Showing posts with label gentleman talk. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gentleman talk. Show all posts

Monday, March 17, 2008


Well, Can a country which has a image of being very depressing, inward and not open to the world be totally different. How can you change a Finland to Funland ? It is very simple. At least in theory, I can change it by changing the "i" to "u". Just replace "i" in Finland to "u" in the same.

Look, It is so simple to change a country and make it to Funland rather than Finland. When you see the name of the country you are quite afraid of its location, the snow and the river or lakes every where. To change a country to Funland you just have to focus on values, ethics and exploration.

The country which is UN-explored, country of natural beauty and silence. If you want to learn how to live in silence please visit once in your life to this land. Learning a Finnish way of living is totally new and exquisite experience. It will teach at every second the true meaning of living a life.

The two most distinct feature of the country is beautiful lakes and silence. I cannot describe each and every features of this country because their are so many that my entire life will not be sufficient. The beauty always lies in eyes of beholder but beauty here lies in the place that you will be thrilled to see it. If you want to return to your self and are tired with your day to day boring life you just buy a ticket and come down to Helsinki (Finland's capital). Try to speak with complete stranger or any Finnish Old guy. You will get reply. That is the time you have to realize the fact that you are in Finland. It is totally fun to be part of Finland.

The Karelian Culture is awesome which my words limit me to write about them. I don't know much about the Political condition and don't care about it. But I would tell you the fact that Many Russian girls want to seduce Finnish Men just for the sake of personal benefits. It is true. Women are always focus and far sighted then all we Men. It is not totally true for those who are in true love or say that they really are in true love. I don't know myself till date what is love.

The neighbors are Russia, Sweden and European countries. The country which was part of Russia has their own identity and are quite ahead in politics, economy, infrastructure, people mind set and many other aspects. They are ahead and going far behind any countries imagination only because they are "doing" then "I will do".

As said by great people that "Time is money". Here in Finland "Time is really money". Finnish "yes" is always "yes" and never "no". The building of relationship is very difficult with any Finnish people because they do not usually are turned on by any foreign people only because they do not want to interfere. They believe in letting every body do what they want. They know if you will explore you will find out the true meaning of what you want.

Many countries, many TV-Show and many broadcasting medium has given the negative aspect of the country which is quite absurd, you are describing culture, and you got to mention the reality.
To change Finland to Funland you got to come to Finland, experience it yourself and talk with Finnish People you will know. You will learn and you will return to your self. Finland might not have great production in other sectors but definitely they can produce well known Car-racers, Ice-hockey and great scientist in the world.

Finland has already in verge of becoming Funland. Don't you want to have a fun ? The country where majority are Women(Nainen) and Finnish (Suomalainen). It's all up to you to explore exquisite journey of your life to Finland or Funland.

(Picture taken from:
tunick/Z-Helsinki%20Finland.jpg )

Monday, March 10, 2008


Wow, What a interesting topic mybheja is presenting today, Look , look and look carefully that the topic is Path. The path my words are taking from left to right direction and the path is the way one moves. According to the dictionary-

" 1. A trodden way; a foot way.
[1913 Webster]

2.A way, course, or track, in which anything moves or has
moved; route; passage; an established way; as, the path of
a meteor, of a caravan, of a storm, of a pestilence. Also
used figuratively, of a course of life or action. "

This is how the dictionary defines the word called path, a foot way. Research says that human path are more productive and intelligent then the path taken by animals or other entity living in the world. Well that is different scenarios and I will talk about them later. Let me tell you about human path.

The path is the determination in our mind the way, the direction, mind map or mind direction made earlier in our mind before traveling to a destination. We decide early in our mind or we make some assumption based on the place we are going to.

We are going to certain place, we take certain path (if the place is for the first time we are visiting). We would like to see the maps, or certain path we build up in our mind and then we travel that path. We are so predictable in finding the palace because we make this path in or mind.

