Thursday, December 18, 2008

Free Content

Free Content is the biggest question now a days. As I have read the previous comments in your blog it appears to my knowledge that, there are multiple views on free contents.

Some of the authors have pointed out that, free content is good and some says, it is bad. Some has a great idea on how technology has transferred over the period of time.

The matter of choice should be given to humans and only humans alone. The choice of either using the computer and reading the content for free or visiting the book store and buying a book is different all together.

As a author, only thing that comes in your mind is you have a very good idea and this has to come out in public. People should be aware of what is going around and what is happening around the world also how your idea is really related and how you can benefit from your “best ideas”. At the point of writing you are not thinking about marketing or collecting big revenues or even dreaming to win a Nobel Prize for your work.

The path that I am traveling has been traveled by somebody else. There are millions and billions of humans in the world. Those who are currently alive and those who are no longer. Whatever I am doing has been done already. I am constantly thinking that I am doing something new but I also have to realize that what “I” as the person am doing has already been done or is being done somewhere in some part of the world.

Well, Although technology in every day life cannot be ignored and one has to benefit from the usage of the technology. It is always a good idea to use the technology and benefit from the advantage of it. After all this is for us.

The generation that are is evolving is most of the times posting the content on the internet- let us say for example “technorati” where there are millions of contents posted every day.These blog posts and articles have thousand of great ideas but how are they really making any point? Will they really reach to the right people at right time?

To have a greater impact and greater socialization of “your ideas” it has to be used efficiently, in a proper manner.

We do not know how to make benefit or money from our work but, “Giving is the best thing we know as the writer.”

It is good idea to deliver the content for free but at the same time it is bad idea to really give everything for free.

Well, I do not agree that “beauty is free”. Beauty cannot be free simply because it is in the nature. Simplicity of the beauty is free but beauty does not lies in being free. Let me give you one example.

Let us say, you see the flower. You see this flower which is red and your personal favorite color is also red but some how you have a color blindness and you cannot see the color red. One of your very best friends come near to you and she says, Wow what a beautiful color and flower. You cannot see the particular flower but you still admire with the beauty.

Imagine now you do not have color blindness and you can see the flower. In this situation, you will see the red flower, you appreciate the beauty of that flower but you cannot have it. It is not free. It has its own life. It is an object which lives on its own. The life cycle of this beautiful red flower is with the Nature.

Similar analogy holds true with the “free content”. The content and ideas are just floating around us all the time. The matter of choice for picking up “whose” idea could be trusted depends upon the humans all around the world.

Selection should be given to people either to use free or not. However, free does not makes the content valuable and not free does not make ideas famous.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

नेपाल एकदिन फर्कन्छु

Subject: नेपाल एकदिन फर्कन्छु

A very touching poem by Birkhe Maila published in

नेपाल एकदिन फर्कन्छु (?!)

नेपाल एकदिन फर्कन्छु,
अमेरिकामा रमाउन सकिन्न!
संकल्प धेरै पटक मनमा आए।
तर, पढाइ त पुरा होस!
कलेज – डेरा, डेरा - कलेज
पढाई पनि सकियो।
यतिका बर्ष बिताईयो,
खालि हात के जानु!

नेपाल एकदिन फर्कन्छु,
अमेरिकामा रमाउन सकिन्न!
तर केहि बर्ष जागिर त खाउँ!
जागिर पनि खाइयो।
डेरा – जागिर, जागिर – डेरा
एक्लो भइएछ दुबैमा!
तर, म एक्लो भएको कुरा
मलाई भन्दा पहिला
नेपालमा आमालाई थाहा भयो!

नेपाल एकदिन साँच्चै फर्कन्छु,
अमेरिकामा रमाउन सकिन्न!
अहिले बिस दिने बिदामा आएको।
तपाईँको कपाल कति धेरै फुलेछन् आमा!
बुबा पनि कमजोर हुनुभएछ!
आमा बुबालाई मनभरि हेर्न नभ्याउँदै,
बिस दिनमा जीवन बिताउने
सम्झौता गरियो कुनै अपरिचित संग!

