Saturday, May 14, 2011

End of Terror+ism

The intelligent US forces have finally killed the World’s most wanted terrorist in anxious times. Mr. Bin Laden came into limelight by terrorizing hundreds and thousands of American people and by masterminding 9/11 attacks. Does this mean that there is an end to terrorism? I do not think so and I hope you too, will agree with me, on this front. My stupid mind suggests that we are living in very anxious times. There are many faces of this mother earth and something big is happening every day. There is revolution in Middle East (e.g. Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, and Syria); there is climatic disaster (e.g. Tsunami in Japan, Australian flood, New Zealand earthquake, Tornadoes in many states of US etc) and, there was/is war on terrorism.

Terrorism –a word that in itself is very scary. Two subjugates combine this world such as, “terror” and “ism”. Terrorism goes hand-in-hand with many “ism” such as Hinduism, Islamism, and Buddhism and so on. Anything that stays for longer period becomes a religion. Terrorism is another form of religion worshipped by extremist people with their own harsh pre-defined set of protocols. There are many terrorist organizations in the world and Al qaeda is one of the top-most terrorist organizations. These terrorist organizations organize “terror” and raise fear among ordinary civilians. The only way these organization works is by raising fear. However, with the death of most prominent leader in terror industry, people are most likely to breathe with a sigh of relief.

On one hand, there lies Osama bin laden—leader of famous terrorist organization. On the other hand, there is Obama—leader of US. Many conspiracy theorists in US speculated that Osama was Obama and demanded “birth certificate” of the President. It seems to be that US president has finally, won the battle against all his critics. Unlike two faces of a coin, terrorism does not have two different faces, it has one single face to raise fear, to kill innocent people, to abide by their pre-defined set of rules, to follow their path and to raise their industry—“fear industry”.

In my opinion, there is no end to terrorism like there is no end to poverty. When there is big division of class, culture, religion, sect, faith and money among ordinary people, there will be no end to either terrorism or poverty. The only possible solution would be to narrow the gap rose among divisions. Going by the news report, many politicians and diplomats feel that the world is safer place to live (with the death of Osama bin laden). They have forgotten the fact that terrorism does not necessarily end with a terrorist. Undoubtedly, Osama bin Laden was a terrorist and his religion was terrorism. Although, he was a leader of famous terrorist organization called al Qaeda his death does not eradicate terrorism as per se. 

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