Sunday, June 22, 2008

Mind, Breathing and Body

Everything is determined by there key elements in our body, Breathing, Mind and Healthy nutrition. Once a person have a disease he is has asked or invited that disease for himself. A disease never comes automatically it is your own invitation for the same.

A mind is one of the central part of our body. A ears connected to your mind has around 200 millions neurons attached to it. Your eyes connected to your brain has also many more numbers of veins or neurons attached to it. All these are connected with your brain and your brain decides what to do and what not to do.

One of the key element in living healthy is taking care of your breathing techniques. One can live free by without any disease from breathing properly. Breathing has a lot to do with how you inhale the oxygen. Many Yogis and Gurus have said that a person breathing style determines what kind of a person is in front of you.

A person who breathes very fast, has something wrong or is in worries. A person who breathes slow is slow and a person who breathe in cool and calm way deeply has a very nice attitudes developed in his life. It is all about breathing properly. Once you start breathing properly you will develop a good sense of coolness and calm or rather I would called peace in mind. It will create a good sense of feelings which will develop in you a rather very good way of keeping yourself fit and fine.

For example, when we play some games we breath very fast once we breath very fast and inhale more amount of oxygen we are consuming more oxygen only because our body needs it more. We are working and we need more amount of it. Once you are doing nothing, you need a good amount of oxygen but it is important to keep in mind how you breath.

Once your immune system is damaged, you will have loads of problem. A problems with your lungs, and any part of your body. A lot of disease will occur and you will feel very bad in yourself. Therefore, it is important to keep in mind how you breath.

Apart from breathing there is one more thing which is important to know. About our conscience and unconsciousness mind. It is the state where we have to be alive. It is presence. One example of such mind is when you are sleeping and when you are awake. When we are sleeping, we are in unconsciousness sates and in that state we see dreams. Dreams are nothing but the images. A images which after we wake up i.e. in Conscience state try to find meaning to those images. It is like saying I will give thousand images when you are sleeping, after you wake up try to give meaning to me about these images.

A person who can control his mind can do whatever he wish. A mind is very difficult body to control. It needs a lot of hard work together with many more determination stages. It can also be easily controlled. It is all up to you. You may wish to visit religious places but they will just guide you to do what you can and cannot. Try to explore yourself. Try to find your self.

Breathing inhales oxygen and throws carbon dioxide. It takes many inner steps inside our body to do a simple task as these. It looks very simple and we never notice it only because we are bounded by many such problems in our life that we tend to forget what our body needs. Do concentrate in your body, mind and breathing style too.

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