Saturday, May 7, 2011

Reviews: 25 Sexy Poem by

The book Praise for 25 Sexy Poems is a difficult read. I think poetry should have something for the reader to think about. The poems in this book, are very abstract and graphic in relation to a "sexy" style of writing. I would not recommend this poetry book to anyone with a reserved and an ultra-conservative lifestyle.

Most every poem in the book has extreme use of profanity in which one profanity word (the f-bomb) is used more than once in each line. The other form of poetry is written as a depiction of violence, with graphic detail. For instance in the poem titled "Rapist", a female is being violently raped, and as written, she sees the rape as a sense of pleasure and well accepted. In "Homicide Sex" it reads, "She was seen naked with her throat slashed." I envisioned a victim of death instead of a vision of romance.

This book perhaps should be used as a learning tool for a creative writing course with a sex research institution.

Rating  2/5
ReadersFavorite.comLisa M. (May 7, 2011)

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