Sunday, May 17, 2009

Eurovision 2009 Song Winner: Norway


Years ago when I was younger
I kinda’ liked a girl I knew.
She was mine, and we were sweethearts,
That was then, but then it’s true

I’m in love with a fairytale
Even though it hurts.
‘Cause I don’t care if I lose my mind;
I’m already cursed

Every day we started fighting,
Every night we fell in love.
No one else could make me sadder,
But no one else could lift me high above

I don’t know what I was doing
But suddenly we fell apart.
Nowadays I cannot find her.
But when I do we’ll get a brand new start

I’m in love with a fairytale
Even though it hurts.
Cause I don’t care if I lose my mind;
I’m already cursed

She’s a fairytale
Even though it hurts.
Cause I don’t care if I lose my mind;
I’m already cursed

Friday, May 15, 2009

Lines of Sadness

Dear all,

-"Every moment is different, every situation is different and every action should be different."

-"What has been done will never be done again but what we can dream or wish can be fulfilled with fairness in heart again and again."

-"Mother earth changes her season, human nature is changed with different season but give me one reason why people should change love for either mother earth or human."

-"Quotes, lines, text, words everything remains virtual,
Reality lies in pain and sufferings where no one remain sustainable,
Who's life is not filled with sadness?,
Even God has to suffer in humanity and madness,
My words of wisdom are precious than universe,
All we need is love, please overcome fear
To harness beauty and long lasting peace,
Oh my dear humble soul, where should I rest in peace?"

-"What is summer and what is winter? Change in climate
Where is North and where is south? Position in globe
Where is East and Where is west? Position in globe
what you desire is your necessity? Isn't it?
O poor child, wake up to this reality

Dreams of hungry child in Africa,
Death due to starvation in developing countries,
In developed, desires remain still unfulfilled,
When will you wake up to this reality?

Human, unsatisfied, unhappy soul,
remains till in physical clothe,
When I die today, will it make any difference to world?
Poor child, you need to wake up to this reality,
But I know you remain, mysterious all alone"

God bless you all !

Quote of the day

Darkness kissing my feet, I walk like cupid, giving love to all those who are in need, my journey never ends till light will starts to sing.

Poor boy and Wise man

Dear all,

Enter Poor boy and Wise man, in "life changing park"

Act I, Scene I

Poor boy: Who am I?
Wise man: You are nobody.
Poor boy: What? My name is Steve and I live in Dallas, I have my family and everything, why are you saying that I am nobody?
Wise man: You know your name, which is given by somebody but you have not understood yourself, therefore you are nobody.
Poor boy: How can I understand myself?
Wise man: People in the world are doing good business over this question, they are teaching meditation, yogas and many techniques to self understand yourself... but I will not say anything to you.
Poor boy: why not, sir?
Wise man: You are born with desires,
Your name is in fire, only way to understand
Is to monitor your daily habit,
Control your life with will to share, care
Hurt no one and beg for well beings,
Do it yourself, nobody will see in you

Meditation, yoga, programs are act of fools
Who can tell you to know better you?
O poor child and humble soul, Love yourself,
Stand alone and become winner of your crown,
World is mixture of shining and falling clowns,
Read your mind with utmost curiosity and desires

Poor boy: Well, I don't still understand what you are trying to say but I hope it makes some sense..,
Wise man: This is the first step to understand yourself.
Being nobody is being somebody and in being somebody
you are not alone. The universe if your heavenly father
and earth is your mom.
Poor boy: Thank you, I will now onwards learn to understand myself.
Wise man: Say no thank you, my child.
Say no sorry, life is like of Mary,
In pain and In sorrows of ferry,
Creator was one and you are your own,
Even this world was created in confusion;

Hope, Faith and Love drives humanity,
Sufferings and Pain results into vanity,
Infinite wisdom is beauty and customization
I am nobody till I live fleshy and bloody


God bless you all !

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Quotes of the day

Dear all,

-”Reason and season, tomorrow and today, every now and then, life is filled with stupid questions randomly in raining day.”

-”Do this before that, is old therapy new one is still waiting to come, days are like days where nothing seems to make more fun.”

-”Any battle is half won if you will understand your enemy and any battle is half lose if you will fail in understanding your own warriors.”

