Showing posts with label producer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label producer. Show all posts

Monday, February 11, 2008


Today, I thought of the topic which is the combination of two words, Producer and Consumer. The word "Prosumerism" is basically both producer and consumer. We are in this planet and we do the both. We produce and we consume, What if we cannot produce ? We are then unable to consume. What if we consume then we are not able to produce and so on. You can take an example of anything in the world it has these two phenomenon. I do not work so I do not have money so I do not eat properly. This is one example next is I have a work so I buy lots of food and I eat them. This is another. The producer and consumer should always be in equilibrium. It is very difficult to survive if we cannot balance them, Wherever we go and whatever things we do. Take an instant money, Gretest motivator in the planet Every body is running for it. If we can just the name it gives us lot of pleausere. Imagine I have million euroa, Imagine I was rich, Imagine I have beautiful house somewhere near the beach or something. Money is dividing us, money is killing each one of us and money will surely damage one day this whold world. I had some money let's say 1 year ago but now i do not have anything. The whole money was consumed by me. I never thought of proucing it. I now realize that i was just consumin them but never gave the second thought on how to produce them. If i would have realized it I would not have now been with empty pocket. What is the solution I have ? I have only one solution left and that solution is to produce money. How ? Search for some job, search to get money by some means. The means can be job, work, volunteer work or build your own company, ask your friend etc. A single person in world can have balance life only if he does these two basic things properly. If we can maintain the balance between "Prouducer" and "consumer" then life will be very easy but one of the greatest challenge currently face by us is "we are not consistent" we lack the factor called "consistency" or either we are not satisfied by one thing. Therefore, Prosumerism is all about "I proudce this amount ... and I consume .." This is how life works and this is how it is, only thing is that to reach to that earlier statement is very hard job.