Showing posts with label culture. Show all posts
Showing posts with label culture. Show all posts

Monday, March 10, 2008


Wow, What a interesting topic mybheja is presenting today, Look , look and look carefully that the topic is Path. The path my words are taking from left to right direction and the path is the way one moves. According to the dictionary-

" 1. A trodden way; a foot way.
[1913 Webster]

2.A way, course, or track, in which anything moves or has
moved; route; passage; an established way; as, the path of
a meteor, of a caravan, of a storm, of a pestilence. Also
used figuratively, of a course of life or action. "

This is how the dictionary defines the word called path, a foot way. Research says that human path are more productive and intelligent then the path taken by animals or other entity living in the world. Well that is different scenarios and I will talk about them later. Let me tell you about human path.

The path is the determination in our mind the way, the direction, mind map or mind direction made earlier in our mind before traveling to a destination. We decide early in our mind or we make some assumption based on the place we are going to.

We are going to certain place, we take certain path (if the place is for the first time we are visiting). We would like to see the maps, or certain path we build up in our mind and then we travel that path. We are so predictable in finding the palace because we make this path in or mind.

Imagine- you have to visit some place without making any assumption,without any knowledge about where you are going. Imagine - Well I am being stupid to ask you "imagine". Their is the reason why I am saying you to Imagine.

The reason is because-This is how the life works. Life is unpredictable paths we take in every movement, moment and with the passage of time. We meet new people, we make loads of choices, compromises and promises. We learn from each other. We move in this way. We say that "I know where I am going" but you are wrong my dear friend, you do not know where you are going.

You only know you are present or alive. You do not know the path you are traveling. If you know where you are going you will be the King of your mind. I doubt if their is any species who can be king of mind. We all have mind but we are not king of our own mind.

"Their is always a difference between the knowing the path and walking the path."

To sum up, Try some time this- When you travel to some unknown place -"Take right turn in every corners or path, you will rich to the right place".

"If you take a right turn, you will reach to right place, Do not follow the path made by somebody Make your own path".

By reading this "fake crap" article from mybheja, you got to believe it. Always you have to make your own path not just follow the queue, or follow the path already define. If you need change as I think you need it-Take a different route,move in your own rhythm.Experience yourself, you will say, Yes this is correct.

(Picture taken from:

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Missing dot's.

I got a good comment on my previous article stating that their are lots of ifs and buts why only ifs and buts, well responding to my readers point of view I would say that-it is because their are lots of ifs and buts in our own life, every decision we make and every decision we take is based on ifs and buts.

Take an example of waking up in early morning, either I should wake up or i should sleep more.Now after one wakes up then you decide to do your morning activities either I should do my morning activities or I should take my morning coffee this is why their are lots of ifs and buts in that previous article. Here I am not criticizing my dear reader but i am supporting his point of view and trying to defend, and convince him at the same time.

Now, Let me jump to todays interesting topic of learning Finnish in 3 minutes. I am just a newbie in the language of this country, and I would like to make an apology before teaching you Finnish that I am using English Keyboard so please do not use it for serious purposes, their will be missing dots . One special form of language where you have to puts dots in characters like a, o, etc.

Let's start with basic-

add dots in last two a's
Hyvaa - Good
Hyvaa Huomenta - Good + Morning

Add Hyvaa and dots in last two a's in these words such as,

Paivaa- Day
iltaa - Evening
amulla- morning
illalla- evening
yota - night (dots in o and a)

One of the most important word in Finnish is (Kiitos-Thank you)

paljon ! Ole hyva /Ei kesta
a lot you're welcome/ Not to mention.

Anteeksi, en ymmarra (dots in both a's). En(I don't) puhu(speak) suomea(Finnish)

Now, lets jump to hi and hello-

Mita(add dots in a)Kuuluu ?
How are you ?

samoin- same
ei se mitaan(puts the dots in a's)-I apologies

If you wish to say NO(Ei, En, Em) these are used depending upon the verbs used in Finnish.

viikonloppua- holiday

One of the basic question when you arrive to Finland in the Helsinki airport and somebody may ask you that

Minka(add dots in a) maalainen sina(add dots in a) olet ? that means-
Of which nationality are you ?

Olen suomalainen (Finnish)

carry on and add "lainen" at the end of name of the countries.But their are some exception to this.

Do remember to say that if you are not Finnish then tell,

Oletko sina(add dots in a) suomalainen ?
Are you finnish ?
Joo, olen- Yes I am
En ole suomalainen- No I am not Finnish.
Olen italialainen- I am italian.

Now, Some more basics- Kuka sina(add dot's in a) olet ? which means who are you ?
Mina(add dots in a) olen mybheja. (I am mybheja)

One of the important word for both male and female is "han" it means both "he/she". This is one of my favorite. I like it because even two boys can marry in this country and that is legal. No proudly girls anymore !

Let's now learn some numbers-(Numerot)

nelja(dot's in a)-four
seitseman(dots in a)-seven
yhdeksan(dots in a)-nine


Now add toista in those above numbers. Let's say you have to multiply(kerta) two numbers.

seven(seitseman) * seven(seisteman)= fourteen(neljatoista) and so on...