Imagine- you have to visit some place without making any assumption,without any knowledge about where you are going. Imagine - Well I am being stupid to ask you "imagine". Their is the reason why I am saying you to Imagine.

The reason is because-This is how the life works. Life is unpredictable paths we take in every movement, moment and with the passage of time. We meet new people, we make loads of choices, compromises and promises. We learn from each other. We move in this way. We say that "I know where I am going" but you are wrong my dear friend, you do not know where you are going.

You only know you are present or alive. You do not know the path you are traveling. If you know where you are going you will be the King of your mind. I doubt if their is any species who can be king of mind. We all have mind but we are not king of our own mind.

"Their is always a difference between the knowing the path and walking the path."

To sum up, Try some time this- When you travel to some unknown place -"Take right turn in every corners or path, you will rich to the right place".

"If you take a right turn, you will reach to right place, Do not follow the path made by somebody Make your own path".

By reading this "fake crap" article from mybheja, you got to believe it. Always you have to make your own path not just follow the queue, or follow the path already define. If you need change as I think you need it-Take a different route,move in your own rhythm.Experience yourself, you will say, Yes this is correct.

(Picture taken from:

Monday, March 3, 2008

Drop your ego

Life is filled with truth, auspiciousness and beauty these are their major keywords or variable which drive our daily life but our self is filled with a false ego. Samael Aun Weor and Jiddu Krishnamurti in their book “The Revolution of the Dialectic” and “The Ending HarperSanFrancisco” Sated that an ego is often associated with mind, sense of time which thinks in order to be assured of its future existence, rather than simply knowing its own self and the present.

As long as the ego lives, we may not experience true beauty but our mind will be filled with dreams of expectations that define beauty in a subjective way. Ego is nothing but a self image of who we truly are. This self image projects a reality defined by the expectations of the ego. When these expectations are not fulfilled, it creates its own resentments and regrets. These create a life of deficiency called 'World' and life becomes a movement from incompleteness to incompleteness. If one increases one's awareness, which is a part of meditation, one realizes that resentment is nothing but a mental resentment to what has happened.

It is a negative emotional fight of some unalterable past. Like a broken record one replays, relives the past injuries. Then they become mental constructs which project a subjective reality and hence we never see the objective reality. This mental construct act as a thermostat. To change the temperature of the room one has to reset the thermostat, to change the temperature of the internal room one has to drop the ego. While listening to the chirping of the bird or music hear the foundation or the backbone of the sound. Look at the bird or the musician and see the formless presence in the form.

Every form exists in a formless presence. A form is defined by the formless. It is only in the contrast the forms gets defined. This formless is the backbone of the form. Thoughts are moving. Any movement is change. Change is the only thing that is permanent in this world. Change happens in the changeless presence. Thoughts are internal sounds. See the soundless space while noisy thoughts are moving. When one deeply "sees", then one sees a formless, soundless, changeless presence as the backbone or foundation of life. The Real Being is not the “I” but the intimate transcends any type of “I”. Being is the reality and this principle cannot be contained in any self image and hence self image is a prison in which most of us live.

To become a free of ego is not the big job but a very small one. It is our self decision. The decision which has to be done by owns self not with someone else even if some one is very attached or deeply rooted with us. It is like we are bounded by great prison and we need to find some passage to drop the prison or escape it therefore To drop this prison is enlightenment.

(Picture taken from:
images/alter_ego_editor.jpg )

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Researcher Mr. X

"Give me a bread to eat, I will give you idea for research"

What do you think people of this quote ? Do you think Mr. X has potential of doing research, forget about the idea it comes secondary. There is a person say Mr. X and he has a capability to do the research. He knows he can go beyond any body's expectation he knows how a person can fly and he knows what he is talking about. Only thing is that he do not know how to survive. Take an example of Gautam Buddha he knew what he wanted in life he went beyond the word called love. He left his family, children and his palace. Why ?

