Sunday, March 15, 2009

"Near you"

Who cares if I am a human or animal?
Who cares if I am acting as a normal human being?

I think we should just travel and learn
But again, I am afraid with the economical trouble.

Life is to move on and on
Life is to see new places and people

Life is full of excitement and sorrow
Life teaches us simplest of lesson to remember

Life gives you advice to see new faces all around
Whoever she is, she looks beautiful and bright

Is this my passion for her or
Is it my passion of myself?

Whoever she is and whatever it takes,
I think I am feeling sense of togetherness

With you beside and me deep inside my thoughts
Can we give it to those in need?

Close your eyes and see who it is?
If you cannot see me, then I was never yours

If you can only see me, then I am yours.
Listen to yourself and tell me if it is true .

Whoever it is and whatever it takes we will do.
We will do, to learn from ourselves and to teach others what to do.

I thought I am writing a poem but it might look really stupid
I do not care as long as it gives meaning to what I think

All the desires are left unfulfilled
Until I see you with my eyes wide open

Sometimes the greatest journey is the distance between us.
But all these can be fulfilled once you desire of me near you.


Reviewed by Carol Surber 3/13/2009

"Very passionate writing and visions in love!
The line...If you cannot see me, then I was never yours
Beautiful poem, CarolHawks "

Reviewed by Gwendolyn Thomas Gath 3/8/2009

"Heartfelt words 'Near You'
As long as one is expressing the way they feel poetically in their own words that can never be wrong. In my opinion people need to learn how to accept others instead of wanting them to be who they want them to be.
As long as we are being who we really are and share our hearts that is all that really matters."


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