नेपाल एकदिन फर्कन्छु!
अमेरिकामा रमाउन सकिन्न!
तर अहिले अलिक मिल्दैन।
उसको भ्याई नभ्याई छ
मेरो बिदा उसको काम,
उसको बिदा मेरो काम!
फेरि छोरो पनि सानै छ!
छोरो अलिक ठुलो त होस!

नेपाल एकदिन फर्कन्थेँ
अमेरिकामा कहिल्यै रमाइन
तर कसलाई भेट्न जाउँ?
साथि भाईको खबर छैन
काका पनि ओछ्यान परे रे
कान्छो मामा पोहोर बिते रे!
आमा, बुबा त अब
हरदम म संगै छन्
मेरो यादमा, केवल यादमा!!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Request for your vote.

Hello Valued MyBheja Readers,

I kindly request you to vote for this essay. The contest organizers suggested that I should send the link to my friends and family and ask you to vote for this essay.


Voting Ends on: 12/15/2008 11:59 PM

In case the link does not work, Please try copy and pasting them in the URL.
Remember that the more votes I receive, the better chance is of winning. (So, Please help me.)

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Monday, December 8, 2008

The Internet Way of Death

Last couple of weeks ago, some guy committed suicide on the Internet and some other people forced him to do so. There are many reviews from the experts on this issue. I think,These are all well known facts. We know that people have misbehaved on the Internet. They have shown the character of animals and they also have force others to do wrong.

But do not yet reach to the conclusion- "We always wanted this, don't we?". We wanted to change the way we live. We are in the world where decisions are being made on the machine, we do not get together off line often, we do not meet off line often.

Sorry I used the word "we". But why?, The only answer that comes with all those around is that- "It saves time".

We are moving at rapid pace with both of our eyes looking for more and more adventure. We want to achieve something in this world. When we want to achieve something then there are two ways-

1. Technological revolution.

2. Infrastructure development, Economy boom and Great Intellectual or Artificial Mind production.

We already have are very good at Number 1. Concerning Number 2, we are working it seems. (That is really good too.)

Now, Comes the important aspect- Let me give you one analogy,

What happens to a Mr. X who runs very fast in the crowded streets ?

- What are the chances that he will catch the train?

- What if he dies?

- What if he is successful ?

- What if he hurts some one around when he is running with lightning speed?

- What if he does not care?

He has very fast technology tools with him- like Wireless GPS System, He also has Nokia Maps, He has many more advance technology tools and he is using them too. Since his focus is to run in fast speed without caring anyone.

In the process he can hurt someone, isn't it ?

Anyways, I have to stop it now. The same things holds true when some one is using the content. The man wants to show that he is the best, he is capable of doing what he can, he can write something and hurt others feelings. For all this to control-

As one guy Pointed out, "how brain works, how mind works" these phenomenon becomes essential.

Anyways, Many Scientist has spend their lives understanding "ants, bees and Chimpanzee". I wonder where are the people who can some day understand "humans". It is good practice to start now. :)

Sunday, December 7, 2008

What do you associate with mouth?

Mouth is for words. The words come from this very mouth and the words are spoken from this very mouth. The words flows from your mouth. As you said Paulo, We eat, we drink and we do kiss, we even lick or we taste something from the tongue in the mouth.

Mouth is the way of input. We take in any food through this organ present in our body. Now there are different ways to look at this. We can see it spiritually, we can even see this culturally, we can even see this in many other ways that will have good meaning.

Let us see first what it signifies, If there was some creator why did he put this organ in the human body? What was the reason of putting the mouth? Why did we only take all these food materials from only mouth? Why cannot we use other organ for input. Let us say, Nose or ears or … Why we were taught that we should take our foods from the mouth and not from the other organ.

Probably these questions are very childish. These questions would be asked by very small child. And the beauty of this question is the simplicity of these question. Tomorrow, it can become a research questions for the Researchers.

When we were a small child, we were taught like this, we were feed by our mother in the mouth. Later we grew up, we came to know that the food goes inside this organ. Then slowly, we started to adopt to this environment and Nature.