Those people are great or become great who give sacrifices what has you done for the sacrifice ? Why do you call yourself as researcher if you have not done any sacrifices and you have not found something new. Researcher is very good tag given to many people in many world. It means that you are capable of finding something new and innovative, something beyond some one expectation, something or some useful info beyond any body's imagination.

There was this person called Mr. X once upon a time- He had a very good capability to find the new things but his capability was hidden. He could not found any solution to his problems. He was lonely despite being with thousands of his friends. He liked every body but every body has some different opinion about him. He regarded every one as the same but he was treated differently by every one. It does not mean that he didn't like how he was treated but he liked the way people treated him. He was very funny, some time very intellectual and sometime very boring to his friends but then he started to realize that whatever he does and whatever he is doing is actually good and It is his daily mood that makes a climate or let's say he thought something similar, it is his way of thinking that makes his world and so on. The story was the beginning of his era then after suddenly he has to struggle in the complicated world for his survival. He could not find the suitable environment where he can live up to his expectations and deliver what he is really capable of. Suddenly he realized that nothing is in our hand and we are bound by some imaginary force which i sour life. We just do what we feel doing, we just go if we like to go and we eat what we wish to eat but one thing that is not in our hand is the unexpected event that occurs in between what we think and what we achieve.

This is the reality. Let me give you one example. Suppose I want to go for shopping and I decide to go to shopping. Now When I am ready to go for shopping, I just start walking towards the shopping mall. Unfortunately I fall down in the road but don't know why ? Who is the creator of this event ? I never decided to fall down in the middle of road, but who did this ?

Another example I am preparing a food and I was chopping a potatoes but again while chopping a potatoes I chopped by own finger. Who decided to do this ?

Was it me who wanted to cut my own finger ? Of course not, as I am selfish of my life as all human beings are. Then the big question is who ? That big question is the mystery and we call that mysterious thing is done by some mysterious person called God, or Unknown or Some Vague concept or what so ever.This is what we need to find out ! Can you do it ? Just give a try ! If not, then Mr. X can but one problem is their with Mr. X and that problem is clearly stated in the quote.
(Mr. X is unknown, mystery and totally factious.)

Thursday, February 21, 2008


"The lot of people now a days have B.A, M.S and P.h.d but Unfortunately, they do not have J.O.B. "

We are looking for job, I am looking for a job. I aint got any job. Jobless. What goes in my mind is I am unsercure. The very first thing that comes in my mind is I am lonely and I am unsecure. How to survive without doing work ? Isn't it so difficult.

The big guys in the MNC or in some company they will ask you Well, Mr. X how many years of experience do you have ? I think this question is absolutely absurd and non realistic. The Business school they attend in their life possibly did not teach them how to deal with the job seeking people. The whole Human Resource deaprtment is something which is meaning less and should not exit. We cannot mangage people, No one can. Leaders never mangage people, What I believe is that its the people who think and make their leaders not the leader managing people.

Now, Since I do not have J.O.B no one would like to date me. I do not have J.O.B I am untidy all the time. I look as if I am coming from jungle. I do not have security, money and lack many basic resources what can i do ? Is there any way i can feed my self. These are the basic words that will come up in our mind.

But Life is something bigger concept then J.O.B, We should not live for only job but we should live for life. Job is something like money which is for nothing. It will come and it will go. There will be person who will hire you and there will also be person who will fire you. It is just the matter of time.

My wishes to all those people in the world who are jobless just like me. What to do, We do not decide our faith or may be we lack some the talent in comparision to those who had this job. Or may be it is just the matter of time when we will get the best job we were not expecing or may be it is coming very soon. You never know ! The job is waiting near your doorsteps, Bell rings and you get a letter from the big Company in your home or in foreign .. Just go and Open the door...

Wish you a luck ! Congratulations !

