Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Forgetting and Forgiving

“Forgetting and Forgiving”
I forgot, you forgot, we all forgot
She forgot, what a tragedy
Missed the train, daddy is in pain
Got the call, Dear daddy is dead

Who will forgive me?
‘I am feeling shame’, said she
Was it my fault or was it unexpected?
I am feeling pain,
My sweet daddy loved me,

Oh dear god, help me to forget
please forgive my sin
I missed my train
everybody hates me,

I would be in pain, everyday
I want to feel the rain

Forgetting and forgiving insane
I will regret and cry till
My own life someone will forget
I will forgive him, I know the pain

Last chance to saw my sweet daddy
went in vain, unfortunate pain

My heart bleeds in the grief
Fire in my chest for my daddy’s love
Got consumed with so much grief and pain

Please forgive me, humans
Please let me forget that incident

I will never remember anything
I know how to forget and forgive
Life has turned into miracle,now
I know, when I am dead
Nobody would remember me,
they all will forget

I am an immortal soul
I will forgive them, all
Shapeshifting in wind of change
© Santosh Kalwar

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