Sunday, August 17, 2008

Is life simple or complicated ?

Well, to give an answer to the question one has to first understand each and every part the question itelself. It is not easy task first to understand the question simply because you first have to waste an entire night drinking Rum and Vodka.

Last night Me and my friends we enjoyed drinking vodka and rum and discussing on the question which is rather more philosophical and very questionable in itself. I was trying to defend that "life is simple" other friends were trying to defend "life is complicated".

Now, what actually do you think a life should be or life is ? Can we all generalize life as complicated for all the entire human beings or should we first understand the phenomenon of the life and later than visualize either it is complicated or simple.

To answer this question which requires a lot of the understanding about the life iteself is not simple that is for sure but to generalize the point of view to entire race it is complicated.

Humans have been from the beginnning, facing loads of the problems and the way we face problems we try to build some sort of view on what is life. We see our life and th problems we face defines what should life is or how it should be for others.

I would rather say, life is always same for every one but the way of living life is different. It does not mean that I am accepting the fact life is complicated but I mean it is the way we take it. Some people take life as complicated matter and some as very simple.

To me, life is not complicated simply because it is not the problems that define my life. It is the way I live my life. I do not want to explain why life is simple.To define why life is simple, I would rather say- living a life in a moment is simple. Living for tomorrow or yesterday would feel as if it is really complicated. Since I live for the moment I do not know how can I say, it is complicated.

Nature is simple, words are simple, it is always we see it. We see it differently. A person who sees the "fire" would rather have the feeling that fire burn and would never approach the fire just becuase he knows that fire is burning and the nature of fire is to burn. He has the experience that fire would burn his skin. But the Nature of humans has to be humble and simple.

Once a girl asked me, why are you not throwing the insect in your hand. Does not it hurt you ? It is biting you and are you not feeling the pain ? Why do not you kill it ?

I was not suprised by the girl request because I knew what she was asking and what she wanted from me was to kill the insect which was biting me. I did not kill it but rather put it in different place so that it does not get hurt. I told to the girl that, "Everything has there own nature, see for example Nature of water; the nature of water is to cool, the nature of fire is to burn and nature of this person who does not want to kill the insect that was on the top of my hand is very "simple".

I was obeserving and trying to learn why the insect is sucking my blood and what happens if I do the same as you requested. I was thinking and living in the moment at that time. That is the reason why I did not kill the insect.

Simplicity and beauty are similar things. We see the beauty of the flower, we see the beauty of the wonderful architechture of the house, we see the beauty of the women who is nicely build. Once we see it, then we think or we want it. We want to make those which are beautiful hanging in some trees to make it as ours, those which are located somewhere nicely to have the same kind of house and so on.

This is the nature we are build up and we think to get in our life, it is complicated. Why do not we just see it and then leave it at that moment. Why do not we just see and learn from it. Why do we want to have it for ourselves ?

I do not have any feelings or wining the argument neither do I have any feeling of loosing the arugment only feeling I have right now is why do not we see life as simple simply by living in moment and leaving behind the complexity of the problems which define life as complicated.

As some one has said, beauty lies in the eyes of beholder, I think simplicity too lies in the eyes of those which can see beauty. Whatever be the case, I do not want to visulaize that life is simple or complicated for every one who lives in this planet. I would rather say, for me life is simple becuase I see those eyes which think life is complicated and I feel inside those complication the inner core lies the simplicity.

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