Showing posts with label land. Show all posts
Showing posts with label land. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Habit and NO

The time I start putting the words in my blog, it started to rain and it was pleasant climate which showed that there needs to be put something, everything is very cyclic and happens every day. All these things happen every day and some time I wonder why ? Why can not a person live without food in a day, why cannot a sun light does not show up normally next day and why is there darkness ?

These questions are very uncommon only because such event does not happen and if it does then there is great reason behind it. A person is normally who eats food everyday but is there any possibility that he can live without it ? Yes, he can but he will still need to eat something other day to survive. Why are we following such habit of doing the things that we have been taught right from our childhood ? Some times, see yourself and do things differently it will give you a lot of pleasure.

Now, the big question is how can a habit which has build inside us can be changed ? A habit is formed by us and no body else. A habit is our daily activity of doing the things same on every day one common example would be- smoking a cigarette, promoting cigarette to cigar and going further with itself. It gives pleasure to many, to some it reliefs from pain and to some it removes the tension from the body or from the mind. You will find thousand different answers from thousand people who have adopted the habit of smoking or drinking or some habit which is harmful but still people do not like to change.

A change people is one who can quit his habit and is very flexible to himself and to others. A person who is born within a boundary will always remain or try to be in boundary just because he has not seen the outside world. He do not know what is beyond that boundary. One example would be- a girl who lives her life typically eats healthy food checking her calories every day, goes for daily makeup, comb her hair daily, is neat and clean and visit doctors every once in week for regular check up. She is very health cautious and is very strict on her own schedule of doing things. Now such person is keeping the boundary or making her boundary of herself-she is limiting herself by letting her do this- and do that- Nothing beyond this should be done by her.

A girl is living in her boundary and she knows exactly what to do every day but one day she is migrated to rural India. Now, Imagine her situation-she is doing nothing what she used to do. She is not going to visit the doctor every once in week because no doctors are availaible, She do not have proper diet food or food with regular check up of calories and she could not comb her hair daily just because there are too much of dust which makes every person look dirty next 30 seconds. Now, In such situation can a girl adopt to such an environment ?

To adopt to such a environment she has to change her habit and she has to be completely free, free her mind and should not care about anything except open sky and deep oceans. The point is to adopt to bigger world you have to leave smaller world. All those people who smoke, who have a habit of drinking, who have a habit of pornography, who are addicted to some thing are living in smaller world and to jump from smaller to bigger they have to change there habit and see how it feels when you do not do the things you like most-just for a day or two and then entire life.

Next thing is there are times when we have wasted our energy just because we never learnt to say NO. Just say no, when you think some body is taking your time. You are the one and you have every rights to living a life not for others but for yourself. Just say NO without any hesitation when you think it is not appropriate or not worth full to you. Think about these things and try to figure out in a day how you recover from these things.

Go on carry on life is to fight with yourself than others
Greatest wise is that person who can forgive greatest enemy

Always remember we are no black and no whites
We all come from same place and we will go to the same place

Rituals might be different, custom may be different
Smile is same in every country and religion

You may think this as poem, but I do not know
Live openly, surrender your problem to Nature

Nature will take care of your misery
It will bring you joy when you feel depressed.

Go on carry on ....

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Higher Studies in Finland

As unexpectedly I woke up early in the morning, I realized that I was breathing and I was alive. I prayed to those who gave me the opportunity to see the entire day. I did all the activites that people do early in the morning.

A good begin is what we need. A good start is what we want and a click in our life can change everything in our life. It is difficult but at the same time it is not diffcult only because it depends on our perspective.

I came in Finland only because the Study here is Free, Imagine tomorrow they keep tution fee in the Universities across Finland. I would not ask my grandmother to come here in finland for studies.

I can write thousand pages about the good things about this country, culture, language and society whatever. But I would tell you that- People here do not like to see more foreigners, they would like to see few but they do not want it more. I do not know in a country where you can hardly find any people, those who survive in this land do not want to same species from the different planet. Some would like to see but I can be rest assure that many of them do not like to.

It is quite acceptable for me if some body says something worng or bad or gives negative comment on the country, culture or language but if I would say the same to the people from Finland, or other part of Europe they are not ready to accept it. Only because they do not want to accept the reality.

