"The lot of people now a days have B.A, M.S and P.h.d but Unfortunately, they do not have J.O.B. "
We are looking for job, I am looking for a job. I aint got any job. Jobless. What goes in my mind is I am unsercure. The very first thing that comes in my mind is I am lonely and I am unsecure. How to survive without doing work ? Isn't it so difficult.
The big guys in the MNC or in some company they will ask you Well, Mr. X how many years of experience do you have ? I think this question is absolutely absurd and non realistic. The Business school they attend in their life possibly did not teach them how to deal with the job seeking people. The whole Human Resource deaprtment is something which is meaning less and should not exit. We cannot mangage people, No one can. Leaders never mangage people, What I believe is that its the people who think and make their leaders not the leader managing people.
Now, Since I do not have J.O.B no one would like to date me. I do not have J.O.B I am untidy all the time. I look as if I am coming from jungle. I do not have security, money and lack many basic resources what can i do ? Is there any way i can feed my self. These are the basic words that will come up in our mind.
But Life is something bigger concept then J.O.B, We should not live for only job but we should live for life. Job is something like money which is for nothing. It will come and it will go. There will be person who will hire you and there will also be person who will fire you. It is just the matter of time.
My wishes to all those people in the world who are jobless just like me. What to do, We do not decide our faith or may be we lack some the talent in comparision to those who had this job. Or may be it is just the matter of time when we will get the best job we were not expecing or may be it is coming very soon. You never know ! The job is waiting near your doorsteps, Bell rings and you get a letter from the big Company in your home or in foreign .. Just go and Open the door...
Wish you a luck ! Congratulations !
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