The first step is the last step. Everything that we do in first becomes the last. It does not signifies that it will last for ever but it may last for ever too. Let me take you outside this topic and give you one example,

When we first experience the sex, Before the experience you do not know how it is like? Will this hurt? Will I feel the pain? Will there be pleasure, will there be trouble ? We think on many issues of the sex. But once you experience it and slowly you like it later. Because it will take some time before you will say- “Yes” it is great.

After some period of the time you start to like the sex and later you will be addicted to it. Then the whole way of doing something becomes like an addiction. You cannot live it, you cannot say-well, I do not want to do it. It become like an addiction and it continues. (Why?) Simply because, you know every body around you do this, you have learned in your book, you have been taught in the school, you have been seen your parents do this- then you slowly start thinking (Why should not I do the same?)

Therefore, Let us now get back to topic of Mouth. The mouth is same organ which takes input and we know this organ has a capabilities of speak, to take input (Whatever) and to even throw output(by speaking)

When you speak what comes out of your mouth?
When these words come out of your mouth, how is the impact?
-Depends on whom you speak and what you speak

Ultimately, the words are the root cause of everything. The words can bring some one close and the words can kill some one for no reasons.
Words can create peace and love, words can even create war and violence.

Mouth has vital role to play in the way we use it.

Isabel Allende on "A tale of Passion"

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Rwanda Internet Evolution.

"Internet Evolution's Web Wide World takes us to Rwanda, a country torn apart by genocide, and now attempting a radical transformation from an agrarian society to a knowledge-based economy, via the Internet"

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Your Opinion On : How can social communities prevent cyber-bullying?

OK, Here I go-


I have been working lately on this topic. My research paper could be found from the following link. (If you are interested on technical details together with the social aspects of using the Internet)


I read the post written by many authors in above, Every body argues on how can the child be bought up with security and should get enough privacy.

Well, I think to some extent yes, we need to have the proper mechanism to control the content on the Internet. As we can see every day number of user accessing the online content is increasing at very rapid pace.

Till date there are 50 Countries which has the access to the Internet, according to World Fact Book. It is increasing daily and sooner or later, there will be all the countries in the world which will have access to the Internet technology.

It is a good thing not to consider the Internet as having bad effect because it is not about the technology as such, but it is all about the content available on the Internet.

There are many different kinds of humans around the globe. Some are very hard and some are very soft. Those who are hard hearted do not care about anything that comes and goes in life. But those who are soft hearted cares a lot about even a minor things in the life.

I believe that, "Women are made for multitasking" and "Men are made for "single tasking". If you see for example any women, you will easily figure out that- they perform more than one task at the same time. But we men cannot some how do more than one task at the same time.

When you are doing more than one task at the same time, there is a chance of having psychological problems. These psychological problems are not caused by the task itself but with the amount of information that flows between the task and the person involved.

There is also another way of looking at this issue. If we go more deeper in to this issue, then first of all we must understand how brain works. If we can understand how brain works then our job would be to understand how behavior is triggered ? Since till date, there is no good theory on brain or behavior. We cannot generalize the fact that "this particular thing caused this".

What I mean to say is that, when you are using the Internet you cannot say that it is because of the Internet, you have been suffering from the psychological problems.

The best solution of understanding the behavior is to have a control over own behavior. Is it possible ? If you ask me- I would say, Yes. It is very much possible to control owns behavior. There are many ways but the simplest way is to control your daily emotions. The best approach would be to use- "Punk approach". In this approach you have to understand these key functionalities.

1. You are born, you will die one day. (So will every one else !)
2. Whatever I am doing is good.
3. "Who cares !"
4. I know who I am.
5. I can control my mind.

In The punk approach the most important is (3). The statement with the quotes- "who cares". If you can understand this phenomenon, then no one is going to commit suicide on the Internet.

Therefore, It is very important to understand what goes in the mind of human and how can behavior is triggered. What makes them unhappy ? What are the major types of anxiety felt by an individual. One good web pages which can predict the behavior of humans is by Dr. Kimberly Yong. She has been doing loads of research on this issue. (Center for online addiction)

Mary Jander suggests that, "Cultural reticence or public affect doesn't translate into private Internet addiction." Therefore, Internet addiction is a growing trend in many countries now a days.