It is great opportunity for me and I really appreciate with what they have given me. I would like to make these hurtful statements if they sound like in such sense.
Be ready to accept it. Sometimes I think why when people talk about Europe they think the capital of Europe is United Kingdom. Many of the people from the rest of the world has the same point of view.

These all nations are now united to one Nation called as European Union.It is good that they have one body which regulates and rules them. They have to follow the rules and they are following it good.

We are born-from the moment we are born we start making our choices, our opinion about the world, culture, language and everything around us based on our observation and level of thinking. We think we see, we see we open the doors of our mind. People in many part of these countries are scared to open there door only because they think they might get some ill substances in the form of human to there home land.

When I know where I am going, my destination is very clear. When I am abit scared and wary about it I will go nowhere.

These two lines will take some time for you to think. You may think in thousand different ways but all the ways have same end. Language is good way to start communicating with people. Everybody will appreciate if you can speak the language of their country and their society. But how would you manage if you are trying to learn and could not easily learn the language of their country ? The same point of discussion was carried out once with me and a friend.

Even a dog of your country speaks the language you speak. Only thing is that when some one comes to your country only difficulites for him is to learn your language for some people it is easy. They learn it very easily but for some it is difficult they could not learn it easily. Now what ? Are you going to kill that person ? Are you going to hate that person ? Mostly if you hate that person then you are hating yourself. If you start behaving rude to that person then it is not the person who will suffer its you who are suffering.

Language is great problem in all the country. I do not respect as my friend respect his language, I do not respect as my friend respect his country. I do not respect as my friend respect the land he was born. For me, it is just a land. I respect my mother land too, I respect the language too but I am not nationalistic. I do not have one single point of view on one single nation. I belive all the Nation is same. Take an example of lakes- In Finland there are thousand of lakes.

Some lakes are small, some lakes are big, some are dirty and some are not. All these lakes have one common language, all these lakes have one common theme, all these lakes makes us think that by going into future we are increasigly going small. We are separate and we are not going to be mixed.

All these lakes know that they are soon going to chagne their structure or the way people will see them, not to hide but to make them invisible. Lakes have one common language and one common goal. Thousand lakes are the numbers but Lake is just one.
I do not know how people see it. I see it as One.

I am sorry to those whom I have hurt or I am hurting only because I am bad at learning language. I belive that you can provide me a complete stranger and I would possible be able to communicate with him somehow and I would not need any language.

Todays mind of people have changed and they belive that without language a communication is not possible. My mind is old mind of some old age, which tells me that Communication is also possible without language.

All is well that ends well. Let me thank the country, culture, language and everything that is not here. I thank this place for providing me excellent opportunity to pursue my higher studies. I am very happy they have taken a great step but hopefully they should not implement the process of applying tution fee which will not bring my grandmother from her grave to studies here in Finland.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Nepal is in India ?

Don't be surprised to see the title of the topic. Ever country is different, every land is different. The cartoon you are seeing explains everything when it comes to the political matter of India to Nepal. There are great, great people in India-great scientist, great politicians and great country itself. When I was child, my I used to get one impression of this country called India is that, Indian products are all "copy". Every Indian product is very good copy of some body else product. Indians are not creator, they are not good at doing the things properly or by themselves. I am not pointing all individual of India but those places in india where they do not know what they are doing, those brains which do know what is their purpose of life and why they exist as human in this planet. They are always good at copying the things. Either it is from Japan or from china or it can even be from America. Now they assume that, the land of Nepalese people is also theirs. They are not copying anything here but they want to prove that the very small land that divides two giant country called China and India is of Indian territory. There are thousands of people who lives in this land called susta but who cares about them. It is one of big issue and it is good that the cartoon made by one famous cartoonist Rajesh K.C has clearly mentioned what is going on in the present context of India and Nepal. Every country is unique, every individual is unique and every body's idea of living a life for themselves and for their homeland is unique. Nepal is not india and neither can India be Nepal. We appreciate the help they are providing us in Paper. Every thing sounds great when it looks only good in paper but India is occupying the land slowly and gradually. There will be a time when India will start claiming that "Nepal never existed" It was always of India. Politicians should recognize the fact that India is giving too much of loans in case of Petrol products and other things. It is the duty of our great great politicians who I personally think are not alive, To take every steps with caution and with the attitude of doing something for their own land.