-”Warrior of light or light of warrior
I am here to fight till my career
Life is beautiful and painful
Love is shaking and deadly
All I have left now,
is eternal light, of holy might
I am Warrior of light
even in midnight …….. ”

-”People say, ‘do not worry, do not feel sorry’, I will say, ‘worry and feel sorry but hang on till that very day when world will make curry and let you celebrate with Ms. Friday in lorry.”

God bless you all !

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Quotes of the day

Dear all,

-"I am not here to give any opinion, I am here to speak, listen your comment and write what HE told me to write with bright eternal light."

-"I am no preacher neither I am advising something to do, I am just letting you explore beyond universe, stars and heaven."

-"It is my mood which creates the weather, it is my karma which will give me fruitful results."

-"Sex, sex and more sex, love is not sex misspelled neither love is lust, beauty of sex will make you mad in horrifying nights but beauty of love will shake your heart kissing in twilight."

-"All I have written will be destroyed and all what will be written too."

God bless you all !

Monday, May 11, 2009

Face of love

In response to Paulo's question on his blog, here is what mybheja has to say-

Dear Paulo,

Q)can we never discover the face of love?

A) No, we will never discover the face of love. There are many reasons behind it and those reasons does not allow to show the face of love. Some of the reasons are-

1. Those who are in love or rather true love and wants to be together throughout life forever have to trust each other than universe has trusted on earth, stars has trusted on gravity, moon has trusted on light of sun and mother earth has trusted on lights.

2. In Christianity, women was evolved from limb of a man. In Hinduism, women existed together with men and similarly in other scriptures or religion.., women existed together with men. I don't know what is on women's mind but I surely know what drives her on darkest of nights. Love.

3. Laws made by humans are another barrier, war between the families and especially those who are caretakers sometimes turned into too much care takers. e.g. Romeo and Juliet of Shakespeare ...

There could be many more such barriers but let me stop here now with few additional quotes.

-"Love has no faces and searching for humanly faces will not give love."

-"We humans see physical body and organ to get the feelings and tie nots or bots of marriage, togetherness and life long commitment when love is above such attachments."

-"Please don't search to see the faces of love they lies in your reflection."

-"When love ignites, problem multiples and difficulty collides."

-"Love is above everything: religion, race, culture, country and life."

Now, it is up to us to decide, if you want to be "happy and satisfied" without seeing the face of love or remain in "despair and sufferings" by seeing the face of love. The choice is yours, as always !

God bless you all !

Saturday, May 9, 2009

The day I will die

"The day I will die"

Death is not working of biological organ in human body. The input of oxygen and output of carbon dioxide is major event which drives our life. There are many types of death, one which is caused naturally and others with specific reasons such as accident, crime, violence, suicide, bombings, and many more which are termed unnatural. More than 90% of living humans are fearful of death. In my own life, I have not found any one who does not fear death. One question which drives me to write this article, why are we so much fearful of death? What will happen on the day, I will die? The major reason behind being fearful of death is because we cannot overcome addiction of love. We cannot overcome self and personal attachments. We are tightly linked with love of our family, of our child, of our wife, of our country, of our religion, of our society and so on. The fear is also because the lack of our own self in order to fail to surrender. Most of the times we are escaping from our self. The missions, goals and dreams which we develop may come true or may not but the time will come when we all have to go someday, living everything behind us. Religion will teach us to believe in afterlife, reincarnations and science will deliver us the fact and stats behind the reasons for death. One wise man once said, “To understand death, you need to understand life and go beyond the death, living life for only one day.” I was greatly touched and influenced by that wise man. Maybe he is right, how can we understand death without first understanding life? There are always the things which we want to accomplish tomorrow, if we cannot live for today, how can we live tomorrow? These statements are absolutely true.

Now, what will happen when I will die? I have my personal life, I have done something and I am trying to do something more but will it make any difference to my family, or, will it make any difference to my material life which I have gained, what will happen to my blog which is updated every day?, what will happen to my secret passwords, my secret love, my secret bank account, my secret username and password in e-mails, my secret stuffs and many more such secrets.. Will it make any difference, I don’t think so. Those who are public figures will get high attention and the whole world will know that personality is no more and I understand this, because they are the people whom we trust, society trusts and country loves. I asked the same question to the wise man stating, “what will happen on the day I will die?”, the wise man said, “don’t worry; you will take a nice long break from this unhappy materialist world and you will wake up when this materialistic world will be happy again.”

