Friday, September 10, 2010

Frog and toads

In a small pond, there lived a frog and thousand of toads. The frog was the leader of all the toads and whatever the frog decides, everyone obeyed. Today, we live in the similar situation. The frogs are the politicians and the toads are all public. All the public obeys to what frog decides and says. This is not how democracy works. In democracy, a person has power to choose and decide who their politicians would be.

While reading the recent debate on Terry Jones and burning of Koran (the holy book of Allah), I think there is a big frog running the business and whatever they are saying or doing is carefully obeyed or listened by the general public.

The religion is very sensitive issue to touch and talk about. Everybody has some religion. Everyone follows one religion or another. Nevertheless, the question is not what religious beliefs or faith you are indulging yourself into; the question is why big fat politicians have to mull these issues. The ‘Islamophobia’ and ‘Chrisitianophobia’ is running the entire show on this earth.

It is extremely difficult to understand why these phobias affect deep in our society and culture. When someone is burning something; let them burn. Do not be stupid! In the end, everything will be burned and there will be nothing remaining. If someone does not understand, your religion of their own religion then let them not understand. We humans are like child asking chocolates from the God. The God is curiously watching over our actions. He knows that these humans that are fighting over smaller things like this; are not moving towards greater path. He knows that these humans are like a small babies crying for a toy or just trying to get his/her/it attention.

The ordinary public are puppets of worthless news. Do not change your actions based on what these preachers suggest you to do. Be firm on your action and do not easily believe what they say. These people are playing a bigger game that is very hard to understand by an average mind. An average mind cannot easily grasp the fact that there might just be a religious fight for forthcoming World War III.

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