Social or Not social only time will tell when people will feel more types of anxiety of using the Internet technology later in future.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Mumbai Terror attack (26/11)

Welcome to Mumbai, also previously known as Bombay. A place where dreams are seen and dreams turn into successful story at the end. There is terror not only in the Mumbai but every other country around.

Terrorist cause terror, the main goal of the terrorist is to cause terror in the minds and soul of Nation and Country. They have once again been sucessful in causing the terror this time in India's dream city- Mumbai.

Since in happenings like this- there are more questions than the answer. One has to think who is behind this all strategic planning and killings of innocent people? The main cause of the terror is to frighten people and target the interest groups. Here in this case, it was especially Foreigners as they say in the News.

What is the purpose of doing all these ? What message they want to spread all around the world ? Do terrorist wants to say that, they are not going to be vanished completely from the earth ? They will one day if they keep on doing the same act. Everything is temporary and nothing can stop when "Nature" will come up with something extraordinary.

More than 500 peoples are injured and killed, Those who are tourist in India are returning back home. Why do they target the "jews" ? What is "jews" community has to do with all this ? Since these questions are unaswered by many and still there are investigations going on in this issue. It is very hard and difficult to say who is behind all this issue. Could be "Pakistan", could be "Al-Qaeda" and could be those big guys who are leaders in terror.

There is always two sides of the same coin, as I have been repeating this issue time and again. The idea of spreading this terror is very clear, the message they want to give to the world is that, "our numbers are increasing". We are building a new type of community around the globe which is the community of "terrorist". We do not have jobs, we do not have satisfaction on the things we have been doing but we have the support of all those "big shots" around the world. They have enough money to support us even if we are dead.

For example see the "architecture" around the Middle East that is going to be build. As the Global Economy is going down and flat, at the same time there are loads of development going on in Middle East and Pakistan.

India and Pakistan have always been the greatest of great friends and greatest of great enemy. It is not good idea to blame on the country as being behind all these terror attack but blame those guys who are sleeping in the bedrooms of the prime minister house in Pakistan.

Where is Osama bin laden ? As this question for people have always left unanswered. There have been a book on this issue about where exactly is the Osama bin laden but I would recommend to check the Pakistani top burecrat office and palaces. I am not generalizing but I think, and in my opinion if some one would ask me, I would say- He lives in Pakistan with the help of top burecart in their office. May be he is hiding somewhere with former President pervez musharraf residence, who knows ?

If you link Osama bin with Musharraf then you might not get clue but there is doubt that this guy can live with Musharraf.

I have no idea, why these bunch of the people have to spread the terror and what is the real message they want to show to world. As "religion" is concerned, one of the religion that is spreading like a virus in the world is "Islam". I do not know but I heard from somewhere that, Allah wants to see all of his child. Which means, there is no limitation and control on the child birth.

These could be wrong information but to some extent it can also be right information. If tomorrow if some one is going to find "Osama bin laden" then he could be found from the Pakisan and not from Afganistan. With the population of around 31,889,923 (Source:Wikepedia) There is little chance that, Osama could be found in Afaganistan.

Whoever it is and whoever is behind in causing the terror around the world. It is not going to stop. It will continue and increase in the days to come.

Quote of the weekend !

"If all the insects were to disappear from the earth, in 50 years all forms of life would vanish...If all humans were to disappear from the earth, in 50 years all forms of life would flourish."
- Dr. Jonas Salk

Sir Ken Robinson on "Do schools kill creativity?"

"What do you associate with Heart?"

"Heart". Here is one quote which my mind generated in less than few nano seconds. It says, "Heart is the place where "happiness" lies".

As you mentioned Paulo, Heart is the corner stone for many religions.Yes it is ! If you see physically, the heart can be associated with some physical organ which lies in our body. I would suggest you one question.

Why do people associated "love" with the heart symbol ? Many book, many literature has tried to answer the question of love. Every body has their own story but I would say love is a simplest form of human need which desires happiness and nothing beyond.

Where there is happiness, there is love and where there is love there is happiness. Heart is the symbol for love. The place where no one decides through the virtue of one's mind but just gives it away. Why do I say, give it away?