Far from over

In response to article at Nytimes on title, "Far from Over",here is what my bheja has to say--

Dear Mr.Bob,

Thank you very much for the stats and analysis of Job market.

It is depressing to read that people do not have jobs even with four or five years after college or university degree. It is true. In my own personal case, I have been struggling to get one after completing 18 years of schooling.

With job comes the security and without job there is crisis.

I am fortunate that I am not in United States to feel the heat but even though I am in Europe, same story continues everywhere.

Being stranger in Europe, I have come to the conclusion that- The whole economy in world is going through some kind of transformation phase. One wise man once asked the lord, "Why do I fail?" Lord said, "I give you failure as I give you success so that you will better understand life."

God bless you all !

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Girls on our streets

In response to article on Nytime on title, "Girls on Our Streets", here is what Mybheja has to say-

Dear Mr. Kristof,

With all due respect, you article is very informative and at the same time detailed information has been provided about teenagers on the streets.

Google hit of the keyword 'sex' will result into 718,000,000 links in 0.09 seconds. By this fact only, we can clearly understand what is the basic necessity of humans. This falls under Maslow's hierarchy of needs. This is still OK but it become NOT OK when desires, passion, love and romance exceed into violence. When it starts to cross the boundaries of humanity and goes above natural law, then basic need become basic seed of pain, frustration, crime, violence, non-social acts and deeds.

I am no expert on women violence or crime but I have seen and heard the story of my close friends who has gone through the same situation and experiences. Yes, even to read such articles brings sadness in the tears and frustration of inhuman act.

Back in 80's, One wise man said-"Money can't buy everything." Today in 21st, One young child said-"Money can buy everything."

The same philosophy applies in today's context, if you have money you can even buy sex as you have mentioned of the 14 year teenagers and pimp.

I am not aware if on the streets of America you can find 14 year teenagers being the victim of prostitution and sex work. and, I have never seen it so I will not give any comment regarding such scenarios.

But I would say, in general the world is populated with stupid and violent mindset when it comes to sex. There are many such cases in developing world as you have mentioned India, Nepal, Thailand among others. I know the developed world also has the same problems.

Women are same either they are in developing world or they are from developed world. The crime is same and the violence is same.

The problem is not the solution and the solution remains very problematic.

I can give more harsh comment on this issue. It is important for all men in the world to understand following-

1. Before doing any such crime of sex or prostitution act think of the pain being women.
2. What would you do when your own children are involved in such case ?
3. Stop it please, for god's shake.

Taking religion into account, many religion experts would give different opinions on 'how to get enlightened?' The core message of being enlightened is to overcome 'maya' or 'inner desires'.

I don't ask anyone to suppress personal desire, I am asking to limit inhuman act on women. But even if I will do research on women entire my life, I will not be able to find out 'what's on women's mind?' Therefore,

Lastly, I would stop saying the quote from unknown author which states, "When a man talks dirty to a woman, it's sexual harassment. When a woman talks dirty to a man, it's $3.95 a minute."

God bless you all !

Collective Worship

In response to the Paulo's question on "Collective Worship", here is what mybheja has to say-

Dear all,

Have you noticed that you are putting your own words and one of the blogger in this blog, ‘karen’ is ill ???

Come on fellas, pray for her–She is sick as she has written, look on the top of the comment section with her post.

May God bless ‘Karen’ !
May she overcome her illness…

I don’t know what is collective worship, I don’t care about other’s fucking opinion and I don’t give a damn on any books on worship, all are nonsense and stupid ideologies. I care to those who are close to me and I care to those who are in need of me, I care to those who knows me. I am worried about their’s problem and I am depressed if they are depressed, I am happy if they are happy because that is only thing which is important to me.

(If you will put the above statement line by line, it will become poem, if you will put those sentences in paragraphs that will become short article/opinion/thoughts… and if those words will be written or said by prophets or gurus then it becomes scriptures.)

