move or go. Imagine !

When you have to think of this situation what would be best approach ? How would you be able to tackle such problem, leave the problem. That is one thing but the point is that, the human body is like the car which is a body but do not have a driver, without heart.

When there is only human body or the car the car does not move but when there is driver inside the car then car does moves. The same principal can be applied with humans.

This simple approach justifies that without human heart human will be alive but they will never be happy. Here is one poem which could help to understand or give some meaning to explain "heart".

With heart, I feel the pain.
With heart, I also feel the pleasure.

With you, I can climb the mountain
I can jump from the sky

Oh dear ! How can I survive when I feel alone
When there is darkness and no one near.

Is it my heart which is seeking love
Or is it my mind which is thinking a lot.

When would our journey come to peaceful end?
I wish I can sleep in your arms,
With ever lasting peace and silence...

My heart is for you and will always be with you.
When I wake up early in the morning

The first wish is with the God, to be with you.
I know time is passing like a steam of water

But Oh dear !, why am I left like without heart
and to ponder all around.

I see humans but they all make me think
I see object but they all make me sick

I am living and People look as if I am alive
Should I wait?, Just because both of our heart will find each other together.

I hope all your dreams and all your goals come to life.
I cannot wait to see pleasure in your eyes

When I can sleep in your arms and explain how I felt with every passing moment of my life

Is it because of our heart or should I think of your heart as mine ?

I do not know how long I can make the poem but I hope this explains a lot about what I associate "heart" with. You can always use the poem if you want but please give credit to the author. Because, this author is struggling to leave a mark on the heart of all those alive.


"Moment", a precious time,the moment defines not a running time but the stable time. The period which does not tick on, the clock which is stable for a while. This is called a moment.

A moment can give you a pleasure, a moment can bring loads of tears in your eyes. A moment will make you happy, a very moment will make you sad.

When every seconds we live is in the edge of dynamic moment. It is always changing. Moment that Mr. A experiences should be different then what Ms. B experienced.

As we can see, there are moments with every one with every moments people have experienced many good and bad virtues. Therefore, I always tell people that moments are changing all the time. It is never yours. It will create the memories but it does not last long.

There are many good moments in my life but are all these moments really memorable ? Do I really want to cherish all of these moments? Should I filter the best moments and describe it with true beauty ? How should I tell what is good or bad ? Everything in the world is based on "dualism".

The concept where, there are two sides for the same coin. There are two aspects for example in electricity- on and off, there are only two bits in computers: 0 and 1, there are two things in human life: either you live or you die, there are two ways to look at many different things around the world.

If I have to judge a moment in my life, then I will say- every seconds that I live is full of pleasurable moments. These moments are helping me to create my life. I am because of these moments. These moments are dynamic and changing all the time. I know which one is the best and which one is the worst.

But again, I will keep both of them alive. I know those around me who have experienced the bad moments but I will like to tell them how to keep it alive. Nothing should be taken in bad ways, Everything whatever happens, happens for good. There is nothing permanent on this mother earth/

Every object around has life. Whatever you see, whatever you touch, whatever you have purchased last week is yours. The object when you purchased was given to you. It started living with you. Suddenly one fine day- you decided to eat, use, kill, hang, throw and do whatever things with these objects.

While using you will some times remember some of these object but some of them you will not. For e.g. the "pen" that your best friend gave you last Christmas, the gift that your husband gave you last summer which stays with you all the time. I am sorry to say but let us say, your husband is no more and you still have that precious gift that he gave you. That created the moment, the object was born and object is living with you.

The "moment" when your husband gave you this gift, turned into "memories". The object still remains, it is yours and no body can take aways from you. Nobody ! Not even God !!!

"Every step of success or failure we make, is the step some one has already taken"

This quote is mine please give credit when you use it some where. Why am I saying this ? What value do I get when I say that you should give the credit to the creator ? Because, your creation remains but those who created this should also remain. The same idea is with the object and the moment. It is very simple ! See.

Without "moment" there is nothing, and with "moment" there is something which does not want to let go. It will remain deep inside me and us. It will only go when our body will turned into sands and the our creation will be cherised by some one like you who is reading it right now !

Have a great weekend ! :)

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


When you see something strange for the first time in your life, you wonder, you think and you think with more seriousness. We think on the things which does not make any sense in the first attempt only because we are just like a simple kid who wants to know more.

OK, I am sorry ! I said, "we" but I behave like a kid. I have a child in me who is very curios about even the smaller things. Last night, I got an email reply from my Professor and I was so curiously looking at that reply. The reply was not so serious but suddenly, my eyes went on to see this word called "VS" in the subject line.

When I saw, this word in the subject line of the Email, I wonder what this might be ! I started to make my own predictions. I thought well, VS could be "Very Serious", how about being "Very soon".

The main problem was that, I was expecting a reply from the professor concerning my thesis work and he send me the reply but the reply was incomplete, He said, he will consult with the other professor and soon send me the reply but I wondered entire night thinking what "VS" could be !!!

