Showing posts with label christmans. Show all posts
Showing posts with label christmans. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Opportunity Vs. Losses

Dear all,

I was just thinking past few days that life is all about making choices.

On one hand we have opportunity and on the other hand we have losses. If the losses are more than the opportunity than the human can feel sad, depressed and many more. If the opportunity is more than the losses than human will feel joy, pleased, overwhelmed and many more.


What if the human has to decide between opportunity and losses?

Why is then it becomes important that one has to listen to heart instead of mind and make decisions.

The answer is very simple,

Because Heart is never wrong. It takes us in the path of destiny.


I am here now deciding between opportunity and losses, little confused, tired and frustrated.

Should I choose to give up something for something more important?

This literally means, who is right- Mr. Heart or Mr. Mind?

Maybe, Mr. Mind is thinking short term but Mr. Heart always thinks long term. So, the answer is Mr. Heart is always right.

I do not know much about the dreams so I ain’t got any answer to that. It is very obvious that “why” is rather very unimportant question if you are in the path of your dreams.

Let me give you few additional lines to rejoice-

-Life is all about making choices: important vs. very important.

-Dreams are deep visions just like a depth of lover’s love in search for his/her love.

-The question is never asked by Mr. Heart or Ms. Heart, the question is asked only by Mr. Mind or Ms. Mind

-Who is right and who is wrong, let us not decide that in search of dreams, my lord
Love is the sound of music in heart
let us be solid like rock
untouched and unmoved by any extreme difficulties
as the dreamer we are, dream is we

-As Christmas is coming, wish your dreams will be running along the stream of river, life is simply like flowing river and may your opportunities exceed losses in the life full of hope.

God bless you all !

Sunday, November 16, 2008


Life is like a stream of flowing river, it goes on and on. It flows with the flow, it is never ending. It has no end and no beginning. It is just flowing with the sense of unknown. It does not have a destination and it does not have destiny.

Life like everything else will teach you thousand lesson. There are people who live for it, there are people who live for love and there are people who live just to live. Whatever be the reality and whatever they want it from the life, has some price for it.

Nothing comes for free, you just have to pay price for every part of it. But, one thing can be free and its called satisfaction. You did something and now you have to decide either you want to be happy about it or you will not be happy about it. Whichever, way you choose will solely depend on you and you alone. There is no one who will stop you, there is no one who will tell you you did it on right way or wrong you. Only thing people will do, is listen you what you feel.

When you are happy, there will be people around you. When you are sad, there will be people around but they will not be close to you ! "Those who share happiness can find many people and those who share sadness will find only himself".

The above quote says it all, whatever be the consequences every event in our life teaches something meaningful. Either it is hurtful or helpful. Nothing happens in life with coincidence.

Today, we might feel good and the very next day we might feel bad about something or some event. This is called a process of rising and falling. When you are in this process then you are either alone, either drunk, either hurt, either not fulfilled, either you did not get what you desired or either wants your plans to be fulfilled. When this state of process vanishes, then you are in the process of "satisfaction." To reach to this, level requires very hard work and determination.

I am no guru on any of the subject matter that I am explaining in mybheja, but whatever I am expressing in no just random thoughts. These are the thoughts coming from a mind of a man. This man has seen the world and has experienced problems. These problems are not only his but of those he wants to express.

Anyways, I do not want to express that I am the best but I only bless without any selfishness.

With the every ounce of oxyzen intake you are in the pleasure of having alive that very second. But at the same time, somewhere in this very planet-people are not getting that oxyzen with the pleasure. The cause of this is not our stupidity but the stupidity of behaving in well suited manner. Today, there are awareness of "green" and tomorrow there will be awareness about "water". Whatever it is and whatever it will become, who cares as long as we get our fair share of satisfaction in the environment we live in.

There is one thing and one thing in our life which keeps us alive. The word if I remember could be many but right now my bheja suggests- "hope".
Together everything is possible.
All the dreams and desire could be made fulfilled.

All of your dreams were mine once,
But even if you are not beside me,

I will make sure it remains alive-
till the very end.

I think we do not have any hope
But my dear ! I know without you I will fear.

With you, I was fulfilled
Without you, I am without.

Nothing is permanent as my eyes see
I had mine alone and you are at those very ends.

Why are you crying with tears
With every tears, there is hope falling very near

I think I cannot make it
All your dreams which were ours alone..

What should I do if there is no hope?

If there is no hope
Let us invent it, Oh ! dear ...

Do not ask me how ?
I know, with you I will make it.

Without you, I will die
With you, I will die with heart full of love !

Whatever be the case, I know I am nobody
But as long as you see me, I will be always be somebody.

Our love is just like a wine,
It takes time to mature

Well, I am afraid it was ...
But why did you do this to me

When darkness prevails with mystery all around
I know, I am not at my very best

With tears in my eyes all around
I hope, I will try my very best

To invent this very hope
Without you I am in darkness,

With you, I hope I will invent the light.
Well, time changes everything.

It has changed mine and
I hope, you will have pleasure with my blessings all around...

The opinion expressed are not generalized but this is the way I express my opinion. I am sorry if some one is taking it seriously.

Have a nice weekend ! :)

Saturday, December 22, 2007

My mind

I started this blog, with the concept of writing what goes in my mind. I kept the name of the blog as Bheja. It is an indian word. What is going on today in my mind, well today i am feeling a pain in my headeach but who cares and who wants to care about it. Even if i say to people that i had an headach, nobody will listen to me.., they will just say go and visit doctor or put some medicine that's it. But no body wil ask with me why had this problem. What is the root cause of having this problem dealing with this problem every time. why i am leaving in this planet and what is the sole purpose of living.

I have this problem and I want the solution to remove my problem not just to cure it. I do not want to cure the problem I want to remove it. Now, the big question is how ? The answer to this question is when my mind ask me to think on some pattern and when it does not matches with my heart it would cause me some pain in my head. The head always ask me to do some thing like for example, assignments, project or some research work but at the same time, My heart says that i want to talk with my wife back in my country. Now do not take it seriously Wife and girl friends are quite different according to me, I am not legally married but i do not want to use the word "girl friend" There are some reason against use of it. So, this is the case my heart says i want to talk with my wife back home in Nepal and My mind says i have to complete the assignment Now when the mind orders me something the heart do not understands and when heart asks something to mind, Mr. Mind says no i wont do it. They had a fight with each other. Now the mind has lost the battle and my heart has won the battle. When my mind lose the battle that means i did not do my project work but rather i talked with my girl friend: that is why i think i had a headache. but Who cares ?

Welcome to My Mind, My bheja !

Merry Christmas, Happy New Year ! Hope life brings you loads of happiness and joy to make your life memorable and joyful to live for ever and ever. Everything you desire comes as you desire and not the other way around.

Good Luck ! and Best Regards !

From "My Bheja" !

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Thousand Wishes !!!

There are thousand wishes in my life, all the wishes are such that each wish is killing me, they come as if to get fulfill., there are many wishes they come but still they are very less.I do not know when they are going to be fulfilled. In love there is no difference between living and dieying. Love cannot be explained.There is no difference in love, live or die. There are thousand wishes in my life which are unfulfilled.
No one can fulfill those wishes but for many of them many wishes comes true. Why do i have so many wishes ? Can't i be a person with very little wishes and all the small wishes that i make gets fulfilled. How many people in earth are satisfied with what they have ? I do not think there are many people in the earth who are satisfied with their life,job,wife and many other things. ?

There are thousand wishes the wishes are such that each of the wishes are killing me.!!!!!