Thursday, January 15, 2009

What is on Women's mind?

What is on Man's mind?
-A picture of Naked Women.

What is on Women's mind?

Nobody knows what is on the Women's mind till date. Sigmund Fred, one of the greatest psychologist failed to answer this question that what is on women's mind. Well, if you ask any men they will tell you they are most of the times thinking about sex.

Here is one experiment you can do-

Ask a Man to live in a room alone for 3 hours. The room should have Internet connection, Laptop and then other stuffs. What would he be doing- He will have some point of the time where he will think about the sex.

If he does not then he is not a man.

Well this is not general and this experiment is scientifically correct. But I think this would work.

Watching at the picture- There could be two things that comes in the my mind.

1. A guy is hitting at her a$#
2. A girl is working on the clothes and that statue was on the way.

Now-When you think more deep the Number 1 is more fascinating and interesting. They way you want to interpret is all on your own.

"Every religion, every scriptures and every art made by the artist, messengers give one common meaning", The way we interpret only varies from human to human.

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