Monday, June 9, 2014

द्याट्स माई लभ स्टोरीको विमोचन

ओम प्रकाश पौडेल, कालिका 
जेष्ठ २६ ।
सन्तोष कलवारद्धारा लिखित द्याट्स माई लभ स्टोरी नामक अंग्रेजी भाषाको उपन्यासको आज विमोचन गरिएको छ । 
रत्ननगर उद्योग वाणिज्य संघको सभाहलमा विशिष्ठ अतिथी वरिष्ठ गजलकार धनराज गिरी, साहित्यकार केशब आहुदी र गिता लामिछानेले संयुक्त रुपमा उक्त पुस्तकको विमोचन गर्नुभएको होे । झण्डै  १ सय जनाको सहभागिता रहेको सो कार्यक्रममा सर्जकहरुले आ–आफ्ना रचना वाचन गरेका थिए । 
माया प्रेमलाई मुख्य विषयवस्तु बनाएर लेखिएको उक्त अंग्रेजी भाषाको उपन्यास संम्भवतः चितवन जिल्लामै पहिलो अंग्रेजी भाषाको उपन्यास रहेको वरिष्ठ गजलकार धनराज गिरिले बताउनुभयो ।बालमिकी साहित्य सदनको आयोजनामा सम्पन्न पुस्तक विमोचन कार्यक्रममा संस्थाका अध्यक्ष राम बाबु घिमिरेको अध्यक्षता रहेको थियो ।   
वि.सं. २०३९ भाद्र २२ मा रत्नगरमा जन्मिएका कलवारका कोट मी एभ्रि डे, नेचर गड लगायत दर्जन बढी कृती यसअघि प्रकाशित भैसकेका छन् । उहाँ कम्प्युटर विज्ञानका अन्वेशक समेत हुनुहुन्छ । 

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Festival of lights

Early morning mingles with late night
And the dawn with breaking twilight
The wind of emotion flies over heavenly skies
Nobody is single or alone
Under this Diwali/Dipawali/Tihar light

See the stars winking over mountains
Trying to catch distant attention
All things by hate divides

But, all things by love
Sparkles and comes alive


Characters, words, sentences
occurring, re-occurring
unlike vocal disorder or stammering
She repeated, “how are you today?”
seven times
She repeated, “why are you here?”
five times
She said, “are you okay?”
three times

Without noticing that
her pre-frontal cortex
had gone haywires
lack of dopamine
or lack of self-interest
unknown tic
occurring, re-occurring
without noticing

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

The Gods of the Copybook Headings by Kipling

AS I PASS through my incarnations in every age and race,
I make my proper prostrations to the Gods of the Market Place.
Peering through reverent fingers I watch them flourish and fall,
And the Gods of the Copybook Headings, I notice, outlast them all.

We were living in trees when they met us. They showed us each in turn
That Water would certainly wet us, as Fire would certainly burn:
But we found them lacking in Uplift, Vision and Breadth of Mind,
So we left them to teach the Gorillas while we followed the March of Mankind.

We moved as the Spirit listed. They never altered their pace,
Being neither cloud nor wind-borne like the Gods of the Market Place,
But they always caught up with our progress, and presently word would come
That a tribe had been wiped off its icefield, or the lights had gone out in Rome.

With the Hopes that our World is built on they were utterly out of touch,
They denied that the Moon was Stilton; they denied she was even Dutch;
They denied that Wishes were Horses; they denied that a Pig had Wings;
So we worshipped the Gods of the Market Who promised these beautiful things.

When the Cambrian measures were forming, They promised perpetual peace.
They swore, if we gave them our weapons, that the wars of the tribes would cease.
But when we disarmed They sold us and delivered us bound to our foe,
And the Gods of the Copybook Headings said: "Stick to the Devil you know."

On the first Feminian Sandstones we were promised the Fuller Life
(Which started by loving our neighbour and ended by loving his wife)
Till our women had no more children and the men lost reason and faith,
And the Gods of the Copybook Headings said: "The Wages of Sin is Death."

In the Carboniferous Epoch we were promised abundance for all,
By robbing selected Peter to pay for collective Paul;
But, though we had plenty of money, there was nothing our money could buy,
And the Gods of the Copybook Headings said: "If you don't work you die." 

Then the Gods of the Market tumbled, and their smooth-tongued wizards withdrew
And the hearts of the meanest were humbled and began to believe it was true
That All is not Gold that Glitters, and Two and Two make Four
And the Gods of the Copybook Headings limped up to explain it once more.

As it will be in the future, it was at the birth of Man
There are only four things certain since Social Progress began.
That the Dog returns to his Vomit and the Sow returns to her Mire,
And the burnt Fool's bandaged finger goes wabbling back to the Fire;

And that after this is accomplished, and the brave new world begins
When all men are paid for existing and no man must pay for his sins,
As surely as Water will wet us, as surely as Fire will burn,
The Gods of the Copybook Headings with terror and slaughter return! 

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Midlife crisis

People celebrated the New Year 2014 with much fanfare. However, I am in this situation where there are no special moments or scheduled occasions to celebrate. A human life can have simple categorization: birth, midlife, and death. Birth is a beginning of life, an existence, or into a being, an entry to this suffering world. Most people will ignore your mistakes in early phases of your life. They say, “(s) he is just a child,” “leave the child behind,” “stop bullying, scolding …a child” etc. Slowly when we grow up we enter into adulthood and then become mature adults. The period when we realize that we are halfway through our lives is the period when we are into a midlife (crisis). 

However, academically, note that there is no such thing called a midlife crisis. Many do not support the claim that people can have the midlife crisis. Academically, supportive or not, this phase of my life is called: painfully struggling. Dad died. Mom cried. Friends betrayed. Got unemployed. “What are you left with?” a friend asked. Actually nothing much, except these stupid English words to play and morrow my sorrows. I have started to abhor this word ‘midlife’ as wrinkles in my face are starting to be unbearable (albeit this might be more frequent in women than men).Every life passes one way or another. But, a friend of mine does not agree with this philosophical statement. He states that life never passes, but moments in life do. Accordingly, life is a collection of moments, a little cherishing and somewhat condemning. Analogous to a collection of pictures in your smartphone camera rolls are those moments; life moves on whatever circumstances or situations we are into.

Additionally, there are three hard lessons that I have ascertained: 1) The world does not owe me anything whether I have a midlife crisis or not. 2) I see symptoms of health hazards, relationship breakdown and more hard questions unanswered, and 3) a midlife is a collection of those stressful, devastating, confusing, and depressing moments. These periods in life need a spiritual uplift from an inner self by rejuvenations and recreational activities. Should this time be spent more on remembrance and reminiscence? I remember my old wild days, when I used to shout aloud on a cricket field or when I used to whiz my motorbike in an open street. The collections of midlife crisis moments will also someday pass like the passage of seasons. Winter and dark period in our lives come along just to remind us that there is a bright, sunny, and warmer summer ahead. Let us stay positive, with the beginning of the New Year 2014 and hope that it will bring new hopes and aspirations to all of us.

Published: The Himalayan Times