Showing posts with label save yourself. Show all posts
Showing posts with label save yourself. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Once upon a time there was a man, who was very eager to achieve something in his life. He was dreaming everyday that he will one day fulfill his dreams. No matter what, he was thinking that one day his dreams will become a reality.

Every body around him was joking and laughing at him. He never used to tell to anyone that his dreams are these and he will achieve that dream but one day suddenly some one knew what his dream was. That person started to tell others that his dreams are these. How would you interpret this story now ?

Do you think the other person who guessed the dream of that man really knew the dream ? Do you think that unlike the man who did not wanted to spread the messege of the dream, the other person really should have spreaded the messege across every one around him. Why do a person has to think what is going on somebody else's mind ? It is because, we are living in the world where no body is left alone. We always want to know what is there going on in the other person mind. If we do not know then we will indeed guess.

Every body has some little secret and these little secrets are very important in there life. No body wants to reveal them to anyone. Even though, a person might guess that his secrets are this or that; but that is not the case in most of the times.

The person who is not worried about his own life is not worried of death. The person who is worried about his life is worried from the fear of death. Whatever be the case, there is something which we should not do in real life. We should not try to look in some body else's mind. It is not good idea to guess what is going on some body else's mind and think based on those assumptions.

World is not the way we think. It is beyond our thinking. There are many countries, there are many people, there are many cultures and there are many different tradition. We have to observe these closely, these all are made for us. I do not hate difference simply because there are so many different things like country, culture, race and religion. I hate it because there are people who do not try to see similarities in those differences.

I do not know what a man dream was and I am not into it. I do not want to read the mind of anyone. It is not good to look inside some one else mind. It is very easy though. Dream are very different then the reality and the reality is some what similar to the dreams.

Once I dreamed something and I thought that would not become a reality but One day I found that it was true. How can a dream become true? May be the dream was not for me, it was for some body else. When the dream is of some one else and later after some day you see that it has become true then you feel that your dreams really are true.

Well, Whatever be the case; "Dreams are always shattered by the compromise but still believe in your dreams" One day it might come true.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Old stuffs.

There are many things in our life and such things we ignore them all the time. See the door for e.g. or bed, the clothes, the wallet, or the plates, or the window, or the table etc. All these things are just the things for us to use.

We think all these stuffs are for us to use and they are there with us to use them and later throw them. I really do not like the idea of throwing out the things which are close to you. or the things which you once get into the habit of using it. I may be doing a worng decision or whatever but It is not good. Once we first meet or get to see these things-We are some how related with all these things that are just useless for us.

It might look useless for us, they are the things for us to use and throw but once we get into these things we tend to forget or do not really care about them. But the things which we use are for us and they should be kept with the proper care. It should be taken with good care and they should be treated as if you are related to them.

Life is not easy as it looks but once you like and love and find happiness or smile in whatever you see, whichever moment you are into and whichever things you use you get one big thing and that big thing is-- Satisfaction. That Satisfaction will make you feel that you are alive. It will give you the greatest pleausre of living a live.

Be cheerful, be honest, and be truthful once you try to be what metioned here you will build a relationship of "trust". Once the relationship of trust is being started with not only the other person, but also with the things it will become two way around. You will get the help from the things you do not see are helpful. The things which will literally or practically do not talk with you but they will impractically help you. Take for example a table lamp-it provides you with light, whever you need it, just you turn it on, whenever you do not need it just turn if off. How many of you are thankful to a table lamp, or desk, or chair or the bed or the things you use ?

It might sound stupid, weired and awkward but it is not. It is not the way it sounds. It is the reality. you like the things and once it gets old you do not like them anymore. Something which is similar with women. You like the newly seen women whom you have just started dating later on when she turns into your wife she is just an old car.

Why do we like most of the times the new, it is just because our mind needs some different taste all the time, it ask us to change and it wants us to do something or conqure something that we never had.

The reality is just this, accept it , rejoice in it and just belive it.

I am very addicted to what I do, I do not want to chage the way I am, I do not want to be some body else, I am what I am, I like the way as I am but the fact is when I am doing something worng then I will not try to do it the next time. I will try to learn from the mistakes all the time. I am hungry for learning as I am always very hungry for anything.

The motto of life is to live- whatever be the situation, wherever you might be and whichever things you were upto. It is the motto of life but we many of the times we tend to forget what it really is and we go hayward which brings into us unwanted substances Which really need to be removed.

I am related to the trees, to the birds, to the bed in which I take nap, I am related to everythings, and every non living or living things. It is how we see them. For me, my room is entire world. How many of the people will think like that ? People might think-this guy is crazy but that is how they had thought before.

I can explain you why. I often say to people that love the everythings, smile as if you are child and you do not know why you are smiling. Ask a child and he wil give you the same answer. He does not know what is the reason behind it but once he sees me watching him-he smiles back at me just because I smile at him. There is no reason. There is human connection. There is no race, religion,politics, or whatever there is only simplicity.

Once we make our mind open as if we can take entire of the sky we will reach to the stage called total silence. The mind will move into the phase of silence where some times or once in a while you will not feel to talk anything in a day or two. You want to sit idle just like that. You do not want to think or watch or see but you will be like mediating. The process might look complicated but it is not as it looks.

Thursday, April 3, 2008


Why are we addicted ? What is the reason that we do the same thing time and again? Many people cannot quit alcohol, smoking habit, cigar habit and so on. Why do we take the alcohol and just keep on taking it too much.

We are addicted not only to alcohol but to many of the things that we do not know. We are addicted to sleeping, we are addicted to food, we are addicted to money and we are also addicted to sex.

Can any one tell me who is not interested in doing sex ?. you cannot find any one. We like to do the same thing time and again only because the end result what we think is pleasure. The end is that which gives us pleasure.

Some times we often get addicted to cigarette, it is just a habit we get into. The habit is something which is just an repetition of same thing time and again. We repeat, repeat and repeat.

Why some one smokes ? It differers from person to person, the opinion are countless. People might say-its my habit, its my nature, i cannot live without it, it digest my food, it look cool, my idol smoke too so i do, to remove my tension, to get pleasure, to enjoy, nothing, just like that, entertainment, so on and so forth.

These all are excuses, we are just giving some king of excuse to escape from the things that we cannot do. The thing that we cannot do is we cannot control our mind.

No body on earth or hardly anyone in this planet will find it easy to give up smoking, or drinking or what so ever they are addicted to. Why ? Only because they cannot control their mind.

You do what your mind ask you to do. You are just a car and the driver is some one else. Driver is your brain. It drives you to the place you want to go. It is controlling you. Try to control the driver. Be the Boss of your mind not the Mind who boss you.

Last night I was having the conversation with my friend and we has written the same topic about why people are addicted and what can we do to find the alternatives of alcohol. My suggestions are mentioned above to all those who are victim of the alcohol. I am just supporting my friends point of view.

Finally, I would like to say that- Ask me how to control your mind I will give you thousand and one way to achieve it. Ask me, as It is free of cost. I am not doctor, no psychologist, no professional on this subject but I am the one who controls his mind.

(Picture adapted from:
news/articles/2006/photos/smoking.jpg )

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Who wants to do this ?

What are you thinking looking at this picture ? Do you have any idea ? What the men and women are doing ?


I am not asking you to give me money. I am not begging you for the money, I am begging you for the life. Give me ! So that i can give the needy.Do not trust me, trust yourself.

To save a life is important or to live your life with no value is important. Decide. Contribute to this blog to save every one and to save yourself.