Saturday, August 16, 2008

Here and there

With thousand worries and many problems we have to find the clear solution to our problems in our day to day life. The person whose life is without problems think they do not have nay problem and they are quite free to do whatever they like to do and no body can stop them. They can do what they like and are capable of doing anything without any problems.

I have seen people who will like to speak more and do less, I have also seen the people who do more and speak more. But Have you every felt what kind of person you belong to. Here in Finland I have seen people who do not speak at all too.

The difference is not about the country and culture, the difference is in us. The difference in us do not make us realize that we should some how remove that difference. It is very easy but despite that also we need loads of work and these work has to be done many times within us. It is very simple. The first thing we got to do it Understand what you want to do. Either you speak or do not do or do and speak less.

Learning from the people in Finland it shows that these people are more concerned toward doing and they are not focused on anything except doing. For them, Yes is yes and no is no. These people are fresh like anything else. They will never lie to anything and they will always accept the way you are. Although I have heard some news of racism in some places.

People are people and they are same every where. We all face difficulties and we all have problems it is again up to us and to those who can provide us help. If we want, we can get it very easily and if we do not ask we will not get anything from us and from the people with whom we are connected in some way.

The creation of something new is all within us. The creator never says, he created the new simply because he does not realize he really has created anything new. Those who realize will always want to take the initiative and say that, they are the creator of the new which they really are not.

Some times I also get confused with my own writing because most of the times I do not understand what is the core message that I am providing to my reader but again I listen to those who read it and they appreciate the help that the "content" gives to them and I feel as if I am really doing something good.

The response of the people encourages a lot to me for doing of the task. I am really happy that I can give the good lessons to those who are in need and those who does not need also.

I am seeing there are loads of difficulty popping up in many aspects of life but these will also just go one day as the time passes by.

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