Heart is the place where we do not want to preseve anything but just give, When you give you will feel happiness. When you want to preserve and keep it on your own then, you are hiding something with not only yourself but with others around.

There is one common analogy in some religion. Here is that- "Soul is like a air, and human body is flesh". When you have only flesh, it does not count but when you have flesh and the soul, it brings you to life.

Life is combination of soul and the body. Let me give you one example. You have a car, but you do not have a driver for the car. You do not know how to drive but you need urgently to reach for some work. Now what would you do ? Forget about the alternatives like taking taxi or not going or whatever but you just have to move or go. Imagine !

When you have to think of this situation what would be best approach ? How would you be able to tackle such problem, leave the problem. That is one thing but the point is that, the human body is like the car which is a body but do not have a driver, without heart.

When there is only human body or the car the car does not move but when there is driver inside the car then car does moves. The same principal can be applied with humans.

This simple approach justifies that without human heart human will be alive but they will never be happy. Here is one poem which could help to understand or give some meaning to explain "heart".

With heart, I feel the pain.
With heart, I also feel the pleasure.

With you, I can climb the mountain
I can jump from the sky

Oh dear ! How can I survive when I feel alone
When there is darkness and no one near.

Is it my heart which is seeking love
Or is it my mind which is thinking a lot.

When would our journey come to peaceful end?
I wish I can sleep in your arms,
With ever lasting peace and silence...

My heart is for you and will always be with you.
When I wake up early in the morning

The first wish is with the God, to be with you.
I know time is passing like a steam of water

But Oh dear !, why am I left like without heart
and to ponder all around.

I see humans but they all make me think
I see object but they all make me sick

I am living and People look as if I am alive
Should I wait?, Just because both of our heart will find each other together.

I hope all your dreams and all your goals come to life.
I cannot wait to see pleasure in your eyes

When I can sleep in your arms and explain how I felt with every passing moment of my life

Is it because of our heart or should I think of your heart as mine ?

I do not know how long I can make the poem but I hope this explains a lot about what I associate "heart" with. You can always use the poem if you want but please give credit to the author. Because, this author is struggling to leave a mark on the heart of all those alive.


"Moment", a precious time,the moment defines not a running time but the stable time. The period which does not tick on, the clock which is stable for a while. This is called a moment.

A moment can give you a pleasure, a moment can bring loads of tears in your eyes. A moment will make you happy, a very moment will make you sad.

When every seconds we live is in the edge of dynamic moment. It is always changing. Moment that Mr. A experiences should be different then what Ms. B experienced.

As we can see, there are moments with every one with every moments people have experienced many good and bad virtues. Therefore, I always tell people that moments are changing all the time. It is never yours. It will create the memories but it does not last long.

There are many good moments in my life but are all these moments really memorable ? Do I really want to cherish all of these moments? Should I filter the best moments and describe it with true beauty ? How should I tell what is good or bad ? Everything in the world is based on "dualism".

The concept where, there are two sides for the same coin. There are two aspects for example in electricity- on and off, there are only two bits in computers: 0 and 1, there are two things in human life: either you live or you die, there are two ways to look at many different things around the world.

If I have to judge a moment in my life, then I will say- every seconds that I live is full of pleasurable moments. These moments are helping me to create my life. I am because of these moments. These moments are dynamic and changing all the time. I know which one is the best and which one is the worst.

But again, I will keep both of them alive. I know those around me who have experienced the bad moments but I will like to tell them how to keep it alive. Nothing should be taken in bad ways, Everything whatever happens, happens for good. There is nothing permanent on this mother earth/

Every object around has life. Whatever you see, whatever you touch, whatever you have purchased last week is yours. The object when you purchased was given to you. It started living with you. Suddenly one fine day- you decided to eat, use, kill, hang, throw and do whatever things with these objects.

While using you will some times remember some of these object but some of them you will not. For e.g. the "pen" that your best friend gave you last Christmas, the gift that your husband gave you last summer which stays with you all the time. I am sorry to say but let us say, your husband is no more and you still have that precious gift that he gave you. That created the moment, the object was born and object is living with you.

