I was surprised to see my blog being visited two thousand times within just three months of the time. It is really a good news for the blog and my heartily congratulations to all my beloved readers.
I am very happy that people usually find something useful from my writings too. I apologize for the common grammatical mistakes and when I can not really edit my blog at times.
Today in Mybheja this is the four hundred article which I am going to write. Today Post is somewhat related with the killings that happened yesterday in Finland. It is very sad that, some body can go crazy like that and start shooting like a mad person.
I was thinking why some one who looks perfectly find start doing such an stupid act. It is shame not only for the country but also for the whole entire people living in this beautiful country, Finland.
Finland has been recognized as one of the suitable place and one of the best place to live, peaceful and very silent. But why some one who do not have any purpose will act and do something like that.
Gunfire at the school and killing innocent children and later to himself. The purpose cannot be explained but the situation was similar with around nine or eight months ago the same happening happened near Helsinki region.
Two major crime within less than a year, is it going to come again ? One of the question to be asked, is it because of the mental pressure a human gained before starting the shooting or what would have been the reason behind the shooting ?
I do not know, but I think the reason is the technology. The country where people are fond of using the Guns for hunting in the woods, some day will turn up and start hunting in the school.
I said, it is technology because what I think is that, people wants to earn a fame. If you can examine the situation- the guy first puts his video on the youtube and later after putting it in youtube the following morning he performs the act which might have been unknown to himself too.
I do not know what was going on his mind when he uploaded the picture on the Youtube. If I were him, I would firstly think how can I increase the number of visitors on my link in the Youtube.
To increase the number of visitors and the may be because of the Internet addiction this guy had, it caused the killing of nine other innocent people.
Why should I be worried about it ? This is the question that comes in those mind which are not involved directly in such happenings but we should not ask why should we be worried about the incident or the person who did it.
Only question remaining now is that, is this the beginning ? Will it continue more later in near future. What will happen when people will start to do the same kind of activity all around the world ?
Is technology or the content present in the Internet is resulting in such kind of anxiety or anonymous behaviors in the human or is it just a abnormal human behavior.
Whatever, it might be- these all questions remain unanswered till date.
Showing posts with label finns. Show all posts
Showing posts with label finns. Show all posts
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Higher Studies in Finland
As unexpectedly I woke up early in the morning, I realized that I was breathing and I was alive. I prayed to those who gave me the opportunity to see the entire day. I did all the activites that people do early in the morning.
A good begin is what we need. A good start is what we want and a click in our life can change everything in our life. It is difficult but at the same time it is not diffcult only because it depends on our perspective.
I came in Finland only because the Study here is Free, Imagine tomorrow they keep tution fee in the Universities across Finland. I would not ask my grandmother to come here in finland for studies.
I can write thousand pages about the good things about this country, culture, language and society whatever. But I would tell you that- People here do not like to see more foreigners, they would like to see few but they do not want it more. I do not know in a country where you can hardly find any people, those who survive in this land do not want to same species from the different planet. Some would like to see but I can be rest assure that many of them do not like to.
It is quite acceptable for me if some body says something worng or bad or gives negative comment on the country, culture or language but if I would say the same to the people from Finland, or other part of Europe they are not ready to accept it. Only because they do not want to accept the reality.
It is great opportunity for me and I really appreciate with what they have given me. I would like to make these hurtful statements if they sound like in such sense.
Be ready to accept it. Sometimes I think why when people talk about Europe they think the capital of Europe is United Kingdom. Many of the people from the rest of the world has the same point of view.
These all nations are now united to one Nation called as European Union.It is good that they have one body which regulates and rules them. They have to follow the rules and they are following it good.
We are born-from the moment we are born we start making our choices, our opinion about the world, culture, language and everything around us based on our observation and level of thinking. We think we see, we see we open the doors of our mind. People in many part of these countries are scared to open there door only because they think they might get some ill substances in the form of human to there home land.
When I know where I am going, my destination is very clear. When I am abit scared and wary about it I will go nowhere.
