Wednesday, August 20, 2008

17th Summer School on Telecommunication continues...

The early morning session of the summer school started with Sami Lehtonen for his project, "Trust4all". He starts his session with the some definition of the trust and attributes of the trust. How do we define the trust ?

Can we say that trust is the relationship between the truster and trustee. Should I say that trust depends on truth and relationship, satisfactions and truthfulness of two or more parties involved in the action.

The project is being carried out by VTT, one of the best research center in Finland. I found some nice cartoon from the following link.

As the summer school goes on, Sami explains about the partners involved in the project "Trust4all". Still I do not know what is trust and basically it is related some what to the technical verbs.

Project history is explained in the speech. With the projects such as ITEA-Robocop, ITEA-Space4U project where both the projects are found in (

The aim of the project is at the development of a middleware sowftware architecture which is target to the embedded system defined at some trust level and it depends on the many suggested attributes also with the nature of the services provided to it.

Some of the challenges of the trust4all project was discussed too, The challenge of the project is to tack and analyze related to the trust requirements in the envisaged application domains with the intentions to define the trust model.

The changes in the embedded systems domain with the transition from proprietary to open or the movement from the standalone to networked systems, single application to multi application and single core systems to multi core systems were discussed.

The executable components were discussed with the set of the services. It also contains the factory logic for the service instantiation.

The scenarios overview is such that-
"Medical Applications can be “pushed” onto devices by medical practitioner."

As the explanation is very technical, I would skip the information or the content.

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