The "moment" when your husband gave you this gift, turned into "memories". The object still remains, it is yours and no body can take aways from you. Nobody ! Not even God !!!

"Every step of success or failure we make, is the step some one has already taken"

This quote is mine please give credit when you use it some where. Why am I saying this ? What value do I get when I say that you should give the credit to the creator ? Because, your creation remains but those who created this should also remain. The same idea is with the object and the moment. It is very simple ! See.

Without "moment" there is nothing, and with "moment" there is something which does not want to let go. It will remain deep inside me and us. It will only go when our body will turned into sands and the our creation will be cherised by some one like you who is reading it right now !

Have a great weekend ! :)

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


When you see something strange for the first time in your life, you wonder, you think and you think with more seriousness. We think on the things which does not make any sense in the first attempt only because we are just like a simple kid who wants to know more.

OK, I am sorry ! I said, "we" but I behave like a kid. I have a child in me who is very curios about even the smaller things. Last night, I got an email reply from my Professor and I was so curiously looking at that reply. The reply was not so serious but suddenly, my eyes went on to see this word called "VS" in the subject line.

When I saw, this word in the subject line of the Email, I wonder what this might be ! I started to make my own predictions. I thought well, VS could be "Very Serious", how about being "Very soon".

The main problem was that, I was expecting a reply from the professor concerning my thesis work and he send me the reply but the reply was incomplete, He said, he will consult with the other professor and soon send me the reply but I wondered entire night thinking what "VS" could be !!!

I was thinking what if, my thesis is going to be crap ! How should I make people understand that what I am doing is really good. It is really difficult to convince especially the professors. I am still waiting for another rounds of comments that I am going to get from the them.

It is not easy ! In life, you have to satisfy all those who are involved with you voluntarily or involuntarily. Take for example, Authors have to satisfy there readers, Business have to satisfy customers, students have to satisfy their professors, wifes have to satisfy their husbands, so on and so forth.

In the process of satisfying and being satisfied, there are many things under consideration. I do not know what this "VS" was all about.

When I googled with curiosity, I found that "VS" means Versus. It also means victory for example. But this was not right prediction.

Suddenly I asked with one of my colleague, I found that in Finnish it has some meaning. Then for reply they put "VS" in the subject line.

Oh ! Dear, Thanks God I said to myself. I do not have to worry at least for a while now and get terrified.

When I check my earlier Email from the professor, I came to knew- Yes, In his earlier E-mails also, It is the same. This was the first time I notice it since I was feeling the pressure of my work.

If some body would ask me what are my negative traits- I surely can stand up and say to all that- "I cannot wait!!!" I do not know why but I want everything to happen with the blink of my eyes. I think all I need is just a little Patience in me.

Hopefully, I am waiting for the professors next E-mail, I think it should not be "Very Serious". Let me wait and see what happens next !

Sometimes my passions make me want to live just for the moment. I get swept up in emotions of optimism and creativity.

This can be both a gift and a burden, depending on the situation. I will now Try to confine my enthusiasm today and be a bit more practical.

I even may need to rethink some deadlines for projects, because tasks could take longer to complete. But my drive and vision will hopefully let me create eventual success.

Let us see ...

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Passionate about the things you do !

Welcome to new fresh day ! With joy and happiness all around, every new beginning is amazing experience, it gives pleasure to wake up and then the eternal minds start thinking on daily events. When you are just awake, the very moment when we are awake is the moment which is ours and ours alone.

This very moment, no one will take away from you. It is the moment yours and yours alone. This moment gives you pleasure, this is only moment which is your personal.Slowly, when you start thinking then this moment is taken away from you. Then you start thinking on maternal world such as work, career, life, love so on and so forth.

When you have thousand of words floating in your mind, these words has to be kept somewhere, it has to come out of your little brain. These thoughts are not random, these thoughts are not useless, These are the thoughts which can change some one's life. Why on earth I keep on reminding these things ? It is because, I know whatever I am doing is not wrong. I know I am not committing any crime. I know I am not killing any person or animals. Whatever I am doing, is not for awards or recognition.