To: Karen for her wellness…
Come on human being, wake up
I made you, you didn’t made me
I don’t ask you to pray me
I never did, Instead
You did and still doing it,

Wake up and rise to rising sun,
pray for other like you,
I am happy if you will help others,
around you, for you, with you,
dance in the occasion
rest in the sensation
worship for humanity
you will get instantly

God bless you all !


Dear all,

Q)What would be your view in the term ‘cheating’ and ‘faithful’ in a relationship?

A)If you have not kept relationship then the term, 'cheating' and 'faithful' would have different meanings but as you have asked 'in a relationship...' so these two words has little narrow scope. Here is what I would say,

In a relationship, 'cheating' is seen as sin, a crime, negligence, dominance. When you lack trust then you start to judge and show symptoms of different kinds of behavior to your partner. The lack of trust and lack of personal gain be it a sex, a change or different settings will result into cheating of the faithful partner. There are many settings and many scenarios for the cheating. The most common is girl having an affair with third party or, guy having an affair with third party.

-"To cheat your partner means lack of your own personal strength to satisfy your partner."

-"Cheating could could be because of lack of trust, change, motivation and satisfaction."

-"In today's world, very few or rarely you will find the true partner who will not cheat."

-"Only those chosen few are true lovers who believe in the power of love and respect mother, nature, self, humanity and environment. In addition those lovers remain as Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet Love story."

-"Cheating is a best medicine if you are not satisfied with your partner, go for it."

Now coming to another word which is, 'faithful'--

Do you believe in God? If you do, then you also believe in beauty, beast, demons and devils. If you don't then also you believe in beauty, beast, demons and devils.

In Christianity there is Satan, in Hinduism, there is Rawan, ...Similarly, ask yourself how much faithful are you with your own self? Can you kill the demon inside you? Can you live one year without having sex? Can you distance yourself with your partner and wait for him/her as long as he/she would come back again to see you? Can you...?

If your answer is 'yes, I can'
You are faithful child.
If your answer is 'no, I can't'
you are unfaithful child.

-"Believe or not to believe is your personal interest and it does not matter as long as you can alway change the your thinking according to time."

-"Being faithful in a relationship is like being faithful to the mother like a child."

I can write more but you should ask for it.

God bless you all !

Quotes of the day

Dear all,

-"Acceptance and rejection are part of everyday life, HE accepts everything and rejects none."

-"Mixture of life is between the Moments of pleasure and moments of sadness, sometimes in cyclic order and sometimes in linear order."

-"Those who can find out differences among their own moments are very close to God and those who are not are close, but true realization of God is unimportant, true realization of self is more important."

-"One poor child asked to wise man, 'Sometimes I am sad and sometimes I am happy, what is the difference?' Wise man replied, 'During sad times you are taking your time to gain energy and during happy times you are throwing them out.' "

-"Birds are singing, winds are changing-direction
World is moving, but this poor life
is broken, frozen and deemed in frustration."

God bless you all !

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Quotes of the day

Dear all,

-”There is no name of God and there should never be any name, he/she/it was called God and it remains as only God.”

-”All our actions are HIS reactions.”

-”Always human misunderstood, God with different prophets of religion when they all wanted to say, ‘Believe in your inner soul and beauty of its action, those are all made for you and only you’, Wake up my child, be accountable to your duty.”

-” As Majority of human, fingers are not same similarly, it is good to accept the world as it is and not what our fantasy world sees.”

-”In my mind, you live; in my heart, you seat; in you soul, you wake up.”

God bless you all !


Dear all,

What is eye? Is it a physical organ? Or,
Just a biological one of the senses,
Can we assocociate eyes with
source of light, knowledge and lessons
Or, Should we think eyes for passion?

Great Paulo asked, "what do you associate with eyes?"
Should I associate with pain? Or,
Should I associate with material gain?
Is it a perception?
Is it the mirror of reflection?

Even minds capture images through eyes,
Someone even said, "beauty lies in eyes of beholder",
What is this eye?
Oh dear God, Oh my humble Soul
Can you let me know,
If eyes is beauty,
Should I associate with hasty?

A human Life without eyes,
Cannot see the beauty of world,
Miracles of universe,
Passionate love,neither
Pleasure to lust

What should I associate with eyes?
I am poor, humble soul
God is me and I am HIM,
Should dear eye, I associate
Should you dissociate?