20= kaksikymmenta (add dot's in a)
27=kaksikymmentaseitseman (add dot's in a)

and add "kymmenta" at the end and so on.

These are some basic Finnish language, which are not enough but these will make you a bit comfortable when you come to visit in Finland for the first time and you do not have to be embarrassed like me. When I came here for the first time, I asked something with an old man and he did not replied anything. I was shocked and I thought well, It may be because either he is deaf or I am stupid. But later I came to realize that if Finnish people do not know anything they won't speak.

"you will succeed in every way, if you know what to say."

It is very fascinating and interesting to be here in Finland. If you are human-you must at least visit this country once in your life time because, here lives a nature god. I will talk about this later in much more detail. Now, Some of vulgar words also coming up which you will never forget. The missing dot's in the world is here. You need to have heart and courage to find it.

(Picture taken from:

Monday, February 25, 2008

Need of a statesman

With a number of political parties being formed to promote communal interests in the country, I wonder if the country, which was united by the great leader Prithvi Narayan Shah, is not once again on the verge of being divided along communal lines.Furthermore, I am surprised that the SPA government, despite its promises to hold the election on schedule, has not been able to address the most pressing public concerns, let alone resolve other pressing issues. While the possibility of a free and fair election appears to me a distant possibility, I do not believe that the leaders currently running the government are capable of steering the country out of the troubled waters. In my opinion, what the country needs above all else is a capable statesman, who is committed to address the concerns of the nation rather than a particular group or community.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Right Vs Wrong

How do you judge some one ? How can I tell that I am right and my words are mine and mine alone. How can I verify that the words that are coming from my mind are mine and not of some body else. To verify and validate what we speak is one thing and to prove it that what we speak is another.

Two friends were having a discussion on some general topic. One of the friend said that he is right on what he is speaking, another one argued and said no you are wrong, I am right ! Well, This is what happens when both wants to win. One has to loose and who will prove that you are right or you are wrong.

To understand the psychology of human is one the difficult task man can even imagine to find. First you need to understand yourself. To understand who you are is just like study of science where there is no shortcuts to it. Similarly to understand and let's say I am right and you are wrong another task. Whatever we speak and whatever we think we say is correct might not be correct. It can go wrong. "To err is human." Is there any way that we can prove whatever we speak is absolutely correct and it is not wrong. Yes there is one way.

The true meaning of finding you are right or wrong is your intellectual capabilities and your understanding of substance or subject. If you are absolutely certain about the thing you know you can say that yes, this is correct by so and so so and so..

There are people in world who wants to say that they are right and whatever you speak is absolutely correct. Here I am not pointing to any specific people. So, The fact is the words that we speak sometimes we think we are right but it goes wrong because we have to remember that we are not perfect in storing what we have read, or what we have learnt. Our memory is not exactly like the comptuer hard disk where we store and retrieve it later when we need it and it will give you the same exact data.

I don't know may be I talking crap here but it might make sense. There will be fight between right vs wrong and it will go on. Every country wants to prove that I am right and others are wrong. Every culture wants to show that they are right and others are wrong and every religion does want to show the same.

The fight between these two variables will never end and it will go on. The day it stops we can say that day beginning to new era of civilization.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Failed in Course.

I have nothing to write today. Today I got failed in one subject just because Teacher thinks that I have copied some text from the internet and i am not using the references properly or something. I have committed a crime by copying the text of others. This is what the teacher has to say. I am not feeling good. She thinks i am not good at writing, i cannot write a 16 page of report on the subject what she has given. She is an Doctor in her Profession. She has a doctor degree in Economics and she is teaching Cross culture to us. I do not know how people with understanding of one subject can teach the subject they are not good at. People with good experience of the subject should be allowed to teach the subject not just seeing their degrees.

One should know what he/she is talking about.I cannot speak of something i do not have knowledge. She might be very good at this subject or she might be the best but still there should be a provision of giving warning first and at least one excuse to a student to correct the mistakes, if he or she has done it. I have not actually copied but just written it in my own words. I do not understand the philosophy behind reading so many manuals, articles and internet resources and getting "0" at the end. What is that I have learned in the course ? Me coming from different culture to a completely new culture where they do not praise you but tell you in lecture that in my culture people like yellow teeth and it is regarded as symbol of good teeth. Wow, What someone expects to learn from this lecturer when she do not have any knowledge of what she is speaking about. She should first do some research on the topic what she is speaking, some kind of conversation with people from different culture and then she can share her experience in a lecture room. Not just reading thousand books and saying blah blah blah...

There are failures in life- what to do... but these are always with us. we know one day we all are going to fail. No one can pass us in subject of life. That subject is "life". We all are born and we are going to "die". This is also a failure. no one can pass us in this matter, We will surely fail in this-even if we want to live we cannot. Besides this, everything is just imagination and virtual living in this planet.

Thank you Dr. (....) for giving "0".