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Cool, Smart and Intelligent

I am really very cool, smart and Intelligent. You know why ? I am the most intelligent animal in whole planet. I am Monkey. When we tease our friends or our child for some reason we just give them a name called Monkey. We often say- Stop behaving like a monkey, Don't be monkey. Be human. Do not behave as if you are animal. Are monkey's any way related to us. Yes they are becasue we call them our anchestors. Sometimes we see the connection with them. Research also prove that many people do look like the animals. The face of dog matches the face of humans. Well, I don't know which face of human will match this intelligent animal but I think it does. What differentiate between this animal and us ? The difference is that they are not well behave. They do what they feel doing. They cannot make decision. Even it is true that they are more intelligent then we are. As in today's context people are not more intelligent then the animals because people have forgotten the real purpose of living in the planet. We should realize that we should behave just like humans not like animals with other humans. We should stop war, crime and unlawful activities that happens in every day life. The big difference is that they do not follow any rule and they do what they wish but the fact is that we follow the rules beside that also we do that activity which makes us realize that we are very close to them. After all how can we forget that We were evolved from them ! Actually Nothing else matters because we all know that despite the fact i can show to the whole world that I am cool, Smart then anybody else in the whole planet and Intelligent but I should always remember that It is somebody else who should say these qualities to you not me describing about it to others. I always remember the that "nothing else matters.. " The song sung by Metallica. It clearly states whatever we do, Whatever we did and whatever we are doing does not matter as long as we behave as a normal human. We should not show off but it should be automatically be seen by others that we have following three attributes. I am no cool, I am no smart and I am no Intelligent but I am learning to be cool, smart and intelligent. Take a look at the picture again- Does it says something to you. Yes it say that I am wearing a black glass which says I am cool, I really look cool and I am feeling something which no body else can feel. Where is that feelings in human ? Is only war the final solution to all the problems ? Why are we willing to kill each other ? If I kill somebody tomorrow does it mean that I am strong. I can if i wish and it is not difficult task. Ask all the followers of Oshama bin laden, Al Qaida and rest. Or let's say Maoist Rebels, they will tell you what they can do for their leader and theri party.

Learn from the picture , it can tell you thousand things that What my writing won't. I write because I am free to put my expression and I have an opportunity given by . Thanks to that. I hope we will behave as a human as we are the most creative, innovative and intelligent then any other species in planet. I pray with all mighty if he exist that we will build a better future for our children. Let us do one activity every day that will bring joy, or smile in some body else face rather than other way around. Remember that I am no cool, smart and Intelligent.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Must Vs Should

I was in the kitchen again, my one of the favorite place sitting with my best friend that is my aloneness and my laptop. Doing nothing. I was preparing a coffee. Then my friend came "Dainel" I don't remember how it started but we started the converstation about relationship. It all began something like this- If a man is working and going to work and women is staying at home What would you expect your women to do ? She must do the household works, she must prepare food and she must do all the rest of the houshold chores. Well, I did not know why My friend Daniel thought like this but together with him My finnish friend Teemu also agreed with him. Now It was me who was alone defending myself. I would say that It is not must, It should be "should". I know they were right and it is true because if one is going for work and working his hard ash to earn to feed for a family women should do the other things. But I did not agreed on this. There are several factors why ? Why is that we expect that girl must do the work at home ? Let us think for some time that we are women and now think we are going for work and coming back home and we expect our husaband to prepare food and one among other stuffs. Is that we would say Husband must ? Can all the women in world agree with this ? Will every one expect their husband must do house keeping ? The word itself says that "Must" is made for men and "should" is made for women. You know why ? Care, affection and attraction comes with the women and with the word should. But aggression comes with word must. I don't know we had very good conversation about 10-20 minutes abou this and I felt it very good. I was trying to defend myself and it was obvious that it is always difficult to convince people throught your speech. In just 10-20 minutes of discussion we talked about relationsip, religion, history, present and future. It is always good to share ideas because tomorrow i may die but ideas will never die.