Friday, May 9, 2008

Present and Past

Welcome to the world of the competition where thousand of people like us fight. We come to the world formt hemoment we come we fight. The moment we come we begin to fight and we begin to work out with many difficulties.

Fight is the not the answer to ther real problems. It is the fight between the race, country, religion, education, sex, and many more things. It is the your life where you make the decision and your decisons are the final decisions. EVerything is not perfect and no body will be perfect. Even machines cannot become the perfect. Once I read the article by the a person and a legend who just talked about and gave one single statement stating that "Can machine think" ? How can a machine think ?

The biggest quest for finding the answer is today we have a new topic for the research in the field of finding that really a machine think or some how we can make a machine think ? How can a person or human make a machine think ? Can a computer which runs on the basis for the programs written in some language really think ? It is evolving and it will evolve.

Now today we can make many Roborts, we can make them work on the basis of ours demand. It is also that we can make them work and do all the labor that previous some 100 years from now were done by animalas and the humans being. Some time I even think that it is because this consequences we are loosing the jobs. The jobs are getting reduce just because of that reason.

Life is changing and everything is changing. We are getting poorer and rich are getting more richer. Their will come the time in the near future when everybody will become biased in such a way that there will be the fight with the Rich against the poor.

Who can predict the future ? No body can predict the future but certainly we can invent the future. We can think what our childrens and our grandchildrens. For there safegaurd and there future it is only in our hand.

Some 15 years down the line we never knew that we would have a small gadget like the mobile phone which will do all our business and educationa and all other relevant activities. Look the time now and see the time then. Our future were based on some imagination that we were thinking some people at those times were thinking about today.

There are always people who can really predict the future. Those people are not generaly accepted by the country, soceity or any religion or any people only because those people can think beyond any other people. They are different. Please do not assume the same for me.

Thinkings can change, people can make many different thinking but everythinking should not necessary be logical. It should help in one way to another to those who are in need, for those which can help country, society, people and even any human beings.

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