I was thinking what if, my thesis is going to be crap ! How should I make people understand that what I am doing is really good. It is really difficult to convince especially the professors. I am still waiting for another rounds of comments that I am going to get from the them.

It is not easy ! In life, you have to satisfy all those who are involved with you voluntarily or involuntarily. Take for example, Authors have to satisfy there readers, Business have to satisfy customers, students have to satisfy their professors, wifes have to satisfy their husbands, so on and so forth.

In the process of satisfying and being satisfied, there are many things under consideration. I do not know what this "VS" was all about.

When I googled with curiosity, I found that "VS" means Versus. It also means victory for example. But this was not right prediction.

Suddenly I asked with one of my colleague, I found that in Finnish it has some meaning. Then for reply they put "VS" in the subject line.

Oh ! Dear, Thanks God I said to myself. I do not have to worry at least for a while now and get terrified.

When I check my earlier Email from the professor, I came to knew- Yes, In his earlier E-mails also, It is the same. This was the first time I notice it since I was feeling the pressure of my work.

If some body would ask me what are my negative traits- I surely can stand up and say to all that- "I cannot wait!!!" I do not know why but I want everything to happen with the blink of my eyes. I think all I need is just a little Patience in me.

Hopefully, I am waiting for the professors next E-mail, I think it should not be "Very Serious". Let me wait and see what happens next !

Sometimes my passions make me want to live just for the moment. I get swept up in emotions of optimism and creativity.

This can be both a gift and a burden, depending on the situation. I will now Try to confine my enthusiasm today and be a bit more practical.

I even may need to rethink some deadlines for projects, because tasks could take longer to complete. But my drive and vision will hopefully let me create eventual success.

Let us see ...

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Passionate about the things you do !

Welcome to new fresh day ! With joy and happiness all around, every new beginning is amazing experience, it gives pleasure to wake up and then the eternal minds start thinking on daily events. When you are just awake, the very moment when we are awake is the moment which is ours and ours alone.

This very moment, no one will take away from you. It is the moment yours and yours alone. This moment gives you pleasure, this is only moment which is your personal.Slowly, when you start thinking then this moment is taken away from you. Then you start thinking on maternal world such as work, career, life, love so on and so forth.

When you have thousand of words floating in your mind, these words has to be kept somewhere, it has to come out of your little brain. These thoughts are not random, these thoughts are not useless, These are the thoughts which can change some one's life. Why on earth I keep on reminding these things ? It is because, I know whatever I am doing is not wrong. I know I am not committing any crime. I know I am not killing any person or animals. Whatever I am doing, is not for awards or recognition.

I am doing if for you, I am doing for those who need these suggestions and advice. Even though, I am not perfect ! Even though I know I am not good at compiling my work and presenting it in correct, coherent manner. I think still it is understandable. I know this is not good way of writing but I should not stop or get discourage by this way of presenting my thoughts.

Every day brings new joy and new thoughts, let us flow with it. Let us discuss flora and fauna, let us discuss love and poetry, let us discuss the thinking on your mind and mine.

I notice today that, we are not perfect and we do not get all the skills from the birth. One example is great scientist Albert Einstein. His brain was not different than any other normal, ordinary human brain. Many Researchers did experiment on his brain but what was the end result ? They concluded by stating that, his brain our exactly similar with the brain of any other average mind. They still cannot find out how he could think in different ways than average mind.

Let me give my opinion on this. This is very simple. The answer lies in question. He was an average mind. There is no difference in the mind of humans but there is difference in how the thoughts are generated in the minds of humans. The thoughts generation is different in different people based on environment, culture, country, family, friends, and religion. Now the first question any one will ask me is- how are the thoughts generated ?

The thoughts are generated through our senses. We have five senses, when we utilize these sense then something triggers in our brain, which results into the thoughts. These thoughts will be based on what you are asking with your self ? What do you want ? What is your real vision and motto ? What do you want to achieve ? What are your inner necessity ? Are you devoted to learn ? Are you devoted to give ? Are you devoted to care ? Based on your devotion, based on your commitment to your own self, you think.

Let me give you one illustration how this might work !

Here is Ms. A, Let us assume she woke up early in the morning now the very few seconds, she will not think anything. She is on her own. She knows this is the best part. After certain time interval, she starts thinking on what to do next ? Before she starts thinking on what to do next, she questions herself. She says, "what am I going to do?".

When she completely understands what she is going to do then she starts doing this for the entire day. In between, there could be many more thoughts generation and they can be based on her own priorities, What she wants ? What she likes ? What she dislikes ?

This is one example of how thoughts could be generated. But Let us not go deeper into this issue, and let me stop it now. Because, I know this has many implications and these thinking cannot be generalized yet.

What is the moral of the story for today ?

Think, we thinking will result ideas,
With ideas, you will learn

By learning, you will want others to learn
When you want others to learn,

You will love what you do
When you love what you do

You may be called Artist
But you know you are more than that,

You do, because you want to give
When you want to give, you only think

You are happy and curious
But most importantly, you are passionate
About what you do !