My poor poem is full of question,
I am curious to find answer,
Maybe you are answer to humans,
Through your sense,
You give us perception

Love, lust, passion, devotion
All is because of you,
All is love and all is you,
Alas, I remain observer in reflection


God bless you all !

Monday, May 4, 2009

Quotes of the day

Dear all,

-"Those who are leaders to fight the battle might know the consequences of the battle in the end."

-"War is the language of violence and those who think war is the only solution are narrow minded."

-"Human beings are born warrior, during childhood they fight to learn environment, during adulthood they fight to learn romance and during later part of their life they fight for wisdom."

-"Non-violence is the best medicine for peace, prosperity, war and many problems which are related to humanity."

-"The input and output of any war by warriors are decided by warrior himself."

God bless you all !

Falling wage

In response to article published in Nytimes on title, "Falling Wage Syndrome" by PAUL KRUGMAN, here is what Mybheja has to say-


With all due respect, your article is very interesting and nicely informative.

Yes people are suffering because of wages cut and high competition on the job market is one reason behind such decline. There is always a chance of expecting the unexpected when it comes to present job crisis. As you said, "saving" is the best option which normally people are looking at.

At this current downturn of not and bots, What matters most is protecting what matters. Be it a Job or Health (Swine Flue..,)

Being Stranger, I cannot argue if America is going to become like Japan in case of wages decline but I think America is truly a great nation which always can come back to its originality. I personally like America since you have shown us how to "build" and "create".

You have very optimistic and confidence president, with proper advisers and proper plans, I hope the decline in wages will not flatter the entire economy.

Personally I think that, mostly this decline is because of "outsourcing", the more you send your work outside of your country especially in developed countries like India etc., in cheaper wages, the less your people will be recruited.

The companies always look for lower wages workers and higher sales. Because of such strategy, the work is being transmitted to cheaper workers in developing world.

Although, a lot research and brilliant thoughts could be put on this issue. I would like to stop by quoting Martin Luther King, "All progress is precarious, and the solution of one problem brings us face to face with another problem. "

Tharu banda

It seems the common citizens of our country will never find peace and prosperity (“Tharu banda enters day 10”, May 2, Page 4). It would be nice if bandas and chakka jams were carried out without hampering people's daily life. Because of the Tarai banda, people in the capital are having a hard time getting basic commodities. Why doesn't our government address the demands of the protesters? As Martin Luther King said, “A riot is the language of the unheard.”

Published: Letters to the Editor
The Kathmandu Post

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Princess and Poor Priest Son

I saw a dream today, as everybody sees some dreams my dream was very romantic and very sad at the same time. The dream was about a love affair of princess with a poor priest child. There was a princess and her mother, the princess was going to get married and the princess mother invited priest to see the proper man for her daughter’s wedding. The princess, princess mother, priest and poor priest son was in one room checking for man for the wedding. Princess saw few man and she rejected them. After a short while, princess said to her mother, “mama, I like the priest son, he is the one who will make be happy, I know.., please mama, can I marry him?” princess mother was not happy with such response. She said, “no, the poor priest guy cannot get married with you, I would never allow this to happen…” princess was very sad and she started fighting with her mother but her mother never agreed for her proposal.

The poor guy saw in the eyes of princess and through their eyes the electrical signal of love passed on to their hearts, they both started communicating and felt that they will not be together… poor priest child was sad too…

Poor priest child said,

Oh sweet, beautiful princess
Love is the great sin,
Although, our heart is same,
World will never feel the pain
I was made for you, but
World insane will divide for material gain

Tears in heaven, useless as it remains
This bloody earth,
Is not for lovers in rain

She is your mother will you leave her?
For this poor priest son,
I cannot promise anything,
But I can promise,
Togetherness, trust, and love ever and ever again
Please don’t worry,
For happiness and satisfaction
Was born only with them

Tears in heaven, useless as it remains
This bloody earth,
Is not for lovers in rain

The dream was over and the new day started, the day where there were no vital pills for humanity such as love, hope and faith. The priest son hanged himself and died, because he thought world is full of material gain, nothing exits only money which remains and world is dividing for pleasure to gain.

Image of the day