Monday, January 21, 2008

Where is Nepal ?

There is always a fight between land, power and money. The fight will never stop until this world will exist. Looking at this picture says it all where is Nepal ? India thinks that it has been ruling the Asia. Right from the past to the present and in near future it assumes that India will rule the world one day. No country will rule this planet. The world has the difference because of these attributes such as land. The biggest issue is that we all want our share of land and our share of everything. There is always my.. There is always my life, my land, my things, and my wife. We all humans want to rule this planet. We always assume some facts that never is ours. Nothing is ours. We must understand that it is good to have differences but the differences should not be misunderstood. We are good at assuming thigs. The one who created this would surely not like this. See the picture and tell me where is the country called Nepal ? Where is it located ? Where are the people of this country ? Just showing one references about the early dominance of the country does not reflect any values and does not give any meaning to the map. Well, every thing can be acheived by the power. The big always dominates the small and that is way it is. Welcome to the world, the presence of the country called Nepal does not exist !

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