Friday, April 25, 2008

Welcome to real world.

I am very sorry for all those who read the previous article because I should not have posted it just like that, I really stupid on that point. I do not know, I was just taking too much of stress of myself that I forget their are people who can or who will help me.

I am really stupid and it is good that their are people around you to teach you, tell you and always give you suggestion when you need them. I am happy for all those and I really thank all those who were concerned.

The reality is that reality is just like reality. We all have problems and some times we do not want to tell our problems to others and sometimes we are quite shy aobut it. When I wrote my problems suddenly those who were close to me, who really care about me-became more closer.

The true person or friend or brother or whoever close to you becomes more closer once we ask them for help. It showed, I am sorry for the article yesterday and I could not write anything because I could go Internet.

In real world-we have real people and in real people we have problems, we have solution and we have life. It is quite uniquly placed. One has to sooner or later understand that we all have problems and we should learn from the problems.

It is good that I am in learning process and I am understanding it. The real world is something very vivid, very different and very difficult to survive because we have all sorts of problems like culture, religion, sex, nationlity, racisim and many more.

World is becoming very difficult place to live, more people are concerned about the security issue, machines are doing the work and it also seems that many people are starving. It is just like that.

The lesson from the Nature-is to be strong as Nature itself is very strongest of the entity. It is about choices, alternatives, finding and knowing yourself better. Life is all about the bond between the people that's why it might be that- Today we have lots of popularity in hi5, facebook kind of website.

These website are getting famous only because- We like community we like to share friendship and emotions. It is good to go with the flow.
The days coming by will teach me what is in store for me. I hope if I landed up in a process of helping others I won't go back, if I landed up in a process of asking-I will look forward.

Thank you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just to say something, a couple of words for you.
There are no problems, we just haven't found the solution.
If you need help you just need to ask from your friend. Good friends always are there when you need them most. Sometimes we just don't see the need so that we could help.