Thursday, June 4, 2009

Obama on Obama

In response to column published at Nytimes on title, "Obama on Obama" by Friedman- here is what Mybheja has to say-


With all due respect, good article. Good story of Jew who wants to win the lottery. Yes, taking a chance is good option.

Well, to some extent it might be difficult to persuade or even give an influence to the Muslims community when Mr. President's family also come from the same community. Or, Maybe it can be positive aspects too.

I would suggest, expect the unexpected and speak the truth. But again, there are so many confidential stuffs our there which are hidden from the public knowledge. and sometimes it might be that there are very few confidential stuffs and public has wrong impression on "hidden agendas"

In Muslim community, speaking less and listening more works most of the times and I am not quite sure if Mr. President's broader diplomatic approach will get engage the Muslim world or not.

Good luck to Mr. President from the Stranger.

God bless you all !

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