I am doing if for you, I am doing for those who need these suggestions and advice. Even though, I am not perfect ! Even though I know I am not good at compiling my work and presenting it in correct, coherent manner. I think still it is understandable. I know this is not good way of writing but I should not stop or get discourage by this way of presenting my thoughts.

Every day brings new joy and new thoughts, let us flow with it. Let us discuss flora and fauna, let us discuss love and poetry, let us discuss the thinking on your mind and mine.

I notice today that, we are not perfect and we do not get all the skills from the birth. One example is great scientist Albert Einstein. His brain was not different than any other normal, ordinary human brain. Many Researchers did experiment on his brain but what was the end result ? They concluded by stating that, his brain our exactly similar with the brain of any other average mind. They still cannot find out how he could think in different ways than average mind.

Let me give my opinion on this. This is very simple. The answer lies in question. He was an average mind. There is no difference in the mind of humans but there is difference in how the thoughts are generated in the minds of humans. The thoughts generation is different in different people based on environment, culture, country, family, friends, and religion. Now the first question any one will ask me is- how are the thoughts generated ?

The thoughts are generated through our senses. We have five senses, when we utilize these sense then something triggers in our brain, which results into the thoughts. These thoughts will be based on what you are asking with your self ? What do you want ? What is your real vision and motto ? What do you want to achieve ? What are your inner necessity ? Are you devoted to learn ? Are you devoted to give ? Are you devoted to care ? Based on your devotion, based on your commitment to your own self, you think.

Let me give you one illustration how this might work !

Here is Ms. A, Let us assume she woke up early in the morning now the very few seconds, she will not think anything. She is on her own. She knows this is the best part. After certain time interval, she starts thinking on what to do next ? Before she starts thinking on what to do next, she questions herself. She says, "what am I going to do?".

When she completely understands what she is going to do then she starts doing this for the entire day. In between, there could be many more thoughts generation and they can be based on her own priorities, What she wants ? What she likes ? What she dislikes ?

This is one example of how thoughts could be generated. But Let us not go deeper into this issue, and let me stop it now. Because, I know this has many implications and these thinking cannot be generalized yet.

What is the moral of the story for today ?

Think, we thinking will result ideas,
With ideas, you will learn

By learning, you will want others to learn
When you want others to learn,

You will love what you do
When you love what you do

You may be called Artist
But you know you are more than that,

You do, because you want to give
When you want to give, you only think

You are happy and curious
But most importantly, you are passionate
About what you do !

Monday, November 24, 2008

Monday again !

I have this tendency of hating one thing and that hate does not come out of blue. I hate only one day and that day is today. I hate because I do not know what else I can hate?, I do not know if there is anything else in the entire world I hate. But again, Time and time I always ask the same question to myself- why?

Is it because nothing works for me on this particular day or is it simply because I do not get what I want on this day. Then again, I ask with my self why is this happening to me? I do not hate food, neither do I hate, climate, I do not hate culture, I do not hate the word hate, I do not hate black or white, I do not hate color, sky, moon, life, death, neither do I hate my friends, nor do I hate my self but again why is this particular day that I hate?

Deep down inside me I have a think- I am ... , These three dots says that, I have some thing superior which makes me different than rest of us. I do not want to say that "I am God", I do not want to say that I have magic hands which can perform miracles, as we expect God can but I simply do not know what these missing dots are in my life. These missing dots always reminds me that there are people who need me. There are people in the world who are hungry for my lessons.

These reminds me and says me that, I am being proud of what I am. I think, re-think my strategies of hating this particular day. The reality cannot be spoken very easily and I cannot say what is wrong or what is right. One day I will try to figure out why I hate this day !

As general I observe, "when you say good things to people, people will return you good things" but how about saying something stupid- it comes back right on your face.

Similarly, when I hate the day, the day hates me too. But again, this is not very true. I do not hate the day. I hate my self on this day. When I say, "my self"; this means- I have something inside me which "demands", "needs" and is "full of desires".

These three quoted words are making be selfish and proud. These words are demands of my own, needs that I want and the desires of reaching or getting them fulfilled. When I ask these in my mind, Mr. Mind argues completely with me and says, "Well, Dear this is not possible today".

When he says, today- that obviously means the day I hate which is Monday.

Sunday, November 23, 2008