These two lines will take some time for you to think. You may think in thousand different ways but all the ways have same end. Language is good way to start communicating with people. Everybody will appreciate if you can speak the language of their country and their society. But how would you manage if you are trying to learn and could not easily learn the language of their country ? The same point of discussion was carried out once with me and a friend.
Even a dog of your country speaks the language you speak. Only thing is that when some one comes to your country only difficulites for him is to learn your language for some people it is easy. They learn it very easily but for some it is difficult they could not learn it easily. Now what ? Are you going to kill that person ? Are you going to hate that person ? Mostly if you hate that person then you are hating yourself. If you start behaving rude to that person then it is not the person who will suffer its you who are suffering.
Language is great problem in all the country. I do not respect as my friend respect his language, I do not respect as my friend respect his country. I do not respect as my friend respect the land he was born. For me, it is just a land. I respect my mother land too, I respect the language too but I am not nationalistic. I do not have one single point of view on one single nation. I belive all the Nation is same. Take an example of lakes- In Finland there are thousand of lakes.
Some lakes are small, some lakes are big, some are dirty and some are not. All these lakes have one common language, all these lakes have one common theme, all these lakes makes us think that by going into future we are increasigly going small. We are separate and we are not going to be mixed.
All these lakes know that they are soon going to chagne their structure or the way people will see them, not to hide but to make them invisible. Lakes have one common language and one common goal. Thousand lakes are the numbers but Lake is just one.
I do not know how people see it. I see it as One.
I am sorry to those whom I have hurt or I am hurting only because I am bad at learning language. I belive that you can provide me a complete stranger and I would possible be able to communicate with him somehow and I would not need any language.
Todays mind of people have changed and they belive that without language a communication is not possible. My mind is old mind of some old age, which tells me that Communication is also possible without language.
All is well that ends well. Let me thank the country, culture, language and everything that is not here. I thank this place for providing me excellent opportunity to pursue my higher studies. I am very happy they have taken a great step but hopefully they should not implement the process of applying tution fee which will not bring my grandmother from her grave to studies here in Finland.
A good begin is what we need. A good start is what we want and a click in our life can change everything in our life. It is difficult but at the same time it is not diffcult only because it depends on our perspective.
I came in Finland only because the Study here is Free, Imagine tomorrow they keep tution fee in the Universities across Finland. I would not ask my grandmother to come here in finland for studies.
I can write thousand pages about the good things about this country, culture, language and society whatever. But I would tell you that- People here do not like to see more foreigners, they would like to see few but they do not want it more. I do not know in a country where you can hardly find any people, those who survive in this land do not want to same species from the different planet. Some would like to see but I can be rest assure that many of them do not like to.
It is quite acceptable for me if some body says something worng or bad or gives negative comment on the country, culture or language but if I would say the same to the people from Finland, or other part of Europe they are not ready to accept it. Only because they do not want to accept the reality.
It is great opportunity for me and I really appreciate with what they have given me. I would like to make these hurtful statements if they sound like in such sense.
Be ready to accept it. Sometimes I think why when people talk about Europe they think the capital of Europe is United Kingdom. Many of the people from the rest of the world has the same point of view.
These all nations are now united to one Nation called as European Union.It is good that they have one body which regulates and rules them. They have to follow the rules and they are following it good.
We are born-from the moment we are born we start making our choices, our opinion about the world, culture, language and everything around us based on our observation and level of thinking. We think we see, we see we open the doors of our mind. People in many part of these countries are scared to open there door only because they think they might get some ill substances in the form of human to there home land.
When I know where I am going, my destination is very clear. When I am abit scared and wary about it I will go nowhere.
These two lines will take some time for you to think. You may think in thousand different ways but all the ways have same end. Language is good way to start communicating with people. Everybody will appreciate if you can speak the language of their country and their society. But how would you manage if you are trying to learn and could not easily learn the language of their country ? The same point of discussion was carried out once with me and a friend.
