According to Global Happy Index Survey, Nepal Stood 54/178 among world's most happy destination. We are ahead of India, Pakistan,United States, UK and many more. It says that we may not have latest Technologies, mind blowing infrastructure but we do are happy at the end of the day, Let me tell you one story-George Bernard Shaw was once at a party, sitting by himself on the outskirts of the festivity. The hostess came over and asked him, "Aren't you enjoying yourself?" Shaw replied, "That's all I am enjoying!" The truth is, this is all you can enjoy: yourself. All outer enjoyments are but reflections of the enjoyment you have in yourself. People in develop land do not enjoy much in themselves, They tend to forget the fact that One should feel the happiness inside oneself, God is the God of the eternal NOW. To have life means to have this joyful awareness this very moment. Not after we've paid our income tax, or completed the installments on our new car. To live truly this moment, you must not live for the moment. Moments change; the eternal Now remains constant. This Now is the center of the wheel around which all outward circumstances revolve. What I think is that today people are living like a dead men. We should live a life with spiritual mindset,living constantly in the present tense, every atom of his being vibrant with vitality. I have never seen a spiritual person who did not have joy. Joy, surely, is the greatest hallmark of spirituality. Joy wells up from the depths of a vibrant, inner calmness. When they laugh, we feel like hugging the very air with delight! This world is like a symphony, and God is the great conductor bringing music out of all things. In all things God has assumed different roles. Through sunlight He is saying, "I am power". Through wind He is saying, "I am free!" Through man He is saying, "I am wise. I feel deeply". Through dogs He is saying, "Oh, how playful I am! How wonderful is it to play!" And through birds He is singing, "Oh, what melody there is in my heart!" A life without joy is not really life; it is death. Jesus said, "Let the dead bury their dead". He was referring not to corpses getting up and burying other corpses, but to people who walk around, apparently living, but with no life in their hearts, no enthusiasm, no inner happiness. In western thought, we find constantly the emphasis on doing. In the East, being is emphasized. My wife-Padhmawoti said that we should seek happiness for others, not for ourselves. But I would say that She is putting the cart before the horse. For, granting that happiness is man's greatest gift to man, how is it possible to give it if one doesn't first have it in oneself? Can you give away money that isn't yours to give? So, always remember Things are not happiness! Often they create conditions that prevent one from happiness. Happiness can be "caught", "seen" and "felt" only from people who first have it in themselves. Develop the capacity to feel the symphony of life coursing through the veins of the trees, singing and laughing with the children as they play, scudding with the clouds through the sky. Despite the fact that we are one of poorest country in world in terms of economy, GPI, infrastructure and Education but one thing for sure and certain Atleast we do not hesitate to smile infront of others and are happy.
References: [cited on 05 Feb, 2008 Availaible Online]