Even a dog of your country speaks the language you speak. Only thing is that when some one comes to your country only difficulites for him is to learn your language for some people it is easy. They learn it very easily but for some it is difficult they could not learn it easily. Now what ? Are you going to kill that person ? Are you going to hate that person ? Mostly if you hate that person then you are hating yourself. If you start behaving rude to that person then it is not the person who will suffer its you who are suffering.
Language is great problem in all the country. I do not respect as my friend respect his language, I do not respect as my friend respect his country. I do not respect as my friend respect the land he was born. For me, it is just a land. I respect my mother land too, I respect the language too but I am not nationalistic. I do not have one single point of view on one single nation. I belive all the Nation is same. Take an example of lakes- In Finland there are thousand of lakes.
Some lakes are small, some lakes are big, some are dirty and some are not. All these lakes have one common language, all these lakes have one common theme, all these lakes makes us think that by going into future we are increasigly going small. We are separate and we are not going to be mixed.
All these lakes know that they are soon going to chagne their structure or the way people will see them, not to hide but to make them invisible. Lakes have one common language and one common goal. Thousand lakes are the numbers but Lake is just one.
I do not know how people see it. I see it as One.
I am sorry to those whom I have hurt or I am hurting only because I am bad at learning language. I belive that you can provide me a complete stranger and I would possible be able to communicate with him somehow and I would not need any language.
Todays mind of people have changed and they belive that without language a communication is not possible. My mind is old mind of some old age, which tells me that Communication is also possible without language.
All is well that ends well. Let me thank the country, culture, language and everything that is not here. I thank this place for providing me excellent opportunity to pursue my higher studies. I am very happy they have taken a great step but hopefully they should not implement the process of applying tution fee which will not bring my grandmother from her grave to studies here in Finland.
about me,
lesson in life,
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Finns regard migration from poor countries more as a threat than as an opportunity
Welcome to Finland, Are you from poor countries ? It is good news that you have arrived from a poor country to this rich country. Finland is rich is natural resources, In Finland we have deep forest,very good climate and beautiful girls all around. One of the good thing about this country is that people of this country are very good and helpful. It is my own experience that people are ready to break laws if some one needs a help. I personally feels that law are made to be broken as the old saying goes. There should be no law anywhere in the world. At least should be very little, Now there is too much of laws made in this present context in every country. Well, so Mr. X belongs to poor country and people of this country according to some survey believe that it is threat to their home land. It is very true. It is threat. Now, Let me tell you what is the fault of that Poor Mr. X if he belongs to the Poor country. Why should one treat him/her badly in that context. Imagine yourself being in that situation and then do the things you want to do with him. Can you ? The concept is regarded as idea here. Every body is using this word called "idea". I do not believe that "concept" should be misunderstood with the word "idea". These two words are very different. "ideas" never die they will remain forever and forever but concepts which we gain by learning some useful informations. Why should we mix these two words ? We all think that we are some very good creature in this part of world because our government pays us monthly amount to survive and we are still complaining about it with the government, that we want more. What is we getting from our government ? Some times in some country we have to pay some amount to our government. We have corruption in upper level. What can we do ? Nothing. Change is only permanent things in the world.We are threat to this country because we would take the job. we are eager and interested in getting some job, getting the "idea"( actually it is concepts) from them. This topic is really; rubbish and the survey is not doing any good to anybody. Such kind of survey demoralizes both Finnish people and people from poor country. When we take birth from our mother womb we are not born as rich or poor. We all are same. When we grow and become young then we realize the fact that we have to fight with others or compete and survive in this world. One should not think of Mr. X being poor and as a threat to his/her homeland. Before seeing as threat imagine yourself being in that situation and think ! We all are threat to this planet. Imagine when suddenly tomorrow whole world rocks with earthquake or some unknown asteroids fall down in this planet or is going to fall down, then what would you think of that asteroid. Will it be regarded as a threat than as an opportunity !!!
stupid survey,
welcome to finland
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